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創業早點明 StartUp

創業早點明 StartUp

Author: 阿亮 Ah Liang

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Step Into The Startup for Better Self
Delivers inspiration and strategies for founders to startup their entrepreneurial journey.

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30 Episodes
Yee Ven Yoon is an avid solo backpacker who has been to over 22 countries, now focusing on a YouTube channel "Fearless Passport" to speak out about social issues and actualization learnt in the previous journey.   Let’s tune in to her story!   [00:01 - 02:18] Opening Segment   ●      Get to know my guest Yee Ven Yoon ●      Yee Ven shares the countries she has travelled to   [02:19 - 25:11] 22 Fearless Travels   ●      Yee Ven’s shortest and longest travels ●      The Philippines’ Yolanda Typhoon Aftermath Experience ●      A Not So Great Experience ●      Six Months in South America and New Zealand ●      What is a working holiday? ●      Yee Ven talks about the different opportunities in the countries she has travelled to ●      A piece of advice for those who would like to experience during a working holiday ●      2016 Volunteer Work in Brazil Olympics and South America ●      Last Destination: Vietnam ●      Why Yee Ven stopped travelling ●      “Life is all about learnings.” ●      Travelling without Money ●      Generational Trauma aligned with travelling ●      Why Yee Ven is interested in travelling without money ●      Most Memorable Memories from Yee Ven’s Travels ●      The Fearless Passport Channel   [25:12 - 30:16] Closing Segment   ●      A Book that Influenced Your Life ○      Gums, Germs, and Steel ●      One Superpower You’d Like ○      Being invisible ●      Final words ●      Connect with my guest, Yee Ven Yoon in the links below     Tweetable Quotes   “If you really want to volunteer, you want to help, make sure you have skills, you can provide values, you can really help people. If not, you are just exploiting them.” - Yee Ven Yoon   “To be able to travel, you are very privileged.” - Yee Ven Yoon   “I’m not fearless at all.” - Yee Ven Yoon   ------------------------------------------------------------------------   Reach Yee Ven Yoon through: LinkedIn   Check out her channel: Fearless Passport       Thanks for tuning in!    WANT TO LEARN MORE?   Connect with me through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube   Or send me an email   Visit my website     If you liked my show, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, and subscribe!   Powered by Firstory Hosting
Miriam Grunhaus has been in the field of branding, marketing and design since 1995. She has designed, created and developed material for luxury brands, such as: Baccarat, Carrera y Carrera, Omega and others. She has been lucky to have been awarded many design awards throughout her career, but what gives her the most fulfillment is providing top notch customer service and building lasting relationships. Miriam’s mission in life is to help women accept themselves with their imperfections, love who they are and live a full life, filled with joy and healing.   Let’s tune in to her story!   [00:01 - 02:20] Opening Segment   ●      Get to know my guest Miriam Grunhaus ●      Miriam shares her life and career journey ●      “I thought being ethical was good for business.” ●      Learning everything fashion from scratch   [02:21 - 27:56] Heal with Gold   ●      Finding the best story for her business ●      The Art of Kintsugi ●      What is the gold? Changing her business to inspire others ●      Miram’s book, Heal with Gold ●      Why it is important to have a story for your business ●      “I did not think I was going to end up in fashion.” ●      Miriam talks about her purpose in fashion ●      Periods of growth in a quiet way ●      How loving what you’re doing changes you and those around you ●      Miriam’s book writing story with Harvard professor, Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar ●      Does money really make life easier? ●      Finding and seeing your inherent value, knowing your purpose in life ●      About Mikah Fashion ●      What’s in your heart? What’s in your soul? ●      Why You Should Not Wait for January to Change Your Life   [27:57 - 29:07] Closing Segment   ●      Final words ●      Connect with my guest, Miriam in the links below     Resources Mentioned   ●      Happier     Tweetable Quotes   “It’s very important for business to have a good story but it has to be a real story.”” - Miriam Grunhaus   “Sometimes we have to wait. We have to be quiet. We have to introspect.” - Miriam Grunhaus   “Try to make money as long as you are seeing the money as a vehicle to do the purpose of why you’re meant to be on this earth.” - Miriam Grunhaus   ------------------------------------------------------------------------   Reach Miriam through: LinkedIn   Check out her website:       Thanks for tuning in!    