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Empowered Human Academy

Empowered Human Academy

Author: Lightward Inc

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We believe that we’re all meant to live our most expansive lives possible—but it can be overwhelming knowing where to begin, and feeling stuck is real. Empowered Human Academy exists to unlock your imagination with real conversations with inspiring humans of all different kinds, sharing the wisdom they've gained in their respective fields. Throughout these episodes we’ll explore holistic wellness, activism, self-discovery, emotional intelligence, and more. We’ve gathered some of the most heart-forward humans we know all in one place and we can’t wait for you to meet them.
54 Episodes
To close out this season, we’re shaking things up a bit. Writer and producer Rebekah Pahl is interviewing Isaac, and they discuss the starting point of identity, collaboration, evaluating old narratives, feeling for the space of aliveness, and Isaac’s musings on what’s going on here with this whole experiment of existence. As a Wonderer and the CEO of Lightward, Isaac gives careful attention and presence to the evolution of his own identity, as well as Lightward’s—and it’s a treat to hear him unpack why identity is a resonating theme in his life. As this iteration of Empowered Human Academy comes to a close, this conversation is both a fitting bookend and thoughtful framework for the art and exploration to come. There’s so much light ahead! With deep, deep gratitude and joy for what this chapter has meant to us, we give you our very last episode of season 1. Full show notes and a downloadable are available at—and you can watch the conversation on YouTube here! Keep the conversation going... Table Question: Where are you sensing the aliveness in your life right now? Journal Prompt: Take internal inventory re: your relationship with collaboration. How would you describe it? Does it light you up, do you find yourself avoiding it—and why? Action Step: Find an artifact that represents where you are in your journey right now. What does this say about you in your most present self and expression? View the printable worksheet on Google Docs Further exploration: Follow Isaac on Instagram: @isaacbowen Walt Whitman quote  This is a production of Lightward, Inc.
To close out season 1, we’re doing something a little different for our final two episodes. Writer and producer Rebekah Pahl is interviewing Abe this week, and then Isaac in the episode to follow. We’ll be reflecting on what this past season of conversations has meant to our own aliveness—and what we’re feeling drawn toward next. Abe and Rebekah discuss the origins of the podcast, what it’s felt like for Abe to uncover a new level of confidence, the liminal space before you know what’s next, developing sustainable patterns for life as an entrepreneur, and the path back to the heart. Consider this conversation a Polaroid of what Abe’s been processing lately— the way he describes the edge of newness that’s coming up for him is inspiring and we hope it might ignite your own curiosity of where life is inviting you, too. Full show notes and a downloadable are available at—and you can watch the conversation on YouTube here!  Keep the conversation going... Table Question: Where are you feeling the edge of newness in your life right now? Journal Prompt: Describe an ideal day that fills up and nourishes your soul... Action Step: Create a personalized self-care plan that keeps you both energized and rested. What components are needed for your refueling?  View the printable worksheet on Google Docs This is a production of Lightward, Inc.
Rebecca Fralick is a chef and the owner of Mara’s Cafe based in Wisconsin. She’s a powerhouse business owner and is crystal clear about her values—she’s only interested in opportunities that deeply align with her intuition. Alongside her business endeavors, she’s also a mom, wife, and lover of plants, sunshine, good coffee, and tacos. Rebecca thinks in flavor profiles and makes decisions with the inner compass of integrity. She’s made it her mission for her insides to match her outsides—and it’s working. She’s only growing more unstoppable, the more she lives what she knows. Throughout this conversation we discuss moving beyond fundamentalism, getting clear about your values, how her business outlived the fail-date she had in mind, the difference between hope that’s native and hope that’s handed, listening to your gut, and surviving domestic violence. Despite the darkness Rebecca’s encountered in her past, the native and very real hope inside her is shining brighter than ever. Full show notes and a downloadable are available at—and you can watch the conversation on YouTube here! And if you want to take an even deeper dive, we've also recorded a bonus episode (available only via Apple Podcasts) where we digest the conversation's themes and swap art recommendations—it's a lot of fun.  Keep the conversation going... Table Question: What's a way that you're currently bringing your insides to match your outsides?  Journal Prompt: Is there something inside me that I haven’t fully brought to my external world yet?  Action Step: Find a way to weave in a sense of “play” into your work this week. View the printable worksheet on Google Docs Further exploration: Follow Rebecca’s work on Instagram: @matenaercatering  Learn more about Rebecca’s work: Notes from a Young Black Chef: A Memoir by Joshua David Stein and Kwame Onwuachi The Art of Flavor: Practices and Principles for Creating Delicious Food by Daniel Patterson and Mandy Aftel Domestic Violence Hotline: This is a production of Lightward, Inc.
