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Swing 大小事|PrideVoice.

Author: Switch Taipei - Jason

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A Podcast about Lindy Hopper's Lived Experiences and Stories!

《Swing大小事》是 Switch Taipei 下的中/英文人物訪談節目。(從週更到月更,現在即將變成季更)我們會邀請與 Swing / Jazz / Black Culture / Anthropology of Dance 有關的來賓,聽他們聊聊人生中的大大小小事,為你的搖擺人生帶來新的靈感!

「HELLO?」- 完整版搶先聽,週末八卦閒聊不無聊!
「HELLO~ 耳朵打開沒有」- 會員專屬歌單 + 每月音樂專屬集數




#PrideVoice #SwitchTaipei
#SwingDance #LindyHop #Jazz #SwingJazzz #Equality #LGBTQAI #rainbow

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103 Episodes
<<先行預告:下一集將會舉辦小抽獎活動,敬請期待一波<3 >> 哈囉大家好,歡迎來到 Swing 大小事全新系列「搖擺人物誌,一集一故事」。 輝煌的爵士年代,除了舞者跟樂手之外,還有什麼樣的重要人物? 第三集將為大家帶來首位「女性」人物 —— 文化人類學家 Margaret Mead!今天將跟大家分享她在 1920 與 1930 年代的重要著作,以及她跟學生分享關於「文明起源」的小故事,延伸聊到保持 questioning 的態度跟同理心! - #時間戳記 (00:00:41) Intro:Margaret Mead 瑪格麗特・米德 (00:03:25) 文化人類學是什麼? #一集一故事 (00:04:21) 米德回答學生問題:「文化中的第一個文明標誌是什麼?」 (00:06:16) 米德經典名言 "We won't be dealing with THINGS. We will be dealing with HUMAN BEINGS." #傑森超主觀講評時間 (00:07:38) (1) 保持 Questioning 的態度 (00:10:24) (2) 人與人之間的關係-同理心 (00:11:14) Lindy Hop 社群中缺乏對於黑人文化的同理心 米德 1959年的訪談: - 有別於其他訪談系列,今天什麼事 / 還有那件事 / PrideVoice. ,動不動就超過 90min 的集數。全新系列「搖擺人物誌,一集一故事」將鎖定在10分鐘以內!真真正正的10分鐘!讓你在通勤、午休、睡前聽一下,無論何時何處何地,都充滿了搖擺舞的畫面! #每一集都超過10分鐘 - 人物誌理念 我一直都深信「Personal Narrative」,因為很多「習以為常」的知識或者資訊,其實都缺少了少數族群的聲音,畢竟歷史、文化的演進,大多還是掌握在多數且有 priviliege 的族群手上。 如果缺少了人物的個人故事、生活分享,那其實我們就沒辦法看到歷史與文化的全貌! 其實我原本就想要做人物誌很久了,因為在 Swing Dance / Lindy Hop 演變的一百年之間,有太多出色的舞者以及樂手,就讓我們用 10min 一起聽聽他們的 Personal Narrative ,細細品嚐他們搖擺人生中的大小事吧! - 如果你喜歡 Swing 大小事的全新系列 搖擺人物誌、一次一件事,歡迎大家追蹤 Switch Taipei 的粉專以及IG,並且開啟「通知」功能,這樣就不會漏掉最新集數的預告以及相關活動囉! Switch Taipei 官網: 小額贊助: Powered by Firstory Hosting
哈囉大家好,歡迎來到 Swing 大小事全新系列「搖擺人物誌,一集一故事」。 第二集將迎來 Jazz Era 的超猛文學家 - F. Scott Fitzgerald! 今天將跟大家聊聊 Fitzgerald、《大亨小傳》,還有 Charleston! 輝煌的爵士年代與Charleston 所以究竟電影中有出現 Charleston 嗎?那裡面的是 20's Charleston 還是 30's Charleston 呢? 等等,Fitzgerald 這個姓氏也太熟了吧?難不成作者跟 Ella Fitzgerald 是親戚? - #時間戳記 (00:00:15) Intro (00:00:57) 正片開始 (00:02:50) 一集一故事:F. Scott Fitzgerald 與標題的故事 (00:04:56) 補充解說:Trimalchio in the West Egg  (00:05:45) 一集一故事:FItzgerald 又改書名 (00:07:00) 原文:《大亨小傳》經典引述 (00:07:28) 微解析:《大亨小傳》經典引述 (00:08:55) 傑森超主觀講評時間:閱讀文化與歷史 (00:09:39) 傑森超主觀講評時間:《大亨小傳》裡面有 Charleston 嗎? - 有別於其他訪談系列,今天什麼事 / 還有那件事 / PrideVoice. ,動不動就超過 90min 的集數。全新系列「搖擺人物誌,一集一故事」將鎖定在10分鐘以內!真真正正的10分鐘!讓你在通勤、午休、睡前聽一下,無論何時何處何地,都充滿了搖擺舞的畫面! #結果第二集就超過10分鐘 - 人物誌理念 我一直都深信「Personal Narrative」,因為很多「習以為常」的知識或者資訊,其實都缺少了少數族群的聲音,畢竟歷史、文化的演進,大多還是掌握在多數且有 priviliege 的族群手上。 如果缺少了人物的個人故事、生活分享,那其實我們就沒辦法看到歷史與文化的全貌! 其實我原本就想要做人物誌很久了,因為在 Swing Dance / Lindy Hop 演變的一百年之間,有太多出色的舞者以及樂手,就讓我們用 10min 一起聽聽他們的 Personal Narrative ,細細品嚐他們搖擺人生中的大小事吧! - 如果你喜歡 Swing 大小事的全新系列 搖擺人物誌、一次一件事,歡迎大家追蹤 Switch Taipei 的粉專以及IG,並且開啟「通知」功能,這樣就不會漏掉最新集數的預告以及相關活動囉! Switch Taipei 官網: Powered by Firstory Hosting