WANT TO LEARN MORE?   Connect with me through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube   Or send me an email   Visit my website     If you liked my show, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, and subscribe!   Powered by Firstory Hosting
Ichko Batmunkh is an IPEC Certified Professional Coach & Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner and a Life Purpose and Mindset coach. Using her voice, she works with her passion to help women heal their past, own self-worth, unleash their full potential and gifts, and as a result, gain confidence, clarity, and direction. Her life’s mission is to help others get from where they are, to where they want to be in life.   Let’s tune in to her story!   [00:01 - 04:45] Opening Segment   ●      Get to know my guest, Ichko Batmunkh ●      Ichko shares her life story as a “typical Asian girl” and how she became a successful entrepreneur ●      There is a big potential and desire in me. ●      Anything is possible   [04:46 - 12:59] Mastering your Fate through Self-Confidence   ●      Overcoming your fears and building confidence ●      How to Build Your Self-Esteem ●      “We’re always in our heads all the time.” ●      A Million Ways to Succeed: What works for you? ●      Ichko talks about her day-to-day routine ●      Understanding 60,000 thoughts a day ●      How Ichko helps others build their confidence ●      Anything and everything starts with you   [13:00 - 15:38] Closing Segment   ●      Final words ●      Don’t get discouraged, the possibilities are endless ●      Connect with my guest, Ichko in the links below     Tweetable Quotes   “If I can do it, then so can you!” - Ichko Batmunkh   “Self-confidence is just you.” - Ichko Batmunkh   “The only way to really succeed is you have to be really honest with yourself.” - Ichko Batmunkh   ------------------------------------------------------------------------   Reach Ichko through Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn   Check out her website:       Thanks for tuning in!      WANT TO LEARN MORE?   Connect with me through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube   Or send me an email   Visit my website     If you liked my show, please LEAVE A 5-STAR REVIEW, like, and subscribe!     Powered by Firstory Hosting
Together is Better “Imagine a world where people wake up every day inspired to go to work, feel safe while they are there, and return home at the end of the day feeling fulfilled by the work they do, feeling that they have contributed to something greater than themselves.”- Simon Sinek’s Website, Powered by Firstory Hosting
Captain James Foong, AFNI 33 years old Malaysian seafarer with 15 years of sailing exposure including command experience with holding a Master Mariner CoC class 1 at age 28 certified by the Government of New Zealand. In short The sailor with 14K followers on LinkedIn. How to join Captain James Foong event on 19 Feb 2021? Easy! Register by clicking here (reminder email to those who had donated and confirmed by receipt) Powered by Firstory Hosting
Captain James Foong, AFNI 33 years old Malaysian seafarer with 15 years of sailing exposure including command experience with holding a Master Mariner CoC class 1 at age 28 certified by the Government of New Zealand. In short The sailor with 14K followers on LinkedIn. Powered by Firstory Hosting



