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Author: Jill Wright

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Welcome to CONNECT the DOTS, the podcast for coaches who want to create and maintain connection to build a sustainable, profitable business with ease! Jill is a powerful coach who has tried building a business the "right" way. That's the way she was accustomed to doing things in her previous roles in corporate. What she learned was the "right" way might lead to success, but not to a business that was easy, sustainable and that she enjoyed. She knew she didn't leave corporate only to build a business that mirrored the things she felt most misaligned with in her corporate career. No, she wanted something very different. Jill's clients love her CALM, no-drama approach. And that's the approach she brings to this podcast as she helps you CONNECT to the right things and disconnect from the wrong things.She loves thinking, coming up with ideas and making them simple and easy for her clients to use in their own businesses, as well as in their lives. Anything you get coached on should be able to be applied to any area of your life. You are ONE, WHOLE person. You should have ONE, WHOLE way to do life AND business.If you're ready to build a business that honors who you really are what you really want and doesn't compromise your values and priorities, listen to Jill's wisdom and implement her SIMPLE Strategies for CONNECTING the DOTS in your life and business!
194 Episodes
I love it when I stumble upon information that could create a breakthrough for you! In this episode, I'm sharing a conversation I had with a client around one of her breakthroughs and it has nothing to do with your mindset. Get ready for an eye-opening conversation with Pamela Connor. As a clinical nutritionist and functional medicine practitioner, Pamela believes that personalized natural health care is of the utmost importance in helping people achieve their health goals. She...
What is your favorite energy to operate in for your life? How about your business? I bet it's an energy of frustration or resistance. No? Just kidding. Who doesn't like operating in the energy of being in the flow? But how many of us actually feel like that's what we're experiencing most of the time? In this episode, I'll share the journey I'm currently on as I learn how to stop forcing things and start operating in the flow and what's been happening in my life and busines...
Have you ever run a marathon or half marathon? Many of the larger races line people up at the starting line according to their expected pace for the race. What pace did you register with? What race are you running? In this episode, learn how to stay focused on the race you’re signed up for and how to pace yourself so that you finish the race strong!Let's CONNECT! There are LOTS of ways to CONNECT with me!I'm on Social!Instagram: @JillWrightCoachingFacebook: Jill Wright Coa...
For some people, helping plants thrive is a cinch – these are the people we say have “green thumbs”.For other people, they struggle with having plants. We might think of our businesses in the same way. What does it really take to build a strong, thriving business? Do I really have what it takes? In this episode, consider another perspective. Ask different questions. And get new and better answers.Let's CONNECT! There are LOTS of ways to CONNECT with me!I'm on Social!Instag...
I love Mary Oliver's question: "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" What if we paused and considered this one question every time we find ourselves struggling? Then just notice what our lives are showing us. Most of us don't slow down long enough to take notice of the abund­ant wisdom showing up, being offered to us in our one wild and precious life.That’s why I wanted to share my recent experience on our mini road trip that showed me lots ...
Who here loves to dream BIG? Who here loves to plan big?Who here feels like they have it all together and needs no help making their BIG dreams come true?Not me -- I love to dream BIG, but somewhere along the way, I always manage to find a way to get stuck. Not just stuck, but mud up to the door handles stuck!Whether it's connecting to a powerful and abundant money mindset, connecting to your BIG dreams or connecting to your clients, it's great to be able to connect with people that can ...
What do you LOVE about the people you spend the most time with?I love being around people who are fun. I don't know if my friends would describe me as the fun one, but I think I have a sense of humor. What do you LOVE about the way you dress? I might have a few cute outfits, but I'm probably not the most stylish one in the group. It's always great to have a stylish friend in your group too. The guest on this episode is fun, stylish and a WHOLE LOT MORE - come spend so...
Don't Worry Be Happy -- That's what Bobby McFerrin says. What if that's not always possible? Should you always be happy?Should you never worry? Find out in this episodes of CONNECT the DOTS! Learn what to do when you're worried.Let's CONNECT! There are LOTS of ways to CONNECT with me!I'm on Social!Instagram: @JillWrightCoachingFacebook: Jill Wright CoachingLinkedIn: Jill Wright CoachingPinterest: Jill Wright CoachingGo to my website: JillWrightCoaching.comSchedule a time to CON...