哈囉大家好,歡迎來到 Swing 大小事全新系列「搖擺人物誌,一集一故事」。有別於其他訪談系列,今天什麼事 / 還有那件事 / PrideVoice. ,動不動就超過 90min 的集數。 全新系列「搖擺人物誌,一集一故事」將鎖定在10分鐘以內!真真正正的10分鐘!讓你在通勤、午休、睡前聽一下,無論何時何處何地,都充滿了搖擺舞的畫面! - 人物誌理念 我一直都深信「Personal Narrative」,因為很多「習以為常」的知識或者資訊,其實都缺少了少數族群的聲音,畢竟歷史、文化的演進,大多還是掌握在多數且有 priviliege 的族群手上。 如果缺少了人物的個人故事、生活分享,那其實我們就沒辦法看到歷史與文化的全貌! 其實我原本就想要做人物誌很久了,因為在 Swing Dance / Lindy Hop 演變的一百年之間,有太多出色的舞者以及樂手,就讓我們用 10min 一起聽聽他們的 Personal Narrative ,細細品嚐他們搖擺人生中的大小事吧! - #時間戳記 (00:00:23) Introduction (00:01:01) 人物誌理念 (00:02:56) 人物基本介紹 (00:03:54) 一集一故事:媽媽直接嘴 Frankie (00:07:18) 傑森超主觀講評:沒有天才,只有地才 (00:08:22) 傑森超主觀講評:怎麼接收「負面評價」 - 如果你喜歡 Swing 大小事的全新系列 搖擺人物誌、一次一件事,歡迎大家追蹤 Switch Taipei 的粉專以及IG,並且開啟「通知」功能,這樣就不會漏掉最新集數的預告以及相關活動囉! Switch Taipei 官網: Powered by Firstory Hosting
本集內含: 主題: 06月線上活動/課程 參加指南 閒聊: World Lindy Hop Day 慶祝文的 After notes 閒聊:Swing 大小事 六月的彩虹主題 Powered by Firstory Hosting
本集來賓 #國際冠宇 #Goodee英國分區經理 - 芷羚 #林口代表里斯 #郭君 - 本月主題活動: Let's Shim Sham in Taipei 「Lindy Hop 不是在教室中產生的,是在街頭中、黑人文化中自然而生的!」 - 00 活動緣起 希望我們也能讓現在跳的 Lindy/Swing 更回到街頭、更與城市有強烈的連結! 讓我們一起SHIM SHAM 台北的每個角落吧! - 本月活動 05/05 (三)|[派對] Café Rossiya:搖擺之夜 ft. The Cat's Corner Swing Band 05/15 (六)|[講座] 搖擺時光機 - Shim Sham 文化講座 05/15 (六)|[工作坊] 經典排舞《Shim Sham 變成雙人啦!》 05/15 (六)|[派對] 搖擺派對《爵對搖擺》 05/22 (六)|[表演/派對]【搖擺時光・踢踏狂響】 05/23 (日)|[工作坊] Al&Leon's Shim Sham 05/23 (日)|[活動] Let's Shim Sham in Taipei 05/29 (六)|[派對] 小中大舞廳 05/30 (日)|當Funk遇見Country blues 更多詳情: (感謝搖擺足跡) Powered by Firstory Hosting
#首次自己錄音#結果超快就結束 #無法閒聊-本月主題: 粒粒「爵」辛苦 - 如果「爵士樂」是一種食物的話.... ?粒粒「爵」辛苦-是最新的腦洞系列文章!我們將奶凍(?)大開,將爵士樂、Lindy Hop,與我們日常生活中的「食物」做連結;刺激想像力的同時,你也可以看到舞者、樂手們是如何以生活中隨處可及的靈感出發,連結到自己喜歡的藝術形式!說不定看了看你也.... 就餓了?訪談連結:本月主題活動04/04 (日)|大亨小傳主題舞會04/05 (一)|春日搖擺04/07 (三)|Café Rossiya:搖擺之夜 feat. 林瑋琪 (žž) - Live Band Social04/11 (日)|Follower Power Workshop04/17 (六)|「爵」對搖擺 Live Band Party @Rhythm Scape ft. Switch Taipei04/17 (六)|Swing the City feat the Flat Fives x Dj Jedi x Miko04/18 (日)|Follower Power Workshop04/24 (六)|小中大舞廳更多詳情:感謝搖擺足跡) Powered by Firstory Hosting
#千萬不要加速聽 你會聽不懂 #千萬不要認真聽 你也會聽不懂 - 重要活動: 整個月的活動: #SwitchMarch (線上) 步驟(1):錄下自己/別人的 Switch Dance 影片 步驟(2):上傳到 IG 限動,並加上 hashtag >> #SwitchMarch 步驟(3): 最後記得 tag @switchtaipei Switch Taipei 小編就會分享你的Switch影片唷 <3 這個March,我們一起用 #SwitchMarch 來散播 Switch - 03/02 (二)|[CH] 搖擺讀書會 03/03 (三)|Café Rossiya:搖擺之夜 feat. 林瑋琪 (žž) - Live Band Social 03/06 (六)|當Blues vs Funk 03/12 (五)|[搖擺舞曲大帝國 X Friday Night Social | Vol.6 ] 03/20 (六)|小中大舞廳 03/26 (五)|培訓班3.0 甄選 03/27 (六)|「爵」對搖擺 Live Band Party @Rhythm Alley ft. Switch Taipei 更多詳情: (感謝搖擺足跡) Powered by Firstory Hosting
告別2020,迎接2021! 想知道2021全台Swing Dance的各大活動嗎? 趕緊一起聽 下個月很多事 - 01月搖擺活動快報 ! 本次新增: #本月精選課程 & #常態活動 中場休息: Yang 的出國跳舞經驗,布達佩斯Lindy Shock活動結束還丟學士帽,搞得跟畢業一樣! #資訊更新: Lindy Shock 的船隻是停靠在"布達"側 (感謝KDY提供資訊) - [活動更新:12/31] #01月上半 01/02(六) 2021 跨年假期的 Secret House Party >> 01/06(三) Café Rossiya:搖擺之夜 - Live Band Social >> 01/13(三) Ann Tsai & Night Chill >> 01/13(三) Blues 下午茶 Tea time Party - #01月下半 01/24(日) Balboa social in Jan.2020 01/30(六) 小中大舞廳 >> 01/31(日) 歲末Live Band Party (下午) >> 01/30, 31(六/日) Boog TV Show街舞成發 >> - #本月精選課程 Blues 20:新手初級班 >> 每周一 Firday Night Social:培訓班3.0 >> 三月開始 Naughty Swing:Willie Solo >> 每周一/三 Switch Taipei:主題工作坊|想像力94你的舞蹈力,讓你聽到的音樂被看見! >> 01/21, 28 (四) - #常態活動 每周三: Blues Social Party 每周五: Friday Night Social Party 每周三/六: 搖擺時光·迷你舞會 - Yang的出國跳舞經驗 >> Lindy Shock University: #影片看起來 - 有任何建議歡迎留言給Swing大小事 Music: Third Avenue Special from Echoes of Sophiatown by The Pebble Shakers - Powered by Firstory Hosting
