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Resilient Faith

Author: Brentwood Presbyterian Church

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Welcome to Resilient Faith, a podcast to support your journey to live a fully present life, and a deeper understanding of the resilient power within you. Opportunities to find deeper resilience within ourselves can come when life seems most challenging. This podcast is to help you develop that resilience and connection with God. Being Resilient and having power starts with Faith. Resilient Faith is sponsored by Brentwood Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles, CA. Our Podcast is Produced by Janice McQueen Ward and Cameron Ward; Music composed by Cameron Ward; Host - Lora East, Associate Pastor Special Thanks - Nancy Reeves, Music Director, and Dave Carpenter, Pastor. You can follow Resilient Faith on Facebook @bpcteam and on Instagram @bpc_usa Please consider supporting our ministry by giving here -

108 Episodes
As we tread the solemn path of Holy Week, we invite you to walk with us through the poignant contrasts of Palm Sunday and the ensuing days that shaped the very foundation of faith. In the latest episode of Resilient Faith, we'll unravel the complexities of trust, particularly during Lent, and the challenge of keeping faith amid life's inevitable uncertainties. Prepare to experience a journey through the key moments of Holy Week, as we take you from the jubilation of Jesus' entry into Jerusale...
Imagine the profound impact trust can have on our lives, the resilience it builds, and the depth it adds to our spirituality. That's exactly what we explore in this episode of Resilient Faith, where we delve into the beauty of the natural world and its cycles that offer us comfort and a sense of certainty. This episode will guide you through the simple yet profound act of breathing, the restorative power of sleep, and the importance of starting each day with a heart full of gratitude and hope...
“Not everything is going to be okay.And our assignment is to carry this truth without yielding to despair, and while tending to the flames of radical hope — the kind that demands our grittiest love and biggest imagination.“How do we hold onto hope when we're faced with the stark truth that not everything in life will turn out okay? Journey with Lora East, as we grapple with this haunting reality and the transformative power of radical hope. In this episode, inspired by the wisdom of Simone So...
When the ground beneath you crumbles and your world is riddled with loss, where do you find the strength to navigate the uncharted waters of grief? Nancy Reeves, from Brentwood Presbyterian Church, bravely opens up about her personal story of heartache and the resilience of her spirit. She shares a poignant reflection that tested her faith and how music that helped pave the path to healing.In an episode that is as touching as it is insightful, Nancy discusses how the unexpected passing ...
When the weight of the world seems unbearable, where do you turn for strength? Carol Maddon found her answer in an unlikely form—a tattoo, a symbol of her profound personal transformation and renewed faith. Embracing vulnerability, Carol recounts the tumultuous days of the mid-1980s that led her to the brink of despair. Through her gripping narrative, she shares with us the moment an unexpected figure, Scott, stepped into her life. His persistent faith despite his own battles with addiction s...
As we usher in the reflective season of Lent, Pastor Lora East invites you to join her on a journey of spiritual discovery and transformation. Embarking from the solemnity of Ash Wednesday, we'll traverse together through moments of self-examination and repentance, seeking the profound lessons of Psalm 51. The ashes we receive are not just reminders of our mortality, but signals of the rebirth to come through Christ. This episode is an invitation to explore the depths of our faith, as w...
As the dawn of 2024 breaks upon us, we extend the warmest wishes for a year filled with health, safety, and spiritual depth. This episode is a tender farewell to the old year, and a hopeful embrace of the new, weaving together the timeless story of Epiphany and the journey of the Magi with our modern-day quests for divine guidance. We explore the rich tradition found in the Gospel of Matthew and consider how, like the Magi, we too are called to follow the star in our own lives, seeking out th...
Where do you see the spark of the divine amidst the hum of daily life? Join me, Reverend Laura East, as I guide you through a Christmas reflection that might just reignite your awareness of God's constant presence. In this special holiday installment of Resilient Faith, brought to you with warmth from the Brentwood Presbyterian Church community, we unwrap the joy and hope that faith assures us, even when life whirls in disarray. Embrace the season with a heartwarming poem from Reverend Sarah ...
As the candles of the Advent wreath flicker with hope and love, we find ourselves at the junction of anticipation and celebration; the sacred time when the fourth Sunday of Advent meets the joyous eve of Christ's birth. It's a moment ripe with divine wonder, and on today's episode of Resilient Faith, we invite you into a space of contemplation and jubilation, reflecting on the profound themes of the season. Let your heart be warmed by the special blessing from theologian Kate Bowler, as it ec...
