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Daily SEO Tips

Author: Katherine Watier Ong

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Daily SEO tips by SEO veteran, Katherine Watier Ong
154 Episodes
Hello and thanks for listening to SEO tips today In May, SEMRush changed its keyword difficulty. Keyword Difficulty (KD) is a metric that tells you how much SEO effort it might take to organically rank a page in the top 10 results on Google for a certain keyword. And overall with keyword difficulty, the higher the percentage is, the harder the competition will be.They launched an infographic walking through how they now calculate KD which might be worth printing and putting on...
Do you have a site with mixed content - both YMYL (Your Money or your Life) and other types of content? Do you know if that is best for organic traffic?Hello. Thanks for listening to SEO tips today.Here’s the takeaway: for that YMYL content to rank (and that’s content where Google thinks could have an impact on the searcher’s current or future well-being (physical, financial, safety, happiness, etc.). You need to break the site in two.As you probably know, YMYL content needs to be creat...
Google updated its User CTR PatentHello. Thanks for listening to SEO tips today.Yes, they say that they don’t use click-through rates, but they just filed an update to their CTR patent. You should read Bill Slawski’s analysis to make up your mind. I’m in the camp of using user signals (and we know that Bing does), so I think it’s worth adding to your SEO processes.Thanks for listening. Come back tomorrow for another SEO tip. Here are the ways you can support the SEO Tips podcast. You can...
Did you know that Google can figure out *who* wrote your site content?Hello. Thanks for listening to SEO tips today.John Mueller says they use something called recognition where they spot writing patterns that they know comes from a particular author, even if there isn’t a bio on the site. However, Google still recommends a biography and links to your author’s social media profiles. Now is the time to develop even deeper relationships with subject matter experts to write your conten...
Spotify had made sharing podcast content easierHello. Thanks for listening to SEO tips today.Spotify lets you share a specific timestamp from a podcast. When you tap the share button, you’ll see a toggle option that enables you to create a link for the particular spot in the podcast you want to share. This is also helpful as a host if you’re going to share specific mentions of resources or other people in your marketing promotions for each episode. Learn more here.Thanks for listening. Come b...
Subfolders vs subdomain - which is more effective when you’re consolidating your website?Hello. Thanks for listening to SEO tips today.Here’s the tip (and is what I recommend to clients): moving to a subfolder almost always increases trafficBut don’t take my word for it. Rand Fishkin recently shared 14 case studies around how moving a subdomain to a subfolder (almost always) increases search trafficAnd how moving from a subfolder to a subdomain (almost always) decreases search traffic. I’ve a...
Let’s talk about RSS feeds.Hello. Thanks for listening to SEO tips today.Google recently announced an updated use for RSS - allowing users to follow brandsI spotted this announcement on the Chromium blog - an option to enable Android users (using Chrome Canary) to follow their favorite websites and opt into RSS feed updates via a “follow” button. Just when you thought RSS had died - here’s another reason to keep it alive and up to date. I kid, of course, as Bing LOVES RSS feeds and podcasts a...
Let’s talk about the Google I/O Updates that impact SEOHello. Thanks for listening to SEO tips today.Here’s a quick overview of the updates from Google I/O that impact SEO.1. Google announced their new natural language engine - that they call MUM (the Multitask Unified Model). This model will allow them to answer sophisticated queries such as: "I’ve hiked Mt. Adams and now want to hike Mt. Fuji next fall. What should I do differently to prepare?" It also gives users answers from di...
Let’s talk about GA4 and its different terminologyHello. Thanks for listening to SEO tips today.Let’s talk about two different terms you’ll find in GA4 that are not in the older version of Google Analytics.Google Analytics 4 Bounce Rate (Why It Isn’t In GA 4)In GA4, Google has flipped it to engagement rate, which is “engaged,” a session must either result in a conversion, last over 10 seconds, or have multiple screens or page views. This article also goes into an explanation of the new page v...
Let’s talk about Facebook GroupsHello. Thanks for listening to SEO tips today.1.8 Billion People Use Facebook Groups Every MonthThis is a HUGE amount of potentially untrackable visits to your site - Facebook groups are a part of that “dark web” you heard talked about - unless, of course, you’re in the group, and you’ve shared a link with UTM tracking. So how do you take advantage of this audience?Well, If your audience is active in Facebook groups, you can often reach out to an admin to ...
How to Create a plan to build a Page or Hub that sets you up as a Topical AuthorityHello. Thanks for listening to SEO tips today.This article from OnCrawl was an intense read, but the most helpful part I picked up is the following tips around creating a topical map before creating a content hub, which includes: Crawl your competitors’ sitemaps to understand their topical maps.Pull Google Trends - the related queries and related topics.Collect data from autocomplete and search suggestions...
