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The Selling Podcast
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The Selling Podcast

Author: Mike Williams and Scott Schlofman

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Do you want to grow your business? Looking for more sales? Trying to add new leads to your pipeline?

Mike and Scott are two experienced sales professionals with over 50 years of selling experience (and many airline and hotel points!) sharing a common goal: Sell better, Live better, and most of all...Enjoy more!

They share deep-ish thoughts (and some mediocre advice) on sales and life as they exchange stories, philosophies, experiences, insights, and random thoughts with some special guests who provide even more (and deeper) insights along the way!

Join the conversation! Email Mike ( or Scott ( and let them know what's on your mind!

221 Episodes
Send us a Text Message.We share another some of our favorite moments. Two episodes stand out:Veronica Romney shares how to best market yourself and Mike talks about how to create your own story.Ever feel lost in the crowd? This episode is for you! We'll break down why marketing yourself is crucial and guide you on crafting a story with an ending you write.Why You Need to Be Your Biggest Promoter:Standing Out in a Noisy World: The competition is fierce, online and off. Learn how to effectively...
Send us a Text Message.In this week's episode, we review some of our greatest hits. The focus this week is on:Targeting (Prospecting vs Poaching) - Where are you finding people? There is definately a right way and a wrong way in sales to gain business.Communicating (Persistent vs Nuisance) - How often should you communicate with clients or prospects? It is crucial to get the timing correct.Closing - James Muir highlights the 7 Deadly Sins in sales. Some of these we are doing wrong. There is a...
Send us a Text Message.You might not think that you are in sales. You might also try to distance yourself from sales. However, you are in sales... get over it and embrace it!You are in sales if:You speak to a client or prospectYou are trying to push your pointThere will be very few times when you are not in sales. Embrace the fact that you are in sales and understand the topics and tactics of sales.Why does sales get a bad reputation? Negotiation - most people don't like to negotiate. On...
Send us a Text Message.Fred Copestake is a best-selling author, podcaster, instructor, thought leader, sales leader, strategist, and a great friend! He joins us today for the third time to talk about Ethical Selling (coincidentally the title of his new book) and the keys to achieving great customer outcomes.Fred is able to focus on tactics that everyone practices or teaches and make them applicable in every sales call scenario. He teaches "implementation" on top of "instruction".Contact Fred ...
Send us a Text Message.On this week's episode, we discuss the biggest failures in communication. These are the highlights that we looked at in this weeks episode. Which do you think in the biggest communication failure?Don't stop talkingCondecendingCode JibberishFidgetingOthers not listeningDont care / Lack of relevanceChoose wrong timeLack of specificitySpeaking above level of listenerEmbarrased and don't understandOut of these listed here, which do you feel is the biggest communication fail...



