Bits of Me

46 Episodes
In this bonus episode, I talk to Ruth Brennan, whose periods started to change when she was 36 years old, and who eventually went on to be diagnosed with POI (premature ovarian insufficiency). We talk about her journey to a diagnosis, what it was like to realise that she was infertile, navigating treatments and bone health issues, and the psychological and identity aspects of POI.
Since this episode was recovered, I've spoken to Ruth again and written an article about her experience, including the results of her latest DEXA scan, which she was still waiting for when we recorded this podcast. You can read the article here.
There are currently no new episodes of Bits of Me in the pipeline, but there's a back catalogue of 44 episodes about everything from pregnancy loss and pelvic organ prolapse to cervical cancer, the mesh implant and period poverty. If you enjoy the podcast, please rate it on iTunes, share an episode with a friend and subscribe on your choice of podcast platform to help others discover it too.
Music: Ice and Snow by Icreage, licensed by Soundstripe.
#POI #prematureovarianinsufficiency #prematureovarianfailure #prematuremenopause #menopause #earlymenopause #HRT #womanhood #motherhood #periods #osteopenia #osteoporosis #bonehealth #perimenopause #midlife #infertility #queercommunity
Jenny Cooper has experienced more loss and grief than most, and in this episode of Bits of Me she shares her story of having four consecutive miscarriages, followed by a full-term pregnancy that ended in the birth of her daughter, Georgia Penelope, who died in the womb at 38 weeks' gestation. It's about love and fear, about anxiety and loss, and about learning to say goodbye way too soon.
Jenny generously shares everything from the hopes and fears throughout the pregnancy with Georgia, to the day she noticed that the movements had stopped, the birth and the days at the hospital following the birth, the time spent at home with Georgia and the funeral, which took place under pandemic restrictions.
People say that you should always try to remain reasonably neutral as an interviewer, that you shouldn't allow yourself to get too emotional. My interview style tends to give a lot of space – but I don't switch my feelings off. So perhaps, in this episode, that means I've failed – but so be it. This episode is also the first to go over 1h in length, despite my commitment to keeping all episodes under an hour. It's just what this episode needed – I didn't feel it would be fair to edit more.
If you've experienced something similar to Jenny, you might want to follow her on Instagram as she regularly talks about her experience and about Georgia. Bits of Me is on Instagram here and on Twitter here.
This is the last episode of season two of Bits of Me.
Music: Ice and Snow by Icreage, licensed by Soundstripe.
#bitsofmepod #bitsofme #stillbirth #babyloss #pregnancyloss #miscarriage #babylossawareness #bereavedmother #mybabydied #childloss #grief #bereavement #motherhood #childbirth #rainbowbaby #infantloss #womenshealth #womensstories #womensvoices #stillborn #bereavedparents #grieftalk #oneinfour #oneinthirty
In this episode, I talk to Margaret O'Connor, a counsellor and psychotherapist who is childfree by choice. A few years ago, she decided to set up a dedicated service called Are Kids For Me, specifically for those trying to make the decision whether or not to become parents.
We talk about the factors that influence the decision, the reasons why it's not always a straight-forward one, and the societal norms and lack of representation that sometimes make being childfree by choice that bit more difficult.
You'll find information about Margaret O'Connor's work, services and podcast on her website, as well as on Instagram and on Facebook. Bits of Me is on Instagram here and on Twitter here. Any sharing, tagging, rating and reviewing is much appreciated.
Music: Ice and Snow by Icreage, licensed by Soundstripe.
#bitsofmepod #bitsofme #womenshealth #motherhood #parenthood #pregnancy #childbirth #childfree #childless #childfreebychoice #childlessness #childfreeness #childfreedom #arekidsforme #fertility #parentingchoices #lifechoices #therapy #counselling #societalnorms #socialnorms #gendernorms #becomingaparent
Is breast always best? Can mastitis always be treated with cold cabbage leaves? And if we talk about the uptake of breastfeeding being too low, what does that even mean?
