Claim Ownership


Author: Rod Taylor

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A weekly podcast hosted by Rod Taylor, National Leader of CHP Canada (Christian Heritage Party of Canada). Rod and his guests discuss current events with a biblical perspective on Canada's hottest political issues.
217 Episodes
My guest this week is Kris Sims, Alberta Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. We discuss the disgusting waste of tax dollars by Parks Canada, which is conducting a $12,000,000 ($12 million!) war against European Fallow deer on Sidney Island in BC. Did you know we’re paying foreign sharpshooters shooting from helicopters to try to eradicate this invasive species? Sidney Island is 3.3 square miles. Kris and I suggest alternative strategies which would not require huge taxpayer subsidi...
My guest this week is Lex Acker, a financial analyst and data researcher who has been on the show several times . . . always with important and often overlooked perspectives on the way institutions are hiding or twisting information of interest to the public. Today, he reveals how the BC Centre for Disease Control (BC CDCs) changed the standards by which they measured and reported Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFIs). Read more of Lex’s research articles on his substack, T...
My guest this week is Margaret Mackay, well known across social media as Granny-Margaret Mackay. Margaret is a lover of Truth and Freedom and has done much over the past two years to raise awareness of the plight of the four men arrested and imprisoned on dubious charges of conspiracy during the 2022 protest at the Coutts border crossing in Alberta. Two of the four men have been released, but the other two—Tony Olienick and Chris Carbert are still in remand custody where they have been held f...
My guest this week is Vincent Gircys, a 32-year veteran of the Ontario Provincial Police who was unjustly treated by misguided police operations during the Covid fiasco. He describes his entry into the OPP in 1982 and the violations of the Charter and the Canadian Bill of Rights by government agencies and police forces that he observed during the lockdowns and the period of mask and vaccine mandates . . . and particularly during the Freedom Convoy and the unprecedented and unjustified u...
My guest this week is Major (Ret.) Russ Cooper, a CAF fighter-pilot veteran of the Iraq/Kuwait War and a retired commercial pilot. Russ is the Founder and President of Canadian Citizens for Charter Rights and freedoms (C3RF) who joins us to talk about Putin’s peace proposal and to raise questions about why Canada continues to pour money into a war that has cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians and has no foreseeable victory for Ukraine.Learn more about Major Cooper and his wor...
This week—as I’m heading off to Ottawa for the AGM of Elections Canada’s ACPP (Advisory Committee of Political Parties)—I discuss the role of the ACPP and some of the challenges of holding free and fair elections when the rules are established by incumbent MPs and Parties who directly benefit from the unfair allocation of resources and biased reporting by taxpayer-funded media. Learn more about CHP Canada at:
My guest this week is Larry Worthen, Executive Director of CMDA (Christian Medical and Dental Association of Canada). We discuss the CMDA’s recent National Conference and its theme, “In God’s Image.” And we discuss the ongoing challenge of establishing conscience protection for doctors and other medical professionals in provinces across the country. At this time, only Manitoba has legislation protecting doctors from being forced to perform operations to which they have deep conscientious obje...
My guests this week are Todd Harris and David Stephan. Todd Harris is a filmmaker, producer of Uninformed Consent and his most recent work, The People vs. David and Collet Stephan. David Stephan and his wife, Collet, are the subject of this important documentary about government overreach, medical tyranny and the abuse of citizens by the pharmaceutical industry and the public health system. We discuss the upcoming tour of the movie and how people can see it. To learn more about this move...
My guest this week is Lloyd Manchester, a resident of West Kelowna and founder of the Kelowna Citizens Safety Association. Lloyd has been active in many of the citizen initiatives regarding personal freedom, informed consent and protecting children and the environment from unwanted toxic substances. Our discussion in this episode centers on the plans of the B.C. Provincial Government to implement aerial spraying of FORAY 48B over populated areas with little consultation and no consent from th...
My guest this week is a long-time friend, Denise Mountenay. She talks about her deliverance from the pain and shame of her three abortions and her two best-selling books, Forgiven of Murder—A True Story and The Bride, The Serpent and The Seed. We discuss her work at the UN, where she works with many small countries that are standing up for life against the powerful Western globalist nations. She brings some detailed stats on the abortion-breast cancer link and other harms to women from t...
