
39 Episodes
I Forgive Everyone In My Past.
I am able to forgive everyone that has ever hurt me. I let go of negativity from previous experiences and set myself free from the prison of grudges, pain, and anger.
I remove the bitterness from my heart and mind. Holding onto this pain is unnecessary, unproductive, and keeps me a victim of my past. I choose to move forward into a life without it.
I eliminate the desire for revenge from my heart as I allow the universe and karma to handle things instead. I feel that it is important to let go and make peace. I reject past pain and anger. I get rid of the blame without residual sadness.
I notice the lightness I feel after letting go of the past and the people from it. I am able to find joy again because I forgive.
I forgive myself, too. I get rid of the constant reminders of previous mistakes and errors. I do what I can to make up for my mistakes, learn from them, and move on with a lighter heart.
I acknowledge my feelings and forgive.
Today, I show forgiveness and move on from my past. I stop allowing the past to control me and my present. I let go of it and the people who hurt me.I get rid of the pain, sadness, anger, and resentment and replace it with new memories I can cherish.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How can I forgive people without letting them hurt me again?
2. Where can I get more help to learn forgiveness?
3. What can I do to make it easier for me to forgive and move on?
Course Content and Enroll Now!
Dr. Rachael Robertson
Step-by-Step Techniques to Break Free from the Pain of Relationships Emotional Trauma, Breakups and Betrayal ebook
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Does this sound like you (I bet it does!)?
Can I ask you a few questions? Just take a minute to think through these…
Do you want to stop the pain of your breakup…
...but you seem to be stuck in a world of hurt?
Do you want to be able to put the past behind you…
...but you don’t know how?
Do you want to learn why it hurts so bad..…
...but you’re not sure who to ask?
If you answered, “Yes,” to any of those questions, than I’ve got some good news for you.
You can stop the pain, rediscover how wonderful you really are, and learn how to release the past.
You can dare to hope for the future you DREAMED of before the big hurt!
I created a specific training to show you EXACTLY how.
It’s called…
Healing From Emotional Trauma, Breakups, and Betrayal [click here]
I’ll hold you by the hand, step-by-step, and show you how to unlock…
...the secrets to freedom from your emotional trauma.
In this training, you’ll learn how:
● Your pain is intensified by emotional, physical, and mental processes
● To work with the chemistry of your body to reduce the negative effects
● To escape the negative programming of your loss
● To avoid toxic routines that make you feel the pain over and over
● To identify and reverse the processes that keep you stuck in pain
● To discover a way out, so you can move forward
This has the power to change EVERYTHING!
Click here to reserve YOUR spot!
If you have ANY questions, please let me know.
Talk soon!
- Dr. Rachael Robertson
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Last Years Conference: Healing From Emotional Trauma, Breakups, and Betrayal and you're listening to LAST YEAR'S ticket pre-sale that sold out in 15 days!! NO COMMERCIALS!! Let's do it again. This year the committee thought we needed to address political anger and the onset to division and malice and here is the information:
Politically speaking, society has a mired of ways to split the cake: divide. These divisions are then categorized with haptoral data about a person and given an identifying number. Politics: the good and bad, exploits opportunities of liberty, identity and equality. Your emotions are valid and important. Unfortunately, rage ensues, and we'll get into it. Like any important subject matter, your words, experiences are important, but America seems to gaslight citizens straight into oblivion!
Typically, we experience a primary emotion like fear, loss or sadness first. Because these emotions create feelings of vulnerability and loss of control, they make us uncomfortable. One way of attempting to deal with these feelings is by subconsciously shifting into anger.
And as a bonus we will include an excerpt of last year's material Break Free from the Pain: kind'a goes hand in hand with political anger.
About Dr. Rachel-Leah: Dr. Rachel-Leah Levitch has help clients through the metroplex and abroad with education and healthy spaces for growth for families. With any of her best-known products through the CID-EDU Scholastic Program individuals have gone from healing to healing and ultimately change their lives and the people in their lives. The Cognitive Institute of Dallas and up-and-coming RaeBabeCo. International Skin Care and Clothing's line she is iconic for helping women transform and improve there status. It is imperative in stating the pandemic has caused impeding factors for nonprofits and communities; 1 in 3 nonprofits are in financial jeopardy and volunteers are almost nonexistent. These statistics are surmounting as an increase demand for nonprofit services skyrockets. With Healthy Families First [WHFF] Broadcast & Media Launch and Dr. Levitch's community Broad leaders - they are here to change the infrastructure.
**Sign up for the conference "The Social Consequences of Political Anger"; and
** For security our rule is simple: Two weeks and 1 week before the conference we will email the link. ** And the day of the conference. See our terms, privacy policy and refund policy before purchase.
