DiscoverThe Portable Pastor Podcast
The Portable Pastor Podcast
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The Portable Pastor Podcast

Author: Mike Stafford

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Applying ancient Biblical truth to today's challenges and discovering that God is pro-you in the process!
155 Episodes
Achan and Ai

Achan and Ai


Achan and AiJoshua 6-7 What can we learn from this?God hates sin.God will deliver justice.God deals with us individually and collectively.God is just, merciful, and gracious. God's plan to save you. Research for yourself.Romans 3:23 Romans 6:23 Romans 5:8 Romans 10:9 Romans 10:13 Romans 8:1
The Tower of Babel

The Tower of Babel


The Tower of BabelGenesis 11:1-9 Points:The Instruction: God's directive. The Insubordination: Man's disobedience.The Rectification: God's directive forced. Application:Listen to God's instruction. Fight temptations to rebel against Him.Don't make God force His plan.
Rahab's Situation

Rahab's Situation


Rahab’s SituationJoshua 2; Rom. 12:2Points:People can hear about God's salvation in the darkest places.Somebody can turn to God even if they are the only one to do so. Rahab is a picture of the church today. Rahab became a bride.Rahab became a convert.Rahab became active.Rahab became counter-cultural.Rahab became future-focused.
Abraham and Isaac

Abraham and Isaac


Abraham and IsaacGenesis 22:1-19 Points:Abraham wasn't perfect, but he was all in.Abraham had questions, but he trusted God.Abraham was a man, but he pictured God. How do we respond to this? Like Abraham, all disciples of Jesus must grow to the point where they are willing to say,I will walk away, God!I will trust you, God!I will reflect you, God!
Jesus Heals Large Groups of PeopleMatt. 14:34-36; 15:29-31 Concerning these healings by Jesus:Well people brought sick people to Jesus.Sick people interacted with Jesus before being healed.Jesus was willing to heal people. Why does God heal some and not others?Maybe the situation lacks promotion, transportation, and presentation from a well person.Maybe there is a lack of faith, effort, and humility in the sick person.Maybe Jesus is simply unwilling to heal them at this time or ever...
Jesus Feeds the Masses

Jesus Feeds the Masses


Jesus Feeds the MassesMatt. 14:13-22; 15:32-39 Interpreting the stories through revelation and education: Event one reveals the divinity of Jesus with some teaching time for the disciples. Event two reveals the divinity of Jesus with some review/practice time for the disciples. What do we glean from this story?Jesus is still on display:He is on display in creation.He is on display through His church.He is on display in our lives.Jesus is still teaching:He still teaches in...
Missional Setbacks

Missional Setbacks


Missional SetbacksMatthew 14:1-13Concerning the mission:There will be lies told.There will be casualties. There will be times of retreat. What does that mean to us, church?We, too, are special. We might have to live with people lying about us. We might experience some casualties.We will retreat and mourn if that happens.
Jesus Faces Rejection at HomeMatthew 13:53-58Points of the story:His parables were retaught. (53-54)His people reacted. (54-56)His explanation was required. (57)His work was repressed. (58) What does this story teach us?If Jesus' hometown rejected Him, we can surely expect the same. If Jesus did not force kingdom citizenship on those who knew Him well, we shouldn't either. Question #1 - How do you personally handle gospel rejection?You should remind yourselves that: ...
Kingdom Parables Wrap-upMatthew 13:51-52 Points of the wrap-up:Jesus wanted His disciples to understand the parables. (51)Jesus expected His disciples to become educated in the scriptures. (52)Mature disciples treasure and share their faith growth. (52) Main Point: Maturing disciples will value and tell others about kingdom living. What do we do now? A kingdom citizen must be willing to:Sow gospel seeds. (the Sower)Grow among the weeds. (the Weeds)Benefit those around you...
The Hidden Treasure and the PearlMatthew 13:44-46Points of the parable:The Kingdom of Heaven is coveted. The Kingdom of Heaven is concealed.The Kingdom of Heaven is costly. The Main Point of this pair of parables: It would be foolish to refuse the opportunity to own something so valuable.
Easter 2024

