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Back to The Music

Author: Back to The Music

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Welcome one and all to our channel! Back to The Music has taken original Chinese songs, and transformed them into diverse English songs for you to listen at your leisure. We hope that our music can inspire and encourage you wherever you are.

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167 Episodes
🎵Song Lyrics🎵 First come the struggles, the struggles to face your fear 起初是掙扎 直面恐懼的掙扎 It’s your worst nightmare, the pain of reforming character 這是你最可怕的惡夢 改造性格的痛苦 A mountain that’s immovable, the weight of the world upon your shoulders 一座不可撼動的高山 壓在你肩上猶如世界之重 Bit by bit, movin’ uphill 一點一點 向上攀爬 Step by step, make it simple 一步一步 從簡入手 Break it down, ’cause one wrong move could prove fatal 逐步攻克 因一失足成千古恨 Don’t give up on who you are 不要放棄真我 Fortify your mind, set the bar 堅定心志 訂立標杆 Noble reasons lead you on 崇高的信念為你導航 Tell you where to start 指引你從何開始 When every muscle breaks and tears apart 當每塊肌肉崩潰撕裂 And every ounce of will is shot to the stars 當每絲意志徹底耗盡 Right then and there, you decide who you are 此時此刻 由你決定真我 When strength is little, fatigue drives you to your knees, you just sit and stare 當筋疲力竭 疲勞使你跪下 你只能呆坐  Your mind is so stuck and so tired 思緒混沌 疲憊不堪 This is the part your spirit shows, will you persevere 這是考驗你志氣之際 你會堅持下去 Or stay a failure 抑或屈服 Tell you where to start 信念會指引你從何開始 When every muscle breaks and tears apart 當每塊肌肉崩潰撕裂 And every ounce of will is shot to the stars 當每絲意志徹底耗盡 Right then and there 此時此刻 Powered by Firstory Hosting
🎵Song Lyrics🎵 Jesus said, the kingdom of heaven 耶穌說 天國 It will belong, ever belong 永遠屬於 To the little children 小孩子們 One by one, He placed His hands upon them 祂一一按手在孩子身上 Observe and learn those precious children 要細察學效這些寶貴的孩子 Precious are the little ones 神看為寶貴的小孩子 All the little children 所有小孩子 Because they’re welcome inside the house of God 因神的國歡迎他們 Let the children come and don’t hinder them 讓孩子近前來 不要阻止他們 All those who are pure of heart 就是那些內心純潔之人 Powered by Firstory Hosting
🎵Song Lyrics🎵 Those fairy tales and works of fiction 那些童話與小說 Sing praises of those who sow love and kindness 歌頌展示慈愛與善良的人 A line is drawn separating heroes from the villains 為英雄與反派劃界線 A rift between light and darkness 為明暗定分界 When there’s no one watching, by yourself 當你獨處 無人注視 With all the freedom in the world 擁有了世間一切自由 Your true personality will be shining forth 你的真我將顯露無遺 Better look inside the mirror, tell me, what do you see 你最好照照鏡子 告訴我 看到了什麼 Show yourself, come to light, all that you’re hiding 展現本性 顯露你隱藏的一切 Confront your inner demons 直面心魔 Embark upon your expedition of self-discovery 踏上自我探索的征途 Slay the beasts within, slay ’em one by one 一一戰勝內心兇獸 You’re born to win 你是為得勝而生 I’ve lived a life of contradictions 我過著充滿矛盾的人生 I’ve shouldered burdens too painful to handle 我肩負著難以承受的重擔 Believed a lie that I was a villain of the story 相信了謊言 以為自己是故事反派 But truth be told, I’m the hero 但說實話 我才是英雄 Oh the years have changed me, yes they have 啊 歲月改變了我 確實如此 In many ways I cannot tell 在許多我無法言喻的層面 I still trust that I can be better, change myself 我仍堅信我能變得更好 改變自己 Powered by Firstory Hosting