In this episode of Bits of Me, I talk to podcaster and mother of one (very soon two) Laetitia Gordon-Furse, who went through hell pumping relentlessly for weeks when her first son ended up spending five weeks in NICU. She explains what it's like to spend days on end in 'the dairy' with industrial-style pumps, how the narratives surrounding breastfeeding impacted on her mentally, how long it took for her to make sense of it all and the post-natal depression that followed, and how she learnt to read her son's cues and bond with him while bottle feeding at home.
We also talk about the politics of it all: the lie that breastfeeding is free, the lacking supports post-natally and in society in general, and the damage the shaming of mothers does. You'll find the Nutshell article we talk about here, and the Emily Oster book Laetitia mentions is this one.
Also check out Laetitia's own podcast, New Leaf, which aims to support new mothers when they're going back to work, and check out the hashtag #mymotherhoodmychoice. You can also follow Laetitia and her podcast on Instagram.
Bits of Me is on Instagram here and on Twitter here. Any sharing, tagging, rating and reviewing is much appreciated.
Music: Ice and Snow by Icreage, licensed by Soundstripe.
#bitsofmepod #breastfeeding #pumping #lactating #lactation #feeding #motherhood #babyfeeding #bottlefeeding #thedairy #mastitis #shame #NICU #nursing #womenshealth #womensbodies #womensstories #PND #postnataldepression #postnatalanxiety #pregnancy #birth #childbirth #Csection #Csectionrecovery #antenatalcare #postnatalcare #SIDS #feedingmyths #breastfeedingmyths
In this episode, I talk to Anita Elawure, who was diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) at just 19, meaning that she entered premature menopause. We talk about what it was like to be told that she would be infertile and had to go on HRT at such a young age, what it means to enter menopause prematurely, her encounters with healthcare professionals and all the research she has done, and the emotional and psychological journey of it all.
You can follow her at @blossomlivingwithPOI on Instagram as well as on YouTube, where she shares her experience and tips, and talks to other women with knowledge and experience of POI. Bits of Me is on Instagram and Twitter, and there's a Patreon page for those of you who may want to support the making of this podcast.
If you're listening for free, please take a moment to rate the podcast and giving it five stars on Apple Podcasts, and maybe even leave a short review or share an episode on your socials. It helps others discover the podcast and might make another woman feel less lonely in her experience.
Music: Ice and Snow by Icreage, licensed by Soundstripe.
#POI #prematureovarianinsufficiency #prematureovarianfailure #prematuremenopause #menopause #earlymenopause #HRT #hotflushes #brainfog #ovulation #periods #osteopenia #osteoporosis #bonehealth #hearthealth #midlife #infertility #adoption
Jen Hall is the social media and website coordinator at The MASIC Foundation, which supports women who have suffered serious injuries during childbirth. Jen suffered a third-degree tear after a forceps delivery in 2013, and shares her story of the birth, the consequences, and her work with MASIC. We talk about the Ockenden report, the culture that contributes to severe birth injuries, the narratives surrounding C-sections and vaginal births, and the implications for informed choice and consent.
You can follow MASIC on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, and as usual, Bits of Me is on Instagram and Twitter as well. If you know anyone who's recently had a birth injury, send them a link to this episode and point them in the direction of MASIC. If you haven't already, it'd also be much appreciated if you'd give the podcast a quick five-star rating on iTunes, and maybe even a short review, as it helps others discover it.
Music: Ice and Snow by Icreage, licensed by Soundstripe.