Send us a Text Message.This episode dives into the difference between ambition and work ethic.The Difference Between Ambition and Work EthicBlind Ambition vs. Focused Ambition: We all have dreams, but true ambition translates those dreams into actionable goals. Blind ambition is simply wishful thinking, while focused ambition fuels the drive to achieve.Work Ethic Defined: This is the embodiment of "getting things done" - putting in the consistent effort to see tasks through to completion.Why ...
Send us a Text Message.Zach Kauflin joins the show and shares his sales journey. You will leave this episode feeling fired up and ready to make the most of your career.Scott SchlofmanMike Williams#sales #podcast #customerfirst #relationships #success #pipeline #funnel #sales success #selling #salescoach
Send us a Text Message.Brad Lee is a good friend, insightful leader, humble human, and successful CEO. He started his career carrying a bag and his sales success combined with his business savvy gives him a powerful perspective on what success looks like and what it takes to find it!During these conversations, we shared old memories, stories, and a few laughs that can help you find success in your career.You can reach Brad at Clarus Leadership Partners and tap into his network.As always, reac...
Send us a Text Message.Brad Lee is a good friend, insightful leader, humble human, and successful CEO. He started his career carrying a bag and his sales success combined with his business savvy gives him a powerful perspective on what success looks like and what it takes to find it!During these conversations, we shared old memories, stories, and a few laughs that can help you find success in your career.You can reach Brad at Clarus Leadership Partners and tap into his network.As always, reac...
Send us a Text Message.Overcoming Technical Glitches: Stay Focused on What You Can DoThis episode tackles how to stay effective when technical difficulties disrupt your sales process, using Mike's internet issues as an example.The key takeaway? Focus on what you can control. While reaching out for help is okay, prioritize actions that don't rely on technology:Double down on core skills: Leverage your sales expertise through relationship building, active listening, and clear communication.Prep...
Send us a Text Message.Info Brokers to Personal Guides: The Evolution of SalesThis episode takes us on a journey through the fascinating evolution of sales. Scott explores how the role of a salesperson has transformed from information gatekeeper to trusted advisor.The Information Age: In the early days, salespeople held the power of information. They were the experts with product knowledge, and potential buyers had to reach out to them to learn anything.The Shift to Value: The internet change...
Send us a Text Message.Tenacious + Determination = SuccessMike tackles the winning combination of tenacity and determination. While they might sound like synonyms, Mike breaks down the key differences that make them a powerful duo.Tenacity is your inner bulldog. It's the relentless spirit that allows you to claw your way through obstacles and bounce back from setbacks. It's the fire that fuels your fight and keeps you pushing forward when things get tough.Determination, on the other han...
Send us a Text Message.There are certain things that should not be attempted. One of those is a Venn Diagram of Life. But that is exactly what Scott tried to do over an audio only medium. If you are here, it is because you are looking for the chart.What Really Matters - Where are you MovingIn Life (or Sales) we are either moving toward something or away from something. This diagram helps us know and choose where we are going.This Venn diagram is divided into four circles:Want To Do: Activitie...
Send us a Text Message.Struggling to Connect on LinkedIn? Try a Personalized Message!This episode is all about the power of personalized messages on LinkedIn. Forget generic emails and impersonal texts - a well-crafted message can be the key to making a strong professional connection.Here's what you'll hear:Make it Personal: Generic messages get ignored. Take the time to mention something specific from the person's profile that caught your eye. This shows you've done your research and genuine...
Send us a Text Message.If you are in any sort of sales role, you are going to love this conversation!Brian Sullivan, CSP, is known for his expertise in sales, leadership, and presentation skills. He founded PRECISE Selling after a successful tenure at Welch Allyn, where he developed a successful sales and leadership training program.Brian is a Certified Speaking Professional, a designation held by less than 7% of professional speakers globally, indicating his high level of expertise recognize...
Send us a Text Message.There are 3 types of curiosity that will impact the questions that are asked.When you are selling, many quesitons should be asked. Not all questions are created equal. There are different types of asking the questions to get the information. These are the 3 types of curiosity that create the questions:Genuine - The focus here is on the customer. The genuine curiosity is all about what the customer is desiring. Client's needs and concerns are in the forefront and there i...
Send us a Text Message.We covered the first 7 steps in sales in the previous episode last week . This week we continue with the best steps that anyone can use to improve their sales. The following is a list of all 12 steps. Here are the best steps in sales negotiation:Be Fair - There is never a good time to take unfair advantage of a negotiating situation. There might be large discrepancies one way or another but that is okay, as long as there is no coercion to buy or sell. Both par...
Send us a Text Message.There are many tactics in sales. One of my favorites is the negotiation. I have used these steps in negotiating from small goods to large ticket items. The steps are the same but implementation is slightly different. The following is a list of all 12 steps. However, in this episode, we only go over the first 7. Join us next week for the rest of the ways to improve your negotiation.Here are the best steps in sales negotiation:Be Fair - There is never a good time to ...
Send us a Text Message.When nothing is working, here is what you can do. Let's define our sellers slump.There are two types of slumps that we encounter:Difficulties that arise what are out of our control.Challenges that we create for ourselves.A few weeks ago, we spoke about things that you can do to help sell when things are out of your control. This episode is to get out of the challenges that you create yourself. This time of year (end of winter and beginning of spring) is a common ti...
Send us a Text Message.Sales can be complicated and complex. There are several steps to make it nice and easy when selling. If we are going to break it down, here are the four main ingredients or steps to help you sell. Ensure that you reflect on these 4 steps before every sale.Distraction - Too many times I am either distracted or distracting in the sales process. Insure that you have practiced before presenting. This will help you eliminate and mitigate distractions.Reaction - Use the scien...