Let’s talk about whether Mobile Only Indexing might be impacting your site.Hello. Thanks for listening to SEO tips today.If you were not aware, Google announced that they would crawl all sites (desktop or mobile) with the mobile-only crawler. This announcement means that if you have anything on your desktop site that is not on the mobile view (content, comments, reviews, etc.) - those will not be in the new index. They started dropping desktop-only sites (March 2021) out of their index, but t...
How much of an impact will Web Core Vitals have on your organic traffic? Learn more in today's SEO tip.View podcast show notes at: are the ways you can support the SEO Tips podcast. You can send me a donation at Any and all levels of donations are appreciated and will help offset the cost of producing the podcast. You should also subscribe to our newsletter...
Let’s talk about optimizing your podcastHello! And thanks for listening to SEO tips today.First of all, did you know that (based on the State of Podcasting Listening 2021 report) the number of Americans listening to a podcast (80 million) is more than the number of Americans who reported ever using Twitter, TikTok, or Snapchat? And Spotify’s US podcast listenership is on track to be larger than Apple’s! According to a new market forecast, Spotify’s U.S. podcast listenership will surpass ...
Google’s newest data setHello! And thanks for listening to SEO tips today.Let’s talk about Google’s newest data set and how I think they might apply it to search.Google is going to offer heart and respiratory rate measurements using just your smartphone’s camera. I think this is creepy. I wonder what they will do with this data? They already have patents filed around keeping the user’s voice and emotional state in mind when providing search (or voice) results. If you are not taking into...
Free public speaking tipsHello! And thanks for listening to SEO tips today.Last month I also released a new podcast episode on the Digital Marketing Victories podcast. If you're interested in public speaking tips, or how to speak persuasively on Zoom meetings, or need suggestions about how to improve your soft skills but are introverted, this episode is for you! for listening. Come back tomorrow for anothe...
Google Has Updated My Business Guidelines For Co-Working SpacesHello! And thanks for listening to SEO tips today.The update mentions that if your business location is out of a co-working space, it must have signage, accept customers, and have staff at the site eligible to have a Google My Business listing with a coworking address. This change is an improvement over the outright ban on coworking spaces as business locations.Thanks for listening. Come back tomorrow for another SEO tip.Here are ...
Let’s talk about the SEO tools and resources that I discovered last month.Hello! And thanks for listening to SEO tips today.Today’s tip is just going to be a quick rundown of the new tools and resources that I’ve discovered and bookmarked. Let’s get into it.Here are the newly released SEO tools that are worth checking - This is a directory of quotes from Googlers from SEO’s questions. This site makes my homegrown Trello board, where I save these quotes for audit documents (an...
Today’s tip is going to focus on whether any benefit to adding audio files to your website.Hello! And thanks for listening to SEO tips today.And the latest from Google, No. There is no SEO benefit to audio versions of text posts.Unlike photo and video, Google doesn’t do anything special with audio content that is not part of a podcast, and it’s not processed separately by Google. However, IF you have audio in a podcast format and surface it via an RSS feed, Google can index it via your p...
Curious about the new brand associations in Google Search Console? We are going to talk about what they are in today’s tip.Hello! And thanks for listening to SEO tips today.This new feature lets you link your Google Search Console account to any other Google property (Analytics, YouTube, etc.) and “ can unlock more functionality for your site.” This feature helps Google associate your entities together. Every webmaster should go ahead and associate all of your Google properties together. Ther...
Comments (4)

Sheena Owens

I think that this is quite useful information, especially for those who are engaged in SEO promotion. I also want to share one useful link about white hat where you will find a useful guide to buying backlinks for SEO. Here you will find out which of them can be considered safe, as well as find useful tips and answers to all the most common questions on this topic.

May 28th

arya ayyar

thanks for sharing such a good information with us. i will hope you share more things with us. Learn more about digital marketing, search engine optimization, social media optimization, eCommerce services, how google search algorithm works, how to get quality backlinks and many other things that will help you grow your business with Digital Kool.

Nov 9th

arya ayyar

thanks for sharing such a good information with us, i will hope you share more thing with us.

Nov 9th

M Ahmadpoor

good thanks

Sep 12th