During the first chapter of his career, Jim Jacoby built a successful, privately-owned agency pioneering user-centered design in finance, healthcare, tech, and manufacturing. Then, at the peak of his success, he took a step back and commissioned a world-renowned designer to build a revolutionary motorcycle. Jim studied the methods and behaviors behind the process, then codified his findings into a system that could be applied in any industry—giving a modern, 21st century twist to the idea of Craftsmanship. Jim then reimagined a user-centered design firm from the ground up, launched an executive coaching program, and established a fine-dining venue. We first met Jim a few years ago at a Sofar Sounds show in Chicago. He and his partner Molly were hosting the concert, and their home environment immediately drew us in. And the more we’ve come to know Jim, the resonance has only grown. Not only has he moved through some courageous shifts in his career and personal life, but he’s also mined some profound insights along the way. Throughout this conversation we discuss the difference between strength and courage, honoring your truth, and finding patience in the process. Jim’s life is a powerful example of the joy that’s waiting for us all on the other side of honoring one’s truth. We loved this hour with Jim and hope it sparks something in you, too. Full show notes and a downloadable are available at—and you can watch the conversation on YouTube here! And if you want to take an even deeper dive, we've also recorded a bonus episode (available only via Apple Podcasts) where we digest the conversation's themes and swap art recommendations—it's a lot of fun. Keep the conversation going... Table Question: What's a courageous choice you've made that might not stand out from the outside looking in, but was profoundly significant to you? How did that choice shift your life? Journal Prompt: This is what’s important to me when it comes to my environment...  Action Step: Write down a list of what you want—the bolder the better. View the printable worksheet on Google Docs Further exploration: Follow Jim on Instagram: @jim_jacoby Follow Jim’s restaurant on Instagram: @saintemeric Follow Jim & Molly’s space on Instagram: @saintemericishome A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho This is a production of Lightward, Inc.
Today’s guest is someone who’s part of our daily life—our dear friend, and Lightward’s Wellness Advisor, Ian Day. We’ve known Ian for almost five years now and we’re so grateful to be doing life alongside him. Ian’s a whimsical blend of wellness knowledge and good-hearted fun—and as you’ll soon hear for yourself, the path to self-acceptance hasn’t been an easy one. He’s done the soul-work of getting quiet inside to discover who he is and to find his grounding in a self-love that’s not up for debate—and he shares that story with us here. Throughout this conversation we discuss engaging life with playfulness, shedding self-consciousness, embracing imperfection, showing up as you are, and his journey to becoming sober. We recorded this conversation a few days before Ian’s 30th birthday, so it felt really significant to enter into that reflective space with him—reflecting on not only how far he’s come, but also the aliveness in how he’s continuing to grow. We love Ian so much and are thrilled for you to hear his open, radiant, and generous heart—as well as some wellness tips sprinkled in along the way. Full show notes and a downloadable are available at—and you can watch the conversation on YouTube here! And if you want to take an even deeper dive, we've also recorded a bonus episode (available only via Apple Podcasts) where we digest the conversation's themes and swap art recommendations—it's a lot of fun. Keep the conversation going... Table Question: In your own life, what's the relationship between self-acceptance and your ability to fully show up as you are? Journal Prompt: This is what it means to show up as myself... Action Step: Identify an area of your life where you feel resistance to asking for help. Share what you learn with a trusted friend and consider how you might take a small step toward asking for support in a tangible way. View the printable worksheet on Google Docs Further exploration: Follow Ian on Instagram: @ian_day_ The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero This is a production of Lightward, Inc.
