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Red Scare

Author: Red Scare

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Red Scare is a cultural commentary podcast hosted by bohemian layabouts Anna Khachiyan and Dasha Nekrasova.

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298 Episodes
Comments (80)


I think Anna has a good bias, but is somewhat wrong about the children thing. I have a good friend who is apolitical and an elementary teacher. He's made me rethink my ideological opinions on public schools. There are parents who could care less, if not hate, that they are parents. The school is the only touch point these kids have to an outside world that isn't entirely abusive and neglectful. it seems impossible to loving parents, but these terrible homes are common.

Nov 5th

Luke Swenson

Ihr klingt wie Blondienen zum Thema Trans. Auch was genau ist so schlecht mit einem Bottem…das habe ich nicht verstanden…

Sep 20th


So Ana just facilitated Dasha in insulting Quran? uh oh think thats a big mistake why would you risk your LIFE for 1 minute joke/laughter where they have a history of going after insulters.. very bad move imo y? Andrew n young men r accepting islam by thousands in if any of TATE-like alpha boys hear this episode( anything u post on web stays 4ever), do you think they will wait for fatwa? i don't think its worth taking risk imo.

Aug 8th


how many times she said rarded in this episode. 4??

Nov 29th


woa dasha..wut is up with that laughter. take it easy babydoll. Anna put her on leash u enabling B.

Apr 12th

Katy Gilbert

How do I listen to a full teaser episode? Been wondering ever since the Alex Jones teaser πŸ€—

Mar 1st


u guys sound so hot speaking Russian..imagine 1 whole episode fully in russian, it b so cool.

Feb 22nd

Erik Steffenson

Fuck yeah girls!!! You're amazing 🀩😍πŸ’ͺπŸ’―πŸ„πŸŒ²πŸ‘½πŸ˜

Dec 21st

Rod Geiger

Thanks for interviewing Alex. You have an entertaining and interesting show.

Dec 1st

Miranda Murphy

Hate to break it to you but human trafficking is not usually done in an actual shipping container...

Nov 16th

Katy Gilbert

I understand that legally, Kyle Rittenhouse can't carry. And his mom shouldn't have driven him there. But why is no one discussing the deaths of young kids at Astroworld? One boy was 9. What parent brings their 9year old to a rap concert?

Nov 15th
Reply (2)

Abigail Brettxneider

certian companies are making their employees either get vaccinated or keep wearing masks. So that litimus test needs context

Jun 21st


dam dasha 30k hoarding prize money! I can sense anna is wanting a piece of the loot.for a minute or two..greedy dasha being non-Marxist. I command dasha hand over 5k atleast. Anna is a mom now n insecurity comes with it plus she needs to buy diapers for her 1st born n his favorite munchies.

Jun 13th


apparently being stupid is edgy these days. bravo.

May 15th


hold on guys, they are extra dumb on this one

May 11th
Reply (1)

Erik Steffenson

They deleted his YouTube channel!!!! Bastards!!!!!

Apr 28th


Dasha control ur laughter, guest sounds like a gentleman, don't be trolling him. I liked him, he sounded interesting n insightful. I can imagine dash twirling her hair drooling over the uk bloke. Boy this NFT is really getting talked about all over in podcast world. Not a fan of nft cuz rich can launder money thru it & hard to keep track. meme can't be nft cuz spirit behind meme is trolling n banter to not be taken serious & MONEY is serious business.

Mar 25th

Erik Steffenson

My new band name is Chubby Armpits ....πŸ˜πŸ€“πŸ˜‚πŸ‘½

Feb 24th

Parker Wade Kane

this sucks

Feb 14th
Reply (1)

Alvaro A. Fuentes

jesus christ this is fcking painful to listen to. y didn't they bring their friend to the pod. they literally have no idea wtf they are talking about stick to sucking off bernie and talking about how annoying aoc is

Feb 1st
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