Back & Forth with Blue Ridge Wealth

Back & Forth with Blue Ridge Wealth
Author: Blue Ridge Wealth Planners
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© 2024 Back & Forth with Blue Ridge Wealth
Two financial professionals go back and forth on the pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages, and general comparisons of one topic per episode.
20 Episodes
Today John Vandergriff and Zach Hill go back and forth on inflation.Find the notes for this episode here: all our podcast episodes here: our episodes on YouTube: more information about our podcast, visit our landing page:www.backandforthpodcast.comTo schedule a meeting:
Today John Vandergriff and Zach Hill discuss the quarterly market update and the importance of knowing your goals in retirement.Find the notes for this episode here: all our podcast episodes here: our episodes on YouTube: more information about our podcast, visit our landing page:www.backandforthpodcast.comTo schedule a meeting:https:...
Today John Vandergriff and Zach Hill go back and forth about President Biden's new 2.3 billion dollar tax plan.Find the notes for this episode here: all our podcast episodes here: our episodes on YouTube: more information about our podcast, visit our landing page:www.backandforthpodcast.comTo schedule a meeting:https://blueridge.timet...
Today John Vandergriff and Zach Hill go back and forth on a sub-category of behavioral finance, mental accounting.Find the notes for this episode here: all our podcast episodes here: our episodes on YouTube: more information about our podcast, visit our landing page:www.backandforthpodcast.comTo schedule a meeting:https://blueridge.ti...
Today John Vandergriff and Zach Hill go back and forth on inflation.Find the notes for this episode here: all our podcast episodes here: our episodes on YouTube: more information about our podcast, visit our landing page:www.backandforthpodcast.comTo schedule a meeting:https://blueridge.timetap.comTo schedule a phone call:https://blue...
Today John Vandergriff and Zach Hill go back and forth on loss aversion.Find the notes for this episode here: all our podcast episodes here: our episodes on YouTube: more information about our podcast, visit our landing page:www.backandforthpodcast.comTo schedule a meeting:https://blueridge.timetap.comTo schedule a phone call:https://...
Today John Vandergriff and Zach Hill go back and forth on the GameStop stock situation, risk management, and how it all affected common consumers as well as hedge managers.Find the notes for this episode here: all our podcast episodes here: our episodes on YouTube: more information about our podcast, visit our landing page:www.backand...
Today John Vandergriff and Zach Hill go back and forth on behavioral finance and confirmation bias.--------This episode's notes:Behavioral Finance/Economics is a new field, founded by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky; Kahneman won the Nobel Prize for Econ in 2002; Richard Thaler, won Nobel Prize in 2017, for continuing their research.Example of this study is auto-enrollment in 401k plans. Thaler found that one behavioral bias was to anchor to things how they were. So when participants are aut...
Today John Vandergriff and Zach Hill go back and forth on the recent $900B stimulus package, where most of that money was allocated, and how it affected the economy. John also ties in how this money, and future stimulus packages, can be managed wisely.--------This episode's notes:Checks of 600 versus 1200 last timeFamilies got $600 per childUnemployment at $300 per week versus 600 last timeExtension runs through March 14 (previous $600 boost expired on July 31)4 million have been unemployed f...
Today John Vandergriff and Zach Hill go back and forth on the current state of the economy. They'll discuss how COVID-19 and the stimulus packages have affected GDP, online retail sales, employment, and the housing market.This episode's notes:GDPHousingJobs and UnemploymentOnline retail sales have been up huge, death of malls finally?Second Stimulus + Vaccine could be huge for 2021To see the data referenced in this episode, visit: all our pod...
Can life insurance be a part of your tax plan? Is a Section 7702A plan really a super Roth? What if the rules change?Find all our podcast episodes here: our episodes on YouTube: more information about our podcast, visit our landing page:www.backandforthpodcast.comTo schedule a meeting:https://blueridge.timetap.comTo schedule a phone call:
Is real estate an uncorrelated asset? Is illiquidity a problem? Should you incorporate a pooled investment in commercial properties as a source of diversified income?Find all our podcast episodes here: our episodes on YouTube: more information about our podcast, visit our landing page:www.backandforthpodcast.comTo schedule a meeting:https://blueridge.timetap.comTo schedule a phone cal...
What happens if you live longer than your money? Are annuities all bad? Are any of them useful sources of lifelong income as they promise?Find all our podcast episodes here: our episodes on YouTube: more information about our podcast, visit our landing page:www.backandforthpodcast.comTo schedule a meeting:https://blueridge.timetap.comTo schedule a phone call:https://blueridgephonecall...
Do elections really affect markets? Does it really matter which party wins? Are our elected officials affecting the markets or is it the fear or hope that comes with our own expectations?Find all our podcast episodes here: our episodes on YouTube: more information about our podcast, visit our landing page:www.backandforthpodcast.comTo schedule a meeting:https://blueridge.timetap.comTo...
Can you take care of your finances on your own? Should you? What can a financial advisor do that you can't or don't want to do on your own?Find all our podcast episodes here: our episodes on YouTube: more information about our podcast, visit our landing page:www.backandforthpodcast.comTo schedule a meeting:https://blueridge.timetap.comTo schedule a phone call:https://blueridgephonecal...
Are the darlings of the stock market worth the hype, or should you stick to the tried and true giants of commerce? Are dividends a useful source of income, or are you better off letting companies reinvest in themselves?Find all our podcast episodes here: our episodes on YouTube: more information about our podcast, visit our landing page:www.backandforthpodcast.comTo schedule a meeting...
Are money managers worth their fee? If nobody can time the market or pick the best stocks, is the guidance and accountability an advisor provides worth what they charge?Find all our podcast episodes here: our episodes on YouTube: more information about our podcast, visit our landing page:www.backandforthpodcast.comTo schedule a meeting:https://blueridge.timetap.comTo schedule a phone ...
The big tax gamble: Will taxes be higher now or when you retire? When does it make sense to invest pre-tax versus after-tax? Is there a role for both in your retirement plan?Find all our podcast episodes here: our episodes on YouTube: more information about our podcast, visit our landing page:www.backandforthpodcast.comTo schedule a meeting:https://blueridge.timetap.comTo schedule a p...
Do stimulus checks actually help prevent recessions, or do they just dig us unnecessarily deeper into debt? What are we learning from these momentary experiments into universal income?Find all our podcast episodes here: our episodes on YouTube: more information about our podcast, visit our landing page:www.backandforthpodcast.comTo schedule a meeting:https://blueridge.timetap.comTo sc...
Is the Fed's main tool for a slipping economy effective? What happens when they cut the rate all the way to zero? Are negative Interest rates a useful idea or simply un-American?Find all our podcast episodes here: our episodes on YouTube: more information about our podcast, visit our landing page:www.backandforthpodcast.comTo schedule a meeting:https://blueridge.timetap.comTo schedule...
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