#bitsofmepod #birthinjuries #OASItears #thirddegreetear #fourthdegreetear #3rddegreetear #3ctear #4thdegreetear #analsphincterrupture #prolapse #pelvicorganprolapse #incontinence #urinaryincontinence #fecalincontinence #childbirth #birthing #maternitycare #postnatalcare #forcepsbirths #forceps #instrumentalbirths #instrumentaldelivery #Csection #caesareansection #motherhood #postnatalanxiety #postnataldepression #PND #NHS #Ockendenreview #Ockendenreport #vontouse #donnaockenden #shrewsburyandtelford #informedconsent #informedchoice #maternityrights #bodilyautonomy #abortionrights #whoseneedsarebeingmet #traumaticbirth #birthtrauma #traumainformedcare #masic
What happens if you have to choose between period pads and crucial food items for your weekly shop? What should period education look like, and why is it still the worst thing in the world for a girl to bleed through at school? Friday the 28th of May was World Menstrual Hygiene Day. This week's episode deals with related issues as I speak to Claire Hunt, CEO of Homeless Period Ireland, about period poverty, sex and menstrual education, period equity, the environmental impact of period product waste, product access, and more.
You can and should follow Homeless Period Ireland on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, and send them some good products if you can. Claire and her gang do hugely important work, bringing pads and other products to people who would otherwise need to use tissue, cloth and similar, or risk infection by using each product for much too long.
You can also follow Bits of Me on Instagram and Twitter, and if you haven't already, it'd be much appreciated if you'd give the podcast a quick five-star rating on iTunes, and maybe even a short review, as it helps others discover it. If you're feeling flush, you can sign up to become a patron and get early access to episodes plus some exclusive writing and a Bits of Me badge, in addition to that good feeling of supporting a project you believe in.
Music: Ice and Snow by Icreage, licensed by Soundstripe.
#bitsofmepod #menstrualhealth #worldmenstrualhealthday #menstrualhygieneday #worldmenstrualhygieneday #menstrualhygieneday2021 #periodpoverty #periodequity #periodeducation #menstrualeducation #sexeducation #periodpolitics #periodstigma #periodshame #blood #bleeding #womenshealth #womensbodies #periods #menstrualcycle #periodproducts #periodjustice #periodproductaccess #freeperiodproducts #homelessperiodireland #perioddignity #homelessperioddublin #smashthestigma
Linda Kelly is a Trade Union Official by day and a long-time women’s rights campaigner, now also the founder of Women Ascend and member of the Better Maternity Care campaign. She gave birth to her second baby during lockdown.
Emma Carroll is an environmental scientist and farmer who had her first baby at the start of the pandemic, and since September last year, she also runs In Our Shoes – Covid Pregnancy, which gives a voice to the people affected by the restrictions.
In this episode of Bits of Me, I talk to Linda and Emma about their experiences, the ways in which they believe the restrictions in maternity hospitals have been flawed and damaging, the implications of the restrictions on informed consent and maternity mental health, and the lessons the campaign has taught them. There's also a bit of a rallying cry and a first-in-the-air moment at the end, so you can always fast-forward to that for a bit of an activist boost, should you need it!
Follow Linda and Women Ascend here, and read the stories of those impacted by the maternity restrictions on the In Our Shoes – Covid Pregnancy page. You can follow Bits of Me on Instagram and on Twitter, and as always, ratings, reviews, shares and recommendations are much appreciated. You can also become a patron of the podcast to help cover the running costs and keep the conversations going. Just go to
Music: Ice and Snow by Icreage, licensed by Soundstripe.
#bitsofmepod #maternitycarerestrictions #maternitycare #maternityrestrictions #covidrestrictions #covidbabies #lockdownbabies #lockdownpregnancy #lockdownbirth #birthunderlockdown #maternityhospitals #maternityhospitalrestrictions #birthingpartner #whoseneedsarebeingmet #bettermaternitycare #postnatalcare #antenatalcare #pregnancy #birth #childbirth #pandemicrestrictions #hse #stephendonnelly #womenascend #inourshoes #inhershoes #womenshealth #womensrights #birthrights #informedconsent #activelabour #establishedlabour #consent #motherhood
In this episode of Bits of Me, I talk to mother-of-two Dee Naughton about her experiences of papillomas, lobectomies and a mastectomy. She was pregnant with her first child when she started having some unusual discharge and eventually started bleeding from her nipple, and she shares her story of a short stint of breastfeeding, of navigating the changes to her body, and coming to terms with losing a breast despite the lack of malignant tumours.