大家好,Merry Christmas! 昨天是平安夜,大家如何度过呢?有收到许多礼物吗? 昨天要休息时,在我的书橱中看到一本尘封已久的书, 书名是『礼物』,英文是 “The Present", 作者是Spencer Johnson。 什么样的礼物是你一生一定要有一个的呢? 什么样的礼物是所有礼物中最珍贵的呢? 什么样的礼物,你收到之后,会比以前更快乐呢? 看到这里,我自己都很想要这一份礼物。 每个人生下来都有属于自己的『礼物』, 那是世上最独一无二的, 但是这份礼物,要靠我们自己去寻找。 从前有个小男孩, 他从一个充满智慧的老人那儿听到了『礼物』的故事…… 老人告诉小男孩: 每个人都有一个属于自己的『礼物』,它是所有礼物中最珍贵的。 当时,小男孩并不了解这句话的意义。 时光流逝,男孩变成十几岁的少年, 他变得愈来愈不知足,而且总是希望能得到更多。 渐渐的,他想到老人告诉他的话, 他发现自己越来越想了解『礼物』是什么? 他去问老人:『礼物』到底是什么? 老人告诉他: 那是你自己给自己的『礼物』,只有你有能力可以发现它到底是什么。 少年对这个答案很失望,于是离开了老人, 时间过去,少年已经是个年轻人,他开始独自去寻找『礼物』, 却怎么也找不到,于是他放弃了寻找。 最后,年轻人找到了一份工作, 身边的人都觉得他看起来过得很实在, 可是他老觉得少了些什么。 或许我当初不该放弃去寻找『礼物』 结果,他发现自己并不快乐,工作质量下降,生活也充满忧虑。 结果,他又去找了老人, 我觉得很不快乐,『礼物』使我快乐起来吗? 可以的!为了帮助你自己找到『礼物』, 试着去想想你在什么时候最快乐,最有活力。 也就是你觉得做事比较专注,比较成功的那段日子。 年轻人接受老人的建议, 去森林的小木屋独自想想, 他开始回想自己所知道的『礼物』... 年轻人在森林中不断的思考着『礼物』到底是什么? 想着想着,却又想到自己在工作及生活上的不如意,愈想愈担心。 未来一片茫然生活一点都不快乐, 天色暗了,他便回到小木屋里, 在点起炉火取暖时, 他发现了做工细致的壁炉。 他惊叹于这个壁炉的作工,然后想到这个壁炉的制作者工作时的心情, 他那时一定是非常 专注及用心吧! 想到这点,他恍然大悟自己已经许久没有那样的感受了─ 不管是在工作或生活上。 我花太多的时间在 烦恼过去的事和担心未来的事 年轻人环顾小木屋里的一切,然后把眼神转向炉火, 就在那一刻他没有想着过去的事,也不打算未来的事。 然后他笑了,他发现 这样的感觉真棒!! 突然之间,一个念头闪过, 我知道什么是『礼物』了 它一直都在 它就是现在! 不是过去也不是未来 就是现在这一刻! 就是现在! 一看到年轻人神采亦亦的模样,老人说 你看起来就像是找到了『礼物』了! 对!我找到了,原来<礼物就是现在> 但是真的只要把握现在就可以了吗? 除了把握现在之外,我们更要从过去中学习,以及致力于创造未来, 这才是一份『完整的礼物』! 你该采取什么样的行动,取决于你的目的为何。 当你想要更快乐,超过效率时,就是你该好好把握现在的时刻。 当你想要现在比过去更好,就是你该好好从过去学习的时刻。 当你想要未来比现在更好,就是你该好好致力于创造未来的时刻。 年轻人终于找到了『礼物』... 在接下来的日子里,年轻人一次又一次的运用老人所告诉他的话 把握现在,从过去中学习及致力于创造未来。 他发现自己并非总是可以或好好的把握住现在,但靠着善用『礼物』,让今天的他更快乐,更成功,它已变成他生活中最重要的一部分。 在说完故事之后你发现你自己的『礼物』了吗? 这是一个世界上最特别的『礼物』可以让你变得更快乐,超越活力,更成功! 让我们从现在开始吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
Best Christmas Music

Best Christmas Music


Best Christmas Music Powered by Firstory Hosting
Interview #10 Jocelyn J Kopac - Market Research with A Small Audience Podcast Interview with Jocelyn J Kopac | Market Research with A Small Audience At age 7, Jocelyn Kopac started her first business. From then on she knew that running and growing businesses would be a huge part of her future. Her ingenuity and positive attitude represent true leadership. Although she attributes a lot of her success to the power of abundance, paying it forward, and a great cup of coffee. Those that have a chance to meet her, learn from her, and hear her story say she is nothing but real, unfettered advice and encouragement. Powered by Firstory Hosting
Interview #10 Jocelyn J Kopac - Market Research with A Small Audience (Trailer) Podcast Interview with Jocelyn J Kopac | Market Research with A Small Audience At age 7, Jocelyn Kopac started her first business. From then on she knew that running and growing businesses would be a huge part of her future. Her ingenuity and positive attitude represent true leadership. Although she attributes a lot of her success to the power of abundance, paying it forward, and a great cup of coffee. Those that have a chance to meet her, learn from her, and hear her story say she is nothing but real, unfettered advice and encouragement. Powered by Firstory Hosting
Interview #9 Audrey Bell-Kearney - How Becoming a Successful Female Entrepreneur Entrepreneur, Podcaster, Author, Visionary, Inventor and Publisher. She help you turn your big idea into a business then help you create a strategic marketing plan that will help you grow your business using the most cutting edge tools, techniques and platforms like digital and streaming media with a focus or Roku Marketing. She help you understand how to use video to expand the awareness for your brand across a variety of platforms by implementing streaming media marketing. She teach business owners how to create the perfect content to distribute across these platforms that will speak directly to the customer that they want to acquire. Watch Full Episode: Powered by Firstory Hosting
Interview #9 Audrey Bell-Kearney - How Becoming a Successful Female Entrepreneur (Trailer) Entrepreneur, Podcaster, Author, Visionary, Inventor and Publisher. She help you turn your big idea into a business then help you create a strategic marketing plan that will help you grow your business using the most cutting edge tools, techniques and platforms like digital and streaming media with a focus or Roku Marketing. She help you understand how to use video to expand the awareness for your brand across a variety of platforms by implementing streaming media marketing. She teach business owners how to create the perfect content to distribute across these platforms that will speak directly to the customer that they want to acquire. Watch Full Episode: Powered by Firstory Hosting
