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For the Love of Yoga with Nish the Fish
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For the Love of Yoga with Nish the Fish

Author: Nishanth Selvalingam

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The world of Yoga is wide and varied. In this podcast, yogi Nish the Fish shares the deeper dimensions of Yoga, Vedanta and Tantra, asking the big questions: why do we practice? What is meditation? What is the purpose of a human life? What is Beauty? What is Death? Nishanth Selvalingam studied various South Asian philosophies with his Shaivite grandfather in an ashram in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and moved to Los Angeles to study philosophy, teach yoga and play guitar in a rock band. Join him and special guests as they explore Yoga, in all its splendours. For more episodes and instruction, and to support this humble offering of the heart, visit me on Patreon:
148 Episodes
Why Practice Aghora?

Why Practice Aghora?


In this lecture, we discuss one of the main purposes of Aghora Sādhana by referring to the “8 fetters” from the Pashupata Sutra to explain the cremation ground practices of the early Shaivas. I’m going to explain the value and meaning behind these practices which often get seen with disgust some circles and with a morbid fascination in others! Whether we are averse to this aspect of Tantra or attracted to it, that we are fascinated by it is undeniable. And as such: after having thoroughly inv...
How To Worship Mā Kālī

How To Worship Mā Kālī


Today's Amāvasyā (new moon) is exceedingly important because it is the Phalaharini Kali Puja! Since its such a special occasion, I'll spend a few moments reflecting on what this day means for devotees of Kālī and then as an offering to Her in the form of You, I'd like to share the guided meditation for Mānasa Pūja, the Mental Worship of Mā Kālī.Lectures happen live on zoom every Monday at 7pm PST and Friday 10am PST and Friday at 6pm PST. There's Q&A right after the lectures. I...
Today is the monthly śivarātri (the day before the new moon) and the Wednesday Amāvasyā (new moon) features a very special celebration, the Phalaharini Kali Puja, one of the Big Three for Kali in the calendar year! Naturally, I wanted to do something special in this lecture to mark the occasion: I felt like we should discuss the very highest, the very essence, the very heart of the Tantrik tradition. And the best way to do this, I humbly propose, is to introduce you to one of the ...
Last week, to mark the auspicious occasion of Cinnamastā Jayanti and also the Thrice Blessed Day, Buddha Pūrnimā, we gave a few talks on Tantrik Buddhism with an especial focus on Goddess worship within the context of Vajrayāna deity-yoga. We picked up the Cinnamunda Vajravārāhi Sādhanā, attributed to the mysterious Srī Matī (Laksmīnkarā Devī) who, like Cinnamunda herself, is said to have decapitated herself in act of yogic perfection (siddhi). This text (really, a paddathi or ritu...
The Dark Side of Tantra

The Dark Side of Tantra


One of my favorite things about the Tantrik tradition is how vast it is. On one hand, you have the most refined non-dual philosophy wedded to aesthetically heightened and exceedingly subtle systems of practice for the attainment of the highest liberation in life. And on the other hand, you have midnight ghastly rituals in cremation grounds to hex your enemies, take control of spirits, amass wealth and get people to fall in love with you…Such range! And my favorite thing about Tantra?: as...
To mark the auspicious occasion of Cinnamastā Jayanti which we celebrated earlier this week, here are a few words on the mysterious and profound Self-Decapatating Goddess, Vajravairochinī. May this be a prayer to Her and to you, who are the Goddess embodied!Pratyālīddhāpadām sadaiva dadhātīm cinnam śirah:karttrkām Digvastrāmsvakabandhashonitasudhādhārām pibantīm mudāNagābaddhashīromanim trinayanām hrdyutpalālangkrtām Ratyāsaktamanobhavopari drddhāmDhyāyejjapāsannibhām Whose lef...
Here's a slightly different episode for you on this auspicious Sunday, on the third day of the waning moon in the month of Vaiśakh:Last night, I did a Kālī Pūjā at my beloved friend Tae's art show. It was his intention to feature a Kālī Pūjā at the celebration alongside his favorite musical artists. Here is a little excerpt from the evening's worship which features a few opening remarks regarding just what Tantra is and what it can be for you followed by Priti's incredible bhajans (devotional...
Tonight on Buddha Pūrnimā, by way of celebration, we did a talk on Tantrik Buddhism: specifically, the worship of Chinnamastā/Chinnamunda in the Vajrayāna context. (I'll upload this talk soonest!) But before we plunged into that topic, I was moved to say a few general things about the Buddha and his legacy and how that applies to us in this day and age who are studying and practicing the up-until-now very esoteric traditions of Śakta Tantra or Goddess Tantra.You see: both the Buddha and...
Today is Chinnamastā Jayanti and last week we had Bagalāmukhī Jayanti.Since both of these are fierce and very esoteric forms of Kālī, I thought I would take this occasion to discuss some of the "darker" aspects of our Tantrik heritage since both of these deities, as well as many of the other Daśamahāvidyās are associated with magical practices of um, let's say, a less than savory nature according to the views of some more right-leaning practitioners. And Bagalā Devī especially has a strong as...
The day that we gave this lecture was an exceedingly important day: Akshaya Tritiya! Because the sun and moon are in very exalted positions and because of the association of this day to a series of auspicious events in Puranic Hinduism (the day Mā Ganga came down into the earth from the heavens, the day Vyāsa began dictating the Mahābhārata to Ganesh, the day Yudishthira received his unlimited food bowl, the day that Parvati appeared as Annapurna to feed everyone among other things), today is...
Today is an exceedingly important day: Akshaya Tritiya! Because the sun and moon are in very exalted positions and because of the association of this day to a series of auspicious events in Puranic Hinduism (the day Mā Ganga came down into the earth from the heavens, the day Vyāsa began dictating the Mahābhārata to Ganesh, the day Yudishthira received his unlimited food bowl, the day that Parvati appeared as Annapurna to feed everyone among other things), today is typically regarded as a grea...
In this special satsangh, we host our mentor and dear friend Pujya Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati of the Kali Mandir, the foremost authority here on the West Coast and perhaps in the world on all things Kali, Tantra and Puja. Some years ago, I asked Pujya Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati at the Kali Mandir in Laguna a beach: “why is it that some people say worshipping Kālī is dangerous?” He said in his characteristic warmth and humor something to the effect of: “worshipping Kali is like mac an...
Today on this auspicious Friday (Fridays are very sacred to Tripura Devī) I'd like to offer you who are the embodiment of Devī these reflections on Lalitā and the Lalitā Sahasranāma. We gave this talk on a Friday on Lalitā Jayanti earlier this year as a sort of preamble before our Paramārthasāra lecture. May it inspire you to chant the thousand names of Beauty and Power Personified! Jai Tripura Devī Ki Jai! Lectures happen live on zoom every Monday at 7pm PST and Friday 10am PST and Friday at...
The Tantrik Hanuman