Patrons get access to episodes of Bits of Me three days before everyone else, but since a big part of the mission behind the podcast is to raise awareness and give more people access to information that is not otherwise widely discussed, all episodes are eventually available to the public.
You can follow Bits of Me on Instagram and on Twitter, and as always, ratings, reviews, shares and recommendations are much appreciated. If you want to support the making of the podcast, you can become a patron from as little as €2/month and get early access to all the episodes, monthly writing, and a Bits of Me badge.
Music: Ice and Snow by Icreage, licensed by Soundstripe.
#bitsofmepod #papillomas #lobectomy #mastectomy #breastcancer #breastfeeding #nippledischarge #bleedingfromnipple #breastcheck #mammogram #motherhood #childbirth #pregnancy #postnatalcare #maternitycare #breastlump #benigntumour #benignbreasttumour #malignanttumour #breastsurgery #bodyimage #lobectomies #papilloma
How do you know when you're ready? What does that even mean? Will it hurt? Where did your libido go? What about episiotomy and C-section scars and all the physio-related issues? What if you're just feeling touched out and you can't stop thinking about nappies, breastmilk and whether you're running out of bananas? How do you even begin to talk to your partner to all of the above, and why oh why do some midwives insist on referring to it as getting back on the horse?
In this episode, I talk to women's health specialist and physiotherapist Elaine Barry and sexual health educator Anna Keogh about sex after childbirth, what to expect, how to find what works, and everything in between.
You'll find Elaine here and Anna here, while Bits of Me, as usual, is here on Instagram and here on Twitter, and ratings, reviews, shares and recommendations are much appreciated. If you want to support the making of Bits of Me, you can become a patron to get early access to episodes, exclusive monthly writing, and a Bits of Me badge.
Music: Ice and Snow by Icreage, licensed by Soundstripe.
#bitsofmepod #womenshealth #womensbodies #sexafterchildbirth #postnatalhealthcare #postnatalcare #maternitycare #episiotomy #Csection #episiotomyscar #Csectionscar #physiotherapy #womenshealthphysio #pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorphysiotherapy #sexualhealth #sexualwellness #sexed #sexeducation #sextherapy #intercourse #intercourseafterchildbirth #vaginalbirth #breastfeeding #relationships #bleeding #touchedout
In this episode, I talk to clinical negligence lawyer Hannah Seignior about her experience of having numerous smear tests come back with abnormal test results from the age of 18. She shares her experience of advocating for herself, going through a painful colposcopy, learning from a healthcare professional while a gang of student doctors were standing around, and navigating the Scottish and English systems for cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination.
Hannah also briefly tells the story of Emma Swaine, a young woman who died as a result of cervical cancer after her requests for a smear test were repeatedly denied. You can learn more about Emma's story from an episode of The Case Files, a podcast produced by Slater + Gordon, the firm Hannah works for.
For up-to-date, accurate information about Ireland's cervical cancer screening programme and the HPV vaccine, see the HSE pages about screening and vaccination.
If you want to support the making of Bits of Me and help keep these conversations going, you can support the behind-the-scenes work by becoming a patron from as little as €2/month. You can also help spread the word about the podcast by sharing episodes with friends or on social media, and by rating and reviewing the podcast on Apple Podcasts. To join the conversation and stay up to date on any news, follow the Bits of Me Twitter and Instagram accounts.
Music: Ice and Snow by Icreage, licensed by Soundstripe.
#bitsofmepod #HPV #HPVvaccine #cervicalsmear #smeartest #smear #cervicalscreening #cervicalcancer #colposcopy #thecasefiles #emmaswaine #HSE #NHS #Slater+Gordon #SlaterandGordon #SlaterGordon #clinicalnegligence #gynaecologicalcancer #cancer #gynaecancer #abnormalsmear #abnormalcells #cervicalcheckireland #lletz #STI #STD #sexuallytransmittedinfections #sexuallytransmitteddiseases #sexualhealth #sexualwellness #womenshealth #womensbodies #cervix
In episode 34, I talk to Melissa Plunkett, a midwifery student and mother of two. She shares her experience of being induced at almost 42 weeks, and the drawn-out, confusing birthing experience that followed, ending up in an emergency Caesarean section and a lack of faith in her own body's capacity to give birth 'naturally'. Melissa went on to have to argue for the chance to have a VBAC but eventually did, which restored her faith in her body.
