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Retiring Right!

Author: Jeff Sedlitz, LUTCF

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Retiring Right will dive into a wide variety of topics that deal with getting to retirement, making the transition from a life with employment income to one without and learning to enjoy life in retirement, as well as, getting through retirement without running out of money or things to do!

#RetiringRight #Retirement #Finances #savings #investing #wealthbuilding #accumulationofwealth #assetaccumulation #distributionphase #paylesstaxes #familytreefinancialgroup #wealthbuilding #insurance #estateplanning #retirementplanning
16 Episodes
A continuation of a prior episode to piggyback on the conversation we had about these commonplace retirement accounts and how, looking through a tax-focused lens, they impact your overall retirement income. You can give away tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to your "Silent Partner" - The Government! We can give you sound tax-strategies to reduce or eliminate your taxes in retirement so that you get to keep most or all of your money when you need it most! You can live the retirement of your dreams! It just takes the right plan and sticking to that plan! As always, I'd advise you to reach out to myself or another trained professional to "take you by the hand" and show you how to get there. Not only can you retire (even if you're behind), but you can even Retire Right!!! Jeff Sedlitz, LUTCF | President Family Tree Financial Group (904) 657-0896 For more information contact us at: or call us : (904) 657-0896. I am always here to help! Let's get you Retiring Right! Please click the link below to show your support and if you would like to continue to receive this type of content. Thank you for your support! #retiringright #retirement #financialfreedom #financialplanning #retire #financialindependence #familytreefinancialgroup
In today's message - Choices (Part 1) I wanted to introduce the reality that with retirement planning there are so many choices to make! You have to make important choices regarding where to live, whether or not to "down-size", how much to save, where to save it, at what age to retire, at what age to begin Social Security, how to take money out of your traditional retirement accounts, choices regarding your health and well-being, how to have balance enough to enjoy the retirement life that you've always dreamt of! You can live the retirement of your dreams! That's another choice! Then, I'd advise you to reach out to myself or another trained professional to "take you by the hand" and show you how to get there. Not only can you retire (even if you're behind), but you can even Retire Right!!! Jeff Sedlitz, LUTCF | President Family Tree Financial Group (904) 657-0896 For more information contact us at: or call us : (904) 657-0896. I am always here to help! Let's get you Retiring Right! Please click the link below to show your support and if you would like to continue to receive this type of content. Thank you for your support! #retiringright #retirement #financialfreedom #financialplanning #retire #financialindependence #familytreefinancialgroup
In short, today's message is - Don't let "fear" stop you from living the retirement life that you've always dreamt of! You can live the retirement of your dreams! Make the decision to and then reach out to myself or another trained professional to "take you by the hand" and show you how to get there. Not only can you retire (even if you're behind), but you can even Retire Right!!! Jeff Sedlitz, LUTCF | President Family Tree Financial Group For more information contact us at: or call us : (904) 657=0896. We're here to help! Let's get you Retiring Right! Please click the link below to show your support and if you would like to continue to receive this type of content. Thank you for your support!
E 12 - Outlets Options

