DiscoverESG 永續手法 - LEED BDC v4 綠建築 - 能源環境 建築設計及營造
ESG 永續手法 - LEED BDC v4 綠建築 - 能源環境 建築設計及營造

ESG 永續手法 - LEED BDC v4 綠建築 - 能源環境 建築設計及營造

Author: 粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian, USGBC Faculty, LEED AP

Subscribed: 54Played: 210


領先能源與環境設計先導 建築設計及營造 第4版

本人提供的 LEED 影片課程 英文版6.9小時 中文版9.4小時

Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design
Building Design & Construction v4.0

鶴魁 綠建築大小事 He-Kui Sustainability Matters

粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian, USGBC Faculty,
LEED AP (Legacy + 5 specialties), WELL AP,
EFFAS Certified ESG Analyst,
CFA-Certificate in ESG Investing,
GRI Sustainability Professional,
ISO Lead Verifier: 14064-1 GHG, 14067 Carbon Footprint, etc.
58 Episodes
EQ P2-Environmental Tobacco Smoke Control粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian
EQ P1-Minimum Indoor Air Quality Performance粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian
MR C9-Construction & Demolition Waste Management粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian
PodCast-055-MR C8-Design for Flexibility粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian
MR C7 Furniture & Medical Furnishings粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian
PBT Source Reduction-Lead_Cadmium_Copper粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian
Material & Resources Credit 5 PBT Source Reduction-MercuryPersistent, Bio-accumulative and Toxic Source Reduction - Mercury這集的器材和後製方式都有很大的變化 熟悉學習中麥克風 由電容式改為動圈式並且使用錄音介面Windows 換成 macOS (所以 後製也不同了)粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian
Material & Resources Credit 4 BPDO- EPDBuilding Product Disclosure and OptimizationMaterial Ingredients這集使用 Sony ECM-LV1 領夾式麥克風粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian
Material & Resources Credit 3 BPDO- EPDBuilding Product Disclosure and OptimizationSourcing of Raw Materials粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian
麥克風 由 Blue Snowball 雪球 改成 Blue Yeti Nano 小雪怪Material & Resources Credit 2 BPDO- EPDBuilding Product Disclosure and OptimizationEnvironmental Product Declarations粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian
Material & Resources Credit 1 Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction 粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian 
Material & Resources Prerequisite 3PBT Source Reduction - Mercury (PBT: Persistent, Bioaccumulative & Toxic substances)粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian 
Material & Resources Prerequisite 2Construction & Demolition Waste Management Planning粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian 
Material & Resources Prerequisite 1Storage & Collection of Recyclables粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian 
Energy & Atmosphere Credit 7Green Power and Carbon Offsets粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian 
Energy & Atmosphere Credit 6Enhanced Refrigerant Management粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian 
Energy & Atmosphere Credit 5Renewable Energy Production 粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian 
041 EA C4 需求響應

041 EA C4 需求響應


Energy & Atmosphere Credit 4Demand Response 粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian 
Energy & Atmosphere Credit 3Advanced Energy Metering 進階的能源量測粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian 
Energy & Atmosphere Credit 2 Optimize Energy Performance 最佳化能源表現 粘名豐 Ming-Feng Nian 