Melissa also explains how she, after a traumatising event that left her needing stitches, was fobbed off by medical professionals who deemed the procedure she required 'cosmetic'. We talk about trauma-informed care, informed consent and the changes Melissa would like to see to the maternity system in Ireland.
If you can, sharing episodes with friends or on social media, or rating and reviewing the Bits of Me on Apple Podcasts, helps a lot and is much appreciated. There's also a Patreon if you'd like to go the extra mile and support the making of the podcast by chipping in €2/month or more, and you can join the conversation and stay up to date on any news by following the Bits of Me Twitter and Instagram accounts.
Music: Ice and Snow by Icreage, licensed by Soundstripe.
#bitsofmepod #womenshealth #childbirth #birthing #birth #informedconsent #maternitycare #VBAC #induction #inducedlabour #ruptureofmembranes #oxytocin #caesarean #csection #emergencycsection #Irishmaternitycare #postnatalcare #maternitycare #midwifery #breastfeeding #abuse #stitches #suturing #labour #givingbirth #motherhood #womensstories #womensbodies
This episode of Bits of Me feels quite special, because Helen Ledwick is a mum of two who decided to start a podcast about women's health after learning that she had pelvic organ prolapse – which, if you know anything about the origins of Bits of Me, you'll know is exactly what I did!
Anyway – Helen is just lovely, and in this episode she generously shares her experience of noticing a bulge, panicking a little, and going on the journey of figuring out how to deal with and live with prolapse. We talk about self-image and identity, pelvic floor physiotherapy, the lack of proper pelvic floor rehab offered after childbirth, what a better system might look like, and why on earth a collapsed vagina would make you decide to start a podcast.
If, like me, you enjoy listening to Helen's accent, or if you've given birth, you're planning to give birth, or you've suffered any sort of pelvic floor trauma or dysfunction, you should check out Helen's podcast, Why Mums Don't Jump (here on Apple Podcasts and here on Spotify). She talks to experts, professionals and women who have stories to share, and there's information on everything from sex to post-natal recovery and returning to running. You can also follow her on Instagram or go check out the blog.
If you like Bits of Me and would like to help keep the project going and the conversations going, there's a Patreon you can support from as little as €2/month and in return get early access to all the episodes, monthly writing by host Linnea Dunne, and a Bits of Me badge. If that's not for you, perhaps this would be a good episode to drop a link to in your mammy WhatsApp group? Or if you're brave enough to share it on your socials, please do, and tag Bits of Me's Twitter and Instagram accounts.
Music: Ice and Snow by Icreage, licensed by Soundstripe.
#bitsofmepod #pelvicorganprolapse #prolapse #cystocele #birthtrauma #childbirth #pregnancy #birthinjuries #birthinjury #pelvicfloordysfunction #pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorphysio #pelvicfloorphysiotherapy #womenshealth #womenshealthphysiotherapy #womenshealthpodcast #incontinence #mesh #returntorunning #postnatalrecovery #postpartumperiod #postpartum #fourthtrimester #4thtrimester #womensstories #antenatalcare #antenatal #antenatalclasses #pelvicfloorrehab #postnatalrehab #mumidentity #mumbody #postnatalbodyimage #bodyimage #vagina #vaginaldelivery #vaginalbirth #birthstories #motherhood #parenthood #parenting
In this episode, I talk to Irish-language children's author, TV production assistant and researcher, and all-round maker and creative, Sadhbh Devlin, about her two ectopic pregnancies. Sadhbh has polycystic ovarian syndrome and had very irregular periods, so conceiving wasn't easy for her in the first place – but then she had both her fallopian tubes removed, and suddenly IVF was her only option.
