PK's Place

PK's Place
Author: PK Owen
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© Copyright 2025 PK Owen
It's not fun and games until someone does a podcast for Kids...because...Kids R People 2!
Parents and Kids will love all the fun and clean crazy stuff here. kid 2 kid, Some Assembly Required and so much more!
12 Episodes
Two popular characters from our 2009 VBS - Crocodile Dock!
It was a blast!
Here are two of our favorite "custom" characters from 2009 VBS. Enjoy their entrance to night one
Spoiler: The busted through the doors a few seconds after the vid goes dark.
Hey guys and girls...we are on The Journey. In the Book of Acts 13 & can ready the incredible stories of the 1st Christian missionary(s) Paul. He had supernatural meeting with Jesus on the road to Damascus...and he was a Christ follower til the day he died. The Bible says he was full of the Holy Spirit and all kinds of amazing miracles happened as he shared the story of who Jesus is...the son of God sent to save the whole world (John 3:16).
Having said all that...Professor Knowsalot got kind of mixed up on Sunday where are theme was "THE AMAZING MIST" found in Acts 13...see if you can find where it is mentioned...
HINT: it has something to do with someone's eyes
Write me if you find it...
Priority - First Things First!
This is day 6 of Bible readings with PK and different characters.
Listen to the special reader... write down the special word at the end of the podcast.
Bring all 6 words with you sunday and get a special prize.
**If you are out of the area...have your parent send an e-mail with all six words and we will send you a special gift from Assembly City kids church**
comments about the podcast or prayer requests are always welcomed!
Remember to read God's Word, the Bible, every day!
Priority - First Things First!
This is day 5 of Bible readings with PK and different characters.
Listen to the special reader... write down the special word at the end of the podcast.
Bring all 6 words with you sunday and get a special prize.
**If you are out of the area...have your parent send an e-mail with all six words and we will send you a special gift from Assembly City kids church**
comments about the podcast or prayer requests are always welcomed!
There is one more podcast in this series to listen too!
Priority - First Things First! This is the theme for the next weeks in Assembly City kid's church, Greenville South Carolina
There is six days of Bible readings with PK and different characters.
Listen to the special reader...
Don't forget to write down the special word at the end of the podcast.
Bring all 6 words with you sunday and get a special prize
Hey leave me a message or comment and let me know you are listening.
Don't forget to listen tomorrow...there is a podcast everyday this week
Priority - First Things First!
Read God's Word - the Bible.
Listen to the special reader...
Don't forget to write down the special word at the end of the podcast.
Bring all 6 words with you sunday and get a special prize
Hey leave me a message or comment and let me know you are listening.
Don't forget to listen tomorrow...there is a podcast everyday this week
Priority - First Things First!
It's our new theme in Assembly City kids church. Every letter stands for something. The "P" is for Put God First. The "R" is for Read God's Word - the Bible.
Listen to the special reader...
Don't forget to write down the special word at the end of the podcast.
Bring all 6 words with you sunday and get a special prize
Hey leave me a message or comment and let me know you are listening.
Don't forget to listen tomorrow...there is a podcast everyday this week!
Thanks for those who sent me a special message yesterday!
Your the best!
Priority - First Things First!
It's our new theme in Assembly City kids church. Every letter stands for something. The "P" is for Put God First. The "R" is for Read God's Word - the Bible.
Listen to the special reader...can you guess who it is?
Who was around way before the Dinosaurs/
Don't forget to write down the special word at the end of the podcast.
Hey leave me a message or comment and let me know you are listening.
Don't forget to listen tomorrow...there is a podcast everyday this week!
Welcome back guys and girls, moms and dads. No we did not go anywhere...LOL! We are back and getting ready to do a lot more podcasts that I think you will enjoy! Listen to this one along with your kids.
Remember God loves you and so do we here at Greenville First Assembly of God.
check out for some great messages from our senior pastor. Their podcast page is there...enjoy!
Hey kids you'll love JD my lovable Dummy..."Who you callin a dummy"...JD how did you get on this webpage? Ok, to be politically correct...Ventriloquil figure...or vertically challenged wooden person who is about 7 years old. He is learning about something very important...Jesus said I must Do this! E-mail me and tell me what you think that is....hint - it has something to do with water!
Don't forget to e-mail me...Oh yeah - GET PERMISSION FROM YOUR MOM OR DAD BEFORE YOU DO..."children obey your parents..."
(OH yeah, what do you think PK stands for?)
Your kids will love Sunday mornings at Greenville First's Assembly City
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