DiscoverThe Life You're Made For with Dr. Heather Penny
The Life You're Made For with Dr. Heather Penny
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The Life You're Made For with Dr. Heather Penny

Author: Dr. Heather Penny

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Are you ready to increase clarity, build confidence, and engage the courage to reach your potential? Meet Dr. Heather Penny; Leadership Coach, trusted advisor, and admired author. Heather holds a PhD in Human Services with extensive global experience in consulting as well as an M.A. in Educational Leadership. As a professional coach, Heather serves her clients by drawing out their natural strengths and motivated direction. Join Heather as she shares valuable tools to equip you to reach your goals and live The Life You’re Made For. You journey towards freedom, joy, and self-acceptance starts here!
114 Episodes
This week I talk with my good friend Jennifer Morton about having grace for the journey as you lead others and yourself. For Jennifer, leading others is about acting as a rudder rather than a captain, supporting and guiding those in our care as they become everything they are made to be. Jennifer is another amazing endorser of my book and someone who truly exhibits grace space in her life and work as CEO of the Association of Golf Merchandisers (AGM). We dive deep into responding vs reacting,...
Do you know how to get curious about the people you lead? This week, Ken Morton Jr and I talk about pursuing freedom and curiosity in leadership. So often we think that leadership is a one size fits all approach. Ken and I discuss how leading in every sphere requires letting go of control, embracing freedom, and getting curious about what makes our people thrive. Ken is VP of Retail and Marketing at Haggin Oaks Golf Complex, Author of The Little Book of Big Golf Promotions, an award-winning p...
This is a very special episode! Erica Dvorak and I talk about how we put the 7 Practices of Grace Space in action with our kids, in our professions, and even with each other! Want to know more? Have a listen! Erica is a dear friend that I have had the pleasure of working with. She serves female Christian entrepreneurs and dreamers as a community builder, podcaster, writer, and business consultant. You can find Erica online at faithandgather.comStep into The Life You're Made For, I'm cheering ...
This week my dear friend, Laura Coostona and I unpack the idea of responding vs reacting when facing conflict or tension. When we inevitably experience conflict in our teams or relationships, the temptation for many of us is to react. We go on the defense, or sometimes even the offense. But what if we paused?... Pausing gives us the chance to have a measured response and give grace to the person we're having challenges with. Laura and I talk about how the seven practices in my book, Grace Spa...
This week, my friend Dr. John Harris and I discuss the challenges and rewards that come from leading with vulnerability and grace. We all have habits and patterns that can affect how we live and lead. Dr. Harris shares his experiences seeking feedback and pivoting as a leader in his professional and personal life. We also discuss the importance of running toward what you are seeking rather than constantly trying to outrun your weaknesses or bad habits. All of this hinges on grace for yourself...
This week I have a deep and truly meaningful conversation with Mike Liguori about reaching for grace in hard times. Mike shares about his experience during and after serving our country in the armed forces. Whether you have served or not, Mike's perspective will hit you like a breath of fresh air. Everyone will benefit form his insight on offering ourselves grace and love when facing unimaginable challenges. This conversation is also meaningful to me because my husband, brother, father, and u...
This is a very special episode on leading from grace space with my good friend, and an influential leader in my life, Don DeLair. Don and I go way back to my early days of teaching. When I asked the people in my life to endorse my book, Grace Space, I wanted people who exemplified grace in their life and leadership. Don was top of the list! Listen in as we talk about leading from grace space in every sphere of our lives!Step into The Life You're Made For, I'm cheering you on!
Are you giving the grace to fail in your relationships, workplace, parenting, and even self-talk? Dr. Lisa Smith and I have an important conversations about giving permission to fail yourself and those around you. Because when we give permission to fail, we acknowledge that none of us are perfect. We signal that there will be grace when mistakes inevitably happen. This is at the heart of Grace Space. Lisa shares how she uses Grace Space in her classroom, and I share about my need to extend gr...
Chris Panagiotu and I sat down for a fun and insightful conversation on finances, family, and purpose. Chris offers practical wisdom from years of experience in financial planning that I found invaluable! Finances can be such an emotional subject for many of us. But just like any major aspect of our lives, finances can play a big role in finding the life you're made for. That's right, finances, family, and purpose are all connected to finding clarity, confidence, and courage.Learn more about ...
Being a person of grace isn't as tall an order as you might think. My friend Jason Squires and I unpack how he tries to intentionally live with grace in every space he finds himself. Even when calling the customer service line! Jason offers practical ways to show grace towards everyone he interacts with. We also talk about how we fight fatigue by returning to our "why", doing the things that fuel us, and saying no the things that drain us.You've got to get to know Jason! Find him at: jsmusic....
In this episode I invite one of my favorite interviewees, my Husband Darren Penny. Darren and I talk about how our 2023 word for the year played out for us. Then we move into a great conversation about self-talk and how we tame our inner critic to be patient and kind for ourselves. Listen in as we explore the tension of making progress in the face of perfectionism and the role relationships play in our forward momentum!Step into The Life You're Made For, I'm cheering you on!
Practicing Grace Space

