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Doll Talk

Author: Once Upon a Dollhouse

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Once upon a time, there were two like-minded goddesses: Caitlin and Dani brought together by fate to live their best lives. The two met by a combination of serendipity and magic, became the fastest of friends, and moved into a real-life Dollhouse. The two have a passion for storytelling, and the popular blog and Instagram, Once Upon a Dollhouse, was launched in 2016 to chronicle their best friend adventures. Caitlin + Dani live their lives to the fullest and are passionate about beauty, fashio, music, travel, wellness and all things that sparkle. The Dolls will be blogging, instagram-ing, facebooking, TikTok-ing and pinning every little adventure that incorporates these things. The Dolls' ultimate goal is to inspire you to become your healthiest and happiest self. Disclaimer: The independent blog, (“OnceUponADollhouse”), Caitlin Jecklin, Danielle Sommerfeld (“Dolls”) are not acting in the capacity of a doctor, licensed dietician-nutritionist, psychologist or other licensed or registered professional. “Once Upon a Dollhouse”, “Dolls” are not providing health care, medical or nutrition therapy services and will not diagnose, treat or cure in any manner whatsoever any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body. It’s always best, and recommended, to consult with your doctor when making any changes to your diet and/or lifestyle. However, the “Dolls” will share magical stories, inspire you to live your best life, and provide few good laughs!
29 Episodes
The Dolls are back for Season 2 of the Doll Talk Pod after a few months break.We dive into what took place during the last few months...1) Teddy's birth story.2) Caitlin's Dad passed away 2 weeks after Teddy's birth.3) Dani got breast augmentation and 2 leg surgeries. 4) Big news with Dani & Mini GolfThis EP is jam packed with all the goodies! 
Dolls talk to Neema Patel Pediatric Sleep Expert.You can find her on instagram at @neemaapatel : In her bio you will find all of her contact info for Sleep Wise Consulting.
Free Cookies at Crumbl

Free Cookies at Crumbl


A new Crumbl Cookies location is opening in the Chicagoland area.Listen to this EP for the day + location for FREE COOKIES! We sat down with The GM of the location and have all the details for you!For open career opportunities head to: on instagram: the app TODAY: Available in the App Store. 
Dolls share a life update on this EP of Dolltalk.Links we promised!Bridgerton Baby Shower: 7 / how to work with your best friend: 7 link: post glimpse of Mini Golf:



The Dolls sit down with:
Pet Psychic Reading

Pet Psychic Reading


The Dolls talk to a pet psychic - Who sends the Dolls some great messages from Stummie (Dani's recently departed dog). You can make an Appt with Patty Summer using this link:
General Doll Life UpdateDani and Mini Golf call it quits - We're spilling the tea!Caitlin’s diagnosis and her Baby Moon
Digital Dolls + Er Docs!

Digital Dolls + Er Docs!