My guest this week is Abby Johnson, author of Unplanned, the story of her leaving her position as director of a Texas Planned Parenthood clinic to become a pro-life advocate. Abby was a keynote speaker at the recent National March for Life in Ottawa, where she and Shawn Carney, Founder and CEO of 40 Days for Life, spoke about how the Lord is helping hundreds of women to leave their jobs in the abortion industry through the organization Abby founded in 2012, And Then There Were None. In this i...
This week I give a few thoughts from Ground Zero—Ottawa during the week of May 6-10, 2024. Elaine and I have driven across the country from Northern BC to attend the National Prayer Breakfast and the National March for Life. We’ve also had the pleasure and privilege of meeting with CHP EDAs along the way. We met with members and others in Lethbridge and Calgary (AB), Broadview (SK), Winnipeg (MB), Sarnia, Listowel, Oro-Medonte/Orillia, Niagara West, Norwich, Ingersoll (ON) and will be touchin...
My guest this week is Nellie Slingerland of Coaldale Alberta. Nellie and her fellow-volunteers make quilts and blankets for those in need. We discuss their untiring efforts to help those suffering from the cold. In the past 17 years, the Coaldale branch of Blankets for Canada ( has produced over 3000 quilts, using only volunteer labour and donated yarn. Their blankets have gone to the homeless, to immigrants, to disaster victims, to native reserves and to various shelters t...
My guest this week is Regina Watteel, author of Fisman’s Fraud: The Rise of Canadian Hate Science. Regina Watteel holds a Phd. in Statistics from the University of Western Ontario and has a strong background in the sciences. She has served as a consultant to medical practitioners, social scientists and various levels of government. She also served as the principal statistician for an Ottawa-based economics consulting firm that specialized in econometrics, program evaluation, business-case dev...
My guest this week is Tom Harris, who’s become a good friend since we met at the Canada Strong and Free Networking Conference in Ottawa in 2022. Today’s conversation was recorded last week at CSFN 2024 where both Tom and I were sharing with others the importance of not using the language of misguided climate activist who are waging a war against carbon dioxide, a natural and essential component of earth’s atmosphere.Follow Tom’s important work and extensive research at the International Clima...
My guest this week is Maggie Hope Braun, an articulate advocate for local decision-making, protection of private property rights and individual freedom. We discuss the imposition of land-use and other policies by organizations like the UN, the WEF and ICLEI (International Council on Local and Environmental Issues) . . . and Maggie’s successful efforts to educate municipal councils and to encourage them to re-assert local governance. She encourages other Canadians to become active and involved...
My guest this week is Jakki Jeffs, Executive Director of Alliance for Life Ontario. We discuss the dark and hidden elements of the Trudeau government’s latest and most aggressive attempt to censor public opinion that does not support their socialist and anti-family agenda. Learn more about Jakki and Alliance for Life Ontario at: For more details about Bill C-63 . . . Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms: Canadian...
My guest this week is Angelina Ireland, Executive Director of the Delta Hospice Society. We begin with a short interview followed by a recording of her presentation on the status of palliative care in BC and Canada following government promotion of doctor-assisted suicide and euthanasia. She tells us what actions we can take to protect ourselves and our loved ones from increasingly hostile and aggressive governments Learn more about the Delta Hospice Society and their Do Not Euthanize (D...
My guest this week is Carson Binda, BC Director for the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. We discuss BC’s soaring debt-and-deficit problem and also touch on the exorbitant raise federal MPs are giving themselves while ordinary Canadians are struggling to make ends meet. On the same day as they get their raise (April 1), the useless and damaging Carbon Tax will also go up…and no, it’s not covered by the ridiculous rebates. Learn more about the Canadian Taxpayers Federation at: https://www.ta...
My guest this week is Andrew DeBartolo, Director of Operations at Liberty Coalition Canada. Andrew shares with us the mission and vision of LCC and tells us about an exciting 1-day conference they are planning to be held on three different dates in three different cities; the conference is called Politics in the Pulpit and will help attendees develop a better understanding of the role of the church in setting political and societal objectives for the nation and will also help folks with the p...
Comments (1)

James Woodwillow

Great stuff gents!

Jan 25th