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Level the Pursuit

Author: Level the Pursuit

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Level the Pursuit is a podcast focused on practical lessons for individuals starting out in their study of leadership. Level the Pursuit provides insight, tips, and education to give anyone a boost on the ladder to success. #levelthepursuit
37 Episodes
Today we’re joined by Jeremy Herider, former professional baseball player, world-class Crossfit athlete, and now motivational coach and life-changer. Jeremy will share his perspectives on failure, overcoming your own limitations, and finding your true potential. Learn more about Jeremy on the following platforms:- Main Page: www.OptimalSelf.Today - YouTube: Facebook: Instagram:
COVID has impacted our nation in so many ways, and recovering from the pandemic will be a long and complex process. Today we speak to intelligence officer and experienced mental health nurse Lt Col Kelly Ihme about how the virus has impacted our national mental health and how we can best support one another to become more resilient on the other side.
Today we chat with Alexis Gerst who has turned the absolute craziness of the transition to remote work into actionable advice for you and your team. She's the author of "Leading Remote Teams: Embrace the Future of Remote Work Culture" and today she shares what she's learned about how to get the most out of your team while still adjusting to the telework
Today with chat with Brig Gen Rob Novotny, a command pilot and decorated commander who's dedicated his life to serving the Air Force. After a stellar career, he retired to begin his new consulting firm, Brig Gen Novotny shares his thoughts on taking risks, getting the best from your team, and opening the conversations that can take your organization to the next level.
Are you introverted? If you are, chances are your workplace isn't always set up to help you do your best. If you're not, you may wonder what's the big deal. Today we talk about a few practical tips for helping introverts navigate in an extroverted world, and helping leaders of both types get the best from their teams.
Although technology can be impersonal and isolating, experts in virtual reality are pioneering ways to use virtual reality to make us better people. Today, Dr Andy Clayton, a virtual reality expert and leadership instructor explains some of the capabilities of virtual reality, as well as some of its limitations. It's not a matter of if VR or augmented reality will impact your life, but really, when. For additional info on Dr Clayton's work with leadership training and VR, check out https...
Us vs Them

Us vs Them


Who is your "us"? We're all part of groups that make us feel special and proud, but most of us also have experiences of being excluded from the group. Today we talk about in-groups and out-groups, why they matter, and how we can start to build a more inclusive society.
When we are focused on achieving and moving forward, we can forget to take a moment for ourselves. Today, we speak with author, educator, mom, Air Force officer, and all around badass Dr Stephanie Wilson about forgiving ourselves, being grateful for our successes, and giving ourselves a little grace.
When you have the opportunity to lead and follow and different levels, you gain a ton of perspective on how to treat people and to advocate for your team. Lt Palczer went from firefighter to nurse to achieve his goals, and he's now putting his skills to work to take care of Airmen with dedication and humanity.
We spend a ton of time trying to get ahead, but what happens when we finally take that next big step and get the job we've been after? Today we talk about things to think about and strategies to make your next move up the ladder successful, productive, and meaningful for you and your team.
When we find ourselves in a dark place with no options, it can be very easy to give up. Today we have a great talk with Dee Mahon, the host of "High Vibe Bombshell" podcast and author of "Glamorous." Dee tells us about her darkest times, and how focusing on looking and feeling glamorous helped her to find her authentic self. She now coaches and inspires other women to tap into their inner bombshell.
"There can be only one."Have you ever known someone who thought there was only room for one person at the top and they were determined to stay there? This cutthroat behavior is often the result of overcompensating because of insecurity and fear. Today we talk about why it happens, how it affect the workplace, and what to do if it happens to you.
This is a fantastic interview with Terry Tucker, author of "Sustainable Excellence." Terry is an athlete, former law enforcement officer, survivor of corporate America, and for the last ten years, warrior against cancer. Rather than let this up and down battle break his spirit, he's used his struggles to help and inspire others. He has amazing perspective and insight, and you can learn more about him at
Ending a Relationship

Ending a Relationship


Breaking up is hard. But it doesn't have to be traumatic or messy. Whether you want a new job, a new best friend, or a new spouse, today we talk about how to decide if it's time and what to do to exit gracefully. You have to do what's right for you; put yourself in the best situation possible, and learn to walk away with fewer hard feelings and your head held high.
Are You an Imposter?

Are You an Imposter?


Imposter phenomenon affects up to 70% of American adults and can keep us from enjoying our success. If the feelings persist, they can prevent us from reaching our full potential. Today we talk about recognizing those feelings and discuss strategies for minimizing those emotions to keep us moving forward.
Our upbringing, our experiences, and our assessments of the leaders around us can all influence our definition of success, and the path we choose to pursue it. Today, we talk to Dr Eric Speight, a successful occupational therapist and Air Force officer about his experiences and the choices he made to reach his achievements. Dr Speight shares his insight and his focus areas for becoming a better leader as he serves his country and his community.
Body Image Matters

Body Image Matters


How we see ourselves is a reflection of a whole constellation of emotion and perceptions. While it may seem like a personal issue, our body image influences how we interact with others, both in our own self-esteem and attitudes and in the biases we exhibit in assessing the people around us. The pandemic has presented new difficulties in maintaining healthy habits and views of ourselves, so today we talk a little about why this is important and some things we can do to have a healthier percept...
The people and ideas that we are exposed to day in and day out can influence our emotions, our decision-making, and ultimately how we approach success. Taking the time to cultivate good relationships, removing negative influences, and carefully filtering how we stimulate our brains is an investment in creating positive energy in our lives. Today we talk about the importance of a positive sphere of influence, and ways to improve our circle if changing it completely is not an option.www.levelth...
The pandemic has changed a ton about what jobs are available, how we get them, and how we navigate the workforce day to day. Today we discuss some practical tips for moving forward, getting hired, and making sure we're prepared to be successful in a world that's still figuring out what normal looks
Every day, we're getting better or getting worse. There is no way to stay the same; we are changing along with the world around us. Professional development is the process of growing in every aspect of our lives to be better leaders and better people. Today we discuss the types of development, ways to incorporate them into your life, and why it's important that you