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The One Year School Podcast

Author: Barbara Hoi

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The One Year School Podcast interviews students, who made dyslexia their gift and the reason for their success. We interviews experts in topics from physical, mental and emotional health to successful living. This podcast supports students of One Year Online School, and helps struggling adults to read, write and do maths differently. More than establishing literacy and numeracy, The One Year School aims at setting foundations for the entrepreneurial skills necessary to participate in today’s interconnected world.
20 Episodes
Today’s podcast is with Heidi Stead, the director of Steadfast Language and Learning. Heidi has a master degree in English Linguistics and has created a range of products that support students, especially those preparing for their HSC.As so many dyslexic individuals I have worked with are struggling with grammar, I have invited Heidi to be on my podcast and not only help students with that, but even more so in structuring their creative ideas into essays that mirror these wonderful...
Silvana La Pegna (author of ‘Everyday Miracle Maker’) It’s with great pleasure I’m introducing Silvana La Pegna today, who was a former client of mine, and has since become a great friend too.Silvana had never been labelled or diagnosed as dyslexic, but describes how, sitting on the coach one day, she kept pondering what block was holding her back from achieving her dream, the dream of writing her own book.During the assessment she saw a montage of her school life, wishing she had known ... have enjoyed talking to my former colleague at Toastmasters, a dear friend of mine and someone I admire very much: Charmaine Burke, an expert in communication and leadership.Her business, ' Art of Communicating - the Power of You', enables her clients to communicate who they are and how they are influencing and impacting the world.She explains that everything we do in life requires us to communicate better, be it in relationships, in business or as a ...
It has been great fun and insightful to interview Josh Langley, an award-winning author all the way from Western Australia.Josh Langley writes children books with the aim to give children inner resilience.Titles such as "Magnificent Mistakes and Fantastic Failures" and "Being You is Enough", or a new one called "Being Wildly Kind" give you an indication of the beautiful messages children receive.Josh's books empower children and give them confidence, as he wishes he had received w...
Abigail Marshall lives in California and is - in my opinion - THE authority on Dyslexia , because there is hardly anybody who has done more research into different methods of treating dyslexia. Abigail is the author of: The Everything Parent's Guide to Children with DyslexiaLearn the Key Signs of Dyslexia and Find the Best Treatment Options for Your Child Abigail's own son had been struggling with dyslexia and was called lazy at school and didn't get the help he needed. ...
Matthew and Henry came all the way from New Zealand fo 2 week program back in 2013. Matthew is telling me all about his son going from strength to strength since and how the creative talents are serving him well today.It is always a pleasure to hear back from past clients and get their side of a story, their journey out of dyslexia and into a fulfilling life.Although I don’t work with clients that way anymore, it still fills me with joy and often lifelong bonds are created this way, which I t...
Michelle Pearce is Sydney based naturopath and a personal development coach. She has a Bachelor of Naturopathy degree from Nature Care College in Sydney. Over the years, her philosophy and practice have evolved into providing her clients with the strategies that assist them to achieve a deeper sense of health, vitality, wholeness and purpose in life by applying her knowledge and expertise in nutrition, herbalism, mind-body therapies and energy healing techniques. Alongside the tradi...
Ghislaine has an amazing way of helping her clients in a holistic way that goes well beyond the modalities she has studied and practiced for many years. She has now expanded her original practice of kinesiology and breath-work to now include topics such as spiritual psychology and energy medicine.In this podcast she explains what these terms mean and how they benefit her clients. We get a glimpse into the world of kinesiology, how and why muscle testing works in bypassing our mind and unlocki...
Cathleen Ross is a very prolific, successful and versatile author. Cathleen has currently published 15 books, – and many more e-books, mainly focused on female romance. Cathleen also teaches creative writing to her students.I have not only enjoyed my interview with Cathleen, but I also learned a lot.At some point I wished I had received that information before I published my own books, which I think would have saved me a lot of time and energy, learning through trial and error. As the O...