想知道全台Swing Dance的各大活動嗎? 趕緊一起聽 下個月很多事 - 12月搖擺活動快報 ! #用聽的:點擊下方秒數 #用看的:往下滑直接看 - [活動更新:11/30] #12月上半 12/02(三) Café Rossiya:搖擺之夜 - Live Band Social >> 12/05(六) 搖滾之夜舞會 Blues /Jazz/ Rock & Roll 12/12(六) 「爵」對搖擺 LIVE BAND PARTY >> 12/13(日)Monthly balboa social - #12月下半 12/19(六) TapLife 聖誕舞會 12/20(日) XMASwing >> 12/25(五) Christmas Party >> 12/26(六) Blues 聖誕市集 12/26(六) 小中大舞廳 12/26(六) TapLife 聖誕熱紅酒趴 12/31(四) 跨年爽玩Pa 12/31(四) 詹喜森跨年特別場 - KDY 靈感來源 >> FUNK REAL MOVE: >> Hip Hop OG Dancer - Link: 各國跨年Swing活動 >> Snowball (Swedem) >> Lindy Focus (USA) >> Upside Down (Belgium) 度假村型Swing活動 >> Big Bang (Thailand) >> Swim Out (Barcelona) #影片看起來 - 有任何建議歡迎留言給Swing大小事 Music: "Alright, OK, You, Win" by Shirt Tail Stomper Music: "I'm Beginning to See the Light" by Shirt Tail Stomper - Powered by Firstory Hosting
Pride Voice is the subseries of the podcast Swing 大小事, where you will find the casually unstructured structure chat with our fabulous guests on the hottest topics of Lindy Hop, Jazz, Black culture, and Anthropology of Dance through their lived experiences in their own lifeworld as a dancer, or simply as a fabulous human being. Moreover, I believe in the power of learning through lived experiences and how it can inspire people in all possible ways! Now, let's see who is today's fabulous guest!  Guest: Sofia Zaitseva What is Swing to Sofia: "I would say, it's everything. It means LIFE." - In this episode:What is SWING to you?Lindy Hop lifeWhat is your inspiration?What is the competition to you?Improv and creativityThe life of moving from city to city Songs:The Pebble Shakers - Echoes of Sophiatown - 01 Third Avenue Special.The Pebble Shakers - Echoes of Sophiatown - 04 Be My Guest Cover Picture from Sofia's Instagram - Link: Jazz Age Show: Sofia's favorite dancing video: - 🔥訂閱制開跑 🔥 #支持傑森繼續訪談 #支持產出更多內容 #訂閱會員會有每月精選歌單 訂閱支持本節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
Pride Voice is the subseries of the podcast Swing 大小事, where you will find the casually unstructured structure chat with our fabulous guests on the hottest topics of Lindy Hop, Jazz, Black culture, and Anthropology of Dance through their lived experiences in their own lifeworld as a dancer, or simply as a fabulous human being. Moreover, I believe in the power of learning through lived experiences and how it can inspire people in all possible ways! Now, let's see who is today's fabulous guest!  Guest: Thomas Noguer (he/him) What is Swing to Thomas: "Lindy Hop represents to me, a special space of self-growth, expression, and self-discovery. " - In this episode:DecolonizationLoooong DJ songsMale PrivilegeMale mental healthDeparting words Songs:The Pebble Shakers - Echoes of Sophiatown - 04 Be My GuestBillie Holiday - On the Sunny Side of the Street Cover Picture from Savoy Cup 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: - 🔥訂閱制開跑 🔥 #支持傑森繼續訪談 #支持產出更多內容 #訂閱會員會有每月精選歌單 訂閱支持本節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