🎵Song Lyrics🎵 Flip your calendars to that date eternal 翻開日曆到永恆命定的那天 Look yourself in the mirror 凝視鏡中我 Remind yourself it’s all final 提醒自己終局已定 However much you’ve wasted, there’s still a thousand days left to go 不管你曾蹉跎多少歲月 現只剩千日可追趕 Click your pens and open up your journals 按下原子筆 翻開日記 Reflect, be careful  謹慎反省 Through the wisdom of God, a mind of Christ 藉著神的智慧 基督的心 I’m recovering all I’m missing 我現贖回一切錯失 I was broken inside 曾經心碎不已 Couldn’t be half the person, child of God I vowed to be 未如誓言般成為神之子 一半也未能做到 Pickin’ up all the pieces left behind 重拾散落身後的碎片 I’ll say no to the tricks and the lies 我向詭計和謊言說不 Fold my hands and say a prayer 合上雙手祈禱 Final countdown of our lives 人生來到最後倒數 Heaven is all I see 天國盡在眼眸 Powered by Firstory Hosting
🎵Song Lyrics🎵 I’ve always wondered how far I can go 我總是好奇 我能走多遠 My limitations make me feel so weak and slow 我的限制 讓我覺得自己軟弱且緩慢 Oh how I’ve pondered if the night sky is cold (Oh how I’ve pondered if the galaxy’s cold) 啊 我曾思索夜空是否寒冷 Guess I’ll really never know 也許我永不知曉 Till I’ve got a place there of my own 直到我在那裡佔一席位 Soon we’ll have surpassed every trial the Lord has set 我們即將誇勝神設定的一切試煉 And declared fit to rule the heavens 神頒佈 我們得著統管諸天的資格 Every creature that has made its home in the stars 以星際為家的一眾活物 Trembles at the sound of our voices 聽見我們的聲音便顫抖 Life we’ll have surpassed, not confined to who we were 我們將得勝生命 不再局限於過去身份 Oh it’s plain to see God’s anointed us 啊 神顯然恩膏了我們 Add the final touches and complete who we are 添加最後潤色 完成對我們的塑造 When the pupil has become the master, the curtain rises 當學徒成為大師 舞台隨之啟幕 Powered by Firstory Hosting
🎵Song Lyrics🎵 Minutes are slowly tickin’ away 歲月如梭 分秒在流逝 It cannot wait, no time to waste 時不我待 莫要蹉跎 Minutes all disappear, replaced by a pouring rain 逝去的光陰 被神恩雨取代 Refreshing all of me with change 把我全然更新改換 Time to go, it’s time to go, momentums of the Lord explode 該起來了 是時候起來了 主的動勢正震撼全地 Time to go, the time is now, this is revival 該起來了 就是現在 復興臨到了 Restarting my heart now, reactivate my love for You Lord 現重啟我心 重燃對祢的愛 Reactivate every prophecy You’ve promised before 重啟昔日祢預言的每個應許 I’ll never desert You, forsake You 我永不背棄祢 絕不背叛祢 I’ll stay ’til the end and see it through 我會堅守至最終得勝 I’ll fulfill Your desires, oh my Lord 我的主啊 我會實踐祢一切期望 Ah~ 啊 Powered by Firstory Hosting
🎵Song Lyrics🎵 All my life, I’ve waited for 盡我一生等候 The Spirit of God, His anointing 神的靈 祂的恩膏 To fall on me, to feel it pour 如春雨臨在 向我傾倒湧流 With praise on my lips, I shall sing 我嘴唇發出讚美 歌唱讚美我主 Lord Jehovah,You are all I worship and adore 耶和華啊 祢是我所敬拜與崇拜 I will honor You, give my life for You 我要尊崇祢 向祢獻上我一生 Lord Jehovah, gave me joy that I’ve not felt before 耶和華啊 祢賜予我前所未有的喜樂 I desire to know more of You 我渴求更深認識祢 I lift You up, in prayer and in song 我在禱告與歌聲中 高舉祢聖名 You are all I love, so promise this day on 祢是我唯一所愛 今我決意 I will change, I’ll transform 我會改變 我會蛻變 Meditate on your heart, all that You want 默想祢的心 祢一切心思意念 Powered by Firstory Hosting
🎵Song Lyrics🎵 All my life, abiding, flourishing in the vine 我此生 願接枝於葡萄樹上茁壯 In Christ, the vine 於基督這葡萄樹上 When it's time, our fruits transform into sparkling wine 到了時候 我們的果子將釀成醇酒 Glorious wine 榮耀的美酒 Little by little, we have grown 一點一滴 我們漸漸成長 Richer and richer the wine flows 酒液越發濃郁 Vessels of precious gold, we come together 珍貴的純金器皿 我們聚在一起 Catching every drop that falls like snow 捕捉每滴如雪花降下的膏油 Until we overflow 直至滿溢流出 I am abiding, I am surviving in 在祢裡面 我得以存活 I am rejoicing in God's every word 我為祢每句話語而歡欣 The blessings You have given I will treasure 我定會珍惜祢賜予的祝福 (Always, The Lord is) 永遠 主祢永遠 Part of me, He's a part of me 是我的一部份 祂是我的一部份 And I'm a part, part of Him, now and forever 我也是祂的一部份 從現在到永遠 For this, I am sure 對此我深信不疑 Powered by Firstory Hosting
