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My Morning Devotional
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My Morning Devotional

Author: Stephanie Alessi Muiña, Lauren Alessi, Gabrielle Alessi, Richelle Alessi

Subscribed: 89Played: 6,391


Struggling to find time to get alone with God every morning? You aren't the only one. We're the Alessi family, and this is the My Morning Devotional Podcast.  We've partnered with our friend Alison to produce 5 minute daily devotionals we like to call a Daily Dose of Heaven! Tune in each weekday for a new bible verse, some devotional time, and of course a prayer. Thank you for joining us on this journey - we pray these devotionals empower you for the day ahead.

743 Episodes
Receiving The Spirit

Receiving The Spirit


Have you experienced a moment when you felt you received a gift from the Holy Spirit? How did it impact your faith journey?You're joining us for episode 1030, "Receiving the Spirit." Today we're diving deep into the powerful message of receiving the Holy Spirit, drawing wisdom from Acts 2:38. The importance of repentance, baptism, and maintaining a connection with the Holy Spirit. Tune in as Gaby and her sister, Lauren Alessi, guide you through this spiritual journey and set a positive t...
Can you share a personal story where you saw the strength of God help you through a difficult time?In today's episode, titled "Where Does Your Strength Come From?" we dive into the powerful concept of drawing our strength from Jesus. Together we'll explore Ephesians 6:10 and how to practically apply its teachings to our everyday lives. We'll reflect on personal anecdotes, like the steadfast strength of our dad, to illustrate how putting our faith in God can guide us through any challenge. Plu...
Have you ever experienced a broken heart that led you to draw closer to God?In today's podcast episode, joins us to dive into a very heartfelt and sensitive topic – grief. If you've recently experienced a loss, this episode is for you. We're discussing Psalm 34:18, which beautifully reminds us that "The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit." Whether you're dealing with the loss of a loved one, a job, or even a significant relationship, know that you are not alone....
Draw Near

Draw Near


Do you agree with the idea that we should read God's word to draw near to Him rather than seeking immediate revelation? Why or why not?Today’s episode is a special one titled "Draw Near." Join us, as we dive into the heart of James 4:8, unpacking the profound promise that when we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. With personal insights and practical advice. Let's address listener questions about how to deepen their relationship with God beyond these quick devotionals. Whether you're ...
Consider The Call

Consider The Call


What specific areas in your life do you feel you need to surrender to God for His wisdom and guidance?Join us as we explore the importance of humility and God's unique calling for each of us, regardless of our worldly qualifications. Whether you're seeking a deeper understanding of scripture or just a daily dose of inspiration, this episode is sure to touch your heart and fuel your spirit. So grab your coffee, and let's dive into today's devotional journey!Have thoughts to share about th...
Humility: Recognized

Humility: Recognized


How do you stay patient and trust in God's timing when you feel that your prayers and desires are taking a long time to be fulfilled?Today marks episode 1025, and we're diving into a powerful devotional aptly titled "Humility Recognized." As we wrap up a fulfilling week, we're reminded of the potent message from James 4:10, "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you." Lauren shares insightful reflections on genuine humility, the importance of God's timing, and the beautiful way...
Humility: Rewarded

Humility: Rewarded


Can you think of a time when practicing humility led to positive outcomes in your life? In today's episode, titled "Humility Rewarded," we're delighted to continue our week-long exploration of humility . Together, we'll dive into Proverbs 22:4 that comes from living a humble life before the Lord. We'll uncover how biblical figures like Ruth and David exemplified humility and were richly rewarded for their faithfulness. Plus, we'll share a beautiful reminder that true exaltation come...
Walking Humbly

Walking Humbly


Can you share an experience where acting with humility made a significant difference in your relationships or situations?In today's episode, titled "Walking Humbly," we're diving deep into a beautiful verse from Micah 6:8. It's a powerful reminder of what the Lord truly requires of us: to act justly, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God. In a world that often glorifies pride and self-promotion, choosing humility can be revolutionary. Humility isn't about thinking less of ourselve...
Meek Mindset

Meek Mindset


What are some practical steps you can take to shift your mindset daily to focus on humility?In today's episode, "Meek Mindset," we were blessed to have Lauren Alessi join us to discuss the power of humility and the transformative impact it can have on our lives. Our conversation was anchored around Psalm 131:1, where David beautifully expresses the importance of not letting our hearts be lifted too high and surrendering our burdens to God. As life gets busier, it’s essential to remember this ...
Learning From Him

Learning From Him


Can you share a recent experience where you had to practice humility and how it impacted you or others around you?In this special episode, we're celebrating an incredible milestone: four years of daily devotionals! Join us as we kick off our new series titled "Learning from Him" with a thoughtful discussion on humility, inspired by Philippians 2:3. We'll explore how to walk in humility, emulating Jesus Christ, who humbled Himself even unto death. Let's set the tone for a purposeful ...
Big Steppin