Let the memory and connection of your children change: so that you can heal. Really working through the loss of separation. Ideally this lesson is for parents who never believed they would have a separation through family services. For parents who
experienced death of a child and the excruciating loss: and the stop of life.
From Psychology Today Empty Nest Syndrome. Join us with recovery of working with parents in a healthy space and self-image. We will cast WHFF Broadcast and cast call for parents:
to learn more click here. To learn about casting calls visist the Cognitive Institute of Dallas or WHFF Cast Call
About Dr. Rachel Levitch
Dr. Rachel-Leah advocacy includes the promotion of successful families through parent-child healthy relationships. Her philanthropy is geared toward family advocacy to
re-vamp states' system and legislative processes of collecting children and monitoring their growth of health, wellness, and safety. As a Doctor of Performance improvement and author.
Dr. Rachel-Leah is a parent with a passion for protecting parental freedoms and democracy. For nearly a decade she has been on the front lines to protect family freedoms and constitutional freedoms against un-mandated and harmful agencies such as the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. Listen to her incredible story of worry, loss, hope, flawed parenting, successful return, ongoing case management and reputable response to failed leadership from Health and Human Services and her own states Commissioner.
The Oh-Yeah Section: We have an upcoming conference:
The Social Consequences of Political Anger hope to see you there!
for scholarships email Laura at
The number and type of hurts you've suffered in the past, combined with your thoughts and beliefs, can make it difficult to release the past. Join us at our new conference "Break Free". Register Today
"Break Free" on Amazon & Barnes and Noble
Dr. Levtich, serves as the CEO of WHFF.TV and WHFF.Radio as a larger umbrella to the Cognitive Institute of Dallas, streaming service. With launch around the corner an almost soon rippling effect of what it means to build a healthy family is on the rise. WHFF Broadcasting will generate and tailor content toward millennials to inspire them in creating healthy families and building loyalty and communication through interpersonal relationships....learn more
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So, here's my rant. I am really trying to get a hold of the reality of politics in America will seem to have beautiful, treated emotion and I pray with the system. We are not able to communicate today. I cannot say that America
does not have a history of violence, anger, and murderers. Yep!!! That’s America. And now, here we are - while those persons try and rewrite history- doing the same thing as history states..... PR Release "Writer's Rant: Anger-Fueled Style of Politics"
Watch the full episode FREE at "Writer's Rant: Anger-Fueled Style of Politics."
Sign up for the conference: "The Consequence of Political Anger".
Get the latest in news.
WHFF scheduled show release dates
Here at With Healthy Families First; our goal is providing conscious efforts and tips to improve communication with siblings, parents and children.
Dr. Rachael Robertson helps parents and clients understand the root of psychological exams. During her lessons- she offers communication strategies during assessments, scales and measures that reflect feelings and emotions and allow parents to undergo psychological practice tests with results. Dr. Robertson improves destructive and troubled parents. Allowing oneself to envision themselves through new lens. Her talks and principles help adults rediscover their trauma and triggers in effective ways. And at the same note, help rejuvenate the promotions of good psychological parental-health and operative communication, parenting styles and discover.
Look for season two where we look into Family Communication with various models and theories. Visit our family reconciliation page for course materials, upcoming webinar series, virtual events and books.
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Given the profound influence of the mind, it becomes essential to explore the psychological effects and aspects that affect our well-being and personal development. The interplay between mental states and physical health is a compelling area of study in reviewing how our thoughts and emotions can directly impact our psychological conditions Understanding the relationship can provide provide valuable insights into enhancing both mental and physical health.
The technology sector is presently transforming education through artificial intelligence at an ex extraordinary rate. Concurrently, black and brown families are experiencing displacement and the loss of generations at alarming levels. In light of these challenges, it prompts and inquiry into how the cognitive Institute of Dallas and WHFF nonprofit organizations can efficiently share information with clients by leveraging the latest technologies while operating within a constrained budget.
WHFF.tvWith Healthy Families First {WHFF} aims to explore the dynamics of parental self-esteem, particularly among those who were once children themselves, emphasizing the importance of cultural identity that may create a sense of alienation from other racial groups. The National Library of Medicine has developed a modified scoring system intended to address racial and ethnic disparities in response styles, which has reduced but not entirely eliminated differences among groups and subgroups of races
The Cognitive Institute of Dallas has always emphasize that its goal is to lead the dialogue and take action on social injustice and has plans to restore families whose parents have high recidivism of the family court systems. This includes rates of family services and return to prison as well as those whose parents are financially supported by states, housing and low income services, the cognitive Institute of Dallas and WHFF.RADIO and WHFF.TV sponsoring a cast call for parents experiencing family law system unfairly discriminating against black and African-American children WHFF.TV will broadcast your story
Kindle Edition:
Not into politics, nor is the book regarding policies or politics. Are we giving AI Technology and bad name or is AOC and great efforts to address an extension of the VAWA (violence against women act).