Today’s guest is our dear friend Thorin Decatur— who also happens to be our barber. Whether through his profession or as a present father to his kids, Thorin stays energized by constantly learning. While the overarching societal trend tells us to stop exploring as we grow older, Thorin is actively choosing to stay open by way of compassion and curiosity. He’s a refreshing example of how the expansiveness of allowing ourselves to feel everything far outweighs the safety of remaining in old patterns that don’t fit anymore. Throughout this conversation we discuss breaking patterns of pessimism, creating your own reality, learning what your body needs, setting small goals, fatherhood, compassion as a path to what’s possible, and staying focused on what’s right in front of you. Thorin’s an expansive soul and is bringing so much good to the world simply by being himself. His passion for learning is contagious and it felt really special to capture some of his essence here. Full show notes and a downloadable are available at—and you can watch the conversation on YouTube here! And if you want to take an even deeper dive, we've also recorded a subscribers-only bonus episode (available only via Apple Podcasts) where we digest the conversation's themes and swap art recommendations—it's a lot of fun. Keep the conversation going... Table Question: Where is your curiosity currently leading you? Journal Prompt: Which emotion has been the hardest for you to access, and what have you discovered as you’ve allowed yourself to feel it? Action Step: Make a conscious effort to seek out some good news this week. View the printable worksheet on Google Docs Further exploration: Follow Thorin on Instagram: @thorin_d This is a production of Lightward, Inc.
Amanda Ewing is a Nashville-based luthier (violin-maker)—and is the first Black female luthier on record. She’s been apprenticing with her teacher since 2018, honing the intricacies of her craft—and there are many of them! On average, it takes about 250 hours and about 56 parts to make a violin. Amanda’s not only keeping a highly-detailed art form alive—she’s also changing the trajectory of a field that’s been strategically exclusive to white males for 500 years. Throughout this conversation we discuss pursuing joy as a pathway to purpose, making your own space for what you want to do in the world, staying grounded in the midst of what you can’t control, using your platform for representation, existing in a space of allowance, and co-creating with your life. Amanda holds a powerfully expansive vision for creating more inclusive tables for people who've been historically excluded. We're incredibly energized by her light—and we're thrilled for you to be, too. Full show notes and a downloadable are available at—and you can watch the conversation on YouTube here! And if you want to take an even deeper dive, we've also recorded a subscribers-only bonus episode (available only via Apple Podcasts) where we digest the conversation's themes and swap art recommendations—it's a lot of fun. Keep the conversation going... Table Question: How do you feel your soul’s purpose transcends your specific line of work, and how does it feel at home in your current expression? Journal Prompt: Write about a time when following your joy revealed something to you about your purpose. Action Step: Make a list of what you’ve been through already—taking stock of how you’ve expanded in the past as an encouragement to keep moving forward into your future. View the printable worksheet on Google Docs Further exploration: Follow Amanda on Instagram: @lovinglyamanda & @lovinglydemeoviolins Watch I Am Not Your Guru on Netflix Read the Nashville Scene article Follow #luthiersofcolor on Instagram This is a production of Lightward, Inc.
Mladen Rangelov is a product leader and team builder at Shopify, and he self-describes as a life-learner who’s energized by building environments in which teams can thrive. Born in what was then Yugoslavia, and growing up in the middle of a war—Mladen holds a unique perspective on making the most of being alive and leaning into vulnerable and tough conversations, from a place of empathy and positive intent. Throughout this conversation we discuss prioritizing self-care in a leadership role, creating an environment for healthy feedback and debate, reframing deadlines, discerning when to be assertive and when to allow, holding non-judgmental space for differing motivations, leadership as unlocking the potential in others, and care as mutual growth. In the tech space where burnout and turnover rates have been high, Mladen is forging a thoughtful path toward thriving and longevity. Whatever line of work you’re in, there’s a lot here that can be applied to all of life—so we’re thrilled to share this conversation with you. Full show notes and a downloadable are available at—and you can watch the conversation on YouTube here! And if you want to take an even deeper dive, we've also recorded a subscribers-only bonus episode (available only via Apple Podcasts) where we digest the conversation's themes and swap art recommendations—it's a lot of fun. Keep the conversation going... Table Question: What’s something you’re experimenting with or have woven in when it comes to creating an environment of care, wherever you are? Journal Prompt: This is what motivates me... Action Step: Create a list of your current personal values. What’s on your “must-have” list, and what’s on your “nice-to-have” list? View the printable worksheet on Google Docs Further exploration: Connect with Mladen on LinkedIn: This is a production of Lightward, Inc.