You can find out more about Sadhbh and her work on her website, on Twitter, or on Instagram. Bits of Me is on Instagram too, as well as on Twitter.
If you like the podcast and believe in the mission of keeping these conversations going, there's a Patreon to help cover the running costs. Could you spare a few quid a month and, in return, get early access to episodes, monthly pieces of writing and a Bits of Me badge? If you can't help financially, tagging friends, sharing episodes on your socials, subscribing to the podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts and rating and reviewing it helps a lot too.
Music: Ice and Snow by Icreage, licensed by Soundstripe.
#bitsofmepod #womensbodies #womenshealth #womensstories #ectopicpregnancy #ectopic #ectopicpregnancies #PCOS #polycysticovariansyndrome #polycysticovarysyndrome #polycysticovaries #hormones #babyloss #pregnancyloss #miscarriage #pregnancy #motherhood #fertility #IVF #fertilitytreatment #fallopiantubes #salpingectomy #reproductivejustice #reproductiverights #maternitycare
Anna Fitzgerald is a mother of three, but her journey to motherhood was far from straight-forward. She suffered two miscarriages along the way, and all her three babies were born prematurely.
In this episode of Bits of Me, Anna shares her experience of going into labour early, of her waters breaking at 20 weeks, of spending weeks in the NICU, pumping for ages to give her babies the best chances of a speedy, successful recovery, and looking back on the trauma after returning home. She also makes a very strong case for better supports for women and parents after going through traumatic births and related experiences, as she was signed off the system at her six-week check-up without as much as a question about how she was coping.
If you want to support Bits of Me to keep the conversation on women's health going, please sign up to become a patron and get early access to episodes, exclusive written content, and a Bits of Me badge. And if you can't do that, perhaps you'd consider subscribing, rating and reviewing the podcast to help others find it, and maybe even share it on your socials and in all those mammy WhatsApp groups? Every little helps and it's all very much appreciated!
You can of course also follow Bits of Me on Instagram as well as on Twitter to keep up to date with all the latest news.
Music: Ice and Snow by Icreage, licensed by Soundstripe.
#bitsofmepod #motherhood #womenshealth #womensbodies #childbirth #prematurebirths #prematurebabies #prembabies #premies #NICU #pumping #breastfeeding #birthtrauma #parenthood #womensstories #earlymotherhood #mentalhealth #perinatalmentalhealth #maternitycare #maternalmentalhealth #hollesst #NMH #anxiety #pregnancyloss #babyloss #miscarriage
For episode 30, the first episode of Bits of Me with two guests, I spoke to Fiona Dunkin and Aoife Frances, two friends who created a zine about fertility, motherhood and beyond earlier this year. We talk about their own experiences of the above, from early activist ventures including a campaign to make the morning-after pill more accessible, to Fiona's miscarriages and Aoife's surprise pregnancy, traumatic birth and struggles with early motherhood. They explain how this spectrum of experiences inspired the creation of a zine, exactly why it became a zine and not a blog or a website, what they're hoping that the zine might achieve, what they themselves got out of it, and what cacao has to do with it... But we talk about so much more – from the 12-week rule to the implications of thyroid function on fertility, from Earth Mama narratives to sleep deprivation and much, much more.
You can pre-order your own copy of the next print-run of Aoife and Fiona's zine, Waters and the Wild, on the zine website, where you can also read the zine in full in a digital version. You can also follow them on Instagram for updates. Bits of Me is on Instagram too, as well as on Twitter.
If you like the podcast and believe in the mission of keeping these conversations going, there's a Patreon to help cover the running costs. Could you spare a few quid a month and, in return, get early access to episodes, monthly pieces of writing and a Bits of Me badge? If you can't help financially, tagging friends, sharing episodes on your socials, subscribing to the podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts and rating and reviewing it helps a lot too.
Music: Ice and Snow by Icreage, licensed by Soundstripe.