E 12 - Outlets Options


Everyone should have an outlet - that thing that when they do it, they can release their energy and feel great! Outlets, hobbies, interests, passions, etc. are so important to staying fulfilled, vibrant. The other word in the title was Options. I also feel that everyone should create the option to retire for themselves. YOYO stands for You're On Your Own! Meaning if you want to have a great retirement, it's up to you to create it. The Corporate pensions are largely a thing of the past. Social Security is in terrible financial trouble. Therefore, now more than ever, Americans need to realize that the only person who can financially take care of the Retiree they hope to be, is the Pre-retiree they are today! Retiring Right! is all about advice, strategy, techniques, common sense approaches and more. For your personal no-cost consultation call us at Family Tree Financial Group (904) 657-0896 or email us to schedule at
Plenty of ideas and things to think about in planning for retirement
Thanks for listening to this episode of Retiring Right! As you save for the future, there are many areas where you may want to focus your attention. Most of us know about the need to grow and protect our retirement funds. This is an important consideration in making sure you have enough money to fund your retirement & not run out of money! An area that you might not have thought much about is taxes & TAX RISK. Taxes – just like the growth of your retirement funds – can be a critical component of ensuring you have enough retirement income to fund your needs. • Why taxes may be the biggest retirement risk you haven’t planned for • How to identify (and eliminate) your 3 biggest retirement risks • Key indicators that your retirement approach may be outdated • Why today’s market requires specialized planning to meet your retirement goals • The difference between tax deferred and tax free saving and how to know which one is right for you. Call or email to receive a complimentary copy of The New Rules of Retirement Saving, the leading book on creating a retirement aligned with today’s market and tax realities.  You may contact Jeff Sedlitz, LUTCF | President of Family Tree Financial Group and host of Retiring Right! at: or (904) 657-0896.
This episode talks a bit about 2 main areas to keep in mind when planning and structuring your retirement income. Those two things are GROWTH - of your savings, and the role TAXES can play in your retirement income and therefore quality of life in retirement. If you have questions, would like to learn more or would like to use our team as a resource to guide you through retirement contact us at or call us at (904) 657-0896. If you appreciate the content being shared here and would like more of the same from us, please support us with a monthly donation and we will keep the content coming! Thank you for your support! And, here's to "Retiring Right!"
The first thing most people think of when the topic of retirement comes up is "money"... In this episode of "Retiring Right" we talk about non-monetary things that help to make for a great retirement. Please enjoy!  If you appreciate the content being shared here and would like more of the same from us, please support us with a monthly donation and we will gladly keep the content coming! Just click the link. and thank you very much for your support!: Click Here And, here's to "Retiring Right!" Jeff Sedlitz, LUTCF | President & CEO Web: Family Tree Financial Group Ph: (904) 657-0896 Email:
E6 - Advice

E6 - Advice


When it comes to advice on where to eat, what movie to see, etc advice from friends and neighbors is fine. But, when it comes to your financial well-being and retirement planning, advice should be sought after from a licensed and trained professional. No one wants to get to 68 years of age, put in their retirement notice only to discover at age 77 they're 8 months away from running out of money to remain retired! A financial professional who is trained and certified in all facets of retirement planning is essential to your retirement success. Jeff Sedlitz, LUTCF President & CEO Family Tree Financial Group P: (904) 657-0896 E: W: 
Family Tree Financial Group is a full service financial advisory firm located in Northeast Florida, serving the nation. We have over 200 years of combined industry experience and believe in the philosophy that "None of us are as great as all of us" When one of our Financial Professionals takes on a new client, that client gets the expertise and collaboration from our entire team. We treat everyone as a family member!
We all have major, difficult financial decisions to make. But, the average business owner has even more. Not only do they have all of the "personal" decisions to make over the typical obligations and goals, but they also have several other financial considerations due to the business. Today, in this episode of Retiring Right, we're going to talk briefly about Business Continuation Planning and how important it is! We also hope that if you like us, you'll support us and allow us the opportunity to bring you much more great content in the upcoming weeks. Just click the link below:
Today we offer a brief understanding of annuities and how they can be used in retirement planning to generate a "self-made pension plan"
So much has changed with regards to retirement - Retirement age, Life Expectancy, Retirement Funding, Pensions, Social Security, 401-k, IRA, etc Throw in the market volatility we've been experiencing of late and the question is "Now what do I do?" In this episode, we offer some insight and some thought provoking ideas. Stay tuned. Enjoy. Reach out to us . Say hello and don't be afraid to ask us questions. For now....Stay safe!
Hi! This is just a little introduction so that you get to know a little about me, my firm, my past and what "Retiring Right!" will be all about!  If you want to know how to maximize retirement, ideas to make retirement great, planning and preparing for retirement and more...this is the place to be! I look forward to sharing with you in upcoming episodes of Retiring Right! Please join us and add us to your favorites to listen to!
Retiring Right is about more than money. This week's (unconfirmed) news is that 44 year old Tom Brady, QB of the Tampa Bay Bucs is retiring. For Tom it is not a financial decision. Tom and his wife have a reported net worth of around $650,000,000, give or take a dollar or two! WOW! That's enough money to allow them to take their children to Disney World (a short drive from their Tampa home) without having to save up and plan for it like many (maybe most) families. So Tom's retirement decision is not about money or age, but "priorities" and something more important than money. That something is his family and the ability to spend time with them while he can. We all learned from the untimely passing of Kobe Bryant that nine if us are promised "tomorrow" regardless of our income or social status. Tom acknowledged that (Kobe) publicly and wants to make sure he has time with his family now. I respect him for what he's done on the field as well as his decision to know when it's time to walk away. Now, that's what I call "Retiring Right!" Jeff Sedlitz, LUTCF | President Family Tree Financial Group