Guest: Thomas Noguer (he/him) What is Swing to Thomas: "Lindy Hop represents to me, a special space of self-growth, expression, and self-discovery. " Pride Voice is the subseries of the podcast Swing 大小事, where you will find the casually unstructured structure chat with our fabulous guests on the hottest topics of Lindy Hop, Jazz, Black culture, and Anthropology of Dance through their lived experiences in their own lifeworld as a dancer, or simply as a fabulous human being. Moreover, I believe in the power of learning through lived experiences and how it can inspire people in all possible ways! Now, let's see who is today's fabulous guest!  - In this episode:IntroductionWhat is SWING to you?What is the first impression of Lindy Hop?What is improvisation to you?What is Switch dancing to you? Songs:The Pebble Shakers - Echoes of Sophiatown - 04 Be My GuestBillie Holiday - On the Sunny Side of the Street Cover Picture from Savoy Cup 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: - 🔥訂閱制開跑 🔥 #支持傑森繼續訪談 #支持產出更多內容 #訂閱會員會有每月精選歌單 訂閱支持本節目: Powered by Firstory Hosting
PrideVoice. is a conversation-based podcast, where we talk, celebrate, and uplift each guest's Charisma, Unique, Talented journey in the global Lindy Hop community. En este episodio especial, nos acompaña una pareja maravillosa y súper linda de Argentina: ¡Santi y Euge! Hablamos sobre las experiencias de la Copa Savoy, los valores y las raíces del Lindy Hop y algunos momentos emotivos (de llanto) cuando mencionamos cómo el Lindy Hop da forma a sus vidas. (Google Translation) - In this special episode, we are joined by wonderful and suuuper cute couple from Argentina - Santi & Euge! We talked about Savoy Cup experiences, the values and roots of Lindy Hop, and some emotional (crying) moments when we touched on how Lindy Hop shapes their lives. Note: The question will be in English, however, the responds are in Spanish. - Music: The Pebble Shakers - Echoes of Sophiatown - 01 Third Avenue Special Photo: Savoy Cup Special thanks: Terri (for translation Spanish and English) - 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
PrideVoice. is a conversation-based podcast, where we talk, celebrate, and uplift each guest's Charisma, Unique, Talented journey in the global Lindy Hop community. In this special episode, we are joined by wonderful and suuuper cute couple from Argentina - Santi & Euge! We talked about Savoy Cup experiences, the values and roots of Lindy Hop, and some emotional (crying) moments when we touched on how Lindy Hop shapes their lives. Note: The question will be in English, however, the responds are in Spanish. - Music: The Pebble Shakers - Echoes of Sophiatown - 01 Third Avenue Special Photo: Savoy Cup Special thanks: Terri (for translation Spanish and English) - 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
