DiscoverOptimal Health Daily - Fitness and Nutrition
Optimal Health Daily - Fitness and Nutrition

Optimal Health Daily - Fitness and Nutrition

Author: Optimal Living Daily | Dr. Neal Malik

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Optimal Health Daily, hosted by the esteemed Dr. Neal Malik, a tenured professor, registered dietitian nutritionist, and certified exercise physiologist, is a treasure trove of health and wellness insights. Dr. Neal delves into the latest research and timeless wisdom in nutrition, fitness, and diet, presenting them in easy-to-understand, digestible episodes. His expertise shines through as he handpicks and narrates the most informative and inspiring blog posts, offering practical tips and motivational stories to help listeners on their journey to optimal health.

Each episode is a blend of science-based information and real-life application, making it a unique resource for anyone looking to improve their health and wellbeing. Dr. Malik's approach is holistic and inclusive, recognizing the importance of balancing physical health with mental and emotional wellness. By focusing on diet, fitness, and nutrition, each episode provides you with the tools needed to achieve your health goals. His engaging narration and the podcast's diverse range of topics make it an essential daily listen for you as you seek to lead a healthier, more balanced life.

This podcast is designed for those passionate about diet, fitness, and nutrition. It’s your go-to source for practical advice on managing your diet, improving your fitness, and understanding nutrition. Each episode offers actionable steps to foster a healthier lifestyle, emphasizing the importance of diet, fitness, and nutrition in achieving optimal health.

Listen now, and become an OLD friend--your optimal life awaits...

