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Author: Susan & Rob Cottrell, FreedHearts

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"Deconstructing religious baggage with laughter and love! Changing the conversation on love and inclusion."  Susan Cottrell is the Mom of two LGBTQ children; the founder of FreedHearts; an international speaker with a viral TEDx talk; a pastor and theologian; an acclaimed author; and a fierce advocate and ally. In her unique tender, relatable style, Susan is a prominent voice of unconditional love and lavish inclusion. Powerful, authentic, and relevant in today’s society, Susan has a lot to say. The Advocate calls her their “Favorite Affirming Matriarch.” OutSmart magazine calls her "The Mother of all MamaBears!" Reverend Ashley Harness from Auburn Seminary says, “Susan has this fierce, loving, don’t mess with me, Mom vibe.” If you have been excluded, or if someone close to you has been excluded because of who they are or who they love - or maybe you have been the one doing the excluding - the FreedHearts podcast is for you. Join Susan, along with her husband Rob, on the journey. You are not alone. Welcome home! 

148 Episodes
June is Pride Month—a time dedicated not just to parades and rainbow flags but to profound affirmation and resistance against discrimination.The skewed Christian view of pride involves a self-centered attitude, placing oneself above others and, most critically, above God. But the LGBTQ+ community is not declaring themselves above anyone else.Pride Month was born from a necessity to stand against oppression and claim a rightful place in society—not out of a desire to dominate but a need to exi...
We have all heard it: "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." Actually, this is one of the worst translated passages in all the Bible – and one of the most harmful because of that. What if what Jesus REALLY said was, “Deconstruct, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” Would that change things? Would it have eliminated a lot of the shame and guilt and harm? In this powerful episode, we deconstruct this harmful passage and take the blinders off, so we see things a...
Today we deconstruct one of the most insane ideas in Christianity: The alleged fall of humanity, when one person ate forbidden fruit, and now, there is not one shred of goodness in us, not a spark, unless we have asked Jesus to be our Savior. That’s the story.The actual theory and false teaching is that because Eve and Adam sinned, the rest of us are born utterly depraved, beyond redemption.Wow.As for me — and for you — we have good in us, and we always have! It IS our nature.Enough is enough...
Rules, laws, shoulds, shouldn’ts... the Bible is full of them. And the church has even added more to that list!The religious leaders approached Jesus and asked, “Hey Jesus, Uh, lot’s of rules here, lots of laws, what are the ones that are the most important?”And Jesus deconstructed ALL the law, ALL of those rules, ALL of the rules the church adds to it and answered… “Love. Love God, love others – and those two are really the same thing. EVERYTHING ELSE IS WRAPPED UP IN THAT.”So, what th...
We’ve been wanting to talk for a while about how the conservative evangelical church traps people. It is deliberate.They draw you in, telling you: God loves you just as you are — yes you’re a sinner, we’re all sinners, duh. But God loves you — just some minor tweaking here and there, and you’ll be good as new.They dismantle you, making you an enemy of your own heart, mind, body, and spirit - making you doubt yourself at every turn.Then they seal the exits, so you can’t leave… or think you can...
Today, we talk about how the church teaches us to have contempt for our own free will. And, in particular, how we have contempt for, interact with, and treat our children.This may sound harsh, but, based on their teachings and beliefs, it’s the truth: The religious, rules-based, behavior-focused, conservative church hates its children!One of the biggest brainwashing con jobs from the church is that our children are sinful and we need to break their will.Beloved... bullshit!Let’s break f...
We have started to ask the question: Who is God? It’s certainly NOT the old white man in the sky, with all the feminine aspects ripped out.Something has been stolen from us. Our sacred interior has been ransacked and we have lost the understanding of God who loves us, delights in us.This is vital because when we know God feels this way about us — we are free to feel this way about ourselves — and we were meant to feel this way about ourselves!Religion has stolen that God and replaced it with ...
Today, we talk all about an example of how gender plays out in real life. How masculinity and femininity are perceived and received, and the impact it has.When you reduce the feminine, you reduce all the feminine traits: of caring, healing, listening, loving—which are indispensable as a balance to the masculine. What happens when you do that is toxic masculinity—when masculinity is not balanced by the feminine, and so it runs amok. Beloved, in this episode we talk about how important it is th...
