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Psychedelic Salon

Author: Lorenzo Hagerty

Subscribed: 2,641Played: 57,489


Since 2005, Lorenzo Hagerty has been podcasting interviews and talks concerning the use and benefits of psychoactive plants and chemicals, both in their natural settings and in medical research institutions. Past speakers include Sasha Shulgin, Annie Oak, Rick Doblin, Daniel Pinchbeck, Shonagh Home, Bruce Damer, Aldous Huxley and others. And there have been over 200 programs featuring talks by Terence McKenna. Also interviews with several of the now long gone elders, such as Gary Fisher, Myron Stolaroff, and Al Hubbard have also been featured.
771 Episodes
Support Lorenzo on Guest speaker: Terence McKenna PROGRAM NOTES: In this recording, Terence McKenna discusses his wave theory, which he claims predicts every moment up until December 21, 2012. He addresses the common question of what happens after this date, suggesting a series of increasingly strange scenarios. A less strange scenario he proposes involves a sudden shift in human behavior where everyone begins to act appropriately, inspired by Buddhist and Taoist principles. McKenna humorously imagines that this might lead people to take off their clothes and go outside, although he admits he can't predict what would happen beyond that point. Among other things, he says, "I think, in a sense, technology is the the alchemical journey toward the condensation of the soul, and the union of spirit and matter in some kind of hyper-object."
Support Lorenzo on Guest speaker: Terence McKenna PROGRAM NOTES: WARNING! If you don't want to hear Terence talking about his Timewave idea yet again, then you should skip this podcast. In this recording, Terence McKenna introduces a concept he humorously names the "Habit Reflex Increment" (HRI). He discusses the need for a unit to measure habit, reflecting on the significance of such a concept in understanding human behavior. McKenna jokes about not naming the unit after himself, contrasting his name with those of renowned scientists like Ohm or Ampere, which he finds more fitting for scientific terms. He then shifts his focus to a broader philosophical reflection, asserting that the struggle humanity faces is not eternal. He conveys an optimistic message, declaring that "novelty is winning." According to McKenna, the emergence of new ideas and innovations will ultimately prevail, bringing positive transformation and progress. Of course, you will have to listen to many more little details about the Timewave than a lot of people can put up with.
Support Lorenzo on Guest speaker: Terence McKenna PROGRAM NOTES: In this engaging and entertaining talk, Terence McKenna shares a mind-bending theory about the universe, combining astronomy, ancient civilizations, and quantum physics. He suggests that a catastrophic event 32,000 years ago at the galactic core could have triggered the development of human language. His discussion covers quasars, gamma rays, and the concept of non-locality in quantum physics, suggesting that the universe communicates important messages across vast distances instantly. The talk also explores the potential for time travel, the significance of the Mayan calendar, and the role of humans in preserving novelty and life in the universe. As is often the case, Terence emphasizes the importance of skepticism, urging listeners to critically evaluate information and seek the truth, while weaving in personal anecdotes and humor to keep the audience engaged. As he says, "I'm not interested in selling a line here. I'm interested in triggering self-reflective and analytical thought." Harvard Scientists Say There May Be an Unknown, Technologically Advanced Civilization Hiding on Earth
Support Lorenzo on Guest speaker: Terence McKenna PROGRAM NOTES: In this insightful talk, Terence McKenna delves into the intricacies of human cognition, emphasizing the stark difference between smart and less intelligent individuals as a matter of pattern recognition from the same data. He challenges the conventional notion of language being an innate, genetically driven trait by highlighting its unique emergence compared to other natural processes. McKenna further explores the transformative power of consciousness, likening the hunt for arrowheads to an intentional act distinct from natural occurrences like lightning. This discussion underscores the profound impact of human intent and the shaping of our world through conscious action. Books by Nick Herbert Herbert's books, such as "Quantum Reality" and "Faster Than Light," brought quantum mechanics to a broader audience and inspired discussions about the interpretation of quantum mechanics, the EPR paradox, and Bell's inequality. These discussions, in turn, contributed to the ongoing development of quantum computing by fostering a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles and paradoxes underlying quantum theory.