#bitsofmepod #womensbodies #womenshealth #womensstories #miscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #pregnancy #motherhood #earlymotherhood #postnataldepression #hormones #PND #zine #motherhoodzine #zinemaking #morningafterpill #activism #feminism #abortionrights #abortion #reproductivehealth #reproductivejustice #reproductiverights #Irishfeminism #Irishfeminists #fatherhood #thyroiddysfunction #thyroid #hashimotos #hypothyroidism #12weekrule #fertility #childbirth #birth #birthing #birthtrauma #birthinjury #traumaticbirth #postpartum #parenting #parenthood #sisterhood #cacao #earthmama #hypnobirthing
For this week's episode, I spoke to Ireland's first menopause speaker, Catherine O'Keeffe, about what to expect when the peri-menopause hits and what you can do to help yourself with the journey ahead. How do you know when it's starting? Can and should you stay on the contraceptive pill? Should you consider HRT, do you need to take supplements, and what risks should you keep in mind for the future? What if you have thyroid dysfunction, if you've got PCOS or are suffering from depression? And what on earth is premature ovarian insufficiency (POI)? Catherine helps to answer these questions and more!
You can follow Catherine on Instagram or visit her website for all the latest news. Bits of Me is on Instagram too, as well as on Twitter. If you like the podcast and believe in the mission of keeping these conversations going, there's a Patreon to help cover the running costs. Could you spare a few quid a month and, in return, get early access to episodes, monthly pieces of writing and a Bits of Me badge? If you can't help financially, tagging friends, sharing episodes on your socials, subscribing to the podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts and rating and reviewing it helps a lot too.
Music: Ice and Snow by Icreage, licensed by Soundstripe.
#bitsofmepod #womensbodies #womenshealth #womensstories #perimenopause #menopause #earlymenopause #peri-menopause #POI #prematureovarianinsufficiency #prematuremenopause #hormones #vaginalatrophy #vaginaldryness #PCOS #thepill #hormonalcontraceptivepill #contraceptivepill #ageing #midlife #HRT #hormonalreplacementtherapy #oestrogen #estrogen #testosterone #progesterone #depression #thyroiddysfunction #anxiety #hotflushes #mindfog #osteoporosis #heartfailure #heartdisease
Orla Kerbey is a fundraising professional, runner, yoga teacher, dog fanatic, and lover of sea swimming. We recorded this episode in October 2020, when she was heavily pregnant with her daughter, who was born a few weeks later after a long journey with endometriosis, cysts, and IVF. We talk about the pain and procedures Orla went through before getting her diagnosis, the medications she was offered and the questionable way in which that was done, the relentless talk about fertility and questions about when she might want to start a family, the road ahead when she finally decided she did want to be a mother, the IVF treatment and a first, very difficult miscarriage, and the experience of going through the maternity services during lockdown.
If you think you might have endometriosis and want information or advice, visit the Endometriosis Association of Ireland website or follow them on Instagram. The book Orla mentions a couple of times in this episode is by Dr. Marilyn Glenville, whom you can read more about here. There are also previous episodes of Bits of Me that deal with endometriosis, such as episode 2 with Kate Brayden, episode 8 with Sarah Rose McCann, episode 14 with Carly Bailey, and episode 23 with Angela Coraccio.
You can follow Bits of Me on Instagram and Twitter, and if you’d like to help keep these conversations going, a small contribution via Patreon goes a long way. Please also subscribe to, rate and review the podcast if you like it, and share it with all your friends.
Music: Ice and Snow by Icreage, licensed by Soundstripe.
#bitsofmepod #womenshealth #womensbodies #feminism #motherhood #infertility #fertility #endometriosis #endo #endoawareness #endometriosisawarenessmonth #endoireland #IVF #miscarriage #babyloss #pregnancyloss #lockdownbirth #lockdownbaby #pandemicbirth #pandemicbaby #mentalhealth #depression
Are we putting female beauty above female mental health?