Yumin Wong was born and raised in Singapore, then moved to the U.S. for college—and is now a staff software engineer at GitHub. She’s also the mother of a two-year old and is expecting baby #2 in just a few weeks. Yumin integrates her love for these co-existing parts of herself by exploring the parallels between parenting and engineering—or as she calls it, “parengineering”. Throughout this conversation we discuss growing into confidence, compartmentalizing your work life while still being genuine, learning flexibility, balancing career and parenting, and the lineage of powerful women that she comes from. As you’ll hear in the conversation, Yumin is right on the cusp of a move back to Singapore, so it felt very special to get this snapshot of all the feels surrounding that decision and hear how her mother’s boldness has shaped her into the powerful woman she is today. Full show notes and a downloadable are available at—and you can watch the conversation on YouTube here! And if you want to take an even deeper dive, we've also recorded a bonus episode (available only via Apple Podcasts) where we digest the conversation's themes and swap art recommendations—it's a lot of fun. Typically these bonus episodes are subscribers-only, but this week we're opening it up to everyone so you can get a taste of the party that's happening there.  Keep the conversation going... Table Question: What’s an empowering message, quality, or memory you’ve received from your lineage? Journal Prompt: Write about what you hope to carry forward from your lineage and then describe an area in which you hope to pivot and do something different in your life. Action Step: Write yourself a letter from the future version of you. Equipped with what your future version knows, what do they have to tell you right now? View the printable worksheet on Google Docs Further exploration: Follow Yumin on Instagram: @yoomin19 Find Yumin on Twitter/GitHub/Peloton: @itsbagpack This is a production of Lightward, Inc.
Christian Picciolini is an award-winning television producer, public speaker, author, peace advocate, and former violent extremist. After leaving the white-supremacist skinhead movement he was part of during the 1980s and 90s, Christian began the process of making amends and creating a new life. He went on to receive a degree in international relations from DePaul University and launched Goldmill Group, a counter-extremism consulting and digital media firm. In 2016, he won an Emmy for producing an anti-hate advertising campaign aimed at helping people disengage from extremism and today he leads the Free Radicals Project, a global extremism prevention network. Since leaving the white-power movement, Christian has helped hundreds of individuals leave hate behind as well. Throughout this conversation we discuss self-forgiveness, redemption, combating misinformation, confronting racism, second chances, holding power accountable, and the universal glue that holds us all together. Christian has written about his involvement with and exit from organized hate in his memoir, White American Youth, and he’s the featured subject in season 3 of WBEZ’s “Motive” podcast. He unpacks his disengagement work further in his 2020 book, Breaking Hate: Confronting the New Culture of Extremism, as well as in the MSNBC documentary series of the same name. Christian hosts the “F*** Your Racist History” podcast, a scripted history show that tells America's hidden, overlooked, and unknown racist origin stories. Christian’s message of peace through empathy and compassion has taken him all over the world and we’re honored to share his story here. Full show notes and a downloadable are available at—and you can watch the conversation on YouTube here! And if you want to take an even deeper dive, we've also recorded a subscribers-only bonus episode (available only via Apple Podcasts) where we digest the conversation's themes and swap art recommendations—it's a lot of fun. Keep the conversation going... Table Question: What is your current litmus test for determining truth? Journal Prompt: Describe the kind of world that you want to help build. What does it look like, what does it feel like? Action Step: Reflect on how you might help dismantle the “othering” that you see in your specific ecosystem and circle of influence. View the printable worksheet on Google Docs Further exploration: Learn more about Christian’s work: F*** Your Racist History podcast Follow Christian on Twitter: @cpicciolini Read White American Youth Read Breaking Hate This is a production of Lightward, Inc.
