
Author: MVs.A
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© MVs.A
MindVs.Action is a blog, vlog and podcast that brings you the very best thought process, techniques and education on how to empower your mind.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. - @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. - @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
53 Episodes
There is power, great power in letting go of experiences that do not serve us any good. But that power is only in each one of us, not in the people that hurt us, not in the people that caused us harm.
Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by just what is in our mind but by actually taking action on what is in our mind. It is not enough to simply hope, think and wish, we must take action.
My mission is simple: to empower people to own their thoughts, actions, process, results and therefore their life and to ultimately go from thoughts to taking action over what they want.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. Thank you and till next time, I challenge you to own your thoughts, actions, process, results and ultimately your life story. Most importantly I challenge you to go from thoughts in your mind to taking actual actions on those thoughts as nothing happens until actions are taken. @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
Life is truly a fine balance of doing what we must, doing what is the right thing to do, doing what we love, sacrificing a bit and living a whole lot.
Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by just what is in our mind but by actually taking action on what is in our mind. It is not enough to simply hope, think and wish, we must take action.
My mission is simple: to empower people to own their thoughts, actions, process, results and therefore their life and to ultimately go from thoughts to taking action over what they want.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. Thank you and till next time, I challenge you to own your thoughts, actions, process, results and ultimately your life story. Most importantly I challenge you to go from thoughts in your mind to taking actual actions on those thoughts as nothing happens until actions are taken. @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
I am speaking to the people who willingly live unhappy lives, simply because they do not want to change how their minds operate. I am speaking to the people that know that by taking certain actions or reactions they will suffer the next day, or that very same day but they do it anyway.
Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by just what is in our mind but by actually taking action on what is in our mind. It is not enough to simply hope, think and wish, we must take action.
My mission is simple: to empower people to own their thoughts, actions, process, results and therefore their life and to ultimately go from thoughts to taking action over what they want.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. Thank you and till next time, I challenge you to own your thoughts, actions, process, results and ultimately your life story. Most importantly I challenge you to go from thoughts in your mind to taking actual actions on those thoughts as nothing happens until actions are taken. @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
What does it mean to live by the rule of gratitude, for me to live with gratitude means recognizing everything we have that is good. All these things that are truly blessings that bring incredible joy and happiness to our life. Speaking of joy, to live with gratitude means to find joy in the smallest things we get to experience daily.
Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by just what is in our mind but by actually taking action on what is in our mind. It is not enough to simply hope, think and wish, we must take action.
My mission is simple: to empower people to own their thoughts, actions, process, results and therefore their life and to ultimately go from thoughts to taking action over what they want.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. Thank you and till next time, I challenge you to own your thoughts, actions, process, results and ultimately your life story. Most importantly I challenge you to go from thoughts in your mind to taking actual actions on those thoughts as nothing happens until actions are taken. @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
WINNERS DO QUIT! They quit all the time; they pivot all the time. They don’t marry an idea simply because they started on a particular journey or because they have already committed incredible amounts of time, resources, or capital, as all these are all sunk resources, meaning they can never be brought back once spent, not money and especially not time.
Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by just what is in our mind but by actually taking action on what is in our mind. It is not enough to simply hope, think and wish, we must take action.
My mission is simple: to empower people to own their thoughts, actions, process, results and therefore their life and to ultimately go from thoughts to taking action over what they want.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. Thank you and till next time, I challenge you to own your thoughts, actions, process, results and ultimately your life story. Most importantly I challenge you to go from thoughts in your mind to taking actual actions on those thoughts as nothing happens until actions are taken. @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
The illusion that perfection exists is probably one of the greatest detriments that plagues us as humans.
Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by just what is in our mind but by actually taking action on what is in our mind. It is not enough to simply hope, think and wish, we must take action.
My mission is simple: to empower people to own their thoughts, actions, process, results and therefore their life and to ultimately go from thoughts to taking action over what they want.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. Thank you and till next time, I challenge you to own your thoughts, actions, process, results and ultimately your life story. Most importantly I challenge you to go from thoughts in your mind to taking actual actions on those thoughts as nothing happens until actions are taken. @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
We all have them. And the truth is that it does not matter what level of success you achieve, they will always be there. In fact, the more successful you are the more they will show up. The trick is to learn to work around them. To use them as fuel to achieve what you want. To not allow them to take life, or to run your life.
Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by just what is in our mind but by actually taking action on what is in our mind. It is not enough to simply hope, think and wish, we must take action.
