DiscoverThe Heal Ministry Podcast
The Heal Ministry Podcast

The Heal Ministry Podcast

Author: Tera Bradham DeNeui

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If you've ever been discouraged, angry, or lonely because of your physical suffering, if you are trying to find resources to help you draw closer to God instead of turning your back on Him, or if you're looking for stories that will help you see God's goodness amidst pain, then the Heal Ministry podcast is for you. In each episode, we share conversations with people who have experienced their own journey through physical suffering yet have discovered God’s goodness amidst it all.
148 Episodes
 Nic Nienhuis' friends started calling her the "ambitious cripple," a term she loves, after seeing how vivaciously she lives life amidst severe pain and limitation. Nic is in her thirties and has had over 30 surgeries relating to her multiple diagnoses, some of which include anklosing spondylitis and RA. We are also stoked to have Nic on the podcast today because she is typically working on the other side of these episodes as our podcast editor! Nic shares her story vulnerably today, including talk about suicidal thoughts, an affair, and the restoration of her life through Jesus Christ. Check out the incredible resources she recommended below, and feel free to reach out to her through her email with questions or to tell her what her story meant to you. Living Beyond Your Pain Workbook: The Way Out by Alan Gordon: Nic’s Email: "Try Again" worksheet: Tera IG: @terabradham Tera Website:
“Do you want Story 1 or Story 2?” When God asked Allen this question, he weighed his options. What did God mean? Should he cancel his surgery and see what God was inviting him into? Using the nodules in his throat as the backdrop, Allen takes us through the dramatic lesson God taught him about our stories with God. Plus, he put it all in an INCREDIBLE book called the Eden Option that you can find below. If you’re at an impasse in your suffering journey or you could use a little encouragement to press in again to what God has for you, this episode is for you. Check out this interview with author, speaker, and innovative coach Allen Arnold. ⁠PRE-ORDER Through the Fog: A Bible Study on God's Goodness Amidst Physical Suffering⁠ Use code “TTFHEAL25” for 25% off! (Code good until November 7, 2023) The Eden Option by Allen Arnold Allen’s Free Newsletter Allen’s Website Wild at Heart Podcast Tera’s Website Tera’s Instagram Heal’s Website
Why does Christ’s resurrection matter to you, right now, in your current circumstances? What does Christ’s resurrection really mean for His followers? And what does it look like for your own body to be resurrected with Christ one day? Jeff Brannon and I delve into these questions and more today as we discuss his book about the theology of resurrection. This is a good episode to nerd out on, but it is also an episode to give your faith the weighty grounding of the hope of redemption amidst your suffering. Tera’s Website Tera’s Instagram Heal’s Website The Hope of Life After Death: A Biblical Theology of Resurrection by Jeff Brannon What on Earth is Heaven? by James Paul
Jennifer Ji-Hye Ko is a disabled writer, author, poet, and speaker. Her full-time job is managing her intensive treatments for Lyme Disease, several co-infections, comorbid conditions, as well as Lyme and Autism-related psychosis. In addition to all of that, Jennifer is working to help bridge the gap between the Church and the disability community to avoid exclusion and unintentional spiritual or religious abuse. Curious how she came to do all this? Jennifer shares her story on the pod today, including her deep dive into Scripture herself and how God gives her hope on a daily basis. Check out her book, A Lamenter’s Pathway to Joy, and her website below! ⁠PRE-ORDER Through the Fog: A Bible Study on God's Goodness Amidst Physical Suffering⁠ Use code “TTFHEAL25” for 25% off! (Code good until November 7, 2023) Tera’s Website Tera’s Instagram Heal’s Website Jennifer’s Website Jennifer’s Instagram A Lamenter’s Pathway to Joy by Jennifer Ji-Hye Ko Disability and the Church by Lamar Hardwick Lamar Hardwick Heal Ministry Podcast Episode All My Knotted-Up Life by Beth Moore
Do you ever struggle to have the motivation to get out of bed in the morning. Well Alan Noble wrote a book about it, and he joins us today to talk about the burden of living. Don’t worry - it’s an encouraging conversation. We just talk honestly about the responsibility and gift of living, as well as how it is genuinely hard to view life in such a way sometimes. This is an honest conversation about mental illness, physical suffering, and just the plain ole difficulties of normal life. Heads up - we talk specifically about suicidal ideation for a bit in this conversation, so if that’s a trigger for you then maybe take a pass on this episode. I think it’s an important topic, so we try to have gentle grace for the conversation while also giving people hope who are in the darkest places. ⁠PRE-ORDER Through the Fog: A Bible Study on God's Goodness Amidst Physical Suffering⁠ Use code “TTFHEAL25” for 25% off! (Code good until November 7, 2023) Tera’s Website Tera’s Instagram Heal’s Website On Getting Out of Bed by Alan Noble The Road by Cormac McCarthy