🎵Song Lyrics🎵 Lord I long to worship You at all times 主啊 我渴望時刻敬拜祢 I will praise and worship You with my life 用生命敬拜讚美祢 Dancin’ in the mornin’, singin’ in the moonlight 清晨起舞 月下歌唱 Lord Your music, it restores my mind 主啊 惟祢樂韻更新我心 B1: Sing Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Unto the Lord 向全能主唱哈利路亞 哈利路亞 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! I am reborn 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 我已重生 With Your praise upon my lips, I have woken up the dawn 嘴唇不住讚美 黎明已被喚醒 All together now, sing along 來一起歌唱 Powered by Firstory Hosting
🎵Song Lyrics🎵 Come on aboard, it’s high time to be going 快登上榮耀列車 該出發了 Step up and see the mysteries we’re unfolding 站起來 看看我們揭開的奧秘 Every stop is more exciting than the last 每站的精彩必更勝從前 So we best be leaving 所以 我們最好出發了 Along the way, there are memories everlasting 路上滿載永恆回憶 You’ll be transported into a life so breathtaking 將你帶進極其刺激的人生 Each passin’ destination is bound to be a blast 沿途每站 肯定令人樂而忘返 So go get your things 所以 去拿你的行裝吧 Let’s go all aboard now, say your farewells and goodbyes 速速登上榮耀列車 告別舊事 We’re off, movin’ faster than the speed of light 我們要出發了 列車比光速還要快 The Lord’s waiting for us at the end of every mile 主候在每英里盡頭 The glory train will surely get you there on time 榮耀列車必準時到達 So don’t you worry, just gotta hold on tight 所以 無須擔心 只要抓緊扶手 Powered by Firstory Hosting
🎵Song Lyrics🎵 This life may drag us down 生活有時將我們壓垮 And we find ourselves 赫然驚覺 So sorely left behind 自己被落在後頭 Everything we wanted 我們想要的一切 Disappears and we’re asking why 轉眼成空 不禁慨嘆為何 All our heart’s desires 我們渴望的一切 Fly off right before our eyes 就在眼前 卻高飛遠去 It’s time to turn our gaze 此刻 是時候將目光 To our Father who provides 轉向供應我們的父神 Will the lost ever be found 失落的 可會被尋回? And find their way somehow 迷宮中 可會有出路? In a place that’s full of distractions 縱置身喧囂煩擾之處 The voice of the Lord shall resound 主的聲音必穿透迴響 When we’re lost in a maze of troubles 當我們迷失於煩憂的迷宮 With no way out 走投無路 Take the time to say a prayer 花時間去禱告 Give the Lord a shout 向主大聲呼喊 Worries will pass and our problems come and go 憂慮會過去 問題會離開 Every fear’s just a passing cloud 每次恐懼 僅是過眼雲煙 *God is with us every step we take 我們邁出的每步 神都與我們同在 He knows what it’s all about 祂知曉一切一切 Powered by Firstory Hosting
🎵Song Lyrics🎵 Standing on the edge, at the end of time  站在時間邊緣 末日之際 Who will get it wrong, and who will get it right? 誰是誰非? Every life rests inside the palm of Jesus Christ  每個生命 掌管在耶穌基督手裡 Oh Zion, lift your voices, and sing your praises 錫安啊 揚聲詠唱 We are witnessing revelations 我們共證亙古啟示 We will provide the answers to all the nations 為萬邦提供答案 Satisfy their questions  為萬民拆解謎題 Lord, test me  主啊 請試煉我 And Lord, liberate me 主啊 請釋放我 The plans of God can’t be undone 神的計劃必不落空 For the world is outta time  因世界時日無多 For the glory of the Lord’s among us 因神的榮耀臨到我們 In a blink of an eye 一晃眼 We are taken up into the sky  我們被提到天上 Called, to be rulers over life 蒙召為主宰眾生 Meant to judge and set the standard of every choice In a lifetime  一生為世人每個抉擇 行審判 立準繩 The world will end but it will be our time 世界將會終結 我們的時代卻要開始 In a lifetime  有生之年 The world will end but it will be our time 世界將會終結 我們的時代卻要開始 Powered by Firstory Hosting