2900 Episodes
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2899: Weighing yourself regularly can be a powerful tool for weight maintenance, helping to catch small fluctuations before they turn into significant gains. Rachel Trotta highlights how monitoring trends, rather than obsessing over daily numbers, allows for subtle course corrections that keep progress on track. She also emphasizes the importance of revisiting the habits that led to success and setting fresh, motivating goals to prevent burnout and keep a healthy lifestyle engaging. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "Monitoring has an almost uncanny power. It doesn’t require change, but it often leads to change, because people who keep close track of just about anything tend to do a better job of managing it." "By being observant of your habits and shifting daily patterns where needed, you’ll be surprised to find that results show up just as easily as ever." "It’s often disappointing that once you lose weight you have to maintain some level of focus and work to keep it off. Wouldn’t it be much more fair if the weight just stayed off after all your hard work?" Episode references: Obesity Journal Study on Daily Weighing: Happy Scale: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2898: Losing weight is one thing, but keeping it off long-term requires a shift in mindset and habits. Rachel Trotta challenges the myth that maintaining weight is harder than losing it, emphasizing the importance of sustainable lifestyle changes. She shares key strategies for navigating the transition, including keeping exercise a priority and strategically increasing food intake to find a "new normal" without regaining weight. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "It’s easy to lose weight, but it’s harder to keep it off." "Instead, you need to embrace that you have a ‘new normal.’" "Keep in mind that exercising an hour per day does not mean slogging it out on the treadmill for 60 minutes every night." Episode references: National Weight Control Registry: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2897: Alina Petre explores how eating while standing affects digestion, metabolism, and hunger levels. While standing may speed up digestion and slightly boost calorie burn, it can also increase hunger, cause bloating, and lead to faster food consumption. For those with acid reflux, standing upright while eating could help reduce symptoms, but individuals with food sensitivities may experience digestive discomfort. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "Eating while standing may promote increased metabolism and may help with a small amount of fat loss." "Individuals with reflux or heartburn may benefit from standing upright while eating to allow food to digest faster." "Your posture can affect how quickly you digest food. Digestion is slowest when you’re lying down and quickest when you’re standing up and moving." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2896: Steve Kamb emphasizes that Mondays set the tone for the entire week, and how you approach them can make or break your momentum. By establishing solid routines, prioritizing the right tasks, and maintaining a strong mindset, you can transform Mondays from a dreaded chore into a powerful launchpad for success. Small, intentional changes can lead to big results, making each week more productive and fulfilling. Read along with the original article(s) here: & Quotes to ponder: "Mondays aren’t the enemy; they’re an opportunity to start fresh and take control of your week." "If you dominate Monday, you create momentum that carries through the rest of the week." "Success isn’t about perfection; it’s about consistently making small, intentional choices that add up over time." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2895: Mixing up your exercise routine prevents boredom, enhances motivation, and leads to better overall fitness. Steve Pavlina explores the benefits of variety in workouts, explaining how adapting to new challenges keeps both body and mind engaged. By experimenting with different exercises, intensities, and environments, you can make fitness a sustainable and enjoyable part of your life. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "Your body and mind will respond positively to the changes, and you’ll likely enjoy exercise a lot more if you don’t let it become too monotonous." "Trying a new activity forces your body to develop new neural pathways, improving coordination and increasing overall fitness." "When you change your exercise routine regularly, you’ll be less likely to hit plateaus and more likely to stay motivated to continue working out." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2894: Struggling with debt can be overwhelming, but Andrea Joy shares a practical, balanced approach to managing it without sacrificing mental well-being. By creating a realistic repayment plan, maintaining a healthy money mindset, and focusing on progress over perfection, it's possible to regain financial control. These strategies help reduce stress and build long-term stability. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "Learning to manage debt in a healthy way is crucial to maintaining both financial stability and peace of mind." "Focusing on progress rather than perfection will help you stay motivated and make steady improvements in your financial health." "Setting realistic financial goals and tracking your progress can make a significant difference in how you approach and overcome debt." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2893: Getting through the day with energy and enthusiasm is easier with the right habits. Susan Kolon shares ten natural ways to boost your energy, from improving sleep and exercise to tapping into the power of music, laughter, and personal achievement. These simple yet effective strategies help sustain motivation and vitality, no energy drinks required. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "Energy begets energy. It may sound counterintuitive that moving your body creates energy, but research says it’s true." "Nothing can create mental energy like crossing something off your to-do list. So go for one micro-task: make that dreaded call or tackle that chore and bask in the energy of achievement." "Laughing causes your body to release those all-important endorphins, which legally provide you a shot of motivation, productivity, and well-being." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2892: The ketogenic diet has surged in popularity, but is it truly beneficial for everyone? Dr. Neal Malik breaks down the science behind ketosis, exploring its origins, potential benefits, and risks. He also discusses whether supplementing with ketones offers the same advantages as following a strict ketogenic diet, providing insights into the latest research on how genetics may play a role in the diet's effectiveness. Quotes to ponder: "Keto gained popularity not necessarily because of its effectiveness, but due to athlete and celebrity endorsements." "In the short term, the ketogenic diet appears to be relatively safe for otherwise healthy individuals, but switching from a standard diet can come with side effects." "Those with Inuit ancestry may have a special genetic adaptation that prevents their bodies from producing ketones, suggesting that not everyone is built for ketosis." Episode references: ConsumerLab: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2891: Most weight loss happens in the kitchen, not the gym. While exercise is beneficial for overall health, studies suggest diet plays a much bigger role in shedding pounds. From staying hydrated and downsizing dinner plates to cutting back on processed foods and allowing occasional treats, small, sustainable changes can lead to lasting weight loss without grueling workouts. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "It is estimated that if you eat one doughnut a day without exercise, you’d have gained a pound by the 10th day." "The key to taking the weight off and keeping it that way is to ease into diets and prepping your body for the impending loss of sugars, carbs, and unhealthy fats." "As the adage goes, anything that is too rigid will only break." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2890: Consuming protein at the right time has long been debated in the fitness world, but does it really make a difference? Eric Bach breaks down the myths surrounding protein timing, revealing that total daily intake matters far more than the timing of each meal or shake. Instead of obsessing over post-workout windows, focus on hitting your daily protein goal, training hard, and recovering properly for the best muscle-building results. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "It doesn’t matter when you consume protein as long as you get enough." "Protein timing has little effect on muscle and strength building." "Don’t let the protein timing question haunt you any longer. Set your number. Eat protein. Hit your number by any means necessary. Call it a day and grow." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2889: Feeling stuck in a rut? Chalene Johnson shares simple yet effective strategies to regain motivation and energy, from setting realistic goals to incorporating exercise into your routine. Plus, learn why lifting heavy weights won’t make you “too big” and how strength training can help you burn fat and boost overall health. Read along with the original article(s) here: & Quotes to ponder: "Setting yourself up for success means setting goals that are attainable." "If you make it a habit of moving your body deliberately 5 to 7 times a week you will start to see a difference in yourself and will probably start getting more done throughout the day." "Lifting heavy won’t make you bulk up. Testosterone is the hormone that builds muscle, and men have more of it than women." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2888: Riley Pearce explains how breaking big goals into smaller, measurable milestones can keep motivation high and progress steady, whether you're aiming for a fitness goal, a career milestone, or a personal achievement. By focusing on both the "what" (objective) and the "how" (key results), OKRs offer a structured approach to success with built-in opportunities to celebrate small wins along the way. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "OKRs, or Objectives and Key Results, is a method and a process to set and achieve goals." "Whatever your goal is, think about how you can break down that goal into smaller goals that will help you achieve the main objective." "Setting key results would give you those endorphin-boosting little-wins that are crucial for maintaining a consistent effort at the gym." Episode references: Measure What Matters: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2887: Tyler Tervooren highlights an eight-year study revealing that mentally challenging work helps maintain cognitive health and agility well into old age. By intentionally engaging in difficult tasks at work, home, and in relationships, you can build a brain that stays sharp for life. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "The things you complain leave you exhausted every day after work are actually making your brain stronger and preparing it for top performance for years to come." "What the eight-year study by neuroscientists at the University of Leipzig found is that forcing your brain to work on difficult problems and juggle a variety of tasks when done with care really is akin to lifting weights with your brain." "Just like lifting weights, growth happens when you push yourself a little further than you thought you could." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2886: Finding herself constantly chasing more, more experiences, more commitments, and more food, Heather Aardema realized that her relentless hunger was leaving her overwhelmed and unfulfilled. Inspired by Greg McKeown’s Essentialism, she learned the power of saying no and focusing on what truly matters. By embracing a life of “less but better,” she shifted from FOMO to JOMO, trading exhaustion for intentionality and finally finding a sense of fullness. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "I thought everything was important, and that I could and should do it all. I didn’t pause to create a filter for what deserved my attention and what didn’t." "Instead of getting more done, I’m getting the right things done. I’m choosing to create a life that’s less but better." "My fear of missing out has transformed into a joy of missing out." Episode references: Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2885: Jenn Hand explains why restrictive eating leads to cravings, disconnects you from your body’s needs, and creates a constant cycle of guilt and failure. True, lasting change comes from self-awareness, intuition, and self-compassion, not another diet. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: “You tell yourself you can’t have cake, cookies, bread, or chocolate, so what do you think about all day long? The cakes, cookies, bread, and chocolate.” “Diets work in direct opposition to intuitive eating. They’re based on strict rules and foods you can’t eat.” “A diet is essentially a battle with yourself, and the more you diet, the more the distance you create between you and your body.” Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2884: Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) forces muscles to contract using electrical impulses, bypassing the brain’s natural signals. Dr. Neal Malik explores research showing that while EMS can increase muscle size, it doesn’t necessarily improve strength, and improper use may lead to injury. Since studies on combining EMS with exercise are still limited, traditional strength training remains the safer and more effective approach. Quotes to ponder: "Even though muscle size increased due to EMS treatment, the actual strength of the muscle didn’t improve." "With EMS, it can be easy to overdo it like use too much electrical stimulation for too long or too often. This can then lead to muscle damage." "Regular exercise that incorporates cardiovascular activities, strength training, and flexibility will probably lead to the best results." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2883: Leo Babauta shares a simple yet powerful method: pick one important action, make it tiny and easy, create positive feedback, fully commit to the task, and repeat. By consistently taking micro-actions, you rewire your brain for productivity and progress, transforming even the biggest challenges into manageable steps. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "Act as if this one tiny action were the entire universe." "Thirty seconds of working out is not going to get you in shape, but the Action Habit is about removing barriers and getting moving." "You can’t do it all right now! Instead, focus on something you can do right now." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2882: Roger Lawson challenges us to confront our fears head-on, pushing just beyond our comfort zones to create a life worth living. He also emphasizes the importance of objective measurement, wishful thinking won't get you results, but tracking your progress and adjusting accordingly will. Whether it's fitness, career, or personal growth, the difference between what should be and what is can make or break your success. Read along with the original article(s) here: & Quotes to ponder: "A free man is free to acknowledge his fears, without hiding them, or hiding from them. Live with your lips pressed against your fears, kissing your fears, neither pulling back nor aggressively violating them." "Reality is a harsh and cruel mistress, but she’s always fair." "A movement in any random direction is not progression." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2881: Melani Schweder shares practical strategies for simplifying your mornings to reduce stress and increase productivity. By preparing the night before, minimizing decision fatigue, and incorporating mindfulness, you can create a calm and intentional start to the day. A streamlined morning routine fosters ease, focus, and a sense of balance that lasts throughout the day. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "By making small tweaks and changes to your morning routine, you can create a smoother, more peaceful start to your day." "A few intentional moments of stillness, breath, or gratitude can shift your mindset and set a positive tone for everything that follows." "Streamlining your morning means removing unnecessary stressors, reducing decision fatigue, and embracing rituals that nourish you." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discover all of the podcasts in our network, search for specific episodes, get the Optimal Living Daily workbook, and learn more at: Episode 2880: Ryan Frederick highlights how good health can reduce costly medical expenses, delay or eliminate the need for long-term care, and ultimately extend your "wealthspan." With simple lifestyle choices like exercise, strong social connections, and a supportive environment, you can boost both your longevity and financial well-being without expensive interventions. Read along with the original article(s) here: Quotes to ponder: "The stronger our relationships, the more likely we are to live happy, satisfying, and overall healthier lives." "Those who stay healthy comprise nearly one-third of today’s 65-year-olds and are expected never to need long-term care support." "Efforts to be healthier on the margin, such as finding a walking group or tennis buddies, can help across multiple dimensions." Episode references: The Good Life: Lessons from the World’s Longest Scientific Study of Happiness: 2023 Genworth Cost of Care Survey: Harvard Study of Adult Development (TED Talk by Dr. Robert Waldinger): Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Comments (17)