Practicing Grace Space


My new book, Grace Space is here! So I decided to give you a little sneak peak of the content. Listen in to learn how you can start practicing grace space in your life and leadership today! I give a summary of the seven practices that will help you create spaces of grace.Don't forget to order Grace Space: Creating Spaces We Want to Live and Lead In Step into The Life You're Made For, I'm cheering you on! by Heather Penny and Andres SalomonProduced by ...
I am back with my good friend and Author, Stephanie Nelson. You might remember Stephanie from our episode last year titled "Aging vs Saging". Stephanie and I are all about contributing to the world in ways that move humanity forward. In this conversation we unpack how living your purpose can actually be a gift to the people around you and, really, the world. Stephanie shares more of her backstory along with incredible nuggets of wisdom about how to step into the life you are made for by findi...
Seeing the title of today's episode probably has you wondering "what is at that crossroads of play, curiosity, and grace? Those three words aren't often lumped together. But my good friend, Jodi Davis and I dive in to this conversation feet first. Listen in to see how curiosity can act as a crucial connecting point between play and grace. Then throw in a whole lot of leadership insights and even interpersonal relationship advice, and you have all the ingredients for a great conversation!Jodi ...
Do you feel stuck in your current career or life situation? Perhaps you need permission to hit the reset button. Tammy Alvarez and I sit down and talk about stepping out in courage to find the life you were made for. Once you get the clarity that you aren't on the path you want to be, you are ready to trust yourself, make the leap, lean into who you are, and begin to thrive!Tammy Alvarez is CEO and Founder of Career Winners Circle where she helps leaders build a career without compromise. You...
This week I am flying solo with a follow up conversation about my word for the year, patience. Over the last few months, I have learned that patience, presence, and slowing down are all interconnected. AND they're all connected to clarity, confidence, and courage. I recently attended a weekend speaking event where I was able to intentionally put these practices of patience, presence, and slowing down in place. Let me tell you, it made for a much more enjoyable and fulfilling time for everyone...
The permission to meet your needs starts with you. Sure, you might have a great boss or a supportive partner who encourages you to do something for yourself. But the permission to meet your needs has to first come from within. Vanessa Rodriguez and I dive deep into this conversation on this week's show. I met Vanessa at a conference where I spoke recently. She came up to me afterwards and I was so taken by her feedback and takeaways that I decided to invite her on the show! I am so excited be...
I am a huge advocate of "me retreats" and contemplative rest to help gain clarity, confidence, and courage. What are "me retreats" and contemplative rest? Well, this week I speak with Erica Dvorak about her recent "me retreat" and how she uses contemplative rest to keep her refreshed and ready to tackle the life of an entrepreneur, wife, and mother. Erica Dvorak is the founder of Faith & Gather and host of the Faith Inspired Podcast. Erica is also an expert in branding, commun...
Susan Salenger and I have a dynamic conversation all about advocating for YOU. Especially when it comes to your health. Susan is the author of Sidelined which examines the many ways in which women have been conditioned not to act in their own best interest when it comes to their health. In addition to some invaluable tips on how to advocate for YOU, we share stories of times when we had to advocate for our own health as well as the history and research behind her book. You can find Susan on T...
I am still walking on air after this conversation! Sharon McMahon is America's Government teacher, a crowd-funding wiz, a top rated podcast host, an award winning internet personality, and all around incredible human. Really the list could go on! She graciously joined me in a conversation about how she stepped into the life she was made for. How it required her to align with a higher purpose that was all her own, stepping into her gifting, and refusing to be distracted. We also talk about the...