Grace Henke #1 Taiwan Dog Training Expert; The Anti-Obedience Reactive and Fearful Dog Training Expert She works with dog owners who have "tried everything” but are still struggling to communicate with their shy, fearful, and reactive dogs. If you're ready to live a fuller life with a calmer, more relaxed, and well-behaved dog, make sure to download Free copy of “Debunking the 2 Biggest Dog-Industry Norms and discover 3 Techniques You Can Use Now to Help Your Reactive Dog” at Full episode: Watch: Powered by Firstory Hosting
Grace Henke #1 Taiwan Dog Training Expert; The Anti-Obedience Reactive and Fearful Dog Training Expert She works with dog owners who have "tried everything” but are still struggling to communicate with their shy, fearful, and reactive dogs. If you're ready to live a fuller life with a calmer, more relaxed, and well-behaved dog, make sure to download Free copy of “Debunking the 2 Biggest Dog-Industry Norms and discover 3 Techniques You Can Use Now to Help Your Reactive Dog” at Full episode: Watch: Powered by Firstory Hosting
Interview #7 Mark Sylvester- How to use Storytelling in Professional Applications In 2003, Mark Sylvester helped create the first social network for the TED Conference. Mark's been on the leading edge of software development for more than thirty years. Mark helped develop 3D animation software known as Maya, which revolutionized the way the world is entertained. Working with major studios, he introduced the world to computer-generated animation and received many accolades - including several Sci-Tech awards and an Oscar. As the host of the Hacking the Red Circle Podcast and Executive Producer of TEDxSantaBarbara, Mark is continually looking for 'Ideas Worth Spreading.' Mark gave his first TED Talk at TEDxFargo in 2018 called "See What You Think." Mark is the Showrunner, Host and Executive Producer of ten podcasts including a new form of audio education called a PodClass, being developed with California Lutheran University's School of Management. Mark focuses on using strategic storytelling to help brands and organizations develop communications to powerfully connect them with audiences. Powered by Firstory Hosting
Interview #7 Mark Sylvester- How to use Storytelling in Professional Applications In 2003, Mark Sylvester helped create the first social network for the TED Conference. Mark's been on the leading edge of software development for more than thirty years. Mark helped develop 3D animation software known as Maya, which revolutionized the way the world is entertained. Working with major studios, he introduced the world to computer-generated animation and received many accolades - including several Sci-Tech awards and an Oscar. As the host of the Hacking the Red Circle Podcast and Executive Producer of TEDxSantaBarbara, Mark is continually looking for 'Ideas Worth Spreading.' Mark gave his first TED Talk at TEDxFargo in 2018 called "See What You Think." Mark is the Showrunner, Host and Executive Producer of ten podcasts including a new form of audio education called a PodClass, being developed with California Lutheran University's School of Management. Mark focuses on using strategic storytelling to help brands and organizations develop communications to powerfully connect them with audiences. Powered by Firstory Hosting
Interview #6 - Jimmy Clare - Overcoming Obstacles & Road Blocks Jimmy Clare is a motivational speaker, Autism Advocate, author, and founder of CrazyFitnessGuy. But before he started his career as a speaker it was a bumpy road when he was younger. What Makes Jimmy So Unique? Jimmy Clare is Autistic but he likes to refer to it as "slightly Autistic" because he doesn't have it severe like others. Overcoming Many Obstacles And Road Blocks Growing up doctors told Jimmy's parents that he will not be able to walk without braces or crutches. He was also bullied in school from elementary school all the way up to high school. Jimmy then stood up to all the bullies and got some of them expelled. He went through nine ear surgeries, and three surgeries in one day. One for 6 wisdom teeth, 2 moles, and the last ear surgery that made number 9. Jimmy just keeps proving people wrong with his persistence time after time again. On top of those obstacles, he lives with spinal stenosis every day. For those that don't know what Spinal Stenosis is it's where the spine is pressing tight on the spinal cord. Which makes it hard for Jimmy to turn his head from left to right or up and down. Dedicated And Continues To Better Himself Every day Jimmy continues to better himself by working out 6 to 9 times a week. three days a week he practices kickboxing while on the other days he works out on Beachbody on Demand. That's why people refer to him as CrazyFitnessGuy He also enjoys reading books that he schedules time out of the day to read. But that's not all he also likes to listen to podcasts about improving oneself and time management. Practices What He Preaches Jimmy practices what he preaches every day even if he messes up he keeps trying. He is one of a kind that no one can replace or replicate him. Powered by Firstory Hosting