Dry January ... Do it or not?Is pregnancy brain and baby weightDon't hashtag #HotauntyHow we met the ER DocsSocial Media questions from the ER DocsHow to grow your social media when you're at a plateau What is Clubhouse and are you on it?More talk about social media and digital ads!The Dolls are joining the VPOD Network! Where to find the ER DOCS:https://www.erdocsbourbonrocks.comJoin the SBSM Academy! us on instagram: our blog:
DISCLAIMER from our guests during this podcast EP:The statements made and opinions expressed during this podcast are our own personal statements and opinions and should not be construed as the statements or opinions of any entity or institution that we may have been employed by or affiliated with at any time in our professional lives. Additionally, we take patient confidentiality incredibly seriously. For that reason, any references to stories about patients have purposefully been modified so as to not identify any particular patient or location. Finally, while we are both doctors, nothing that we say in this podcast should be construed as medical advice. If you are in need of medical advice, please contact your personal physician. Also, while we are doctors, we are not your doctors. Please discuss anything we discuss medically with your doctor. Additionally any ideas or opinions expressed in the links above or by the guests on our show do not necessarily reflect our own personal or professional opinions, or the opinions of any organizations that we currently or formerly worked for or represented. Thanks again for listening!Episode overview:After a day of filming with ABC 7 Chicago for a day in the life of Once Upon a Dollhouse special to air January 2021 - The Dolls caught up with their favorite ER Doc's. This EP is recorded at The Swiss Hotel in Chicago - Please excuse the technical difficulties / connectivity issues during recording!Dr. Cullen and Dr. Raj graciously took time our of their schedules of battling Covid on the front lines to answer all of our questions about the Covid Vaccine.Where to find The Doctors:https://www.erdocsbourbonrocks.com you can find more of the Dolls!@onceuponadollhouse
Instagram: @tiffmariematernity 
In Orlando - Staying at Reunion Resort!https://www.reunionresort.comInstagram: our beautiful Doll and photographerhttps://www.crystalnicolestudio.comInstagram: it’s like traveling during Covid and we compare different airlines policies during the pandemicWe also share our personal experience with flying on a plane during CovidHow Dani uses scales…Watch on YouTube to check out our looks by : https://donnaleahdesigns.comCrystal shares what’s going on with her bizWe talk about Robots We chat about Caitlin’s gender reveal  and how Dani found out the gender before CaitlinOur new favorite word at The Dollhouse… Bet you’ve never heard of it.We want a show on a streaming platform — How do we even start??You need a photographer for your next friends trip!! 
DISCLAIMER from our guests during this podcast EP:The statements made and opinions expressed during this podcast are our own personal statements and opinions and should not be construed as the statements or opinions of any entity or institution that we may have been employed by or affiliated with at any time in our professional lives.  Additionally, we take patient confidentiality incredibly seriously.  For that reason, any references to stories about patients have purposefully been modified so as to not identify any particular patient or location.  Finally, while we are both doctors, nothing that we say in this podcast should be construed as medical advice.  If you are in need of medical advice, please contact your personal physician.  Also, while we are doctors, we are not your doctors.  Please discuss anything we discuss medically with your doctor. Additionally any ideas or opinions expressed in the links above or by the guests on our show do not necessarily reflect our own personal or professional opinions, or the opinions of any organizations that we currently or formerly worked for or represented.  Thanks again for listening!This episode has two very special guests:2 ER Doctors who are currently on the front lines of Covid are here to answer all of our Covid questions!This EP is very emotional for us - We go deep with our personal Covid stories.If you aren't feeling well - Get a Covid TestWhere to get them in Chicago1) Most insurance websites have a webpage for you to visit. caught Covid and shares her storyCaitlin's Covid Nightmare is still on-going and she shared all the emotional detailsWhere to find The Doctors:https://www.erdocsbourbonrocks.com** Listen to Man in the Arena EP**CDC.GOV - To learn about donating Covid Plasma 
Instagram: @bare_all_beauty_babesWebsite: Specials:$70 Pumpkin Spice Facial45-Minute soothing seasonal facial featuring an exfoliating pumpkin enzyme and a handmade whipped pumpkin clay maskBlack Friday & Small Business Saturday DealsSpecial Service Pricing - November 27th & 28th Only!Brazilian Wax + Honey Pot    $125    $80Brow Wax + Tint    $40    $32+Lash Lift + Tint    $91    $75Pumpkin Spice Facial    $80    $60Unlock 25% Off all products when you book a service for Black Friday or Small Business Saturday!EARLY BIRD GIFT CARD SPECIAL20% Off Gift Cards Before 10AM on Black Friday15% Off Gift Cards After 10AM Black Friday through Small Business Saturday.Mention Dollhouse for an additional 15% off! 
Covid Holidaze

Covid Holidaze


The Dolls share their Holiday experiences from Childhood + Adulthood before discussing their first Covid Holidaze.An audience question and the Holiday's drives the topic for this entire podcastWe share tips with you on how to handle the upcoming Covid holiday's if your family plans have been cancelled.1. Acceptance2. Get Physical3. Reconnect with your Pandemic Pal (Seasonal Depression)4. Communication 5. Educate yourself (SBSM Academy) Pamper yourself Trader Joes body scrubFrank's bod coffee scrubDry brushHere is a link to a blog post that includes all 10 tips.
Are you pregnant?

Are you pregnant?


We're *finally* answering your most asked questions. We haven't done this podcast via ZOOM in a hot minute - here we go!Dani's dating update... Why is she in Florida and how are things going with Mini Golf?? Who's new in her dating world? What is it like dating multiple people?And now the other big question, "Caitlin, are you pregnant??"Peep the BLOG POST: exactly went into Caitlin's fertility journey & explaining the IUI, the dream team and timelines (Dani's specialty)The necklace Cait wore during her fertility journey: for friends supporting Dolls going through their own fertility journeyHow Cait told her mom, Dani and her husband!Photographing the announcement with AlphaLit Chicago and Balloons by Tommy.See our pictures here: = Hot Auntie DaniWhat was the First Trimester like? Going from a salad bitch to bagels and cream cheese.First trimester sex + big boob update.Cait's pregnancy supplement routineCheck out Juice Plus: a question you want to Doll-talk about? Email us! dolls@onceuponadollhouse.comOR fill out this form anonymously:
Caitlin and Dani sit down to Doll-Talk with Crystal of Crystal Nicole Studios and POPCANDY Podcast!  Dolls? Right up my alley... We love a good Instagram stalk.The Photog/Influencer connectivity - why it's important!Going from behind-the-lens to in front of the camera: Crystal's journey to becoming an influencerThe COVID Pivot - what does a wedding photographer do when everything shuts down?! Pop culture obsessions and getting connected with a Real Housewife of Orange CountyCrystal's steps to becoming an Influencer + steps to content creationThoughts on reincarnation and living in the nowWhy we should all journal moreLife goals: travel and DisneyCrystal's love journey with photography: where it started, her first camera, how she left the corporate world and infiltrated the wedding industryCrystal's tips for starting out and getting into photographyHow to pitch and get clients Dani's wedding: only for the grown and sexyDirty deets of Crystal's experiences working with influencers Chicago food obsessions, including our Portillo's orderDigital vs. Film photography - why we are dreaming of a Parisian photoshootCreating art for our homes: Our glam photoshoot at Four Seasons Chicago The Bachelorette photoshoot. We're still reminiscing about an epic trip to Palm Springs: The photos are worth MixTiles!How we are helping Small Business owners right now STALK STALK STALK:Crystal Nicole HQ: @crystalnicolehq (can you spy the Dolls?)Crystal Nicole Vlogs: Click HereCrystal Nicole Studios: @crystalnicolestudiosBook Crystal: Click HerePOPCANDY Podcast: Click HereHave a Q? Want to Doll-Talk more?Slide into our DMs @onceuponadollhouseFollow our blog:
Your Dad is a FILF!