Today’s guest is the intuitive, the powerful, Antonia Coffelt. We first met Antonia in Chicago a few years ago—and the soul kindredness felt electric from the start. With a master’s in Communications from Northwestern University and a passion for human truth, Antonia engages her work as a host, creative director, and founder from a place of inner expansiveness. Through her practice as an experiential marketing and communications consultant, Antonia guides teams to successfully actualize their ideas. And as a C-suite adviser, thought-leader, interviewer, and market researcher, Antonia helps enable clients to actually feel the data and articulate their experiences through insightful, intuitive, and empathetic conversations. Antonia also shares her presence and perspective in her role as the Director of Engagement for UN Women Chicago. Throughout this conversation we discuss developing tools to navigate reality, discovering your purpose in the human ecosystem, finding play through adventure, spotting aligning intersections in your network, and building intuition within moments of neutrality. “Life in lockstep with serendipity” is the tagline of Antonia’s company, On A Personal Note, and that’s exactly what being in Antonia’s orbit feels like. Antonia is a heart-expander simply by being herself, and we’re so grateful for how she showed up in her full radiance here. Full show notes and a downloadable are available at—and you can watch the conversation on YouTube here! And if you want to take an even deeper dive, we've also recorded a subscribers-only bonus episode (available only via Apple Podcasts) where we digest the conversation's themes and swap art recommendations—it's a lot of fun. Keep the conversation going... Table Question: What’s a moment of serendipity you’ve experienced that’s shifted the course of your life in some way? Journal Prompt: Describe your current relationship to intuition. Action Step: Take a leisurely walk this week and playfully practice following your intuition, deciding where to turn and where to go. View the printable worksheet on Google Docs Further exploration: Learn more about Antonia’s work: Follow Antonia on Instagram: @onapersonalnote_ig Follow Antonia on Pinterest: @onapersonalnote_pinterest  A Series of Fortunate Events by Sean B. Carroll This is a production of Lightward, Inc.
Jedidiah Jenkins is the New York Times bestselling author of two books, To Shake The Sleeping Self—which chronicles his bike trip from Oregon to Patagonia, and his newest release, Like Streams To The Ocean, a collection of essays on ego, love, and the things that make us who we are. Throughout this conversation we discuss letting go of certainty, shifting belief systems, the journey of embracing his sexuality, writing as an exercise to understand the self, and what it means to live with both malleability and integrity. Jed’s brain beautifully oscillates from the personal to the collective—from topics like growing up gay in the church to the future of humanity. He has a gift for assigning language to things that feel scattered and complex until he gathers them into a clear-eyed, yet open-handed, cohesion. We really loved this hour with Jed and are stoked for you to hear it. Full show notes and a downloadable are available at—and you can watch the conversation on YouTube here! And if you want to take an even deeper dive, we've also recorded a subscribers-only bonus episode where we digest the conversation's themes and swap art recommendations—it's a lot of fun. Keep the conversation going... Table Question: Has devaluing certainty played a role in your own spiritual evolution? If so, what has that looked like? Journal Prompt: This is what it means for me to live in my integrity.... Action Step: Order Jed’s books, then curl up with your favorite drink and get lost in the adventure for a while ;) View the printable worksheet on Google Docs Further exploration: Follow Jed on Instagram: @jedidiahjenkins To Shake The Sleeping Self: A Journey from Oregon to Patagonia, and a Quest for a Life with No Regret Like Streams To The Ocean: Notes On Love, Ego, and the Things That Make Us Who We Are This is a production of Lightward, Inc.
