DiscoverTransformed by the Word with Debora Barr
Transformed by the Word with Debora Barr
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Transformed by the Word with Debora Barr

Author: Debora Barr

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Discover the joy and peace of living life the way God intended for you. You were created with unique gifts and talents and purpose that can be discovered and lived out every day. Debora Barr will share the treasures she has learned from more than 15 years of life-transformation. This podcast is for Christians and non-Christians alike so you can experience the joy and peace that infuses your entire life when you begin to live out your purpose God’s way. Learn from Debora whose life was completely transformed when she began to study the Bible and apply what she learned in the Scriptures to different areas of her life. She has been helping others discover the life-transforming power of the Word for more than 10 years and will share these nuggets of wisdom with you. If your faith is weak, self-help books and seminars are not helping, you are trapped in addictions, have broken relationships, or are living day to day with no clear direction or purpose, this podcast is for you. It is a mix of solo shows and interviews that you will not want to miss. Visit Subscribe now and get ready to be Transformed by the Word!
94 Episodes
Rebroadcast of Episode 44 Life Transformation Stories (Part 9). Reverend Gail C. Bussell shares her testimony of coming close to death as a result of extremely high blood sugar and a diabetes diagnosis. She experienced complete transformation as she learned to control her diabetes through diet and exercise and she now leads a support group to help others. Stay tuned for our next episode where we will discuss another Life Transformation Story Guest Links To learn more about ...
Rebroadcast of Episode 43 Life Transformation Stories (Part 8). Meet Luis Javier Ruiz – one of the survivors of the Pulse Nightclub Shooting in Orlando, Florida. Hear his powerful testimony of life transformation and how he is sharing the good news of the Gospel everywhere he goes. Stay tuned for our next episode where we will discuss another Life Transformation Story Guest Links To learn more about Luis Ruiz, visit: Fearless Identity website - ...
Rebroadcast of Episode 42 Life Transformation Stories (Part 7). Reverend Jonathan Z Queen experienced a dramatic life change when he encountered the true and living God after talking to his daughter on the phone from prison. Listen to his story and be encouraged to learn that no matter where you are in life – no matter what you have done – Jesus loves you and will change your life if you will only surrender to Him! Stay tuned for our next episode where we will discuss another Lif...
Rebroadcast of Episode 41 Life Transformation Stories (Part 6). This episode features an interview with Fetima McCray, who overcame a tragic childhood that resulted in years of addiction and living out of her pain until she surrendered her life to Jesus and was completely transformed! Meet this amazing woman who is now a wife, mother, veteran, author, entrepreneur, and minister of God. She is a pioneer for encouraging and leading those who are in search of their identity, to do s...
Rebroadcast of Episode 40 Life Transformation Stories (Part 5). This episode features an interview with Ronald J. McCray, who experienced life transformation when he surrendered his life to the Lord Jesus Christ after living as a gay man. Stay tuned for our next episode where we will discuss another Life Transformation StoryGuest LinksRonald McCray website: with Debora Barr at
Rebroadcast of Episode 39 Life Transformation Stories (Part 4). You will truly be blessed by this episode featuring an interview with Marilyn Lacy! Hear the miraculous way that God intervened in her life at just the right moment, and how he has been transforming her and using her experiences to help others. Stay tuned for our next episode where we will discuss another Life Transformation Story Guest Links Survivor, Author, Advocate htt...
Rebroadcast of Episode 38 Life Transformation Stories (Part 3). Debora shares her own story of life transformation in this episode and invites a special guest who was there with her during it all. You won’t want to miss this episode of Transformed by the Word! Stay tuned for our next episode where we will discuss more – Life Transformation Stories Guest Links All Things New: a former lesbian’s lifelong search for love – available on or click books on my website: ...
Rebroadcast of Episode 37 Life Transformation Stories (Part II). A divine encounter with Jesus completely transforms lives in biblical times and even today. Debora interviews Deaconess Olettia Plater, who shares how she cried out to Jesus at a very low point in her life – and her life has never been the same since!Stay tuned for our next episode where we will discuss more – Life Transformation StoriesLinksEngage with Debora Barr at
Rebroadcast of Episode 36 Life Transformation Stories (Part I). What is it about Jesus that completely alters the course of life for people that believe in him? Listen in as Debora interviews Anne (Paulk) Edward, who shares how God transformed her life in college when she was taking a class on apologetics as an unbeliever! Stay tuned for our next episode where we will discuss more – Life Transformation Stories Links Restored Hope Network - https://www.restoredhopenetw...
Rebroadcast of Episode 35 Intimacy with Jesus. God wants to have an intimate personal relationship with you. He created you with a plan and a purpose in mind and he loves you with an everlasting and perfect love. Debora interviews Minister Pat Padgett-Snead who shares with us how she has learned to develop an intimate personal relationship with Jesus, and she gives practical tips about how to develop your own relationship with the Lord. Stay tuned for our next episode where...
Rebroadcast of Episode 34 Your Life’s Purpose. Have you ever considered writing a personal Mission and Vision statement to guide your life? God created you with a specific purpose in mind, and you can discover what that is and begin making decisions about how you spend your time, energy, and resources to align with who God created you to be. Learn about how to develop your personal Mission and Vision statements. Stay tuned for our next episode where we will discuss – ...
Rebroadcast of Episode 33 Spiritual Gifts and Calling. God has given every believer spiritual gifts that are to be used to serve in His kingdom here on earth. Debora interviews Reverend Josephine Miller who explains the various passages in the Bible that talk about Spiritual Gifts, and how to recognize yours and how to use them. They also discuss calling and how God calls people and gives them an assignment and a mission in life. Stay tuned for our next episode where we wil...
82 - Sanctification

