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Author: Dr Kathryn Smith

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Truthbook: honest conversations with a psychologist is hosted by Dr Kathryn Smith, a Clinical Psychologist who is passionate about getting real, open and honest conversations out there. She goes behind the scenes with her guests where they talk about the sadness and the joy, the successes and the failures, the worst moments and the best moments. You will let out a sigh of relief knowing it's not just you, be empowered by other peoples stories and laugh at the funnier side of life. Truthbook will help us be more connected and less isolated, more compassionate and understanding of each other.

30 Episodes
My guest on this bonus episode of the ADHD series is Kayla Megan Burns. We talk about their experience of discovering they are Autistic and most likely ADHD and not a weirdo, as they thought of themselves as a child. Kayla is passionate about communication and equality. They are currently a Tech Founder and leader running their own podcast production business, Songplistic, which produces organisational podcasts and utilises the profits from this to fund social good. As a recent Biomed...
In this final episode of the series about ADHD assessments, I chat to Dr Helen Galloway, a clinical psychologist and manager of the St Andrews Practice. I met with Helen in their new premises in Dundee. We were both somewhat nervous about tackling this subject but we're glad we did and hope it answers some of those tricky questions on this topic. We'd welcome hearing your thoughts and views on this episode... @truthbook instagram @truthbook Facebook Email Helen info@thestandrewspractice...
My guest Eleanor Murray shares the perspective of a young person, at 19years old. She was happy to talk about her experience of assessment for ADHD and Autism, the impact of a diagnosis and other people's perception. Eleanor is about to start a foundation course in Art at Dundee University after having done a year at Ayrshire College studying Art and Design. I'd love to hear your thoughts or questions on listening to this episode... @truthbook instagram @truthbook Facebook Email Kathryn...
Michaela Thomas is a fellow clinical psychologist who runs the Thomas Connection and a programme called Burn Bright for high striving ambitious women. She's is also author of The Lasting Connection, and host of the Pause Purpose Play Podcast. Michaela celebrates what her ADHD brain allows her to achieve, but also acknowledges that there is another side to the coin, and that ADHD is a disability. Michaela moved from Sweden to the UK in 2010 and now lives in London with her husband and two chil...
My guest is Dr Melanie Smart, a fellow Clinical Psychologist based in Chichester, West Sussex. Melanie works with children up to 18 years, many of whom have an ADHD diagnosis. And it was through this work that she started wondering if she also had ADHD. The young people would bring their school reports in and she'd read them thinking, hang on, that could be mine. Melanie pursued a diagnosis and describes it as being a game changer. She now specialises in working with ADHD high ma...
My guest Adam Sutherland, is a renowned Scottish Fiddler and award winning composer with his tunes being played around the world. He is also a highly sought after teacher both in Scotland and beyond including America, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Adam was diagnosed with ADHD in 2018, following which he felt 'life started making sense'. He was able to be more compassionate towards himself. His wife Emma also joins us in this episode, sharing her perspective. We'd love to hear y...
Truthbook ADHD series