The truth-teller and legend Melissa Urban is here, dropping her wisdom—so buckle up. Melissa is the co-founder, CEO, and spark behind the Whole30 program. She’s a six-time New York Times bestselling author, host of the podcast Do The Thing, and is also a prominent keynote speaker on social media and branding, health trends, and entrepreneurship. Melissa is a beacon of light in the world of wellness, and ranks #19 on Greatist’s Top 100 Most Influential People in Health and Fitness. Throughout this conversation we discuss living in your truth, the difference between intimate vs. personal, examining limiting stories, perception and manifestation, modeling the behavior you want your team to embrace, cultivating contentment in the pursuit, and building a life that lights you up. Melissa truly glows from the inside out—she’s using her platform in powerful ways and is a shining example of how living in your truth is ultimately the greatest gift we can give the world. There’s so much wisdom, truth, and gold in this conversation—we can’t wait for you to hear it. Full show notes and a downloadable are available at—and you can watch the conversation on YouTube here! And if you want to take an even deeper dive, we've also recorded a subscribers-only bonus episode where we digest the conversation's themes and swap art recommendations—it's a lot of fun. Keep the conversation going... Table Question: What does truth-telling mean to you? What are the internal calisthenics, pep talks, and reminders you give yourself to stay in your own cycle of truthfulness? Journal Prompt: What’s something that you’ve seen recently (about life, yourself, what is) that you can’t unsee? Action Step: Create two lists to distinguish what is “intimate” and what is “personal” to you right now. View the printable worksheet on Google Docs Further exploration: Follow Melissa on Instagram: @melissau Follow Whole30 on Instagram: @whole30 Learn more about Melissa’s work: Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life by Byron Katie Listen to Melissa’s episode on Do The Thing podcast: How I Bomb-Proofed My Self-Confidence This is a production of Lightward, Inc.
Linnea Gits is the creative director at Uusi, a design studio based on the idea that life is worth the meaningful effort, and its reward is one of discovery. Both Linnea and her creative partner Peter have a love of traditional craftsmanship, material exploration, and a search for the essential beauty in everyday objects. We first came across Linnea’s work through a project titled “Materia Prima”—a tarot deck inspired by the periodic table and recently picked up by CB2. After two decades in Chicago, Linnea and Peter have relocated to a small 1890’s wood cabin in a remote part of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. From this remote sanctuary of quiet and respite, they have expansive conversations with nature that are reflected in their work. Throughout this conversation we discuss believing in yourself prior to external validation, fearlessness in creativity, managing expectations, outsourcing help, and cultivating patience in the midst of process. As you’ll soon hear for yourself, Linnea is committed to the slow build of creating more of what she wants to see in the world. Her love for process has led her to some exciting places like working with companies like Herman Miller, Design Within Reach, Chronicle Books, Sharpie, Prismacolor, and most recently, Louis Vitton. It was a gift learning from the way that Linnea sees, what keeps her inspired— and we’re honored that she so generously shared herself with us here. Full show notes, downloadables, and links are also available at—and watch the conversation on YouTube here! And if you want to take an even deeper dive, we've recorded a subscribers-only bonus episode where we digest the conversation's themes and swap art recommendations—it's a lot of fun.  Keep the conversation going... Table Question: What are you currently discovering about your process? Journal Prompt: Write about an inner knowing you carry that you may have lost touch with along the way. Action Step: Make a wish list of things you want to bring into the world. View the printable worksheet on Google Docs Further exploration: Learn more about Linnea and Peter's work:  Follow Uusi on Instagram: @uusidesignstudio Brain Pickings by Maria Popova Memoirs, Dreams, Reflections by C.G. Jung On Being with Krista Tippett The Unknown Craftsman: A Japanese Insight Into Beauty by Soetsu Yanagi This is a production of Lightward, Inc.