Visit the parenting channel and the WHFF parenting firm
Visit: WHFF.TV and WHFF.Radio
“I have always wanted to stay in the best upbeat and positive environment of raising families that inspire hope and in hard times create a force of strength and focus to stay together.” Dr. Levitch said. “And although that’s not my story; creating programs of what American families' challenges are and creating new forms of families for our time is epic. It is important to me to note that Americans are no longer promoting education first, marriage, family unity and commitment to community. No one knows the eventuality two generations from now.”
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Traditions and views on knowledge the expectations of the family parents' beliefs about technology. Helping parents adapt new develops and new expectations of technology for the well-being of child(ren)'s long-term development.
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Promo Spotify Video: We really are trying to fix the video service with Spotify Podcast. But so far there is no hefty amount of technical support. Therefore, the audio has - no consistency.... So, we are providing content below and don't miss our series [click here].
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How to Determine your Priorities
Many times a decision is complicated by several factors that you might consider important. Of course, each option leans a different way, which causes confusion and uncertainty. So then, what do you do?
Follow this 3-step strategy to cut out the confusion, discover your priorities, and make decisions you can trust:
1. Reflect. Think about what’s most important to you and write them down.
✴ Your spouse, family, and other loved ones
✴ Your faith
✴ Your dreams and goals
✴ Your ethics and morals
✴ Your health
✴ Your work
✴ Other things of importance to you
2. Arrange. Put them in order with the most important items at the top.
✴ Some of your most important priorities will change at different times in your life.For example, if you’re going to college to get a degree, completing your education may be more important than your part-time job during this time. However, when you’re the sole provider for your family, your job is one of your top priorities.
3. Refer to your priority list when making choices. Gear your decisions toward the option that provides the most advantages for the items at the top of your list whenever possible. Go with the decision that aids the higher priority over the lower one.
✴ For example, when you’re faced with a choice between picking up junk food on the way home from work, or taking an extra 20 minutes to make something healthy at home, choose the healthier option. While it means a little more time to cook something healthy, your health is always one of your top priorities!
✴ Things like going for a walk with your kids become easy choices because this activity satisfies two priorities: your health and spending quality time with your kids.
You’ll rarely regret making choices according to your higher priorities. On the other hand, if you should give into the feeling of the moment – like when you want junk food or would rather take a nap than spend time with your family – there may be times in the future when you regret these poor decisions.
Dr. Rachel-Leah
Step-by-Step Techniques to Break Free from the Pain
of Relationships Emotional Trauma, Breakups and Betrayal: eBook
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Promo Spotify Video: We really are trying to fix the video service with Spotify Podcast. But so far there is no hefty amount of technical support. Therefore, the audio has - no consistency.... So, we are providing content below. But to view the video [click here] and don't miss our series [click here].
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I am mentally strong, even during busy holidays.
I am strong. I am happy when I am busy, and I have no fear. I challenge myself to accomplish a lot during the holidays because I enjoy the fulfillment it gives me. I like to do things each day.
Spending time with family and friends is important to me. I enjoy the time with others and find that it helps me to stay happy and joyful.
When I am busy, worries and stress leave my mind. I push any cares aside and focus on the task at hand. As I become more focused, I find my enjoyment of the present moment rising. I remain mentally acute and happy regardless of what life brings my way. I know the importance of peace.
Staying peaceful and strong is a choice I make. I am the master of my thoughts and my destiny. Holiday challenges that used to frighten or upset me excite me today. I take on each challenge as I come to it and stay mentally strong. I welcome these obstacles and embrace them each time they appear.
Facing challenges, instead of attempting to avoid them is one of the many ways I keep my mind strong. By living my life this way, I stay committed to moving forward.
Today, I am strong, and I am able to face my busy life.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What can I do to stay strong and healthy when life is busy?
2. How can I get others to help me, so I'm not busy and stressed-out?
What is the best way to make time for me when I have a lot of other things to
Dr. Rachel-Leah
Step-by-Step Techniques to Break Free from the Pain
of Relationships Emotional Trauma, Breakups and Betrayal: eBook
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Promo Spotify Video: We really are trying to fix the video service with Spotify Podcast. But so far there is no hefty amount of technical support. Therefore, the audio has - no consistency.... So, we are providing content below. But to view the video [click here] and don't miss our series [click here].
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I allow myself outside of my comfort zone and appreciate all the rewards that are available to me.
Stepping outside of my comfort zone from time to time opens up a whole new world of possibilities to me. Although I can receive many rewards while staying warm and cozy inside my comfort zone, I realize that venturing out of it can bring even more!
My comfort zone has all the comforts of home. Inside my home I feel confident and self-assured. I know where everything is and arrange it according to my own likes and dislikes. I am in control of my life when I am inside my home.
