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OWN IT The Confidence Podcast

Author: Annica Torneryd

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Annica brings an intriguing package of the mindset of a former kickboxing champion, the experience of extreme burnout, having had three babies in one year, and then diving into single parenthood. She's an avid writer and has self-published several books, is an Amazon Bestseller who has invested the last decade into studying, coaching, and mentoring with some of the most respected profiles in the industry of personal development, and became an award-winning mentor herself. Annica shares lessons learned from starting and building a business in a foreign country, the brutal process of facing a pandemic as an independent, the ups and downs of life - all that and more, delivered in a real, honest, and entertaining way, straight into the Podcast-world to inspire, empower and encourage you to want to become your everything. When we learn how to master our mindset, to be in control of both thoughts and feelings, our actions take us to our dream life. Victimhood is no longer possible. You have just one life. Live it. Own it. This podcast is designed to be consumed in bite-sized messages that reach out and touch your heart and grab you by the hand, giving you the courage to believe you can do it! You will hear concrete examples and real-life stories of how each choice we make can lead us to - or away from - owning our own life. Annica's core values are: AUTHENTICITY INTEGRITY COURAGE DISCIPLINE FAMILY

130 Episodes
It's so easy to show up for people we love and care about. What do you need to do to show up for you? Shoutout to my friend Teo, who inspired me to record an episode after 479 days, well it turned out to be 481 days, of excuses.
My first episode recorded out in nature, after an uphill jogging session surrounded by bugs and fields, for those who can't. #motivation #inspiration #encouragement #nature
Today we celebrate amazing women, brave women, the hard work of women, the brilliant women, the successful women, the winning women, the rich women, the leading women. We celebrate the magic of women, the strength of women and the love, grit and beauty of women. Also, we celebrate all the women who work silently on the sidelines, the women who never get any credit or opportunities to shine, the women who fight alone against all odds, the women who have no money, no job, no free ride and no he...
It's time to celebrate! Not just that the podcast turned 2, but much more importantly there's something for you to celebrate. Also sharing a story about the power of perspective.Very happy to be back on track with the podcast and hope to be exchanging a lot with you! Tell me what's been going on in your life, I want to hear!#celebrate #perspective
How much do you really know? What are your sources? How do you know that your sources know what they're talking about? Sometimes helping someone by educating them or teaching them things can be bad. When we think we know, but are actually in the wrong, we pass on information and "knowledge" that will potentially do harm, or at least not do any good. This episode will make you think again about what you claim to know, and hopefully make you question your sources. Knowledge about for example h...
#125 Perfect Parenting

#125 Perfect Parenting


Is there such a thing as perfect parenting? Are you a great parent? Do you ever feel like you're failing with the mission? Do your children behave in a way that you sometimes wonder who raised them?This episode is for all the parents who do all they can for their little ones. #parenting #dialogue #family
What do you do when there's too much of this, too much of that, too much on your plate, and no rest? What do you do to avoid getting into overwhelm, where you no longer function? What if you have one foot placed in burnout but still keep pushing, and wanting to perform well, be healthy, look sexy, have a beautiful home and be happy... how can you do it differently? Sharing my personal opinion and experience on how to stay away from overwhelm. #overwhelm #burnout #personalleadership
#123 Trick or treat?

#123 Trick or treat?