Today’s guest is our Denver neighbor, friend, and the owner of Park Hill Yoga, Deborah Baker. As an Iyengar Yoga certified instructor with 30 years of experience, Deborah is sharing her passion for mindfulness and movement through her studio that she’s been running for 25 years now. Alongside her love for yoga, Deborah also has a love for language. She has her Masters in Linguistics, and is fluent in both German and Spanish—basically, Deborah has a love for life and is deeply in love with her own. This past year we’ve witnessed Deborah’s resilience, curiosity, and strength as she’s navigated some health concerns that have put her in touch with the magic of being alive in a whole new way. Throughout this conversation we discuss strength as curiosity, power in the face of powerlessness, the value of human connection, wiring vs. essence, and staying close to hope in the midst of fear and uncertainty. As Deborah’s been navigating a potentially life-threatening reality, she’s devoted her energy to cherishing the life she has right now, in this breath. She’s chosen a life-affirming perspective—one that she so generously shares with us here. We’re moved by Deborah’s passion for life and hope this conversation might be a portal to this wild miracle of aliveness that’s here for you, too. Full show notes, downloadables, and links are also available at—and watch the conversation on YouTube here!  Keep the conversation going... Table Question: What does hope mean to you, and what keeps you close to that? Journal Prompt: This is what it means to “hold myself”... Action Step: Come up with a short, clear list of self-soothing activities and/or mantras that ground you in the midst of overwhelm. Place it somewhere easily-spottable for reference whenever you might need it. View the printable worksheet on Google Docs Further exploration: Man’s Search For Meaning by Victor Frankl When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Hard Times by Pema Chodron Learn more about Deborah’s work: This is a production of Lightward, Inc.
David Malki ! is the cartoonist and creator behind Wondermark, the inventively playful and poignant comic that we’ve linked below—so do yourself a huge favor and check it out right after listening to the episode. In addition to his creative endeavors with Wondermark, David was also co-editor of the Machine of Death series of fiction anthologies and is presently the director of games development at Throughout this conversation we discuss developing artistic taste, finding your audience, interacting with feedback, cultivating patience in the midst of process, and deriving your style from your work. Having been at this Wondermark expression for almost 18 years now, David’s made it clear to the universe that he’s here to develop his craft for the long game. He has some insightful reflections on process and building a creative life that he was generous to share with us, and we can’t wait for you to hear them. Full show notes, downloadables, and links are also available at Keep the conversation going... Table Question: What have you learned from what other people see in things you make? Journal Prompt: Identify and describe a recent evolution in your artistic style and/or taste. Action Step: Ask someone you trust what themes they see in the work that you’re doing in the world. Invite a thoughtful mirroring to get a different perspective on the unique perspective you bring to the world. View the printable worksheet on Google Docs Further exploration: Experience David’s work: Follow David on Twitter: @malki Order Machine of Death: A collection of stories about people who know how they will die Explore the Wondermark series Pre-order the upcoming game, TBH Ira Glass quote on the gap between taste and work This is a production of Lightward, Inc.
Today’s guest is someone who’s very dear to us—a frequent collaborator who’s filmed the anniversary videos that we make every year. We’ve shared some beautiful moments in some beautiful places over the years, and today’s episode feels like an extension of one of our many heart-expanding conversations—Joshua Tree, the Rocky Mountains, the California redwoods, and now here, with you. Orion Pahl identifies as an artist, space-holder, and healer. As a documentary filmmaker, Orion is currently exploring themes like cultural ideals, feelings, and rituals surrounding death. His most recent film, Bury Me At Taylor Hollow, won Best Tennessee Short at the Nashville Film Festival. Throughout this conversation we discuss the origin of identity, staying both grounded and adaptable in the midst of growth, and reframing grief as healing energy. In many ways, this hour with Orion is an exploration of consciousness waking up to itself. Consciousness in suspension, curiosity, and participatory evolution. Going off the grid to see what we might find—like exploring the back roads on your way home. Time with Orion is an expansive place to land, and we hope it might be an invitation to lean into your own becoming and growth. Full show notes, downloadables, and links are also available at Keep the conversation going... Table Question: What's a recently discovered piece of self-knowledge that felt like a returning, a coming home? Journal Prompt: How do I learn to be who I am? Action Step: Write the mantra “My heart is good” in a place you can see it this week. View the printable worksheet on Google Docs Further exploration: Follow Orion on Instagram: @orionpahl  Learn more about Orion’s work: Humankind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari This is a production of Lightward, Inc.