I know that once I step outside my home, things change. Life can throw unexpected challenges at me, yet even with such a risk, I know that I could never live my life inside my home only. That would be too limited and confining!
In the same way, I understand that living life inside my comfort zone confines me to a very narrow spectrum of experiences. Although I am comfortable and confident there, where is the excitement? Do I really want to limit myself like that? Of course not!
When I allow myself to get out, I find that it can be fun. I can go on new adventures and meet all kinds of new people. I can develop new talents and skills that I never knew I had. And I can learn new things that I never even imagined before.
With this in mind, today I plan to let myself out of my comfort zone and reap new rewards like never before. I feel such freedom and excitementabout my new outlook that I know I can overcome any minor setback on my path to fulfillment.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What holds me inside of my comfort zone?
2. How can I allow myself out?
3. What rewards have I received when I've ventured outside my comfort zone?
Dr. Rachel-Leah SPOTIFY
Step-by-Step Techniques to Break Free from the Pain
of Relationships Emotional Trauma, Breakups and Betrayal: eBook
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Promo Spotify Video: We really are trying to fix the video service with Spotify Podcast. But so far there is no hefty amount of technical support. Therefore, the audio has - no consistency.... So, we are providing content below. But to view the video [click here] and don't miss our series [click here].
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Learning to let go and forgive is a noble act. It can help you have peace with yourself and others. However great the benefits, though, it's not always an easy thing to achieve.
all transgressions are easy to forgive and forget. But then there are the big things for which you may feel the need to cling onto. You might tell yourself that you've let it go, but ultimately you haven't. In these tough situations, there are techniques that you can use to finally let go and find peace [click here].
Learning to Forgive
It's important to learn to forgive. Holding onto grudges or resentments only hurts you. It can lead to bad moods, depression, or even health conditions. When you hold onto resentment, you allow a situation to burden your future.
Forgiveness is the right choice to make, but it doesn't mean that you've forgotten what has happened. You might even still hold someone else accountable for the wrong. With forgiveness, you're simply making the decision to move on with your life.
It means that, while you might not ever completely forget the pain, you'll still be able to live your daily life without it. And when you see the person who has wronged you, you won't immediately think of or bring up the situation.
How to Forgive
There's no set rule on how you should approach forgiveness. However, you may know deep down when it's time to forgive. When you realize that you've been replaying a situation in your head over and over, it's time to let it go and forgive.
In order to forgive, you also need to allow a change to take place in your life. Find the compassion within to make peace with the past. You'll feel the change in your heart as you let the resentment go and make room for positive feelings.
This can be especially difficult if the person you're dealing with seems resistant to change or doesn't even care about your forgiveness. In this situation, remember that you're searching for peace for yourself. It isn't about making the other person feel better; it's about making you feel better.
Dr. Rachel-Leah
Step-by-Step Techniques to Break Free from the Pain
of Relationships Emotional Trauma, Breakups and Betrayal: eBook
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Vacationing with my friend and during domestic violence awareness month; what a great opportunity to talk and discuss relationships [click here].
Everyone has been hurt in relationships. Few people are able to let that pain go so they can move on with their lives without the past mudding their joy.
People have a tendency to get caught in their anger and pain after they've been hurt. There are mental, emotional, and physical reasons why itis difficult to release this pain [course content].
One area that can make it difficult to release the past is the misunderstanding of what forgiveness is. People often think forgiveness absolves the other person of anything that happened. You’ll discover this is incorrect.
Strategies and exercises to release the past range from recognizing your personal power, nurturing yourself, changing your thoughts, and discovering how to manage your feelings.
If you prefer to discuss the details of your situation one-on-one; contact me directly. Either way; would love to have you!
Dr. Rachael Robertson
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Here at With Healthy Families First; our goal is providing conscious efforts and tips to improve communication with siblings, parents and children. Allowing oneself to envision themselves through new lens. Dr. Rachael Robertson's talks and principles help adults rediscover their trauma and triggers in effective ways. And at the same note, help rejuvenate the promotions of good psychological parental-health and operative communication, parenting styles and discover. Visit our family reconciliation page for course materials, upcoming webinar series, virtual events and books.
Understanding Psychological Assessments and Decoding Language (Dr. Robertson's Pentalogy), Breaking Generational Curses When Child Protective Services Takes Your Children The Pentalogy, Breaking Generational Curses When Child Protective Services Takes Your Children: The Return, Breaking Generational Curses When Child Protective Services Takes Your Children: Pedophilia Erotica: Perpetrator's Closeup, Recovering from Sexual Assault by Family Members (Dr. Robertson's Pentalogy), The Sexual Assault of Babygirl: Building From Broken Foundations, Finding Boaz: 21st Century Screening for Spirituality in a Mate or enjoy the series on Amazon.
Copyright and Partnership: Sponsored by the Cognitive Institute of Dallas and The Onakee Group
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