sweet dee is azor ahai

some decent advice tainted by cringy language. writer needs to grow up.

Jan 1st
Reply (2)

victoria lisa

💚CLICK HERE Full HD>720p>1080p>4K💚WATCH>ᗪOᗯᑎᒪOᗩᗪ>LINK> 👉

Feb 4th

sweet dee is azor ahai

good advice - people forget you can't stretch cold muscles!

Jan 14th

Magalí Bernard

I really needed to hear this. Thanks!

Oct 18th



May 8th

Samsung USB Drivers

Howdy sir, you have a really nice blog layout “

Jan 20th

Adam Rothstein

Dr. Neil delivers again. Keeping things simple really does keep your mind at peace.

Jan 17th

Linda Soman

Good news. By limiting calories and consuming HCG drops, you can direct your body to reduce fat retention while accelerating your own weight loss regimen. By combining HCG drops with a reduced calorie diet, people found they lost more weight than any other competing diet.

Aug 13th

Ruba Ali Al-Hassani

Did you seriously bleep out "vaginal" canal?

Jun 4th

Discernment Queen

Thank you

Apr 2nd

Unknown user

Best podcast ever I listen..

Aug 28th
Reply (1)

Nelly Ardito

optimal health

Jan 16th

Kit Tan

No ads today????? wow!!!!

Jan 5th

Jason Gordon

vml h. .nn.

Aug 10th