Bits of Me is back with season two! In this episode, I talk to Anna Jacob, who's had acne throughout her teens and adult life. When her acne started to negatively impact on her self-esteem, she was prescribed the contraceptive pill, Dianette, which cleared up her skin – but it had disastrous consequences for her mental health. We talk about the narratives that make living with acne difficult, the problematic media representation of skin issues, what it feels like to lose years of your life to depression, and how you can change things – in terms of your own health and confidence, as well as within the healthcare system.
Anna mentions two initiatives for reporting and raising awareness of adverse reactions to medications: APRIL and Yellow Card. You can read a case study as well as some more information and comments about the effects of Dianette here, and here is a useful information sheet about it.
You'll find Anna on Instagram as @annaflaps, and she's more than happy to chat to anyone who has had similar experiences and wants advice or support. Bits of Me is over at @bitsofme_podcast, as well as on Twitter as @bitsofme_pod.
If you like Bits of Me and want to help keep these conversations going to end the stigma and culture of silence, you can become a patron for as little as €2/month. Find out more at If you can't contribute financially, subscribing to the podcast on your choice of podcast platform helps a lot, as does reviewing, rating and sharing it on your socials.
Music: Ice and Snow by Icreage, licensed by Soundstripe.
#bitsofmepod #acne #contraceptivepill #thepill #dianette #severeacne #spots #skinhealth #skinpositivity #femalebeauty #beauty #beautynorms #depression #mentalhealth #anxiety #femalementalhealth #feminism #beautystandards #medianarratives #mediarepresentation #womensstories #april #yellowcard #womensvoices
It's the end of the first season of Bits of Me, and we look back at the 25 episodes I've published so far, talking about everything from urinary incontinence and birth injuries to endometriosis, infertility, PMDD and ageing.
Thank you to all the women featured in this season and this mini episode: Sarah Sproule, Kate Brayden, Lynn Enright, Elisha Clarke, Rebecca Flynn, Denise McAlister, Catherine Stocker, Sarah Rose McCann, Tracey Bourke, Mary Coogan, Loretta Dignam, Kim Hanly, Gillian Roddie, Carly Bailey, Kath Sansom, Grace Alice O'Shea, Emer O'Neill, Luce Brett, Jac Sinnott, Sandy Connolly, Simone, Michelle Mayefske, Angela Coraccio, Elizabeth Sankey, and Monica Heck.
Bits of Me is on Instagram as @bitsofme_podcast, and on Twitter as @bitsofme_pod. If you have a minute to spare and would consider rating and reviewing the podcast on Spotify and iTunes, that would be of huge help and massively appreciated. You can also subscribe to the podcast to make sure not to miss season two when it kicks off.
Music: Ice and Snow by Icreage, licensed by Soundstripe.
#bitsofmepod #womenshealth #womensbodies #gravesdisease #graves #urinaryincontinence #urgeincontinence #hyperthyroidism #hypothyroidism #thyroiddysfunction #fecalincontinence #childbirth #pregnancy #anxiety #depression #miscarriage #8thamendment #repealedthe8th #pregnancyloss #motherhood #hormones #bodyimage #pmdd #birthinjury #incontinence #birthstories #waterbirth #homebirth #weightstigma #birthadvocacy #ageing #Botox #missedmiscarriage #postnataldepression #postnatalanxiety #pnd #3ctear #sphincterrupture #endometriosis #endo #pcos #periods #femalepain #pelvicpain #womenspain #thepaingap #infertility #secondaryinfertility #mesh #meshinjured #meshsurvivor #meshimplant #meshscandal #vaginalmesh #pop #prolapse #pelvicorganprolapse #breastfeeding #lockdownbabies #pandemicbirth #vaginismus #IVF #cervicalcancer #gynaecancer #cervicalsmear #hpvvaccine #interstitialcystitis #herpes #STI #STIstigma #genitalwarts #fibromyalgia
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Wow This Was Fantastic Info Thank You I'm Crying now I'm so happy I'm not going mad🤪
excellent thought-provoking episode 😊