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Move to Live®More

Author: Dr. Amy Bantham

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A podcast series featuring thought leaders in healthcare, health and fitness, and communities. We address solutions for chronic disease, obesity and physical inactivity through cross-sector collaboration and innovation.
113 Episodes
An interview with Liz Clark, President and CEO of the Health & Fitness Association. And it's something that again, all these lawmakers understand while they're whether they've maybe gone through something personally, or their kids have gone through something personally, or somebody they know and love. In some way, shape or form. I mean, all of us know people that are having mental health challenges. So I just think we have a tremendous opportunity as the as the Foundation Board to b...
An interview with Dr. Adel Korkor, Founder and CEO of the AB Korkor Foundation for Mental Health.It's because we are really accustomed to caring for disease, the diabetes, the hypertension, obesity, and all of these. And our healthcare system is really more centric around finding a new treatment for obesity, finding a new drug for diabetes, finding a new drug for hypertension, and not realizing why can’t we get to the root of a problem. Why can't we get back and say okay, you know what,...
An interview with Jason Sacks, President at Positive Coaching Alliance.And so I think we need to get organizations to understand and then more specifically, to be able to hold their coaches accountable of what is this culture that you want to create that's going to provide the best possible environment for kids. And in order for kids to feel connected, they need to feel safe, they need to feel seen, heard and valued when they come to that, that practice, that game, whatever it might be.Jason ...
An interview with Adam Zeitsiff, Chair of the National Health & Fitness Alliance. This is a great chance for our industry folks and gyms to go out there and build partnerships and get a continual referral stream that has nothing to do with health insurance, co-pays and CPT codes. Just, hey, my doctor just prescribed this to me. He said I should really be lifting weights three or four days a week. How can you help? There’s another customer.Adam ZeitsiffAdvocating for the h...
An interview with Malorie Polster, Physical Activity Advisor, and Katie Costello, ORISE Health Communications Fellow, at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.We've generally found that the main messages of Move Your Way, really promoting the social components of being active. People really do want to get active with their friends, with their family, they don't like to do it alone. And helping people find ways to be active that are ...
An interview with Emma Zwiebler, Interim CEO at the World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry. But one of the key things for our work, particularly around physical activity, is the partnerships that we have. We very much believe that particularly in the case of physical inactivity levels globally, which I'm sure we'll come on to, it's not something that can be resolved by the industry alone. It can't be resolved by governments alone or by policymakers or NGOs. We have to find a wa...
An interview with Dr. Kenneth Cooper, Founder of The Cooper Institute and Founder and Chairman at the Cooper Aerobics Center.I've had hundreds of letters from people telling me I wish I'd known 20 years ago how much better I could feel. But once I got in shape and followed your recommendations, I felt the best I've ever felt in my life. Do you want to enjoy that type of life you're now maximizing your feelings and feeling good, you're not depressed, you're enthusiastic.Dr. Kenneth CooperGetti...
An interview with Dr. Tyler Spencer, Founder and Executive Director at Grassroots Health.Yes, physical activity is an absolute core component of every single element of the curriculum. And you're exactly right, physical activity for many students is a hook to be, to want to be involved, to have fun, to engage with the curriculum. Physical activity, I think probably for the audience of this podcast, is also a method for helping students retain the information. It's also helpful for keeping stu...
An interview with Dr. Karlie Intlekofer, Co-Founder at Treo Wellness and Global Wellness Researcher at Matrix FitnessAnd I should mention for anyone who's interested in longevity, it's like people talk about the fountain of youth. And it's like movement is so central to that you really can't live your best life in terms of well-being or brain function or any of the above in a body that is sedentary.Dr. Karlie IntlekoferInspiration for studying neuroscience and behaviorStudies linking ex...
An interview with Tom Farrey, Founder and Executive Director of the Sports & Society Program at The Aspen Institute.And that led to me wanting to solve the problems that were identified in the book. Specifically, how can we be the world's sports superpower while still only, we know, one out of every four or five kids are actually physically active enough. I mean, what was the disconnect with our system? So I had all of this knowledge, all of these insights around policies and sports...