Support Lorenzo on Guest speaker: Terence McKenna PROGRAM NOTES: The session begins with a discussion about the nature of the Big Bang and its relation to philosophical concepts, specifically Kant's notion of space as an a priori function of consciousness. Terence questions the traditional metaphor of the Big Bang as an explosion in empty space and suggests a more accurate understanding as the creation of time, space, and matter simultaneously. They argue that this event is highly improbable and that science's request for belief in such an event is akin to asking for a miracle.The conversation then shifts to the notion of the universe as a process of novelty condensation and explores the idea that the universe might be much older than currently believed, possibly around 17.5 billion years. Terence critiques current cosmological theories and highlights issues such as the discovery of stars older than the universe. They suggest that the universe's true age and nature might be significantly different from mainstream scientific consensus, emphasizing the chaotic and competitive nature of scientific research and the limitations of formal systems in generating all true statements within a system.Finally, Terence touches on the evolution of consciousness and language, challenging the idea that speech is a natural human ability. They propose that language, defined broadly as the coordination of details about the present to create a model of the world, predates speech and has deep roots in animal behavior. The discussion includes the role of psychedelics in early human development, particularly how psilocybin may have influenced social, sexual, and cognitive behaviors, leading to the emergence of complex consciousness and culture. The narrative underscores the impact of psychedelics on early human societies and their eventual decline, leading to the development of agriculture, hierarchy, and modern civilization.SUGGESTED READING: The Spirit of the Internet: Speculations on the Evolution of Global Consciousness (Free PDF copy)
Support Lorenzo on Guest speaker: Terence McKenna PROGRAM NOTES: In this talk, which was given in October of 1995, Terence McKenna talks about his concept of thinking about various cultures in the same vein as computer operating systems, complete with viruses. He says, "Your operating system determines what world you are living in." -McKenna He then goes on to equate a clash of cultures to a clash of operating systems. It sounds elementary, but it does seem to give me a better way to think about world affairs. Of course, I'm more of a geek than a historian. This metaphor may work for you as well. Recommended ReadingThe Coming Wave: Technology, Power, and the Twenty-first Century's Greatest Dilemmaby Mustafa Suleyman (CEO of Microsoft AI, majority shareholder in OpenAI, creator of ChatGPT.
Support Lorenzo on Guest speaker: Terence McKenna PROGRAM NOTES: Among other things, Terence McKenna talks here about several books that now seem to have been forgotten. And then there is his story about his brother's vision of bonding psychedelics with our DNA to launch a permanent trip "on the natch". The Timewave makes an appearance also. All-in-all, it's a fun ride from a young Terence McKenna. Had you taken Terence's advice and picked up a remainder copy of the Codex Seraphinianus for $19, that would bring you about $600 today. Not bad advice, I'd say. Codex seraphinianus Hardcover – January 1, 1983 ($650) It may be hard to do, but if you take yourself back to 1988, where you didn't know what would happen in 2000 or 2012, you can see how appealing the idea of the Timewave was back then. …. he admits that he was "hearing voices" … but, nonetheless, when he goes into his poetic description of the Timewave it seems to me that there is still something about the nature of time that remains undiscovered.
Support Lorenzo on Guest speaker: Terence McKenna PROGRAM NOTES: We return once again to the land of Terence McKenna's workshops. As you will hear, his question and answer format leads him into telling some of the old stories we heard early on in Terence's talks but some of which were dropped later on. As far as I can remember, this is the only time he talked about taking psychedelic substances in his dreams.
Support Lorenzo on Guest speaker: Terence McKenna PROGRAM NOTES: In this talk, Terence approaches the topic of how little of what was considered to be established science 100 years ago has now been overturned. One of the things he says in this talk may resonate with you is where he says, "You could almost describe psychedelics as enzimes for the activity of the imagination." The Dawn of Everything by Graeber and Wengrow The Chalice and the Blade by Riane Eisler
Support Lorenzo on Guest speaker: Terence McKenna PROGRAM NOTES: Today begins our 20th year of podcasting from the Psychedelic Salon with a talk that Terence McKenna gave in the late 1980s. Near the end he talks about his daily cannabis use and how he and Kat got together. As far as I can remember, this is his only time that he got so personal.
Support Lorenzo on Guest speaker: Casey Hardison and Patreon Saloners PROGRAM NOTES: Today's podcast features a recording from a recent Live Salon. As usual, the conversation was free-form and didn't follow any script. One of the people who dropped by for the conversation was Casey Hardison, and his story captivated us. Links from this salon: An Amateur Qualitative Study of 48 2C-T-7 Subjective Bioassays 2C-T-7
Support Lorenzo on Guest speaker: Charles Grob PROGRAM NOTES: Charlie Grob and Lorenzo (circa: 2012) Today we feature a talk that Dr. Charles Grob gave at the 1994 Transpersonal Association Conference in Killarny, Ireland. The focus of this talk concerns Dr. Grob's work with ayahuasca users in Brazil. As far as I know, this was the first government approved human study of the physiological effects of ayahuasca on humans. This study compared 15 long-term ayahuasca drinkers with healthy individuals and found that UDV members had lower levels of anxiety and many had overcome alcohol abuse. Another study by Grob and Dartiu Xavier Silveira compared 40 adolescent ayahuasca drinkers with non-drinkers. The research showed positive outcomes, such as reduced alcohol consumption among UDV teenagers and improved mood, self-acceptance, and interpersonal relationships in participants. These studies contributed to understanding the therapeutic potential of ayahuasca ARCHIVE of Dr. Charles Grob on the Psychedelic Salon