Faith is a factor in healing, but there is complexity and nuance within that statement. One thing we do know is that Jesus told us to have the faith of a child. Lacy Finn Borgo wrote a book on just that, and today she shows us what the innocence and faith of children have to teach us amidst our suffering. Lacy also talks to us about her children’s book, All Will Be Well, which she wrote to help children process the loss of someone dear in their lives. This is a great episode that might surprise you! Take a listen today and check out Lacy’s resources below. ⁠PRE-ORDER Through the Fog: A Bible Study on God's Goodness Amidst Physical Suffering⁠ Use code “TTFHEAL25” for 25% off! (Code good until November 7, 2023) Tera’s Website Tera’s Instagram Heal’s Website Faith Like a Child by Lacy Finn Borgo All Will be Well by Lacy Finn Borgo Lacy’s Website Hearing God by Dallas Willard Getting It Right by Andy Stanley
After nearly a decade of struggling through infertility, Laura Brandenburg still believes that even through the hardest chapters of our lives, God writes good endings. If you’ve been waiting on healing, waiting for God to show you His goodness amidst your pain, or just asking God to give you the patience to wait on His timing, then this is the episode for you. Laura shares the lessons her season of waiting taught her (they’re GOOD, y’all), as well as how her body was healed when her husband started praying specifically over her each night (but catch-that’s still not all there is to the story - you’ll have to listen to see what I mean). Plus, one of the great redemptions of her pain is her debut nonfiction book that comes out TODAY: Not Forgotten: Unraveling Questions of Faith and Fertility. Check it out below! ⁠PRE-ORDER Through the Fog: A Bible Study on God's Goodness Amidst Physical Suffering⁠ Use code “TTFHEAL25” for 25% off! (Code good until November 7, 2023) Tera’s Website Tera’s Instagram Heal’s Website Not Forgotten: Unraveling Questions of Faith and Ferility by Laura C. Brandenburg Laura’s Website Laura’s IG All Things Women Heal Ministry Podcast Episode
Dr. Richard Tran was on his way down a mountain biking trail when he accidentally took a much harder path than he had to. Since Dr. Tran is a chiropractor, he knew when he crashed that it wasn’t good. But becoming a Christian recently in his adult life, he took the accident as an opportunity to trust God’s provision more fully. Not only was God with him as he walked down the mountain, but God was also present through a horrible infection of his wounds and a nasty bout of pain-med related mental illness. I think you guys are going to love Dr. Tran’s episode - what a witness of faith and God’s grace through it all! ⁠PRE-ORDER Through the Fog: A Bible Study on God's Goodness Amidst Physical Suffering⁠ Use code “TTFHEAL25” for 25% off! (Code good until November 7, 2023) Tera’s Website Tera’s Instagram Heal’s Website Dr. Tran’s Chiropractic Clinic Mike Fennema’s episode (other mountain biking accident episode)
Shontel-Jackson Taylor is a mother, daughter, U.S. Air Force Veteran, and a woman of God who has had her share of pain. She joins us on the podcast today to share about her journey through endometriosis, fibromyalgia, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Shontel shares how before she really understood God’s grace, she didn’t think He wanted her pain or her mess. But now that she knows Christ personally, He’s redeemed all of her pain into beautiful things - one of which is a ministry! Shontel is now a Christian Life & Empowerment Coach as well as a Christian Care Counselor. I think you’ll be encouraged by the beautiful way God has redeemed her deep pain. Check out her resources below! ⁠PRE-ORDER Through the Fog: A Bible Study on God's Goodness Amidst Physical Suffering⁠ Use code “TTFHEAL25” for 25% off! (Code good until November 7, 2023) Tera’s Website Tera’s Instagram Heal’s Website Shontel’s Website Shontel’s Free 15 Minute Purpose Call Purpose in the Pain Blog
I am thrilled to introduce you today to one of the sweetest and on-fire women in my church community, Denise Moyer. She has a spirit that is always wanting more of whatever God has for her, and that shows up in the story she shares on the podcast today. Denise and I were both present at a healing training our church put on in December of 2022. At this event, we were seeking to practice in a healthy way and low-risk environment what it looked like to ask God for miraculous healing. Denise shares in this episode how her shoulder was healed miraculously, not as a result of being prayed for at the event, but as a result of her own experience with God in the audience at the event. As of this interview, recorded four months after this event took place, Denise has been pain-free since that moment. ⁠PRE-ORDER Through the Fog: A Bible Study on God's Goodness Amidst Physical Suffering⁠ Use code “TTFHEAL25” for 25% off! (Code good until November 7, 2023) Tera’s Website Tera’s Instagram Heal’s Website Bridgetown Podcast Bridgetown Church
