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Your Badass Brain

Author: Apryle Oswald

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Geared toward the analytically minded, this podcast uses Coaching, Science and Logic to help you better understand your brain and start deliberately using it to improve your quality of life and create the results that you want. Transform any are of your life including work, relationships, parenting, money, health and most importantly, your mental and emotional well-being. If you struggle to relate to a lot of the "fluffy" self-help tools out there, then this is the podcast for you.
14 Episodes
Fear of Being Judged

Fear of Being Judged


Are you afraid of being judged by other people?  Does this fear keep you playing small or hiding certain parts of yourself from the world?  In this episode, learn why your base brain mistakenly places so much importance on other people's opinions, and why it is never actually their negative judgement that is the problem.  Discover the key to truly not being phased by what anybody else thinks of you.  
One of the things that our human brains like more than anything is to be right.   If you are alive today, it is because your brain has been producing effective thoughts and therefore, it believes that all of those thoughts must be right.  Being wrong about anything, to your base brain, would introduce an element of uncertainty, which it views as a threat.  But, sometimes, the very best thing you can do for yourself is to use Your Badass Brain to DECIDE that you are wrong about something.  In this episode, you will hear how the Willingness to Be Wrong is often the key to creating the life experience that you want to have.  
Many of us are uncomfortable with negative emotion.   Unfortunately, there is no way to completely eliminate negative emotion from our lives.  However, we can decide how we want to think about it.  Listen to this episode to learn how your thoughts about your feelings determine whether you are creating unnecessary suffering and how you can feel more at peace.  
Humans are a social species and we crave connection. Relationships with other people are some of the most amazing and fulfilling experiences we have. They can also be a source of misery when another person is not showing up how we want them to.  We become angry, irritated, frustrated, and resentful, and we want them to be different so that we can feel better.  Join me on this episode of Your Badass Brain to learn how YOU can single-handedly transform ANY relationship in your life and feel the way that you want to feel without anybody else needing to change.  
Becoming Happier

Becoming Happier


Do you know that feeling good is a skill that you can actually practice and develop?  What better goal is there than learning how to create more happiness in your life and to sustain that happiness for longer periods of time? You can learn to feel better and to reduce the amount of unnecessary negative emotion that you experience, by using nothing but your brain. Tune into this episode to start your practice of becoming happier. 
Base Brain Beat Down

Base Brain Beat Down


When we set goals for ourselves or decide to make changes in our lives, we usually start out feeling very motivated and excited.  Unfortunately, this can quickly fade when things aren't as easy as expected or don't go exactly as planned.  We can become critical and judgmental of ourselves over the lack of progress that we are making.  We start to put immense amounts of pressure on ourselves, often with the mistaken belief that we are doing it to motivate ourselves.  In this episode, learn how this type of self-management style is counter-productive and that there IS an alternative to accomplishing your goals without high and constant levels of stress and anxiety. 
Fear of Missing Out

Fear of Missing Out


Our base brains want us to believe that we are missing out on something.  They want us to believe that if we just had that one thing in our life that were different, then we would be truly happy and our lives would be better.   But, when we buy into this, we actually prevent rather than create that happiness.  What if you believed that you already have everything that you need to be truly happy and at peace?  Who would you become if you knew for certain that the only thing that needs to change is your brain and that you CAN make that change?   Join Apryle in this episode to explore these questions and more.  
New Year’s Evolution

New Year’s Evolution


We made it to 2021 and now is a great time to decide what changes we want to make throughout this new year.  We often approach this by setting new years resolutions.  We decide what we are going to DO or or stop DOING.  Our resolutions are action based and unfortunately, less than 10% of people succeed in accomplishing the resolutions they set.   In this episode, we explore why this is the case and how you can approach things differently in 2021, in order to make true and lasting change in your life.  
Believing New Things

Believing New Things


What do you believe - about the world, about yourself, about your future?  When and how did you form those beliefs and how do they impact the life experience that you are having?  In this episode, we are going to explore some simple brain science to understand how many of our beliefs are formed without our conscious input and how continuing to hold those beliefs may be holding us back.  We are going to talk about the process of reprogramming the brain to Believe New Things and how this can up-level ANY area of your life.  
Life is 50/50

Life is 50/50


We spend much of our lives on a quest for happiness, but when this constant quest for happiness causes us to react and resist our negative emotions, it often leads to stress, misery and self-sabotage.  In this episode, learn how accepting that life is meant to be 50/50 can actually bring you more peace and allow you to use your negative emotion to learn more about your brain's default programming so that you can strategically begin to create the thoughts and emotions that will lead to more productive actions and ultimately to your desired results.  
We spend so much of lives trying to avoid negative emotion.  Why?  Why are we so resistant to negative emotion?  What is so bad about a negative emotion?  What if the key to living a happier and more successful life is in the ability to allow and FEEL your negative emotions?  Join me on this episode to learn how allowing and processing your emotions can bring you the peace and freedom you've been striving for and help you start taking new actions in your quest to create new results in your life.  
Think on Purpose

Think on Purpose


Your brain produces around 60,000 thoughts per day.   It takes in the circumstances of the world around you and makes a prediction on what everything means based on its own unique, individual programming.   It wants you to believe that these thoughts are simply the truth and when you believe that, without question, you accept the emotions that those thoughts create as if you have no control.  You always have control over what you think.  When you use Your Badass Brain to distinguish between what is fact and what is just a thought,  you can learn to deliberately think the thoughts that will best serve your goals and your emotional well-being.  
Your brain is the most powerful asset you will ever have. Whether you are struggling with career goals, relationship issues, parenting concerns, money matters, weight loss or you simply want to FEEL BETTER, your brain is the key. If you want to get the most out of it, you need to understand how it is currently programmed and then determine where that programming is serving you and creating what you want in your life and where you are simply accepting its default output and the results it creates as your only option.  In this first podcast episode, you will learn how your brain's output is creating the results that you have in your life and you will be introduced to a simple model that you can use to start coaching yourself to make better use of Your Badass Brain.  
Podcast Trailer

Podcast Trailer


A quick introduction to the podcast with the potential to change your life.  Find out what Your Badass Brain is all about and how you can feel better and achieve the goals that you set for yourself through coaching, psychology and neuroscience.