The Tantrik Hanuman


On the auspicious occasion of Hanuman Jayanti today, we say a few words about Tapasvī Rāja from a Tantrik point of view. Since Hanuman, the Son of the Wind, is Prāna embodied, we say a few words about the Five Faced Hanuman with regards to the five types of prāna. Then, we talk about siddhis, yogic powers and how Hanuman embodies the proper use and place of siddhis in genuine spiritual life. Most of all, we discuss our ideal of Bhakti: devotion from a place of strength and fullness and not fr...
Why does God look like a lion riding woman with ten arms holding various weapons slaying a buffalo demon on the field of battle?Why does God look like a ash besmeared yogi on the tiger-skin mat telling his beads in the highest reaches of the Himālayas?Why does look like a flute playing mischievous boy who steals the hearts of cowherd-girls?Or does God "look" like anything at all?Some schools of Indian philosophy insist that God is formless and impersonal (Advaita Vedanta, Buddhism etc.) and o...
Chaitra Navaratri (the Spring Goddess Festival) is about to come up in only a few days! To usher in these coming 9 nights of the Goddess, I wanted to upload this throwback to the Fall Goddess Festival last year when we had a wonderful discussion on the intersection between art and spirituality, and specifically, on the role of aesthetics (poetry, music, dance, theatre, sculpture, visual art etc.) in the very refined and rich world of Tantrik spirituality. When I was cleaning out. my hard driv...
One of the central questions we ask in spiritual life is, "what about sexuality?" On one side of the spectrum you have world-negative traditions (which seem to be in the majority in classical times and whose effects can still be felt today) which reject sexuality wholesale and on the other side of that same spectrum you have world-affirming traditions that often get abused as a license for hedonism, mitigating greatly their spiritual value. This second type seems to be on the rise in tod...
We haven't missed a single Monday night satsangh since we started in 2020. That's a four year streak for our community? Isn't that wonderful? Thank you all for your continued support over the years! Anyway, we had a bit of a close call the other day since due to some circumstances, I was not able to start the lecture until 11:30pm that Monday night! Here is the late night "after hours" lecture that saved our streak:This talk was given on special day, a day that marks the anniversary of m...
On the occasion of Maha Shiva Ratri 2024, the great night of Shiva, we say a few words about the central mantra of Shaivism known as the Panchakshara. First, we explain the mystical significance of "akshara", phonemes (Sanskrit letters) and then we consider the esoteric significance of the number 5 in Shaivism, in a few different ways. Then, we put this all together to explain the hidden meaning of the Panchakshara mantra and conclude by commenting upon and ultimately rocking out to the Panch...
How To Worship Shiva

How To Worship Shiva


In this talk on the occasion of mahashivaratri 2024, we say a few words about the Tantra in general, the Vijñāna-Bhairava Tantra in particular and Shiva puja in theory and practice. What do we do on shivaratri and why do we do it? We discuss the unique and wonderful features of Shiva Puja. May this be my offering to you, you who are Shiva embodied. OM Namah Shivayah!Lectures happen live on zoom every Monday at 7pm PST and Friday 10am PST and Friday at 6pm PST. There's Q&A right...