Today I got to talk with one of the best people I know, Gerald Griffin. We talk about what it looks like to view God as a good Father, to climb up into His lap and tell Him not only what you need, but also what you want, and then to be disappointed when He chooses something different for your life. In Gerald’s life, one season of trial came when he had many years of recurring sinusitis and horrible sinus infections. These sinus infections became debilitating, leaving him unable to breathe well and affecting his sleep and quality of life. Join us to discover what Gerald learned through this season of his life and how it applies to your current season today. PRE-ORDER Through the Fog: A Bible Study on God's Goodness Amidst Physical Suffering Use code “TTFHEAL25” for 25% off! (Code good until November 7, 2023) Tera’s Website Tera’s Instagram Heal’s Website Bridgetown Church Bridgetown IG Sermon preached by Gerald Disappointment with God by Philip Yancey Garden City by John Mark Comer
As Tera continues to adjust to her new life as a mom, we'll be continuing the podcast in seasons! Season 3 of the Heal Podcast will launch on September 25, 2023. In this episode, Tera shares some updates for the Heal Ministry as well as a few lessons God has taught her in the past few months. We're grateful for you and we'll see you in September! Links from this episode: Tera’s Book The Cost of Control by Sharon Hodde Miller To stay connected with the Heal Ministry over the break in podcast episodes: -Make sure you're subscribed to the podcast so if there are any surprise episodes or if there is an announcement, you'll be the first to hear about it. Plus, when we return in September your phone will send you a notification with that first episode in Season Three! -Re-listen to any episodes you haven't heard in the 100+ interviews already published -Join us on Instagram at @heal_ministry -Join our online Heal Community for support and encouragement: -Do the Chronic Pain to Constant Praise Devotional on YouVersion, written by Tera Bradham DeNeui: -Check out our host's memoir, Swimming for Freedom: -Head to our website for more resources: We'll see everyone in September!
Whatever kind of pain you’re in today, I’m guessing that you’ve either cried a lot of tears or you’ve wanted to. That’s why I brought on author S.A. Morrison to talk about the theology behind our tears. What does it look like to embody a healthy spiritual discipline of tears amidst our daily trials? Sarah shows us how when we choose to embrace the companion of tears in our journeys of suffering and hope, they both bring us closer to God and closer to the human experience we were made to have. Check out her book and resources below, and enjoy the episode! Sarah’s Blog: With Those Who Weep: A Theology of Tears: Sarah’s IG: @_samorrison_ Tera’s IG: @terabradham Heal’s IG: @heal_ministry Tera’s Website: Heal’s Website:
Presbyterian minister Marjorie Thompson joins us today to talk to us about courage, hope, and curiosity amidst our pain and grief. How do we have courage when facing loss? How do we not become fearful when we are brave enough to become curious about our pain? We talk about these questions as well as themes like care versus cure in Marjorie’s book, Courage for Caregivers. In the book, Marjorie builds on the work of her spiritual mentor, Henri J.M. Nouwen, to address the demanding physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges of caregiving and care receiving, while also illuminating the gifts each can bring into our lives. Check out some of the resources we talk about below, and enjoy the peace and wisdom Marjorie brings to the pod today! Courage for Caregivers on IVP: Courage for Caregivers on Amazon: “The Wounded Healer” by Henri Nouwen: “Life of the Beloved” by Henri Nouwen: Ignatian Retreats: Tera IG: @terabradham Heal IG: @heal_ministry Tera’s Website: Heal’s Website:
Today we chat with author, lyricist, and screenwriter Douglas Kaine McKelvey on the second volume of his books Every Moment Holy: Death, Grief, and Hope. But in case you think this conversation is about nothing but grief and death and loss, it’s actually infused with joy. That’s really the thread of our whole interview today – how joy and sorrow are intertwined, how we can hold them both and experience them both, sometimes back-to-back, how we can mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those who rejoice (Romans 12:15), and how we can walk in the maturity of growth in Christ to be able to experience both joy and sorrow throughout the trials and everyday happenings of our lives. For even amidst hardship, pain, and confusion, the rock-hard truth of God’s goodness shines through, making every moment holy. Every Moment Holy Volume I Every Moment Holy Volume II: Death, Grief, and Hope Every Moment Holy App Ella Mine Dream War Project Dream War Project (Spotify) Dream War Project (Apple Music) A Child’s Christmas at St. Nicholas Circle (Doug’s book with Thomas Kinkade) Special Grace: Prayers and Reflections for Families with Special Needs Tera’s Website Tera’s Instagram