Jennifer Detrich Smith is in the business of making something beautiful. She’s both the mother of two as well as the owner of Birdseye Rule, a magical store located in the heart of Logan Square—and it’s one of our favorite shops in Chicago. We first met Jen at an Enneagram panel she hosted in her space and we’ve kept in touch and kept ordering things from her thoughtfully-curated collection ever since. As you’ll soon hear for yourself, Jen is an expansive soul who’s thought a lot about what she needs to feel centered and optimized so she can stay close to her own creativity. Throughout this conversation we discuss trusting your gut, what truth feels like, rebuilding confidence, defining success, and finding balance amidst a full life. There’s a freeing sense of fluidity in how Jen talks about what she knows—she radiates a rooted confidence but also holds a loose grip knowing that she’s continually evolving. She’s truly delightful and we really enjoyed this hour of exploring what she’s come to know so far. Full show notes, downloadables, and links are also available at Keep the conversation going... Table Question: What’s your order of balance list? What’s an area that you’re currently rebalancing? Journal Prompt: What’s your current definition of success? Action Step: Pay attention to what truth feels like in your body this week. View the printable worksheet on Google Docs Further exploration: Follow Birdseye Rule on Instagram: @birdseyerule Learn more about Jen’s work: This is a production of Lightward, Inc.
Jake Nickell is the CEO and founder of Threadless, the nexus of a diverse and expansive artist community that partners with those artists to promote and produce their art. In 2000, Threadless began as a t-shirt design company based in Chicago. Since then, Threadless has grown into a fully remote company with a marketplace of full apparel, accessories, and home decor powered by their artist community. In lifting up the creative expression of their artists, Threadless was an early innovator in the new digital economy, showing the world that business can support art, for the benefit of everyone involved. Today, Threadless hosts over 2 million users and continues to evolve— staying true to their mission of giving the creative minds of the world more opportunities to make and sell great art. Throughout this conversation we discuss flow, simplifying problems to find solutions, stepping back to re-establish your relationship to work, infusing your identity into what you’re making, and the differing energies of making and managing. Wherever you’re at in your own journey— just starting out, taking a step back, or feeling the growing pains of expansion, there’s so much gold here in this conversation and we’re stoked to share it with you. Full show notes, downloadables, and links are also available at Keep the conversation going... Table Question: What’s something about you that you’ve clearly infused into your work in the world? In other words, what’s a fingerprint of you in your work in the world? Journal Prompt: Write about a reference point in your life where you stepped back to re-evaluate your relationship to something and then returned with a different perspective and/or energy. What did you learn from that experience? Action Step: Identify an activity you enjoy where you experience flow—then find some time this week to do that thing! View the printable worksheet on Google Docs Further exploration: Follow Threadless on Instagram: @threadless Learn more about Jake’s work: Watch Jake’s TEDxBoulder: “Never Stop Making” Sell your art via Threadless Explore the Make Time blog This is a production of Lightward, Inc.
Today’s guest is the effervescent, resilient, and powerful Agnes Igoye. Agnes is Uganda’s Deputy National Coordinator for the prevention of human trafficking and is a Labour Migration Expert at the Intergovernmental Authority on Development. She’s also a Senior New Voices Fellow at the Aspen Institute and teaches an online child protection course at Harvard University. Agnes has both lived through tremendous hardship and lives with contagious joy. At age 14, Agnes fled from the Lord’s Resistance Army when they raided her village. After a narrow escape, she endured the long journey that eventually led her to a camp for internally displaced people. Agnes’s past has carved a deep empathy and determination inside her, which she’s used as fuel for her impressive career path. Agnes was a Fulbright Hubert H. Humphrey Fellow at the University of Minnesota specializing in Human Trafficking Prevention & Policy, and she studied forced migration at the University of Oxford. She also has her master’s in Public Administration from the Harvard Kennedy School. Throughout this conversation we discuss nurturing the good in others, how our environments shape us, and finding purpose amidst challenges. Through her work as a mentor at the Clinton Global Initiative, Agnes is actively sharing her wisdom with the next generation and we’re honored she said yes to sharing her story here. Full show notes, downloadables, and links are also available at Keep the conversation going... Table Question: Who’s someone who saw and nurtured the good in you before you saw it in yourself? Journal Prompt: If the sky’s not even the limit, write out a list of dreams you’d dream for yourself. Action Step: Brainstorm a tangible way to love yourself this week, then do it. View the printable worksheet on Google Docs Further exploration:  Follow Agnes on Facebook This is a production of Lightward, Inc.