Truthbook ADHD series


Dr Kathryn Smith, Clinical Psychologist, has invited 5 guests to talk about their ADHD experience. They each provide an illuminating perspective and allow you to feel more connected as they share sad and heartwarming stories. You can connect with Kathryn via Truthbook Facebook page, Instagram Facebook or her website Lomond Psychology.
My guest is ultra runner, Jamie Aarons. On 26th June, 2023, Jamie became the fastest person to self propel herself round all 282 Munros (mountains over 3, 000 feet in Scotland) cycling and kayaking between them. She did it in 31 days, 10 hours and 27 minutes (12 hours faster than the previous record holder, Donnie Campbell). But her achievement has become so much more than the world record that she now holds. Back at work as a Social Work advisor for the Scottish Government, I talk to Jamie ...
I asked Maria Leijerstam Edy to come on because, as someone I met many years ago through Adventure Racing (pre-kids), I look up to – she has taken on extreme challenges (first person to cycle to the South Pole and fastest human powered coast to South Pole traverse in 10 days, 14hrs and 56 minutes being the craziest, as well as cycled the length of NZ, run the marathon de sable, and been the first woman to compete in the Siberian Black Ice Race, cycling across Lake Baikal)! She is also mum to ...
Elsie MacDonald is a client, who got in touch to continue therapeutic work after being involved in a peri-natal clinical psychology service for support with depression when she was pregnant and then for the first year of her daughter’s life. On listening to Truthbook, Elsie said she’d like to come on to share her behind the scenes. Elise has a one year old daughter Orla, and lives in in Strathblane, about 12 miles north of Glasgow, just beneath the Campsie Fells. She has j...
Rosie Gilderthorp is a mum to three kids (aged 6, 4.5 and 14 months), a Clinical Psychologist and Podcaster. She is the founder of The Psychology Business School and the Do More Than Therapy, which aim to help private psychologists grow their business so they can be as effective as possible in helping others. She also specialises in mental health support for pregnancy, birth and parenthood, having had her own experience of a crushing 9 months of pregnancy sickness! She does t...
Delighted to have Nathan on Truthbook, 32 year old son of Robyn (Episode 17 - If you've not already listened, then head back to it as this will make a lot more sense). Nathan has many strings to his chatty and creative bow: Producer and announcer at SeaFM (in Tasmania!), a composer, producer, event manager and MC with his own brand called Belief Machine based out of his home recording studio (I had a tour-it's very cool) and an entry level motorsport driver. The boy who talked too much in cl...
There has been a long pause in getting this episode out as the last 5 months have been all about shifting life from Tasmania back to Scotland- packing, unpacking, re-acquainting with family and friends and Scotland. Finally feeling settled back home, I was able to bring myself to listen back to this interview with Robyn Gay whose softly spoken Australian accent and talk of Penguin in Tasmania where we lived brought back what are now life long memories. Robyn is another Yoga friend ...
Annette is my first Truthbook grandmother and wonderful yoga teacher. Annette’s words will warm your heart as she shares her experience of being ill as a child with an underactive thyroid, her passion for seeing the good in people and inclusivity and how this has been passed on through generations of her family, and her journey as a Grandmother. Annette was introduced to yoga when she lived in a remote village in Bali in 1975 and has been teaching yoga and Pilates in Australia since 1994. Sh...
Dawn Meredith, author, teacher, counsellor, artist, mum…encompasses all things creative. She is driven by strong values that have seen her swap urban life for rural farm life and unplug the TV. We chat about the tornado in her mind, her escape to hoodie land when she has reached her limit and the ever-present guilt monster telling her that she should not be taking time out for herself. And a rare night off being mum leaves a taste of what life once kids have left home might just be like… Daw...
My guest, Kate Reid, is a fellow Scot with a beautiful voice but she talks about having such low confidence that she struggles to accept compliments. Kate talks about her struggle with a binge eating disorder, how opening up and talking was the single most helpful thing, and we muse over whether we can ever truly understand how the mind works… I invited Kate onto Truthbook because I have loved her honesty and openness through poems, songs, and Facebook posts. In her own words, she has always ...
Elaine Kordys shares her Truthbook with honesty and humour. We hear Elaine's reflections on two lots of lock down homeschooling & managing her daughters new found autonomy; parenting with Rheumatoid Arthritis (Arthur as she calls it); the immense pride you can feel as a parent as well as those Cruella Di Vil parenting moments. And we finish off with some potty talk! Elaine is from Helensburgh in Scotland (my home town) and we became friends when Elaine's daughter Molly and my...
Rosie Butler shares her truthbook about what really went on behind the scenes of what looked like an idyllic family camping trip, being a third culture child, having a natural affinity with swans and the desire to be independent from her family, just for a week... Rosie is a fellow Brit in Penguin, Tasmania, hence we became instant friends. I asked Rosie to come on Truthbook after she shared a photo of a family camping trip, that looked awesome but later over a coffee, she told me what reall...
On this episode, we have a clinical psychologist interviewing a clinical psychologist both of whom are a little bit daunted by this prospect, hoping that our mutual feeling of ‘imposter syndrome’ is somewhat reassuring… Louise, brings her infectious passion and wisdom to talking about step parenting, the grief when a family is separated, the difficult emotions that come with facing climate change and how we help our kids take action and not become overly anxious. And we ponder what it would...
My ‘Truthbook’ conversation with this episode’s guest, Peter, started over a few beers at our kids class get together at the local bowls club. I mentioned my podcast to Peter as we regaled how toxic social media had been during lock down. Peter was immediately engaged, eager to share his behind the scenes, in the hope that his ‘Truthbook’ would reach out and help others. Peter works in Risk Assessment- an asset when it came to preparing for a pandemic, a hinderance when it came to managing fe...