82 - Sanctification


Rebroadcast of Episode 32 Sanctification. Learn how the Holy Spirit transforms believers in Jesus Christ from the inside out through a process called sanctification. Debora interviews Reverend Carolyn Tatem in this episode and she shares practical advice about how this process works throughout our lives. Stay tuned for our next episode where we will discuss – Spiritual Gifts and Calling Links Queen Esther Ministry Information:
81 - Abiding in Christ

81 - Abiding in Christ


Rebroadcast of Episode 31 Abiding in Christ. Jesus wants us to abide in Him, and when we do, He blesses us. Sometimes God gets our attention in unexpected ways. Debora shares what happened when she was taken out of commission for an extended period, and the blessings she experienced along the way. Learn what abiding in Christ looks like today and what you can expect to come from your devotion to Him. Stay tuned for our next episode where we will discuss – ...
80 - Fear of the Lord

80 - Fear of the Lord


Rebroadcast of Episode 30 Fear of the Lord. Proverbs 9:10 says – The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. What is the fear of the Lord? Join Debora as she interviews Kay Williams, who has devoted many years to creating beautiful banners and other instruments of praise to use in processionals to ascribe majesty to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Listen in on their conversation and learn about the me...
79 - Trust In The Lord

79 - Trust In The Lord


Rebroadcast of Episode 29 Trust in the Lord. It is written on our currency, government buildings and license plates, but how do you do it in a practical way? Listen in as Debora interviews Minister Tennille Blackwell as she shares how God has been trustworthy in her life, changing the course of her destiny and blessing her supernaturally. Stay tuned for our next episode where we will discuss – the Fear of the Lord Links Connect with Tennille Blackwell: Website:...
78 - What is Faith?

78 - What is Faith?


Rebroadcast of Episode 28 What is Faith? This is a term that we hear related to spirituality, but what is it exactly? Listen in as Debora interviews Minister John Tate as he describes faith and shares with us how his faith was challenged as God did the miraculous in his life! Stay tuned for our next episode where we will learn how to – Trust in the LordLinksEngage with Debora Barr at
Rebroadcast of Episode 27 What does it mean to share the Gospel? How can believers in Jesus Christ easily share their faith with others without being pushy or rude? Listen in as Debora interviews Reverend Lettie Carr as she answers these questions and explains the importance of the Great Commission! Stay tuned for our next episode where we will explore – What is Faith?LinksEngage with Debora Barr at
Rebroadcast of Episode 26 God will draw you back to him no matter how far you have drifted or run away from him. He will forgive you and establish an intimate and fulfilling relationship with you if you will turn away from what caused you to drift away and come back towards him to receive his love and forgiveness. Listen in as Debora interviews KaRon Wilson as he shares how God has been gracious and loving towards him. Stay tuned for our next episode where we wi...
Rebroadcast of Episode 25 If you need God's presence close to you today, just begin to praise him. When we praise God, we take the focus off ourselves, and we turn all our attention and our affections to him. He loves to inhabit our praises, and he loves to have a close abiding relationship with his people. Listen in as Debora interviews Carol Williams as she shares how she has continued to praise God in a new season of her life, and how He has blessed her, and how you can experi...