What is masculine and what is feminine? What is our understanding of what they mean? Why does it matter? And why is the culture, and especially the church, holding so hard to traditional definitions? Gender has been turned into a false binary that has assigned roles based on gender with very little tolerance for crossover—even though all of us have masculine and feminine in us, and both are necessary for balance. And we pull the rug out from under the whole thing and talk about God’s gender! ...
Here we go! We begin our deep-dive into deconstruction by talking about the core of the false teachings coming from the ultra-religious, non-affirming, conditional-love church. It is the root of our racism, queerphobia, xenophobia, misogyny—so much of our problems and issues today.What is it? It is the Teaching of Contempt. Us versus them. So, what is contempt? Contempt means to view someone, a particular group, or something as beneath you, beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn...
It’s important to deconstruct – especially when your faith has been rattled by religious abuse. You likely know exactly what I am talking about.If we do not deconstruct, we can be left with a lot of baggage. It’s vital to separate the God of Religion from the truth of God. Today we have some fun – and we pose a pretty big question. Beloved, gather round for Bible Story Time! We share with you the story of the whole Bible… yep, the whole thing in one episode. All that we have been asked ...
Sometimes, when people attack deconstruction, they talk about it like it’s an attack on Christianity. Actually, it’s just the opposite. Deconstruction is tearing down false religious teaching that goes against the message and life of Jesus. That message has been perverted by much of the Christian religion. Beloved, there is one thing that scares this non-affirming, fundamentalist, legalistic, rules-based, conditional love church more than anything else. Do you know what that is? It’s YO...
Have you been called a Prodigal, and told that if you just repent all will be forgiven? Perhaps you’ve been told that, “Sure, you’re saying you’re gay or transgender—or that you are affirming your LGBTQ+ child--or whatever it is—but one day you’ll repent and then we will “graciously” let you back in the fold!” Uh yeah, no thank you. Few stories are as misused and misunderstood as the Prodigal. Our goal is to have you forever see this from a different point of view and, in this episode, ...
The story of the prodigal has been misunderstood and abused to harm and shame people.In this very special, powerful episode, we give you a profound, eye-opening retelling of this classic Biblical story about the prodigal – but this time as a transgender womanAnd she is certainly not the one who repents.This will forever change how you view this story!Support the Show.
When you begin to deconstruct everything you have believed, you begin to wonder who you are. You’re left wondering: how do I view the world now? It’s like someone healing from ongoing abuse, and they don’t really know who they are without it—if they’re not an abuse-survivor, who are they? If you’re not a “Christian,” who are you? It’s a big question for so many. Support the Show.
We hear from Christian parents every single day. Many give reasons why they just will not support, accept, affirm their LGBTQ+ child. Usually because of their interpretation of the Bible and what their pastors have told them to do. Today we share an email and our answer to a Mom about why parents absolutely MUST support, accept and affirm their LGBTQ+ child. It is indeed the Christian thing to do. Support the Show.
We have an amazing capacity to normalize things that can be unbearably painful. It’s a great survival skill. It really does help us survive unimaginable circumstances. But it’s NOT a great thriving skill. Once you’re past the danger, once you survive, you need a new pattern to thrive. And you need to know that trauma, those unbearable, dysfunctional family issues – especially those surrounding you living your authentic life, or you supporting your LGBTQ+ child, are not your fault. ...
We are not huge fans of New Year’s resolutions. Kind of feels like setting yourself up to fail. I understand the power of motivation and commitment, setting a goal, pushing yourself – but somehow this feels different. So, instead of New Year’s resolutions – we are doing New Year’s revolutions! We give you 7 things to stop and 7 things to start that can be life-changing, revolutionary for your life.Support the Show.
The anti-gay church has done a lot of damage as it is a system that was built on exclusion.So, if we find ourselves excluded for whatever reason, we take a lot of baggage with us – false teachings, shame, guilt, cult-like programming. One huge piece of baggage is doubt – wondering if we really are right about all of this. About LGBTQ+. About deconstruction. This is an important episode for our hearts, our peace, our mental and physical health. It will help free our hearts to love and be loved...
I have tiny babies in my life now – my grandchildren. I love them – as they are, for who they are. Unconditionally. They don’t have to do anything to earn that. And they never, ever will. As we grow up, sometimes parents do and say hurtful things and withhold the love and acceptance you deserve. You don’t, and never did deserve that. So, today I want to give you a gift, just from me, and talk to that tiny child in you through a beautiful story - a picture of God as Mother, and you as th...