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Your Circle of Influence

Author: Dr. Monikah Ogando and Amy Walker

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Welcome to Your Circle of Influence with Dr. Monikah Ogando and Amy Walker. This show is designed for 6 and 7 figure business women who are driving towards their next level goals. We showcase amazing brands led by powerful women, have heartfelt conversations about the challenges we face as we pursue our dreams and celebrate female ambition and contribution. Get your daily dose of business inspiration, strategy and meet some of the coolest women entrepreneurs out there. Let’s expand your circle of influence.To learn more about the podcast, visit
223 Episodes
As the year draws to a close and the prospect of a fresh start emerges, many people find themselves reflecting on their dreams and aspirations for the year ahead. While setting goals and making resolutions is a common practice, it's crucial to approach this process with a mindset that expands beyond limitations and embraces the vast realm of possibilities. In this episode, Dr. Monikah and Amy share their goals and plans for the new year. Embark on a transformative journey of self-discove...
In the pursuit of financial success, we often overlook the profound and transformative gifts that business bestows upon us. While financial rewards are undoubtedly significant, the true treasures lie in the intangible aspects of our entrepreneurial endeavors.Join Dr. Monikah and Amy as they embark on a journey to uncover the hidden gems that business offers, extending far beyond the realm of monetary gains. Discover the profound impact of business on personal growth and developmentUncove...
We often find ourselves nestled within the confines of our comfort zone, a familiar space where we feel safe and secure. Yet, true growth and transformation lie beyond the boundaries of this self-imposed sanctuary. It is in the realm of the unknown, where fear and uncertainty reside, that we encounter opportunities for personal development and unlock our hidden potential.In this episode, join Dr. Monikah and Amy as they explore the intersection of comfort, courage, and the growth zone. Embark...
S4E49 Year End Reviews