Interview #6 Jimmy Clare - Motivational Speaker (Trailer) Overcoming Many Obstacles &Road Blocks Jimmy Clare is a motivational speaker, Autism Advocate, author, and founder of CrazyFitnessGuy. But before he started his career as a speaker it was a bumpy road when he was younger. What Makes Jimmy So Unique? Jimmy Clare is Autistic but he likes to refer to it as "slightly Autistic" because he doesn't have it severe like others. Overcoming Many Obstacles And Road Blocks Growing up doctors told Jimmy's parents that he will not be able to walk without braces or crutches. He was also bullied in school from elementary school all the way up to high school. Jimmy then stood up to all the bullies and got some of them expelled. He went through nine ear surgeries, and three surgeries in one day. One for 6 wisdom teeth, 2 moles, and the last ear surgery that made number 9. Jimmy just keeps proving people wrong with his persistence time after time again. On top of those obstacles, he lives with spinal stenosis every day. For those that don't know what Spinal Stenosis is it's where the spine is pressing tight on the spinal cord. Which makes it hard for Jimmy to turn his head from left to right or up and down. Dedicated And Continues To Better Himself Every day Jimmy continues to better himself by working out 6 to 9 times a week. three days a week he practices kickboxing while on the other days he works out on Beachbody on Demand. That's why people refer to him as CrazyFitnessGuy He also enjoys reading books that he schedules time out of the day to read. But that's not all he also likes to listen to podcasts about improving oneself and time management. Practices What He Preaches Jimmy practices what he preaches every day even if he messes up he keeps trying. He is one of a kind that no one can replace or replicate him. Powered by Firstory Hosting
Interview with Bernadette Bruckner from Austria Bernadette Bruckner is Founder.CEO of iMM - intuitive mentoring method & ORINITION - n(fl)ourish soul.mind.body, Radio & Podcast Host She wrote more than 20 books and conducted more than 30 online courses. The creative allrounder worked successfully in different working fields in Austria and abroad. By her interest in corporate communications, marketing, human resources and many other areas of business, she has appropriated an enormous amount of knowledge over the last 30 years. Numerous educations with international top-trainers like Richard Bandler, Roy M. Martina, Robert Dilts, Eric Pearl, Fred Donaldson, Mark Anastasi and Clinton Swaine. Internationally active as holistic trainer in health, nutrition and energetical mental health with exceptional methods. Founder of „iMM - intuive mentoring method and 1-min-coaching-to-go“, further developement of NLP, as well as „ORINITION® - n(fl)ourish soul.mind.body.“ – an innovative nutrition work of (re-) membering our own body intelligence. Successfully Master’s degree in health management in tourism with focus on public at the FH Joanneum in Austria. Diploma education in alternative nutrition, master functional trainer and master nlp & hypnosis trainer. International PhD-study and research in the fields of health communication & language science with focus on neuro-/psycholinguistic as well with health promotion, health economics & neuro science. Further education in mentoring, psychological help of trauma and crisis. To connect with Sponsorship: Powered by Firstory Hosting
Podcast Interview with Dr. Keong Chee Sheng Topic: Problem Solving & Entrepreneurship To connect with Dr. Keong Linkedin : Facebook: Email: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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