Imagine if we took a sweeping journey across time, tracing the complex dance between individualism and collectivism, dissecting its influence on society, religion, and pop culture. What would we discover about our own identities, our communities, and our shared humanity? That's exactly what we set out to do in this enlightening episode of Resilient Faith, drawing on the wisdom of Archbishop Desmond Tutu's interpretation of Ubuntu and the provocative lyrics of Taylor Swift. Join us as we ...
Ever found yourself paralyzed by fear, yet deep down, there's a spark of fearlessness that you long to harness? Well, we're about to dive into a soundtrack of resilience inspired by none other than pop icon Taylor Swift's song, "Fearless." Our journey navigates through the highs and lows of life, where we uncover how fear can often commandeer our emotions, actions, and ultimately, our lives. Yet, we also reveal the power of embracing that fearless, innocent part of ourselves.But what's fearle...
What if we reframed being 'weird' as a symbol of divine distinction? Get ready to challenge societal norms and embrace your unique imprint of God's image as we delve into a faith-based exploration of diversity and individuality. Drawing inspiration from Taylor Swift's powerful lyrics and her mesmerizing performance at the Eras tour, we revel in the beauty of God's creation, celebrating how our differences enrich the world with a mosaic of God's glory. As we embark on the new year, we invite y...
Ever considered how a pop star's lyrics could intersect with the timeless tales of the Bible? Have you wondered how these narratives can tackle the pressing issues of mental health? Join us as we weave together the story of Jonah and the music of Taylor Swift to unravel the beautiful message of resilience in faith. We discuss how this biblical account echoes in modern struggles and mental health battles, offering hope and understanding to those grappling with these invisible challenges.In a c...
What if embracing your unique 'weirdness' is the key to experiencing God's glory? Take a leap of faith with us as we draw inspiration from the strength and endearing awkwardness of pop icon, Taylor Swift, to explore a faith journey that's anything but ordinary. We speak straight from our hearts about embracing God's glorious diversity, the beauty of being fearfully and wonderfully made, and the calling to be a beacon of God's light in the world. Together, we ponder on the empowering question-...
Wondering how Taylor Swift's music can intersect with the Gospel? Join our Pastors Lora East and Dave Carpenter, along with our music director, Nancy Reeves, unpack the surprising and insightful journey of our recent unconventional sermon series - the Gospel According to Taylor Swift. We'll shed light on why this series was chosen, the divine timing around it, and how it sparked deep, meaningful conversations within our worship community. In this faith-filled exploration, we'll also discuss t...
How does collective grief impact our faith and resilience? In our recent heart-stirring episode of Resilient Faith, Pastor Laura East candidly explores this profound question. She paints a vivid picture of the shared pain and loss we all experience, emphasizing our interconnectedness during times of turmoil. Our conversation journeys into the inspiring pages of the book 'Lives we Actually have 100 Blessings for Imperfect Days' and shares a powerful blessing designed to comfort us during inter...
Have you ever experienced the tranquil peace of a forest at night? Captivated by the melody of rustling leaves, the hooting of owls, and distant wildlife activities, we journey through a serene forest landscape, opening up an auditory treasure trove of nocturnal peace. As city dwellers, we may not all have access to a forest, but we show you how to create your own oasis of tranquility, whether that's in your backyard, on your patio, or just next to an open window. Welcome to Resilient Fa...
Ready to embark on a journey of resilience and faith? What if I told you that in the ebb and flow of life and its trials, there's an unwavering presence that accompanies us? I'm Pastor Lora East and in this touching episode of Resilient Faith, I share an insightful undertaking of my summer experiences, teeming with travels, connections, and introspective moments, all under the compassionate aura of God. A soul-stirring poem 'For Summer's Ending' from the book 'Ash and Starlight' forms the bac...
Thank you for tuning in to Brentwood Presbyterian Church’s ‘Resilient FaithPodcast’, where each week a meditation, a prayer, or quotes and discussion takeplace to ponder and consider….. I hope you can gleam something, even a littlesomething from today’s listening… a prayer….. about us, our bodies, thosemiraculous things that hold our lives together with each breath we make, and witheach breath we make.Dear God-Thank you for each breath we take that gives us sustenance.Thank you for each breat...
By the seventh day, God had finished his work. On the seventh day he rested from all his work”.These ancient words are reflected in the fourth commandment; Exodus 20:8-10, “Observe the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Work six days and do everything you need to do. But the seventh day is a Sabbath to God, your God . . .” · Bring yourself into God’s presence. Give thanks for God’s great love for you. · Pray for the grace to see and und...