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UU Congregation at Shelter Rock Services
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UU Congregation at Shelter Rock Services

Author: Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock

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Audio recordings, at your convenience. Nurture your spirit. Unitarian Universalism draws from the teachings of the major world religions and appeals to people from a diversity of traditions. At the core of our faith are a set of principles that reflect values, rather than dogma. Our religious beliefs vary. For both the heart and the mind, Shelter Rock offers engaging worship, religious education, opportunities for social action, a breadth of extraordinary music, and a community of caring, curious and compassionate people. We aspire to be a loving religious community where we can grow spiritually and build a more just and joyful world.
125 Episodes
On Sunday, August 9, 2020, we welcomed The Rev. Dr. Ken Reeves to our virtual pulpit. He returns to UUCSR—his home congregation—every summer. Rev. Reeves proposed that in this pandemic we need: truth, each other, and spiritual support. He alluded to how UU traditions have supported all three. He noted the conflict in human history and the present between truth and the avoidance of truth, and the conflict between working together and individualism, and the nature of spiritual support.
Long Island Unitarian Universalist Congregations joined together to worship on August 2, 2020. The Service, "Our Living Tradition," was a collaboration between Long Island Unitarian Universalist congregations to highlight our UU community as vital, connected and continuing through the pandemic and beyond. UU clergy and members from around Long Island participated in readings and an unprecedented musical video collaboration. The Sunday offering/plate collection benefited LIACUU.
One of our UU Principles is respect for the interdependent web of existence of which we are a part. This recognition of interdependence with the Earth and all its inhabitants calls us to minister to the Earth—to be stewards of it—to treat it as a sanctuary. Surely this calling begins at home, whether on the grounds of our Shelter Rock congregation or within the homes we each inhabit.On July 26, 2020, the Green Sanctuary Committee addressed "Greening the Globe" in Sunday Service with Rev. Jaye Brooks.
On Sunday, July 19, 2020, Rev. Brower asked, "Have you ever had an experience of awe? You know, a direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces which create and uphold life, as our Unitarian Universalist sources cite?" On this morning, we shared reflection in song and the spoken word, with music offered by The Cosmic Orchestra.
Prior to walking into an extra-judicial execution, Coalhouse Walker, in the play, Ragtime, exhorts his friends to tell the story of the challenges of Black life in America.Our July 12 Service included a little Broadway, Dr. King quotes, and a challenge or two. Everything you want in a summer UU Service.
Independence Day reminds us of the principles that form the idea of America: people are equal, their rights are inherent, and our government is created by the people to serve the people. These ideas resonate with our UU principles: the inherent worth of every person; justice, equity, and compassion in human relations; the use of democratic process in our congregations and in the world. These principles, clearly stated, carry with them an implicit promise that we will act together to make them live vibrantly in our national public life. Service led by Rev. Jaye Brooks and the ministry Team on July 5, 2020.
We often find ourselves stuck in unhelpful patterns, afraid to take a chance on something new. This week, we ask, "What have we got to lose?" Led by Rev. Kimberly Quinn Johnson, Guest Minister, on August 20, 2023.
Soulful Sundown offers Rev. Fenimore’s spoken word with music from The Cosmic Orchestra, onsite and online. Special guest musical artist Deb Talan featured at onsite-only Coffee House afterward.Where music resides at the heart of religious experience.
With the world full of tragedy–with floods and fires all around–it can be too easy to succumb to despair. But humanity can be uplifted by hope and joy and love. We can contribute to the well-being of each other. How might we embrace JOY as a spiritual practice of this community? August 6, 2023
Being Creative, Finding Community, led by Rev. David Carl Olson on July 16, 2023. The Worship Service in the Veatch Ballroom includes group singing and sharing, with a brief and thoughtful message by Rev. David Carl Olson. Rev. Olson was formerly the Associate Director of the Institute for Theology and the Arts at Andover Newton Theological School. There, community was emphasized through collective creative acts by visual artists, dancers, and musicians. Theologians in residence helped the co...
There is growing conversation about what it means to be human. It isn’t just about ChatGPT but something more spiritual and creative; something that asks us to reconsider our human uniqueness and think about the intelligence present in the world around us – from trees to sea creatures. You are invited to think with me about what it might mean for all of us to open up to being "more than human."Rev. Dr. Claire MacDonald is a UK-based Unitarian minister and arts practitioner whose work takes pl...
The Martin Luther King Center for Nonviolent Social Change was founded by Coretta Scott King in 1968. The King Center’s mission is to empower people to create a just, humane, equitable and peaceful world by applying Dr. King’s nonviolent philosophy and methodology. Unitarian Universalists also seek to create the Beloved Community which Rev. Dr. King envisioned. What might be our philosophy and methodology which would empower us to move closer to this goal? Sunday, January 15, 2023
Rev. Brooks weaves spoken word with music from the Cosmic Orchestra. Where music lies at the heart of religious experience.
Our tradition includes the sacred notion that there is power in our choice to associate freely with each other and with other congregations. We express this in a number of settings—the UU Service Committee, the Long Island Area Council, Black Lives of UUism, the UU United Nations Office, and many more. Each year, General Assembly is the most authoritative expression of our faith. In 2023, it will be especially important. We will elect a new UUA President to serve a six year term and we will m...
COVID-19 was a universal experience, but its impacts were often felt individually. Drawing on lessons learned this fall at The Unitarian Church of Lincoln, on January 1, 2023, we'll look at one way of building community through sharing our stories.
The winter holidays are full of the stories of miracles. These miracles are a product of love and faith. Can it be that love and faith continue to make miracles happen all around us now? Our First Graders presented their annual Nativity Play. Lunch was a celebration of the first day of Hanukkah. Sunday, December 18, 2022
Messiah Sing 2022

Messiah Sing 2022


George Frideric Handel’sMessiah SingA Beloved Long Island Tradition is BACK!THE ORCHESTRA AT SHELTER ROCKStephen Michael Smith, ConductorTHE UUCSR CHOIRwithProfessional SoloistsSarah Moulton Faux, soprano Michael St. Peter, tenorLeah Wool, mezzoBrace Negron, bass baritoneNathaniel LaNasa, harpsichord
On December 11, we thought about December as a month of wonder: Hanukkah in the Jewish tradition (Dec. 18-26); Yule and Solstice in pagan traditions (Dec. 21); and Christmas in the Christian tradition (Dec. 25). So let’s pause to contemplate the nature of miracles. Whether it's the magic of light in the darkness, the turning of the year, or the birth of a baby, we human beings experience wonder. There’s wonder, too, in the Fibonacci numbers that predict the spiral shape of our galaxy and in t...
Led by Rev. Dr. Natalie Fenimore with the Cosmic OrchestraWhere music lies at the heart of religious experience.
As our Unitarian Universalist Association once again considers its Principles and Purposes, the Article II Bylaws Commission asks us to center Love as the enduring force that holds us together. What are your thoughts on the re-visioning of the Principles and Purposes of our Association? How might we move love to the center of the mission and vision of our faith?Sunday, December 4, 2022