My mission is simple: to empower people to own their thoughts, actions, process, results and therefore their life and to ultimately go from thoughts to taking action over what they want.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. Thank you and till next time, I challenge you to own your thoughts, actions, process, results and ultimately your life story. Most importantly I challenge you to go from thoughts in your mind to taking actual actions on those thoughts as nothing happens until actions are taken. @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
The whole idea of family needs to be redefined in my opinion. For me, family should be made up of those who support you, cheer for you, those that help you see things you don't see. Those who are happy to see you happy, not those that frown when you are. This whole notion that I must love you or respect you because we share the same DNA makeup is flawed and absurd.
Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by just what is in our mind but by actually taking action on what is in our mind. It is not enough to simply hope, think and wish, we must take action.
My mission is simple: to empower people to own their thoughts, actions, process, results and therefore their life and to ultimately go from thoughts to taking action over what they want.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. Thank you and till next time, I challenge you to own your thoughts, actions, process, results and ultimately your life story. Most importantly I challenge you to go from thoughts in your mind to taking actual actions on those thoughts as nothing happens until actions are taken. @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
If we look at all life events, within our control and out of our control, nothing is guaranteed, nothing. We can have the best plan in place and mother nature can very well come in and disrupt it. Does this mean, to not plan, to not live, absolutely not.
Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by just what is in our mind but by actually taking action on what is in our mind. It is not enough to simply hope, think and wish, we must take action.
My mission is simple: to empower people to own their thoughts, actions, process, results and therefore their life and to ultimately go from thoughts to taking action over what they want.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. Thank you and till next time, I challenge you to own your thoughts, actions, process, results and ultimately your life story. Most importantly I challenge you to go from thoughts in your mind to taking actual actions on those thoughts as nothing happens until actions are taken. @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
Every day we are blessed with another day of life. Another shot at it. The saying says that we live once and to make the most of it. But I say that we die once, and we get the opportunity to live hundreds of thousands of times.
Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by just what is in our mind but by actually taking action on what is in our mind. It is not enough to simply hope, think and wish, we must take action.
My mission is simple: to empower people to own their thoughts, actions, process, results and therefore their life and to ultimately go from thoughts to taking action over what they want.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. Thank you and till next time, I challenge you to own your thoughts, actions, process, results and ultimately your life story. Most importantly I challenge you to go from thoughts in your mind to taking actual actions on those thoughts as nothing happens until actions are taken. @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
For me it is really all about: Owning your thoughts. Owning your actions. Owning your process. Owning your results. Owning your life!
Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by just what is in our mind but by actually taking action on what is in our mind. It is not enough to simply hope, think and wish, we must take action.
My mission is simple: to empower people to own their thoughts, actions, process, results and therefore their life and to ultimately go from thoughts to taking action over what they want.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. Thank you and till next time, I challenge you to own your thoughts, actions, process, results and ultimately your life story. Most importantly I challenge you to go from thoughts in your mind to taking actual actions on those thoughts as nothing happens until actions are taken. @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
Make today the day where you ask yourself these two questions; Where am I and Where do I want to go. Most importantly, take action on the second one. Take inventory of what can stay and what must go in your life.
Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by just what is in our mind but by actually taking action on what is in our mind. It is not enough to simply hope, think and wish, we must take action.
My mission is simple: to empower people to own their thoughts, actions, process, results and therefore their life and to ultimately go from thoughts to taking action over what they want.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. Thank you and till next time, I challenge you to own your thoughts, actions, process, results and ultimately your life story. Most importantly I challenge you to go from thoughts in your mind to taking actual actions on those thoughts as nothing happens until actions are taken. @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
If different means not giving excuses, not giving pity, or caring what others think of me. Then, guilty as charged. Lock me up in the jailhouse of happiness, I'm in! And I hope you are too.
Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by just what is in our mind but by actually taking action on what is in our mind. It is not enough to simply hope, think and wish, we must take action.
My mission is simple: to empower people to own their thoughts, actions, process, results and therefore their life and to ultimately go from thoughts to taking action over what they want.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. Thank you and till next time, I challenge you to own your thoughts, actions, process, results and ultimately your life story. Most importantly I challenge you to go from thoughts in your mind to taking actual actions on those thoughts as nothing happens until actions are taken. @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
The happiest people truly have a less crowded journey, not one that is crowded by people that are only seeking their self-interest. The happiest people don't have the most friends or family groups. They have the least as they, we, have learned that being happy, truly happy means learning to love yourself first and seeking the things that make yourself happy first, and that to most because of how society is conditioned is seen as just greedy and selfish.
Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by just what is in our mind but by actually taking action on what is in our mind. It is not enough to simply hope, think and wish, we must take action.