Easter 2024


The Mourning, the Miracle, and the Meeting1 Cor. 15:1-8, ESV The gospel story has been retold today. The question is, "Do you believe that story?" Millions have, and I have to tell you, the trajectory of their lives was changed forever. I know it sounds crazy. But it's true. On My granddaddy's grave, it's true. Do you believe it? You might ask, "So what? Why do I have to believe that? " Oh friend, you don't have to believe it. God gives you that option. But if you do, and I hope you...
Palm Sunday 2024

Palm Sunday 2024


The Eating, the Examinations, and the ExitLuke 22:14-20, 66-71; 23:44-53 The EatingJesus was looking forward to this Passover meal. (15)Jesus would not eat it again until the millennial kingdom. (16)Jesus would not drink again until they would be reunited. (18)Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper. (19-20) The ExaminationThe Pharisees were fishing for an excuse to kill Jesus. (66-67a)Jesus gave a leading answer. (67b-69)The Pharisees jumped to a conclusion. (70a)Jesus told them what th...
The Leaven

The Leaven


The LeavenMatthew 13:33 The Communicated PartThe cook already had flour.The cook added yeast to the flour.The yeast leavened all of the flour. The Learned ConclusionThe flour mixture would increase in size. What do we do with that knowledge? We pray God will work here.We join in that work by sharing the gospel.
The Mustard Seed

The Mustard Seed


The Mustard SeedMatthew 13:31-32 The Growth of the Kingdom of HeavenThe Kingdom’s startup was small. The Kingdom’s promotion will be huge.The Kingdom’s growth will be exponential. The Kingdom's growth will be incomparable. The Kingdom’s benefit would be universal.
The WeedsMatthew 13:24-30; 36-43, ESV Ten explanations:1. Jesus is the Sower. (37)2. The field is the entire world. (38)3. The seeds are the disciples of Jesus. (38)4. The weeds are people who seek to thwart His work. (38)5. The weeds are sown by the devil. (39)6. The devil is the enemy of Jesus. (39)7. The harvest happens at the end of days. (...
The Four Kinds of SoilMatthew 13:1-9; 18-23 Matthew 13:1-9 – The Parable 1. A reasonable context: teaching parables (1-3a)2. A relatable character: a gardener (Jesus) (3b)3. A regular occurrence: sowing seeds (sharing the gospel message) (4a)4. A recognizable outcome: plant life (responses to the gospel message) (4b-9)Matthew 13:18-23 – The Explanation1. Four Kinds of Soil (Hearts) &...
The Purpose of ParablesMatthew 13:10-17, 34-35Why did Jesus choose to teach in parables? In a general sense, The use of parables in teaching was common in those days.The desired truth was easier to remember when using a parable.The listener could easily relate to the characters in a parable.The parable was effective in altering behavior or thought. In a spiritual sense, Jesus used parables because:The truth needed to be told, but people would reject it.The truth was...
The Family of Jesus

The Family of Jesus


The Family of JesusMatthew 22:46-50Points:Jesus drove His point home using His earthly family. (46)Jesus did not demean His earthly family. (48)Jesus delineated between His earthly and eternal families. (49)Jesus defined His eternal family. (50) Application:Jesus knows the spiritual condition of those who showed up at His house today.Jesus is acutely aware of who loves Him more than anything else and who does not.Jesus will give preferential treatment to those who are in His spiritual fa...
That will only make it worse!Matthew 12:43-45 The analogy:A demon will look for a human host. (43)A removed demon will return to a previous host if that host is empty. (44)If a demon has previously stayed there, he will bring others with him. (45 a-b) The Point:Just as a person who is freed from a demon is worse off in the end if the Holy Spirit does not inhabit him, likewise, a man’s sins are compounded if he had his mind opened to the truth about Jesus and still rejects that truth...
The Proof of Your NatureMatthew 12:33-36 Jesus told the Pharisees:Make up your mind. (33)Snakes only speak “snakanese”. (34)Spiritual nature determines personal actions. (35) Watch what you say. (36) God will consider your words when determining your fate. (37) You should: Reject blasphemy. Recognize why you say and do what you say and do.