Trick or treat is a big buzz around Halloween, it's on everyone's lips and it's a feast for the kids. But what about a deeper look into that question? Trick or treat; are you tricking or treating yourself and others? Who gets the best of you? Are they worth the effort? And why do scammers try to trick people? How can they sleep at night? So many questions. I end by sharing a true scammer story. #trickortreat #halloween #scammers
It’s easy to accept the concept that a person will go through their life being right a certain amount of times, and be wrong a certain amount of times; I mean, in every argument, every conflict, in every disagreement, someone is wrong, or at least they have a different perspective. That’s just very logical. But if we then say, that - in order for that to be a fact, it also includes ourselves. WE are wrong, more often than we know, way more often than we want to know… Let me share a real...
Good morning, rise and shine! Do you wake up loaded with energy, bursting to kick the day off and face all angles of life? Do you wake up in pain, totally drained, feeling like you almost didn't have time to even fall asleep before the alarm went off? Or are you somewhere in between? Do you know what your very first thought in the morning is? Is it a good thought? Is it helping you? Making you want to get up and live life? This podcast has the potential to help you set up a new and VERY power...
Maybe a tough and slightly provocative title. But at least it's true. Very often, the truth hurts a little bit, or at least it stings. I had to look myself real good in the mirror and stop lying to myself, as the scale kept showing higher and higher numbers that were supposedly my weight. I ignored it. Didn't think it was possible. Thought the scale is probably exaggerating (yeah, right). And just kept eating, and yes, kept on putting on weight. This episode is an encourager, a tough bu...
Do you know someone who makes noises, says certain words or have habits that TOTALLY get on your nerves? Please say yes!! Or I will just seem like a not so nice person. I have developed an allergy to the sound effects that come when my son drinks water. It literally sounds like someone is stuck in his throat and screaming to get out. It's super stressful to try and eat dinner while someone is screaming like crazy from inside someone else's body, imagine!!! Also, he doesn't EAT food, he drinks...
Why is it that so often when we make a commitment to invest in our health, our personal development or studying, our diet, our health remedies, our engagement in charity work, those close to us will ask questions like: Aren't you doing too much? Why are you so hard on yourself? Attention so you don't shock your system? Aren't you being mean to yourself? Don't exaggerate! I understand it's their concern and they want us to be safe and happy. But why this question when we are clearly and obviou...
Relationships are what make life worth living. It's also a source that can trigger us to feel upset, angry, disappointed, frustrated, betrayed, furious, hurt, disrespected, and so on. Other people's actions, their words, or lack of, can be very hard to handle. I find selfishness, lazy people, and injustice incredibly triggering. I'll have to mention teenagers, especially lazy teenagers. And one specific thing that triggers me to the point my head spins is COPYCATS. Do your own thing for cryin...
You know when something very unpleasant, or on some rare occasions it's a pleasant thing, but most often it's unpleasant, something happens that marks you for life. Those moments feel like something we just want to forget when we're right in the middle of it. But if we take some time and process what actually happened, and why it felt so unpleasant, that moment can give you very powerful information. It can help you get better, it can guide you to make better choices, do more of what's right ...
All of us are tired and drained now, from this darn pandemic. We need our energy levels to be high, more now than ever before. What if you could find a way to stop unnecessary energy leaks from your system, and focus all your energy where you want it and need it most. Check out this episode for inspiration and food for thought about how to take ownership of your energy leaks, and grow confident in your daily thoughts, choices and actions. A shoutout to Kevin McCarthy, author of the book Blind...
#113 My addiction...

#113 My addiction...


Recording this episode made me feel small, insecure and nervous. Why? Because I think it's fair to say that if we have a behavior that we cannot control, but we should control it, it signals a certain weakness. If that is true, I definitely do have a weakness in the area of everything related to sugar, to the point it's to be considered an addiction. An addiction means that we have a repetitive engagement in a behavior, such as drinking, drugs, shopping, gambling, over-eating, other not-so-ni...
How often do you hold yourself back because you're considering the thoughts of others, and in particular the ugly one "who do you think you are"? Have you been bold and brave and taken action on things you really wanted to do, in spite of that nagging feeling that some are thinking about you "who does she/he think she/he is"? If you did; high five to you! Have you experienced it; doing something you believe in and someone commenting the hurtful words "who do you think you are"? Many hav...
I was sweating preparing to record this episode, I felt the pressure of remembering this moment and I feel totally ready to jump into my pajamas now. Do you have a lot of embarrassing stories or moments from your life? I thought I didn't, as I've been "the clown" very often (covering up my low self-esteem). But then I started thinking about it, and now I know of THREE embarrassing moments, like REALLY embarrassing. To the point you almost don't want anyone to know about it, even less share it...