My mission is simple: to empower people to own their thoughts, actions, process, results and therefore their life and to ultimately go from thoughts to taking action over what they want.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. Thank you and till next time, I challenge you to own your thoughts, actions, process, results and ultimately your life story. Most importantly I challenge you to go from thoughts in your mind to taking actual actions on those thoughts as nothing happens until actions are taken. @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
Being poor is hard. Being rich is hard. Not having health is hard. Staying healthy is hard. Being unhappy is hard. Learning to be happy is hard. See the trend? Life is hard, period. It boils down to what type of hard you rather deal with and experience every day of your life.
Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by just what is in our mind but by actually taking action on what is in our mind. It is not enough to simply hope, think and wish, we must take action.
My mission is simple: to empower people to own their thoughts, actions, process, results and therefore their life and to ultimately go from thoughts to taking action over what they want.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. Thank you and till next time, I challenge you to own your thoughts, actions, process, results and ultimately your life story. Most importantly I challenge you to go from thoughts in your mind to taking actual actions on those thoughts as nothing happens until actions are taken. @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
As a society I believe we are stuck in this rat race because of the fact that we are wired to give up easily the moment we face some type of resistance. We are told since we are little by our loved ones that it is OK to give up, "that maybe it was not for us".
Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by just what is in our mind but by actually taking action on what is in our mind. It is not enough to simply hope, think and wish, we must take action.
My mission is simple: to empower people to own their thoughts, actions, process, results and therefore their life and to ultimately go from thoughts to taking action over what they want.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. Thank you and till next time, I challenge you to own your thoughts, actions, process, results and ultimately your life story. Most importantly I challenge you to go from thoughts in your mind to taking actual actions on those thoughts as nothing happens until actions are taken. @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
“If you don't like where you are, move. You are not a tree.”
Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by just what is in our mind but by actually taking action on what is in our mind. It is not enough to simply hope, think and wish, we must take action.
My mission is simple: to empower people to own their thoughts, actions, process, results and therefore their life and to ultimately go from thoughts to taking action over what they want.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. Thank you and till next time, I challenge you to own your thoughts, actions, process, results and ultimately your life story. Most importantly I challenge you to go from thoughts in your mind to taking actual actions on those thoughts as nothing happens until actions are taken. @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
I believe that the easiest way to live a happy life is to live it from a standpoint of gratitude. To be grateful every day for the things we all have whatever they are.
Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by just what is in our mind but by actually taking action on what is in our mind. It is not enough to simply hope, think and wish, we must take action.
My mission is simple: to empower people to own their thoughts, actions, process, results and therefore their life and to ultimately go from thoughts to taking action over what they want.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. Thank you and till next time, I challenge you to own your thoughts, actions, process, results and ultimately your life story. Most importantly I challenge you to go from thoughts in your mind to taking actual actions on those thoughts as nothing happens until actions are taken. @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
Every day you are sometimes one decision away from transforming your life forever. Whether it is to eat better, to spend more time with your loved ones, to learning something new that will impact your financial lives, to leaving an abusive relationship, to asking for that promotion, to leaving a job that does not value you or your talents.
Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by just what is in our mind but by actually taking action on what is in our mind. It is not enough to simply hope, think and wish, we must take action.
My mission is simple: to empower people to own their thoughts, actions, process, results and therefore their life and to ultimately go from thoughts to taking action over what they want.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. Thank you and till next time, I challenge you to own your thoughts, actions, process, results and ultimately your life story. Most importantly I challenge you to go from thoughts in your mind to taking actual actions on those thoughts as nothing happens until actions are taken. @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
When we are pinned between life and death we do whatever we have to in order to secure life. A bit extreme here I know, but it really is this way in many things that shape our lives. Think of the last time where you had to do a drastic change because it was that or face dire consequences.
Welcome to the MindVs.Action journey where every week I will share experiences, thoughts, and ideas on how you can go from thoughts in your mind to actually taking actions. Life is not formed by just what is in our mind but by actually taking action on what is in our mind. It is not enough to simply hope, think and wish, we must take action.
My mission is simple: to empower people to own their thoughts, actions, process, results and therefore their life and to ultimately go from thoughts to taking action over what they want.
Please subscribe to my blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to get notifications when my weekly entry is posted, I promise I will never disappoint. Thank you and till next time, I challenge you to own your thoughts, actions, process, results and ultimately your life story. Most importantly I challenge you to go from thoughts in your mind to taking actual actions on those thoughts as nothing happens until actions are taken. @mindvsaction: Facebook - Instagram - Twitter - YouTube
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