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Leaders Who Love What They Do

Author: Ann Collins

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Ann Collins is a bilingual (French/English) international executive and leadership coach who helps successful senior leaders to rethink purpose in their career, move forward into their next role with clarity and to start living their legacy. She also works with organisations to help leaders to bring out the best in their teams, especially in times of rapid change or growth. She provides in-house coaching programmes: Leader As Coach, Team or Group Coaching, Leadership Development for New and Emerging Leaders. She has had over 25 years' international experience of leadership in education and she is renowned for providing a rare mix of compassion and challenge, support and deep reflection,with an ability to see potential in others that they never knew was there. Join her for conversations and thoughts that could change the way you think, the way you lead. For free resources, events to help you transform your leadership and to be part of a dynamic community, follow us on social media or visit our website. You can find details in the show notes or via the website:
88 Episodes
This episode is a rare and honest window into the world of international leadership. Eva Lundahl, an international HR leader specialising in talent acquisition, joins me for an initial conversation about her career journey, achievements, her motivation and the challenges along the way as well as her approach to managing team members and helping them to achieve their potential and their place in the team. In the second half, she talks to the current challenges in 2022/3: recruitmen...
Coaching can feel like a black box! Why does it work? How can asking questions help someone change the way they think and behave? Exploring the neuroscience behind transformation and effectiveness is important not only for coaches, but also for leaders who are embarking on coaching to make the most of a coaching programme and even take it further for themselves.My guest today is the leader of the Advanced Diploma that I'm studying right now: Ann Betz. Ann explains why...
Tom Hadcroft has a wealth of educational leadership experience in the UK and internationally and he is currently Head Teacher at Berkhamsted Boys' School in the UK. In this episode he shares how he approaches facing "unknown unknowns" in relation to managing his own leadership transitions and how he uses that to empower and support others. His down to earth style is refreshing and empowering.In this wide-ranging conversation, he shares some highlights and challenges. H...
In this episode I talk with Mike Thorne about leadership and his experience as a coach who works with CEO's. Mike is very passionate about sports which plays an important part of his approach in his coaching work and it is a really interesting conversation about how sports and leadership link together so well. About Mike:Mike's mission is to restore people’s sense of dignity to unleash their greatness. His vision is a world where people are celebrated for who they are and recognise that they ...
This is the second part of two episodes on time management, where I talk about a challenge that comes up very frequently for my clients: getting to the bottom of issues around time management. In part 1, I talked about the four beliefs around time that I frequently see holding leaders back. We often dive into how to improve time management and we miss an important step: investigating what we believe about time. In this episode, I look at how to change thes...
If you've ever wondered why managing time is so difficult, you're not alone! You are probably used to reflecting on how you use your time in the bid to be more efficient, but are you questioning your own beliefs about time? Why is that important?Our beliefs around time impact our thoughts and in turn determine our actions! But how do we identify our beliefs about time in the first place? This takes a bit of digging, but in this podcast, I talk about the 4 beliefs that ...
In this episode I have an incredibly interesting conversation with Mick Williams who is passionate about helping people and organisations to manage change. He brings a wealth of experience from a varied career including many years in the Royal Air Force and then in management consulting, but what really stood out for me are the personal qualities he brings to leadership, especially in his ability to seek out and understand the unique perspectives of people impacted by change within an ...
A short episode, but maybe one of the most important to date on the podcast! I used to be someone who always replied, "Really busy!" when asked how I was. When I started coaching, I realised I wasn't alone and that this stock response was quite damaging on a number of levels. I also saw that working on it and replacing it with a more self-aware response was life changing for me and now, for my clients. Tune in to discover my 3-step process to escaping the busyness trap...
At the time of recording (March 2022), Russia is 15 days into an invasion of Ukraine. The world is watching in horror and there is no way to know that evolution of this conflict and the impact it may have. In this episode, I describe five practical strategies that I see leaders using successfully to navigate periods of stress, uncertainty and fear. Embrace discomfortZoom out to see the detailFocus on what you can controlBuild an even stronger teamConnect and reach out Le...