An interview with Debbie Bellenger, Founder/CEO of DB Fitness and Wellness Solutions LLC.I think employees’ voice equals employee choice. And because employees are looking for some of the things that improve mental health, meditation, breathing, yoga, Pilates, walking in nature, forest bathing, hiking, cold plunge. These are all gaining a great deal of interest and momentum. A lot more interest in outdoor activity, hiking, biking, walking, very exciting times. So it I think we're going to see...
An interview with Ashley Hunter, Founder and Executive Director at the Fit Kids Foundation.But all kids, all people need to move and have that physical literacy for their lives. And when you help young kids, young people, learn those movements, learn to love being active, learn that it feels really good on your body and your mind when you move your body. They grow into adults who feel the same way and continue those behaviors. It's sort of like learning a language.Ashley HunterFit Kids Founda...
An interview with Dr. Jonathan Bonnet, an Obesity and Lifestyle Medicine Physician at the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs Another really important point with any of the anti-obesity drugs that we're talking about nowadays, within the package insert, it tells you it should only be prescribed along with diet and exercise or increased physical activity and reduced caloric consumption. So it makes it explicit that it's actually inappropriate to give them without those things.Dr. Jo...
An interview with Kathleen Tullie, CEO & Founder at Active Kids Active Minds.If you are a concerned mom, it is just in your DNA, you will fight to the end to make sure that your child gets what they need. And nobody understands that until they're a mom. And so I think people just started to see that their kids, their kids that had social issues or academic issues or couldn't sleep, that all of a sudden, little Johnny or Jennifer could go run around on the playground, and they were calmer ...
An interview with Dr. Renee Rogers, Senior Scientist, University of Kansas Medical Center.So I think a big, really important first step is to talk to the patient on the medication currently that you're working with to say, I want to know when something changes. If your dose changes, if you start to experience more side effects, I can't directly change any of that that you're going through, but I want you to be able to communicate those things with me because I have the ability to change your ...
An interview with Brendan Sullivan, CEO & Founder at ZAMA HealthSo much of your ability to perform at a high level, whether you're in the fitness community or whether you're an athlete, really comes down to your ability to overcome mental challenges. And some of these are clinical in nature, they can be things from depression or anxiety, but a lot of them are more of like these life stressor events that, if not addressed, do become clinical issues, but still play a role in impacting kind ...
An interview with Clare McSweeney, CEO & Founder at Kuul PlayAnd when we talk about physical literacy development, really, there's no endpoint or no destination, there's no top score in it, which is quite different to most things in education. So your physical literacy journey is continued throughout life, it's over the life course and you can continually improve.Clare McSweeneyKuul Play origin storyAddressing decreasing PE minutesKuul Play platformInclusive, child-centered approachEducat...
An interview with Dr. Katrina Piercy, Director of Prevention Science, U.S. Department of Health and Human Servicesm, and Rachel Fisher, Senior Advisor, President's Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition.“And so we see that as a big role to take kind of the science and take that translational piece so that Americans have that information, to be able to hopefully make a healthy life for themselves.Dr. Katrina PiercyThey really help give us advice at the federal government about how to reach...
An interview with John Engh, Executive Director of the National Alliance for Youth Sports.So that's kind of our job is to educate them. Let the parents understand who they're dealing with. Let the coach understand what the parents’ expectations are so that when you do start to coach you can actually do the coaching and have a, have a great experience. And of course make it the best that it possibly can for the kids. So I think that's what's so appealing about what we do.John EnghNational Alli...
An interview with Dr. Peter Katzmarzyk, Professor at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center at Louisiana State University.In terms of the actual infrastructure for physical activity, we do fairly well when we're stacked up against other countries. However, where we kind of fall down is on the actual behaviors themselves. So when we actually measure physical activity in the children or sedentary behavior, active transportation, it becomes apparent that we're not taking advantage of that phy...