Support Lorenzo on Guest speakers: Elizabeth Gips and D.M. Turner PROGRAM NOTES: Today's podcast features what may be the only recorded interview of the legendary D.M. Turner. It was conducted by Elizabeth Gips. FROM EROWID.ORG Elizabeth Gips, was the beloved "psychedelic grandmother" and host of the radio show Changes where she interviewed hundreds of visionaries over a 30-year span. D.M. Turner (born Joseph Vivian; 5 October 1962 – 31 December 1996) was an author, psychedelic researcher, and psychonaut who wrote two books on psychoactive drugs and entheogens. His first book, The Essential Psychedelic Guide, showcased his views on the subjective effects of various psychoactive and hallucinogenic substances. His second book, Salvinorin, addressed the effects of Salvia divinorum. Turner died after injecting an unknown quantity of ketamine while in a bathtub, drowning while presumably incapacitated by the effects of the drug.
Support Lorenzo on Guest speakers: Ram Das and Dr. Kenneth Ring PROGRAM NOTES: Ram Das and a young Lorenzo Today's podcast features two speakers, Ram Das and Dr. Kenneth Ring. Their topic is death! Unless you have come up with a plan to avoid dying, you may find some interesting observations from these talks. Dr. Ring, one of the world's leading experts on the Near Death Experience (NDEs), describes NDEs as being along the same lines as are stories about high-dose psychedelic experiences. Ram Das talks about why people avoid thinking about death and suggests ways to overcome this mental block. He also describes what I consider to be the worst possible setting for an acid trip.
Support Lorenzo on Guest speaker: James Fadiman PROGRAM NOTES: James FadimanPhoto source: Today we get to listen to a long-forgotten talk by one of our most important elders, James Fadiman. This is a talk that he gave at the Transpersonal Vision Convention in 1988 and in it Jim provides us with another way to think about our higher selves. He points out that the self is a collection of personalities. It is not unified and cannot be unified. “Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says, 'This is the real me,' and when you have found that attitude, follow it.”― William James, The Principles of Psychology
Support Lorenzo on Guest speaker: Jack Kornfield PROGRAM NOTES: Jack Kornfield Mickey Hart Today's podcast features Jack Kornfield speaking at the 1988 International Transpersonal Conference in Santa Rosa, California. Kornfield is an American writer, teacher, and psychologist who is known for his work in making Buddhism more accessible for Westerners. He trained as a Buddhist monk in Thailand, India, and Burma, and has been teaching meditation internationally since 1974. He has also spoken about psychedelics in the context of spiritual practice. His views on the intersection of Buddhism and psychedelics highlights the importance of intention, caution, and ethical boundaries when considering their use. Kornfield also recommends getting trained in mindfulness, compassion and equanimity before using psychedelics. As he says, they are not for beginners. Are Psychedelics Useful in the Practice of Buddhism? by Myron StolaroffJOURNAL OF HUMANISTICC PSYCHOLOGY
Support Lorenzo on Guest speaker: Ralph Metzner PROGRAM NOTES: RALPH METZNERImage source: Wikipedia Today we're going to dip back in time to 1988 and the recording of a talk by Ralph Metzner at the Transpersonal Vision Conference. Ralph has been mentioned by several or our past speakers, but this is my first podcast in which Ralph is the main speaker. Ralph was a German-born American psychologist, writer and researcher, who worked with Leary and Ram Das at Harvard. Sadly, Ralph died in 2019. In addition to being a psychotherapist, he was also Professor Emeritus of psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco.
Support Lorenzo on Guest speaker: Terence McKenna PROGRAM NOTES: Esalen Institute near Big Sur, California Although he first appeared at Esalen in the early 1970s, this may be the earliest recording of a Terence McKenna workshop there. It is from June of 1984. I think this is Terence's best and most clearly detailed description of the psychedelic experience. And that is why I'm repodcasting it now, rather than refer you to a podcast that I first published in April of 2014.Among other little gem in this talk where Terence said that of all the people he'd given DMT to over many years, only FOUR of them reported an experience like the ones he described. And then, he admitted that, and I quote: "every single one of them had been primed by me." Podcast 396 – “A Freely Evolving Topology of Light & Sound” (This is the first podcast of this talk.(The title on the cassette is Mind, Molecules and Magic)
Support Lorenzo on Guest speakers: Terence McKenna, Dennis McKenna, Eduardo Luna, Kat Harrison PROGRAM NOTES: This is a recording of a workshop session at the Esalen Institute from August of 1985 featuring a conversation between three of the early pioneers of the psychedelic resurgence. The recording begins with Terence postulating the importance of pyschedelics in the early mental development of humans.
Support Lorenzo on Guest speaker: Terence McKenna PROGRAM NOTES: Today's program features a recording of a morning workshop that Terence McKenna let at the Esalen Institute in August of 1985. As you will hear, it takes place just before their noon lunch break, and there is no lecture per se. Instead it turns into a salon-like atmosphere with no particular topic, other than the then-current concerns about the millinium and the year 2012.
Comments (12)