Charlie is a game-addicted person. He found his dancing interest from the DDR (rhythm game) and then it took him into the world of dance! Now he has been living / working in Taipei more than 5 years, and his enthusiasm on education also takes him to become an English teacher also a dance teacher. You will see him practising alone, playing with improv ideas to house music, at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall! Next time, don't hesitate saying hi to him! (00:04:07) What brought Charlie into Taiwan? (00:15:39) Which way to practice: drill or improv? (00:22:58) What is HOUSE DANCE to you? (00:35:22) BATTLE time! (00:35:57) "A Honest Dancer" (00:40:47) Performance and Lindy Hop  (00:41:55) House Social Element: STALKING (00:46:11) When did you start dancing? (00:48:00) What keeps you motivated? (00:57:57) Charlie's Musical Family Background 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
PrideVoice. Ep05 - Calvin Lu Calvin Lu is a switch, or we say ambi-dancer, from Bay Area in San Francisco, USA. We met one time back in Taipei when he was traveling here in Taiwan to visit his family members. He started dancing in his collage years, and kept swinging out and SWIVELING until now. He said, in the interview, that he works on his follow more than leads, and also this actually becomes a great representation of non-traditional role dancing in the Bay Area. We continued on interesting discussion and how he sees the community in Bay Area. Moreover, some fun and practical expreience in incorprating switch dancing and eqaulity phylosophy in the beginner class. Which I think … (my own opinion). Last but not least, we jumped back to one of the my ultimate swing event destination - The Switch Workshop! Calvin is the organizer team and he will be sharing about The Switch! ✨相關連結✨ 🔎 The Switch Workshop 影片>> 🔎 Calvin 登上 TED >> 🔎 找到更多性別議題與爵士的關聯 >> #性別在你的每日生活中 #Swing也是 - Switch Taipei website >> LGBTQAI+ Swing Dancers Network & Allies (Facebook Group) Join here >> Donation >> Powered by Firstory Hosting
Earanee Niedzwiecki: "If you don't really feel what you are dancing to, you are not really dancing!" (00:18:50) Discussion on MUSIC and SELF-EXPRESSION Hello, Lindy Hoppers, welcome back to PrideVoice EP04. ! (Scroll down for English description ) 這一集中,依如往常,我們會跟大家聊聊「Swing是什麼?」、「Switch Dance是什麼?」 當然還有Earanee主持的Podcast節目「Women in Jazz」! 想知道更多女性爵士音樂家嗎? PrideVoice. 第四集趕緊聽起來! In this episode, we start of the ultimate question to all the dancers: "What is SWING to you?" Earanee also shared of the journey of how she started the podcast "WOMEN IN JAZZ"! I personally love the idea cuz it is about the story and life experiences from the musicians, and why they continued in this jazz journey despite of the obstcles from gender, race issue.  - Swing 大小事 PrideVoice. is a interview/talking based podcast hosted by Switch Taipei. We believe that there are different voices from all kinds of people, and those voices need to be heard, proudly! #PrideVoice #SwitchTaipei #SwingDance #LindyHop #Jazz #SwingJazzz #Equality #LGBTQAI #rainbow - ✨相關連結✨ 🎧 Women in Jazz 節目 >> 🔎 找到更多性別議題與爵士的關聯 >> #性別在你的每日生活中 #Swing也是 - Switch Taipei website >> LGBTQAI+ Swing Dancers Network & Allies (Facebook Group) Join here >> Donation >> Powered by Firstory Hosting