Big Steppin


How can you incorporate the idea of taking "small steps in the spirit" into your daily routine or decision-making moving forward?In this episode, we delved into the importance of keeping in step with the spirit, taking each small step with purpose and intention. Just like a child learning to walk, each step we take in the spirit brings us closer to experiencing the fullness of God's grace and blessings in our lives. As we navigate life's challenges and decisions, may we be encouraged to seek ...
Warning Sign

Warning Sign


Do you believe that living by the spirit is a choice we make daily, despite the influences of culture and society?Join us for a thought-provoking Episode 1018 of My Morning Devotional Podcast and explore Galatians 5:19-21, discussing the works of the flesh and how to live by the Spirit. Perfect for anyone looking to deepen their faith and stay strong in their spiritual journey.We appreciate your support and encourage you to leave a review or comment on the platform where you listen to our pod...
How do you think seeking guidance from the Bible can help you in walking by the spirit?In this episode of My Morning Devotional, we dive into the topic of the battle between the flesh and spirit, especially in the context of motherhood. We encourages everyone to seek guidance from the spirit, whether we are new to our faith journey or have been walking with Christ for years. By immersing ourselves in the Word and learning to differentiate between the flesh and the spirit, we can find the stre...
Leaven It Up

Leaven It Up


Have you ever experienced a situation where a small decision or thought led to a bigger impact than you initially realized?In this episode we explore how "a little leaven leavens the whole lump" and the importance of being mindful of our influences. Let's discuss the importance of being mindful of the influences and teachings we allow into our lives, emphasizing how small decisions and thoughts can have a significant impact. Join us as we explore the ripple effect of our choices and the ...
The Belonging

The Belonging


Why do you think belonging to Christ is emphasized as a key factor in manifesting qualities like love, joy, and self-control in our lives?In today's episode, we explore the theme of belonging and the importance of being rooted in Christ to experience the fruits of the spirit. Join us as we delve into the message offering prayers, reflections, and encouragement for navigating life's challenges with faith and grace. Stay tuned for a heartfelt discussion on drawing closer to God to cultivat...
Be Strong

Be Strong


How important is it to have a supportive community or people around us when we are in a waiting season?Happy Friday, everyone! This week has been all about casting our worries on the Lord and finding strength in His presence. Join us as we wrap up with an encouraging message on waiting with courage and trusting God's perfect timing. Let's end the week strong together! Have thoughts to share about this devotional? Tap HERE to send us a text! NEW TO MY MORNING DEVOTIONAL? We're s...
I Won't Be Moved

I Won't Be Moved


Are you feeling burdened or overwhelmed by the challenges of life?In today's episode we discuss the powerful message from Psalm 55:22, "Cast your burden on the Lord and he will sustain you. He will never permit the righteous to be moved", filled with insights on the importance of trusting God with our burdens and the reassurance that He will sustain us, enabling us to face life's challenges with confidence and resilience.Tune in to be uplifted and inspired for the day ahead as we delve into t...
Present Help

Present Help


Can the presence of God provide comfort to you when you are going through heartbreak, loss, or other difficult situations?In today's episode of My Morning Devotional, we explored the comforting truth that God is a refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble Psalm 46:1. We were reminded that in the midst of our challenges, big or small, we can find solace in the unwavering presence of God. As we continue through our week, let's reflect on the message of finding present help in God. May...
Just Do It

Just Do It


How does the idea of finding strength in faith resonate with your own beliefs or experiences?An inspiring Episode titled "Just Do It." Based on Philippians 4:13, reminds us that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. Despite the challenges we face, whether in school, work, or personal life, we have the inner strength to persevere, not through our own efforts, but through the strength provided by God.. As we move through the week, may your spirit be uplifted, and may you fi...
In what ways do you find it challenging to not worry about things and instead, pray about everything?In this episode we dive into the comforting words found in Philippians 4:6-7, which remind us not to worry about anything, but to pray about everything. Tell God what we need, and thank Him for all He has done. Through prayer and gratitude, we can experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand, and find comfort in the knowledge that His peace will guard our hearts and minds.I...
Comments (8)

xx oo

your phrase in this podcast "surrender to God" your bondage your sin is so true. We can't do it alone we need Jesus to overcome "our sin" thanks for today's help to see this

Sep 21st

xx oo

listened to Silencio Bruno message two days in a row! it was like Jesus was answering me thru your message thank you

Sep 12th

xx oo

this was a deep thoughtful message. you broke it down so well that I learned more today. thank you keep up your good work

Feb 20th

xx oo

what I enjoyed about this specific strong message was that you presented it in a softer voice.To me it had greater emphasis that way.

Sep 20th

xx oo

Allison, you are really maturing in your devotional messages. I'm approximately 15 months behind and I don't care. May I never catch up ;) Keep up your great work.

Apr 13th

xx oo

this episode flowed so well from your heart. sounded like it came deep from your heart and soul. your first 98 episodes were good 😊 but this one was special.

Jan 6th

xx oo

Allison, you are an influencer for God the father, son and holy spirit. keep up your great work

Oct 6th

xx oo

your prayer on today's podcast was excellent so heartfelt thank you

Sep 24th