Your Dad is a FILF!


Lisa Leventhal AKA Lulu joins us this week!We're chatting about our friendship and Lulu's role as brand ambassador as a brand ambassador for one of our favorite brands, Somrus, the next generation of cream liqueurs.Rose Gold for the Win Jersey Chasing in PittsburgGoogly eyes --> Put a condom on the eye fuckWedding prep meal plan on the roadTraveling across the US and our Disney obsessionWill Dani be Lulu's new stepmom? Filf vs DilfLulu's pre-COVID wedding and how and why she lives in separate countries from her husbandVOTE!Why you shouldn't be intimidated & how to vote on a local level.Vajacials and Vaginal RejuvinationBack to Disney realnessWatch on YouTube: Posts!Summer of Somrus: Food & Wine: Antonio with Somrus:
Taking the pod on the go with a staycation at Four Seasons Chicago. Getting into Netflix's new documentary "The Social Dilemma"What was your AOL screen name?Positive and Negatives of Social MediaSeeing through the Manipulation How we feel about Fake News, bullyingDoll Solutions to "The Social Dilemma"How we manage Social Media balance while running our blog and our Social Media BusinessWhere do influencers stand in The Social Dilemma The benefits of following influencers you vibe with on Social MediaHow to work the Social Media algorithms in your favor Getting into the debates and voting: in person or by mail.Always be vigilant towards the vid.Have a question you want to Doll-talk about? Email us! dolls@onceuponadollhouse.comOR fill out this form anonymously:
F45 workouts: Why we love it! Intro to our show: Voice of our jingle - Caitlin’s husband is the voice of the Prince - Dani’s ex Kevin wrote the music - Caitlin wrote the script - Dani edited it. It’s a family affair. Dani has dinner with the her ex-boyfriend KevinBlock, block, block - Why men hate being blockedDani’s ex-boyfriend’s Hinge profileHinge prompts that piss Dani offMatching with guy friends and hook-ups on hingeNo EGGS!Dani’s Hinge profileWhat guys should have on their hinge profilesDating multiple guys at the same time: Check-in with Dani’s dating lifeMini Golf - Caipirinha Prince - Friend Zone - ReboundMini Golf UpdateDating Caipirinha PrinceWhat guys say to Dani that turns her off!!!What we think about guys placesThe best hummus platter & nachos can be found at the same spot in Chicago.Friend Zone!!! HELP!!!!Whispers at Oak Street Beach… Best date spot during the warm months in ChicagoRebound VS Friend Zone!Can men and women just be friends?How to easily let down a friend zone who just won’t back downTrust your journey and focus forward!Email:
Caitlin and Dani sit down with Ela Czupta of Generation Bliss Boutique in Lemont!Popping bottles to start the episode! We love the rosé from One Hope because it's delicious and gives back to charity.How Ela's successful blog turned to a personal shopping experience to the cutest boutique 7.5 years later.Keeping the boutique strong through Ela's Minneapolis move for love and all things COVID. We're all about the pivot.All the Fall Fashion things: which prints are in, the best hats and neons for fall?Mask fashion statements - yes or no?Also, smoking a blunt watching Wu Tang.Favorite transition pieces from Summer to Fall.Engaged in COVID, wedding planning & loving it! Totally threw a banger.Ela Mariie for Generation Bliss accessory line.Follow Ela @elamariie and the boutique on Instagram. If you're local visit the boutique at 14184 McCarthy Rd in Lemont or shop online and check out Ela's blog www.elamarie.comThis episode of the Doll Talk Podcast is brought to you by One Hope. One Hope Wine is founded on one simple idea - doing good is good business. Selling wine on a mission to change the world. Their commitment to quality wine is just as important as the causes they support. Through every sale, a portion of proceeds benefit amazing causes. To date, they have donated over $5 million! We are so excited to share the magic of this wine with you... Did we mention that the champagne bottles are GLITTER?! 