Peter Kertz: "Lindy Hop is a chance for people to experience FREEDOM." Hello, Lindy Hoppers, welcome back to PrideVoice EP03. ! (Scroll down for English description ) 這一集中,我們從終極大哉問「Swing對你來說是什麼?」開頭。Peter 與我們分享了他最新的想法:「Lindy Hop 是一種民俗舞蹈」! 還有還有,聊到Switch Dancing的時候,Peter 還說他曾經被誤認為是Gay,因為他很常跟他的男性朋友跳舞?! 想知道為什麼Peter會認為Lindy Hop是「民俗舞蹈」嗎? 想知道為什麼Peter怎麼看他被認為Gay這件事嗎? PrideVoice. 第三集趕緊聽起來! In this episode, we start of the ultimate question to all the dancers: "What is SWING to you?" Peter shared to us that he would like to see Lindy Hop as a "Folk Dance", and this idea was generated by Brea. Want hear more about how this interesting ideas came into being? or do you want to know actually, Peter was assumed as GAY for a few times, just because he danced with some other "dude friends"? Let's hear Peter's voice out here in PrideVoice. episode 3! - Swing 大小事 PrideVoice. is a interview/talking based podcast hosted by Switch Taipei. We believe that there are different voices from all kinds of people, and those voices need to be heard, proudly! #PrideVoice #SwitchTaipei #SwingDance #LindyHop #Jazz #SwingJazzz #Equality #LGBTQAI #rainbow - Switch Taipei website >> LGBTQAI+ Swing Dancers Network & Allies (Facebook Group) Join here >> Donation >> Powered by Firstory Hosting
Hello, Lindy Hoppers, welcome back to PrideVoice EP02. Part 2! In Part 2 of this episode, we continued with my story of discovering Switch Dancing as I traveled in Europe. I was in big event, such as Chase Festival and Herräng. But not unitl I attended Ceuvel Swing Dance Camp, I felt completely welcomed as a male follower. Later on, we carried on with Adam's understanging of Switch Dancing, in which he ackowledged the connection between LGBTQAI+ identitied dancer to Switch Dancing. However, he also pointed out that the true meaning of Switch Dancing is more than just "swithcing roles"! Let's hear them out, with the voice from Adam! - Swing 大小事 PrideVoice. is a interview/talking based podcast hosted by Switch Taipei. We believe that there are different voices from all kinds of people, and those voices need to be heard, proudly! #PrideVoice #SwitchTaipei #SwingDance #LindyHop #Jazz #SwingJazzz #Equality #LGBTQAI #rainbow - Switch Taipei website >> LGBTQAI+ Swing Dancers Network & Allies (Facebook Group) Join here >> Donation >> Powered by Firstory Hosting
Let's welcome -- Adam ! In the Part 1 of this episode, we start by the dancing journey of Adam, then moving onto the discussion of "Equality" in the context of lindy hop and swing. Adam shared a lot of insights from his long experience in traveling, teaching all around the world! These voices are definitely food for thoughts, especially you are interested in LGBTQAI+ related issue. Part 2. will be released tomorrow noon! - Swing 大小事 PrideVoice. is a interview/talking based podcast hosted by Switch Taipei. We believe that there are different voices from all kinds of people, and those voices need to be heard, proudly! #PrideVoice #SwitchTaipei #SwingDance #LindyHop #Jazz #SwingJazzz #Equality #LGBTQAI #rainbow - Switch Taipei website >> LGBTQAI+ Swing Dancers Network & Allies (Facebook Group) Join here >> Donation >> Powered by Firstory Hosting
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