Free to Be Authentic By Durga Devi

Free to Be Authentic By Durga Devi
Author: Durga Magnetta
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© 2024 Free to Be Authentic By Durga Devi
The Free to Be Authentic podcast is designed to help the everyday people as well as spiritual seekers find a greater sense of their own spirituality as well as inner peace.The episodes are designed to educate as well as give tangible experiences to those looking to experience more empowerment and a deeper connection to the spirit side of life.Durga Magnetta is an Intuitive Coach, Empathic Healer, Teacher and Author with 20 years experience.
43 Episodes
Most people either love or (really dislike) hot yoga. This episode explores the reasons why people shy away, and offers solutions that create a love relationship with the practice.There is so much to love and so many benefits that this deserves to be reexamined. Support the show
During this episode, we will discuss the importance of integrity and generosity as we raise up in consciousness. They both are teaching us to find oneness in ourselves, with others and the world we live in.Support the show
Do you feel obligated to do things that you dread just because you feel you should? During this episode, we will discuss the importance of following your heart even if it goes against the expectations of others. Support the show
Most people know someone they consider toxic to their well being. During this episode we will discuss why you do not need to protect yourself from them. This approach willhelp you to maintain a greater peace of mind and stay more empowered.Support the show
You may be getting triggered lately more than usual. During this episode we will look at the two main reasons for this and what you can do in response.Support the show
During this episode I will give you the ingredients to make your own real life Felix Felicis luck potion. This will be something you can enjoy every day of your life.Support the show
During this episode we will discuss how to achieve a new level of divine confidence and individuality. Support the show
Using my ability to peek into the future, I have seen many breakthroughs in 2021 regarding purpose. I believe we, as a collective are coming into our purpose more than ever before.There is a guided intention setting exercise at the end to help you gain clarity.Support the show
So many of you are experiencing wanting to identify more with your spirituality at this time.What does it look like when you are trying to add it to the mix of other areas in your life.Guest Debbie Menke will join us today for this enlightening discussion.Support the show
Do you ever wonder what your dreams are trying to tell you? During this episode, we will discuss the basic structure of dreams and their meanings as well as signs. Support the show
Whilst in he midst of great changes and crossroads in your live, losing friends is likely part of the process. During this episode, we will discuss why this is happening and how to adjust to it.Support the show
It is time to be unapologetically you! Many people do not see themselves as an opportunity to be an amazingly unique individual. During this episode, we will discuss and explore what it means to be divinely confident.There is a guided meditation to help you transform judgement into self love.Support the show
At this stage in our ascention process it is common to be overcome with intense fear and anxiety. This is because this old way of being is dying. During this episode, we will better define this mechanism and its shenanigans.There is a guided intention setting practice to help you move through this phase more quickly.Support the show
During this episode we will discuss the message form a woman who died of Covid 19 to her surviving family. I will also guide you through a meditation to visit your loved ones in heaven.Support the show
Are you experiencing isolation or grief due to your unique differences? During this episode I will discuss this topic with my client and friend Harjot. We will talk about tips and bring insights that will help you reach a new level of freedom.Support the show
During this episode we discuss Ghosting or not responding as a societal norm.What is it like to be on both sides, and how we are both, growing and regressing because of it.Support the show
Is life driving you crazy with what seems to be an endless stream of annoyances?This is how many people feel. What we don't realize is that we do have control over how we experience these things.In this episode, we will explore different methods to the path to peace. Please share this with anyone you feel may enjoy it!Support the show
It is human nature to hold our love back and protect our hearts. Is this really the best thing for us?In this episode, we will explore why we do this and work on being more open with the love we have for others.Support the show
This episode we are defining and exploring the tangible ascention symptoms that are starting to show up in everyday life.Please share with others who may enjoy it!Support the show
This is topic that should shed some light as far as inaccurate Tarot readings.In this episode we will explore the different reasons for this as well as possible solutions.Please share with others who may enjoy it!Support the show
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