Life throws some really hard things at us sometimes. Life interrupts our plans, our dreams, our businesses. How do you keep going in the midst of all of it?No matter what loss or darkness you're experiencing, wherever you might be feeling broken or lost, whatever it is that's making you feel stuck right now, pause and listen to this episode. There is help. And there is HOPE. Here's how you keep going until you find it.Amy is a certified Life after Baby Loss Coach. She combines ...
Each of us is on a journey. We're actually on multiple journeys simultaneously that all roll up into one journey called LIFE.How we navigate each of those journeys depends on what journey it is - spiritual, career, business, relationship, family, community, personal, life in general. It depends on where we are on that journey and the skill sets, experience, expertise, knowledge and wisdom we've developed to support that journey.It depends on who is incorporated in that journey - spo...
Where are you still hustling, striving or trying to earn your way? Where do you still feel like you have to "pay your dues"?Wherever it is, I guarantee that journey to success will benefit from a healthy dose of grace. Not quite sure how success comes from grace? Well, get your pen and paper ready. I'm giving you some steps to get there. And be sure to sign up to get the worksheet to go along with this episode, so you can apply everything you learn here to your life and busines...
Do you feel like there's something missing in your business? Do you feel like success is eluding you? Most of us are grinding in our businesses. Even if you're not putting in a lot of hours, even if you're not feeling burned out in your business, even if you enjoy your work, you are probably still grinding. So how do you know what's missing? How do you know if you're successful? How do you know if you're grinding? Get ready for a fabulous conversation -- this week's co-hos...
When you first are trained as a coach, you learn the concept of future self.What would your future self do? Who are you being? But there are seasons when you're not learning what to do or who to be. There are seasons where you learn how to see. Come listen to this episode to discover if you are in a season where you're learning to see.Don't forget to sign up for the worksheets that go along with many of the episodes, all designed to help you more easily CONNECT the DOTS to...
What are the pieces of the puzzle that you're missing? There have been times I didn't know what pieces were missing for me. I just knew there was something missing. Come join me as I share my experience with my missing pieces and give you some tips on dealing with whatever pieces you're missing right now. Don't forget to sign up for the worksheets that go along with many of the episodes, all designed to help you more easily CONNECT the DOTS to your Perfect Path of Possibility!L...
How connected are you?What makes you disconnect? Shut down? When we detach or disconnect, we not only disconnect from the pain, discomfort or disappointment. We also disconnect from our dreams and desires. Disconnecting can come at a substantial cost. In this episode, I share what I've learned about staying powerfully connected with your dreams and desires, while still managing the possibility of pain, discomfort or disappointment. This is how you have it all. Don't m...
What are the forces at work in the creation of your life and your business?What are the things that you control when it comes to getting what you deeply desire? There are at least two things you need to become aware of and maintain awareness of if you want to get everything you want. Yes, it's totally possible to have it all and in this episode, I enlist another coach who knows a thing or two about this. Tune in for this amazing conversation and learn what these two very import...
How well do you receive? I remember a time not so long ago when this was a real struggle for me. I'm still improving, but it still doesn't come naturally to me. Receiving requires lots of practice. In order to practice receiving, you have to practice asking. There are other ways you can practice. In this episode, I'll talk about how to improve the skill set of receiving. And I'll talk about why that even matters. And I'll have a special guest that brought th...
I know in the beginning of my business, I struggled to know what to focus on. How do you know what to focus on? There is so much to do. It helps if you at least know what direction you're heading in. But so many times, I didn't know that either. If you're asking yourself the question, "What do I focus on?", you're asking yourself the wrong question. Listen to this episode to find out the question you should be asking yourself instead. And learn where to find the answer to ...
Have you ever finally gotten so sick of things that you were just “DONE”?How did that feel? What led you to that place? And what did that birth inside you that you simply could not deny any longer? What had to die in order for that birth to be possible?This week in Part 2 of my conversation with Sarah Trapkus, we uncover when enough really is ENOUGH. Listen in for another episode full of spiritual GOODNESS!And don't forget to Download the Free Worksheet!As a reminder who Sarah ...
If you've been noticing some changes going on inside you that you're not sure how to work through, you're not alone. You're noticing more and more pull toward desires that you cannot deny.You might be experiencing more resistance and fear than ever, and in every area of your life.You might have noticed things getting harder and harder to work through. Maybe you've been frustrated because it seems nothing is breaking your way. This could mean that you're on the verge of a breakt...