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Leading with a Braveheart
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Leading with a Braveheart

Author: Michelle Johns

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This show is for brave hearted women who have begun their leadership journey or aspire to become a leader.
103 Episodes
In this podcast, Michelle helps you to get the confidence to be yourself when you feel you’ve been rejected for being yourself.If you have been told to make changes to how you show up at work it can rock your confidence. It can feel like rejection. It can feel like you’re not good enough. Sometimes we let the feedback of a few people or the feeling that you’re different be a sign that we need to change who we are. But there’s another way.In this podcast Michelle shares 3 practical tips t...
In this podcast, Michelle helps you to bring career progression when you just want to go to work and are not interested in climbing the ladder.If you think become that leader who has to make the tough decisions or have to work long hours or have a stressful life is not for you, then this episode is for you.Michelle provides how you can make your job more enjoyable.
In this podcast, Michelle provides practical tips when you’re facing burnout.Imagine this, your in your career and you’re known for being a high achiever, you don’t complain when you need to work long hours, you just get things done and work keeps coming your way because you’re known to get things done and not complain!Here’s some tips to change that:Step 1: Acknowledge the ProblemStep 2: Set BoundariesStep 3: Prioritise Self-CareStep 4: Delegate and AutomateStep 5: Seek Professional Helphttp...
Want to change jobs but can’t yet… how can you leverage your current roleIn this podcast, Michelle helps you to make the most of the role you’re in.Sometimes it’s not possible to change jobs right now, so how can you bring joy into your life at work NOW.In this episode, Michelle provides 3 tips to do this:Find Ways to Innovate Within Your RoleBuild New RelationshipsFocus on Personal Development
In this podcast, Michelle shares ideas to think about setting goals differently.Brining a balance of masculine and feminine energy to goals and intentional setting could be the answer to enjoying the journey and the destination!
In this podcast, Michelle shares how it may be the thing that is holding you back is holding you back… Michelle explains how your vulnerabilities are your greatest strength and how to put that into practice, let go of your facade and be unapologetically you!!
In this podcast, Michelle shares a step by step formula to create your personal pitchHere’s the formula :Experiment Play Create Refine If you want to deep dive into this a bit more join the upcoming webinar:
Ignite your confidence

Ignite your confidence


In this podcast, Michelle provides you a formula to put some confidence into your leadership.The Ignite Confidence Formulareflect to find your value propositiondecide what type of leader you want to beexplore to identify your leadership modelJoin the Webinar, Ignite your confidence on 25 June 2024
In this podcast, Michelle shares real examples of what is self leadership.This week is about bringing to life the concept of self leadership. What does it mean to lead yourself through life…
In this podcast, Michelle shares a step by step formula to create your leadership development plan.Many people want to be leaders but are not intentional about it. If you want to make a difference and stand out as a leader create an awesome leadership development plan. Here’s the steps to do this:set your leadership aspirationsknow your leadership gapsidentify your strengthsdetermine an action plan and timeframescreate a system to review progress
In this podcast, Michelle walks you through an exercise to discover your uniqueness.How do we look inward instead of outward. because that’s what you need to do to find your uniqueness.
In this podcast, Michelle reminds us all of the power of believing in yourself.There’s so much power in self belief. You know it already because you see it in others. Here’s how you can believe in yourself more:mindsetsurrounding yourself with supportive peoplebe kind of yourself
In this podcast, Michelle shares how to create your harmonious life…Work - life balance is an impossible feat, instead aim for work-life harmony…Work-life harmony is being conscious of where you are putting your energy.start with creativity of what you want your life to look likebe intentional about where you want to put your energyassess where you are nowcompare and look at where you could take some action
In this podcast, Michelle shares that perception matters and the power in knowing the perceptions of others.The perception others have of you is not the truth, but it is their reality - their truth. Knowing the perception of others is power. There’s a number of ways to understand the perception of others:ask people directlycomplete a 360 feedback assessmentshare more about yourself
In this podcast, Michelle shares her favourite time management tools!In a busy life it can sometimes feel like there are not enough hours in the day. But we all have the same time in a day, so how do some people seem to get through with calm and ease?The answer is not about time, but about our mindset to time.
In this podcast, Michelle shares how to take control back!If you’re feeling stuck or like someone else is controlling your career, this episode is for you. Michelle shares insights from her experience on how to take control back and when to not let things carry on the way they are.The few steps you can take to turn things around are:Reflect on Your Values and PassionsDefine Your Own SuccessEmbrace Your Unique StrengthsStepping out of your comfort zoneSurround yourself with a supportive networ...
In this podcast, Michelle shares the lifecycle of leadership.Like any maturity model or the growth of ourselves as a human, there’s a few stages we can go through as we go through our leadership journey. It’s good to view this as something all leaders go through and to remember there is no destination, to always have a beginners mindset, even when you’re the most experienced leader in the room.
In this podcast, Michelle shares the many barriers women can face at work.Women face many barriers in the workplace including:the glass ceilingthe glass cliffthe glass doorIt’s important to be aware of these barriers, so that you can take steps to break them down and/or get the support you need to tackle them together.
In this podcast, Michelle ponders the question - Is there still a place for women’s leadership programs?Women in leadership programs don’t always result in the desired outcome to get more women into leadership. But, is that because they’re not designed to do this OR because they are not effective?In this podcast, Michelle discusses whether Women in Leadership programs are relevant or not.
In this podcast, Michelle shares what you need to know to lead yourself through all the things life throws at you.Self Leadership is the concept that before you can lead others, you need to lead yourself. There are 5 core principles of the braveheart coach approach to self leadership:>> Self Knowledge>> Mindfulness>> Intentional Choice>> Expansive Mindset>> CompassionThis month you can join the: Self Leadership Seminar