With great humility and insight, Sarah Haddon shares with me in this episode her views on the keys to successful leadership, learning and the future of leadership. She brings a wealth of international experience in organisational development, an evident passion for making the workplace an inclusive place as well as her own experience as a leader. In this episode she reflects on what makes leaders successful and in particular what they need to be focussing on right now as the work place ...
It's an interesting and pivotal time. A lot of people are returning to the office (Feb 2022) after working at home for almost two years. Opinions are mixed: some are looking forward to it, others are anxious, many expect to keep the level of flexibility they have grown to appreciate, whilst some are expecting to go back to "normal". What are the challenges for employees? What could organisations do to make this transition easier and make the workplace a better pl...
It was a huge privilege to have Julien Tornare, the CEO of Zenith, join me for this episode. We talked about how he has rejuvenated a global luxury brand by bringing an entrepreneurial spirit, empathy and a vision of having "no limits". He is an inspiring leader who shows great humility, an expansive vision and infectious energy and has transformed the company in 5 years, culminating in the recent launch of their new watch: DEFY Skyline that is stunning and has attracted the atten...
A huge 95% of our behaviour is driven by our habits or our subconscious, leaving only 5% to our freewill. Imagine if we could truly tap into this subconscious mind to help us change our behaviour! Not only is the change more powerful, but it's also easier than relying on willpower alone!Tune in to find out the 4 steps to creating change at this level and get started today! UPCOMING EVENT at Ann Collins Coaching:Join me as my guest for our one hour webinar on the 28th Februa...
"High performance" and "wellbeing" can feel like opposing goals for leaders and organisations. In this episode, we look at how to reframe these and instead see them as different sides of the same coin. This allows us to move forward and take a different perspective: can we find a solution to both parts of the equation? Tune in to find out why self-awareness is a vital part of the puzzle. To read and share this as a blog post:
Following on from a previous podcast with Anna Anderson, where we looked at wellbeing, I’m delighted that Anna Pinkerton accepted the invitation to join me for a conversation around burnout in the workplace and what organisations can do to address it. We know that burnout was already a problem before the pandemic and studies have shown that it has substantially increased in the last 2 years, which is not a surprise. Now we’re seeing that increasing numbers of employees are considering l...
Are you someone who loves or hates setting personal goals at the beginning of the year? Before becoming a coach, I used to set pretty similar goals each year, with pretty similar results. One year, I set a goal to get fit, joined an expensive gym and ran on the treadmill exactly four times.... But there are some keys to setting effective goals and most importantly to implementing and even exceeding them. Tune in to get some practical and actionable tips and start your ...
Hélène Bejjani is an expert in people development and has worked in international companies for many years, fully committed to her vision of creating a better workplace for all. I was delighted to have her as a guest as she is truly walking the talk every day and she is incredibly generous with her advice - in this episode, she gives, gives and gives! Have a piece of paper ready to take notes! Hélène is on a mission: to improve the everyday experiences of our life at work an...
A very special episode for you to bring the year to a close! I thought it would be fun to have a chat with my VA, Emma Higginson to reflect on the last year working together at Ann Collins Coaching and what is in store for us in 2022 and for you to get to know us a little bit more - the people behind the Leaders Who Love What They Do podcast. Naturally we talk our favourite festive traditions, our shared love of food, the great outdoors and the power, as ever, of human conne...
Values and leadership go hand in hand! I had the pleasure of speaking with Steve Payne for this week's episode about his work as a coach helping organisations to harness the power of values. Steve talks about how knowing and embedding values at an organisational level as well as a personal level has the potential to transform the workplace: how we function and the experience for every person in the organisation.Steve has co-authored a book on values and how we can use them to best...
Holding back from applying for a more senior leadership role or a first leadership role, is very common. There are often many factors involved, from feeling wary about managing a work/life balance to wondering if one is a good fit for the role. In this episode, Ann focussed on one often highlighted issue: “I don’t have enough experience.” How can we move forward from this and develop leadership qualities, skills and mindset if we don’t have the title on the door? Tune in to discov...