James Day

It really is disappointing that the corporate media, long undermined by the powers that be, has had such a grip on the world that even an open minded and intelligent man like yourself has has the wool pulled over his eyes. Videos of police opening barricades to let protesters in, videos of Trump supporters trying to stop those who smashed the windows to get inside, photos ans videos of folks who act and look like covert operatives encouraging chaos and using it as a distraction from whatever they're actually doing, these all exist free to watch on YouTube for those who follow the shadowbanned/censored channels. And despite this, the grip they have on our minds is so strong, despite previous burnings and bombings of that very building, we look at these people walking around the office of a government that doesn't represent them, doing their due civil disobedience, we call them terrorists and put them in prison. Meanwhile the gal, Susan Rosenberg, who bombed that building in the 80's as

Jan 15th


horrible interviewer... leonard deserves a better conversation

May 7th
Reply (1)

Please I loved throwing on the Salon to find an alternative headspace. Sad that this political circus infected the conversation

Jan 25th


We just started listening to the Rose project and I said, "This is like sitting in a church mass right now." We love it!

Aug 25th

Can't say I've ever been this interested in a book! Truly amazing work from everyone involved.

Jul 31st

Jacob Down

Thank you to everyone who is involved in this magnificent project!

Jun 2nd

What else are my fellow Saloners listing to?

May 14th
Reply (1)

Now we just need to get the rest of earth to start listing!

May 14th

Jason Barbosa

one of my favorite podcasts to come back to and revisit

Oct 4th

Gianni Makridis

Really enjoyed this. Brilliant

Aug 22nd