Pete Evans may not need an introduction here in Australia, but as he is often known only for his cooking, as Paleo Pete - or for the controversial opinions that also get misquoted on our media outlets, I wanted to hear Pete's take on it and find out what he is currently up to.It so happens that his new network started on the day of our interview and if you really want to know more about the 'real' Pete, I'd recommend you join: his podcasts are there as videos, many...
Murray Bothma and his mum Helen are the reason for me finding my way to the Davis Dyslexia Correction Method and becoming a Davis facilitator. My friend Helen had tried so many different ways to help her son Murray - until she came across Ron Davis. It changed her life and that of her son Murray.Knowing about my son Keanu's struggles and how similar it sounded to what she had been through, she suggested 'the Gift of Dyslexia', Ron's book, to me and the rest is history, as they say.Both of our...
DR. LISA VAUGHAN, OsteopathI am delighted to be interviewing a friend of mine who is an osteopath. Lisa Vaughn introduces us to the profession of osteopathy, on how to influence the body’s self-healing & self-regulating properties and calm our central nervous system, which she feels is her privilege to facilitate. Amazing things happen when the body has returned back to balance.Our bodies know what they need. So why would the body need help from an outside therapy?Lisa explains very eloqu...
What do you think is one of the biggest assets we have and often take for granted, don't know how to use properly and don't realize we can hone and polish it?Something I have learned at Toastmasters has now come very handy and I don't just use it - I teach it to my clients too. When you listen to the podcast you will find out, how this can become one of your most valuable tools, to make your friends and colleagues listen more intently and with more interest to you. It will intrigue and inspir...
You can find Kerry on: will enjoy this episode so much. It has elements of drama, a great personal story of my friend Kerry Davenport, her struggle and the ultimate success that leads us to a therapy that you will not have expected to find. Well, I have not heard of that specific brand of therapy, that includes the ocean.I had met Kerry on the water, where she is most at home - and before our interview, I had no idea that she is also dyslexic and has s...
Rosemary Blundo is a movement educator. Have you ever heard of such an unusual and interesting profession? She is also a dear friend and I was quite surprised how much I learned about her, that I had not known previously.Rosemary's job is to get her clients into their body and enable them to function on a higher level, having the brain activated and switched on to learning. Most of us can benefit from that; in fact, Rosemary works with clients of all ages that need to stimulate brain cells to...
Going from a struggling dyslexic student to becoming the world's top engineerWhat an incredible interview with one of my former students. Andrew Babakian was thirty when he came to me to help him to understand his learning style and use it to his advantage. Never did he dream to get as far as he has - and what a success story!Only a few years after our program, he was head-hunted to the states and I was interviewing him via Zoom from his new home in California. In his own words:“The expe...
free audio course: Gorman is a friend and former colleague of mine, one of the first Davis Dyslexia facilitators in Australia. She talks about the path with her son, how she tried absolutely everything she could find to help him since he started Kindergarten - and how it was only when he was in Year 6 that she stumbled across the Davis Method,.Every year prior she had started a new method and in hindsight she realizes that all these methods w...
to find out more about Nici Verriest: www.naturalenergybalancing.comto have access to FOCUS & READ free audio course: this episode #3 I have the pleasure to talk to my friend Nici Verriest, who explains the versatility of Natural Energy Balancing. Nici helps patients reduce inflammation in their body, is able to discover and correct imbalances through kinesiology and supports her clients to re-balance and realign their body again.&n...
find out more about Keanu: access the FREE audio course FOCUS & READ: am very excited to introduce my son Keanu - his full name is Marcus Keanu. I have been using either Marcus or Keanu in the past and some people who don't know him thought that I am talking about two different people. But, there is only one Keanu or Marcus Keanu - and he is the only one of my four children who is dyslexic.He is the reason I hav...
Yeah! Episode #1 and Barbara Hoi, the founder of The One Year School talks about her inspiration - the story behind the One Year School and how the podcast is supporting this online school for dyslexic, visual and tactile learners.Barbara talks about her son Marcus-Keanu, his struggles, frustrations and traumas at primary school and how he emerged from high school with flying colours.Keanu's take on it is very different, however - and in Episode #2, he will explain why the school system didn'...