DiscoverESL - TESOLcast
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Author: Scott Shinall. Scott Duarte

Subscribed: 35Played: 73


Welcome to edgycation. Two teachers talking about English as a second language, ESL, TESOL, Teaching in and out of the US.
40 Episodes
We took refuge in a Karaoke box in the heart of Osaka. Some of the sound outside came through, but it was better than the street. We Got down to talking about writing centers and some of what you should know about them.
In Paradise - Show 90

In Paradise - Show 90


Both Joachim and I were selected for the Apple Distinguished Educator Program. So, one particularly warm morning we sat down to revive the Edgycation Podcast. This episode talks about what we saw, so listen up. Lots more to come.
We talk about the five paragraph essay and our take on what students really need to be prepared for.
Today we are scratching the surface of what pragmatics is and how it may be used in the classroom. Watch closely for future episodes so that you may hear the corrections!!
EFL vs. ESL- Show 85

EFL vs. ESL- Show 85


A look at how EFL and ESL are actually a bit different.
Using Movies- Show 84

Using Movies- Show 84


Some alternative uses for movies or videos in the classroom.
X reading - Show 83

X reading - Show 83


Sapir-Whorf got pushed back, don't worry though, it'll come. this time though, we are talking to Paul Goldberg about a site he has been helping with called xreading. you can find it at Listen to the show for details!
Directions - Show 82

Directions - Show 82


Where is ESL going?
A discussion on when to use dictionaries in the classroom. When, Where and Why
What kind of ESL teacher are you?
One of the things that new teachers have to deal with is the abundance of research that is available. Here is our take on those first couple of years teaching and how to deal with "current research".
So you may be aware of our view on Sage-on-the-Stage vs. Guide-on-the-Side. Here is slightly different take on the idea. The 3 roles of the teacher as presented by J. Scrivener. To our surprise, we mostly like this idea, but feel that there may be something missing...
Explicit vs. Implicit

Explicit vs. Implicit


Explicit Teaching and Implicit Teaching
A look at a short article about the future of ELT
An interview with the head of Intel and is Ed. Tech really turning the corner?
The idea of which is taught in class has raised its head again. So, how do you choose between the two?
A ton of news, well at least a lot of talking about news. Kind of getting the chops back a bit. We still need to get a bit more bass into D's mic. Topic? well, mostly comparing a teaching hospitals and teacher training programs. Listen for the creaky chair!
News Break - Show 73

News Break - Show 73


Headphone warning: I'd listen to this one on your computer. The levels are a little off
Now used to look at ESL.
Using writing journals in the classroom.