S4E49 Year End Reviews


It's that time of year again - performance reviews are looming large. Whether you're a manager delivering feedback or an employee seeking growth, navigating this annual ritual can be daunting. But fear not! This episode is your ultimate guide to making year-end reviews productive, insightful, and even enjoyable.Leave the stress behind and join Dr. Monikah and Amy on a journey to empower both sides of the review desk. Tune in to unlock the secrets of effective year-end reviews - a journey towa...
In today's interconnected world, the ability to collaborate effectively is more crucial than ever. Collaborative problem-solving is a skill that is essential for success in both personal and professional endeavors.In this episode, Dr. Monikah and Amy delve into the world of collaborative problem-solving. They share their strategies on how to apply this technique in real-life scenarios, from resolving team conflicts to making critical business decisions. This episode is a must-liste...
Tis the season to be stressed? For many people, the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year but can also be one of the most stressful. From shopping, cooking, decorating, hosting guests and more - there's a lot to do and it can feel overwhelming. In this episode, Dr. Monikah and Amy discuss simple strategies for keeping holiday stress under control so you don't end up feeling like the Grinch this season. 1. Don't lose sight of your sense of humor2. Learn to say "No" and say it m...
Have you struggled to find great candidates and make hiring decisions? In this episode, Dr. Monikah and Amy talk about how to have better hires. Amy shares her best tips for attracting and selecting top talent.Key highlights of this episode include:1. The Foundation of a Great Hire - have a clearly defined vision, core values, and company culture.2. Diversity and Inclusion - Strategies for building a diverse workforce.3. The Process Decoded - Hire slow.By the end of the episode, you'll walk a...
In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to fall into the trap of overworking. We're constantly bombarded with messages that tell us we need to work harder, be more productive, and achieve more. But what if all of this busyness is actually making us less productive and less happy?In this episode, Dr. Monikah and Amy explore the dangers of overworking, and the strategies for finding balance in a workaholic world. They will share their insights on how to create a more sustainable and fulfilling w...
Have you ever wondered what fitness and business have in common? More than you might think! In this episode, Dr. Monikah and Amy talk about the lessons they use in business from their fitness journey. They share valuable insights from their personal fitness journey and how these lessons have profoundly influenced their business strategies and leadership style. They explore themes like discipline, resilience, goal-setting, and the importance of consistency. If you're looking for insp...
Manifestation is the practice of using your thoughts and beliefs to create your desired reality. It's a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals and live your best life. In this episode, Dr. Monikah and Amy share their favorite manifestation tools. AffirmationsVisualizationGratitude Journal Money JournalPrayer If you're ready to start manifesting your dreams and goals, this episode is for you. Tune in to learn how to get started and make these tools work for you. Mani...
As a business owner, you've worked hard to build your company and ensure its success. But have you thought about what would happen to your business if you were to pass away, become disabled, or go through a divorce? In this episode, Dr. Monikah and Amy delve into the often-overlooked but crucial aspects of business protection, focusing on how to safeguard your company from the potential devastation of death, disability, and divorce. These three scenarios can have a significant impact on ...
In order to lead effectively and productively, it is imperative to set and maintain healthy boundaries. This means knowing and communicating your limits, both personal and professional, and being able to say no when necessary. It also means respecting the boundaries of others, and understanding that everyone has different needs and preferences.In this podcast episode, Dr. Monikah and Amy discuss the must-have boundaries for effective and efficient leadership for teams to function and flow wel...
Love is often seen as a soft skill, but what if it was the secret ingredient to a successful business? In this episode, Dr. Monikah and Amy explore the concept of love as a business strategy. They'll discuss how building meaningful relationships with clients and customers can lead to increased loyalty, customer retention, and ultimately, growth for your business. We'll examine the different ways to incorporate love into your business, such as offering exceptional customer service, buildi...
Are you feeling burnt out or stuck in your career? Are you longing for a chance to recharge, reflect, and rediscover your passion and purpose? Then you might want to consider taking a sabbatical. In this episode, Dr. Monikah and Amy explore the concept of sabbaticals as a portal to growth, and how taking a break from your daily routine can help you cultivate new skills, gain fresh perspectives, and reignite your enthusiasm for your work.Join them as they discuss the benefits of taking a sabba...
Women in business face a number of unique challenges, but one of the most pervasive is the impossible societal expectations that are placed on them. From being expected to be perfect mothers and wives to being told that they can't have it all, women are constantly being judged and scrutinized for their choices. In this episode, Dr. Monikah and Amy explore some of the most common societal expectations for women in business and discuss how they can impact women's careers and mental health...
In this episode, Dr. Monikah and Amy dive into the world of business apps and tools to help you optimize your productivity, organization, and overall efficiency. They've handpicked their favorite tools that have made a significant impact on their businesses and they're excited to share them with you!1. Canva - is a graphic design tool that works to simplify the process of digital design.2. Thinkific - a software platform that enables entrepreneurs to create, market, sell, and deliver their ow...
In today's episode, Dr. Monikah and Amy dive into a critical decision that many businesses face - when to build an internal team versus when to outsource tasks and projects. With the growing availability of freelancers and agencies, it can be challenging to determine which approach is best for your business. Join them as they discuss the pros and cons of each option, along with some guiding questions to help you make an informed decision.1. Prioritize hiring staff who will generate reve...
No woman succeeds alone. Behind every successful woman are the support systems that help her get through challenges, celebrate victories, and keep moving forward. In this episode, Dr. Monikah and Amy explore the 5 types of support every woman needs to thrive.1. Professionals (Mentors, Coaches, Accountants, Lawyers) 2. Family or found family3. Team 4. Peers5. Customers Follow these five pillars and you'll develop the robust support infrastructure every successful woman leverages...
Hustle culture is a pervasive ideology that tells us that we can and should achieve anything we set our minds to, no matter the cost. But what happens when this culture collides with the realities of being a woman?In this episode, Dr. Monikah and Amy explore the ways in which hustle culture can be harmful to women, both mentally and physically. They'll talk about the pressure to be constantly "on," the unrealistic expectations of productivity, and the ways in which hustle culture can lead to ...
Are you ready to take your business to the next level? If so, you need to start by upleveling your thinking. In this episode, Dr. Monikah and Amy discuss how shifting your mindset and perspective can have a profound impact on your ability to achieve success and overcome challenges.They also share practical tips and strategies for developing a growth mindset and overcoming limiting beliefs.1. Audit your assumption.2. Bring your whole self. 3. Create momentum.If you're re...