In Michele Cushatt's first book, her memoir Undone, she talks about her journey with all the unexpected events of her life: divorce, blended families, cancer, and more. But the story didn’t end where her first book did! She’s lived a lot more life, has now lived with the constant threat of cancer hanging over her shoulder for 12 years, and has survived two more battles with recurring cancer. Michele joins us today on the podcast, even missing 2/3 of her tongue from operations and dealing with the pain of swallowing and speaking as she still deals with the effects of the radiation she received from her chest up to her mouth, to pour encouragement and truth into us. We talk about some Bible passages and how they show us truth about who God is amidst our suffering, how Michele finds more comfort in a God who is mysterious than a God she could fully understand in her suffering, and what it looks like to walk in trust and faith instead of using worry as a means of control. Heal Blogs:  Heal Website:  Michele’s Website Michele’s Instagram Michele’s Books: 1) Undone: A Story of Making Peace with an Unexpected Life 2) I Am: A 60-Day Journey to Knowing Who You Are Because of Who He Is 3) Relentless: The Unshakeable Presence of a God Who Never Leaves 4) PRE ORDER (Releases March 28, 2023): A Faith That Will Not Fail: 10 Practices to Build Up Your Faith When Your World Is Falling Apart Sparkling Gems From the Greek by Rick Renner Dietrich Bonhoeffer Hebrews 11 Luke 22 James 3 Romans 8 Tera’s Website Tera’s Instagram
Today on the show Dr. Alicia Britt Chole shares with us how disillusionment is not the negative idea we've often assumed it to be. Disillusionment means our illusions about God, us, and others are being taken away - and that's a good thing, y'all! But it can be a painful process. Often physical suffering throws us into the cycle of disillusionment, and Dr. Alicia shares about her own recurrences of cancer on the show today. Like her books are some of the most cherished works of wisdom on my bookshelf now, so this episode is one of my favorites of all time. I hope you enjoy her as much as I did! The Night is Normal by Alicia Britt Chole Anonymous by Alicia Britt Chole 40 Days of Decrease by Alicia Britt Chole Dr. ABC’s Mentoring and Leadership Cohort
Tammy Comer lived with severe chronic illness for over a decade. She experienced its affects in her body, her mind, and in her walk with God. Through that journey, she learned what it truly meant to trust God. After such a long journey with illness, a few years ago God dramatically healed Tammy's body. In this episode, Tammy shares how God has met her in radical kindness and generosity through the healing part of her journey. This is the second part of this interview; to listen to the first half of the episode, head to Episode 127 of this podcast. Links from our conversation: Deliverance by John Thompson Hinds’ Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard Another book on the topic of demonology that I recommend: What Demons Can Do to Saints by Merrill Unger
Tammy Comer lived with severe chronic illness for over a decade. She experienced its affects in her body, her mind, and in her walk with God. Through that journey, she learned what it truly meant to trust God. This is the first part of this interview; part two will be published next week, where Tammy shares how she was dramatically healed by God from her illness. Stay tuned! You can check out some of her husband's books that I mentioned in the introduction below: Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer
We have one of our favorite guests back on the show for the second time! Author and speaker Vaneetha Risner recently released a fantastic Bible study about the questions we ask in suffering, loss, and longing. Join us today as I talk to her about why it’s good to ask questions in suffering, what her past and present experiences with profound suffering have taught her, and how the peace God has given her in the storm takes away her fear of the worst happening in the future. Get your notes ready - this is a quotable one that I think you’ll want to process for many days after you listen. Ep. 55 with Vaneetha Risner Desperate for Hope Bible Study Desperate for Hope Podcast Vaneetha’s Memoir, Walking Through Fire The Scars That Have Shaped Me by Vaneetha Risner Through the Fog Bible Study