🎵Song Lyrics🎵 I’ve lived a life so colorful 我的生命多姿多彩 More precious than I ever could’ve known 比我過去所認知的更寶貴 Through the years, I found true love, I found a home  這些年 我找到真愛 找到一個家 Didn’t have to face the world alone  不必孤身面對這世界 I wanna sing and dance and shout for joy 我要唱歌跳舞歡呼 Praise You, Father, lift my voice 高聲讚美天父 The life You’ve given me, I’ve treasured and enjoyed 祢賜予我這生 我珍惜並享受   My wants and my needs, shall never replace my purity 我的渴望與需要 必不取代我的純潔 My hopes, all I dream, I shall place completely at Your feet 我的希望與夢想 全然擺在祢腳前 My King  我的王   Won’t be complacent, won’t keep looking back 我不會自滿 不會往後看 Hopeful for what lies ahead 對未來充滿盼望 Yes, I’ll fulfill God’s vision, glorify His plans  對 我定會實踐神異象 榮耀祂的計劃 Powered by Firstory Hosting
🎵Song Lyrics🎵 All our lives, we’ve been castaways 我們一生遭世人厭棄 Ignored, abandoned in a well, dark and grey 受漠視拋棄 瑟縮在枯井 灰暗無光 Now’s the time to rise and say to them, not today 現在是時候興起 告訴他們 今不再一樣 We hold the key to salvation on this earthly plane 我們手上 掌管著救贖全地的鑰匙 Can’t you see the world’s a stage 你可知塵世只是舞臺 That everything’s preplanned 萬事皆有預定 Free yourself from every cage 將自己從牢籠裡釋放吧 God holds you in His hands 神會將你呵護在手心裡 If you’d take this leap of faith 你若憑信縱身飛躍 Your simple life, it will never be the same 生命必不再平凡 Oh, it’s a risk you’ve got to take 啊 你須敢於冒險 This world, we’re living in isn’t all 我們活著的世界 That we had hoped to be 並非事事如我們所願 Everything has been designed for me, to be royalty 萬物皆為我而鋪設 為要使我成為皇族 To cast away the old, stubborn ways and be all God wants me to be 讓我不再偏行己路 成為合神心意的人 Every twist and turn, imperfect roads, they’re designed for me 路途蜿蜒 起伏不定 全為我而設 Powered by Firstory Hosting
🎵Song Lyrics🎵 Heart’s open wide, wait in silence 敞開心窩 靜默等候 An invitation to You, Lord 誠摯邀請主祢 Pray You’ll enter, You will stay here forever 祈求祢進入我心內 永不離開 I am listening, I will answer Your call 我在傾聽 誓必回應祢的呼召 Oh Holy Fire, consume me now 啊 願聖火 此刻燼燃我 Until there’s not one thing left to lose 直至焚燒淨盡 *Oh Holy Fire, ignite my weary bones 啊 願聖火 點燃我這疲憊身軀 And revive inside me, Your truth 以真理 再次復興我靈 Powered by Firstory Hosting
🎵Song Lyrics🎵 【Mary】歌詞 I wish to know the Lord in every way 我盼望全然認識主 Listen to Him, soothing my heart both night and day 傾聽祂低語 晝夜撫慰我心靈 When I am weak, heavy-laden  我負重乏力時 He is there to hold my face 祂安撫著捧起我的臉 Lifting me higher, carry me to a  將我舉得更高 帶我到 Better place  更美好的境地 I will be simple, I’ll be like her 我願單純如她 Be close to You forever 永遠緊靠祢 I only wish to hear You speak  只願傾聽祢說話 Caught up in every word  醉心於每字句 Lord, Your wish is my command 主啊 我要實踐祢的心願 I will try and understand  我會試著明白 There is hope for me, in Your hands  我的希望就在祢恩手裡 This life I do surrender to the Potter’s hands 今生順服於陶匠巧手 Mold me and shape me 陶造我 塑造我 Guide me and lead me ’til the end  引導我 帶領我 直至終點 Lord, I shall walk the path prepared for me  主啊 我要踏上祢所預備的道路 I will be strong  矢志不渝 This is where I’m supposed to be 那是我該行的方向 You are the way 祢就是道路 Though the pain and troubles drive me to my knees 儘管愁與苦要我屈膝  I’ll be unyielding, I’ll be persisting 我仍不屈不撓 堅韌不拔  Like a tree   如樹般堅強 B2: You resurrected my broken heart 祢復活我破碎的心 And saved me from destruction 將我從毀滅中拯救 Now I’m Your priceless piece of art 現我是祢無價的藝術品 Of Father and the Son  誠如父與子 Lord, I put my trust in You  主啊 我信靠祢 Keep it simple all I do  行事為人持守單純 Fear, anxiety I’ll subdue  治服恐懼與焦慮 I know it's now or never, nothing left to lose 我知道時不再來 無可失去 Giving my future, every ambition, all to You 我的將來與抱負 全獻給祢 Powered by Firstory Hosting
🎵Song Lyrics🎵 Before I can be worthy of 在我配得擁有 God's glory and His power 神的榮耀與大能之前 All I want, all I love, it all has to go 我渴望的 我喜愛的 必先放下 I'll be a living sacrifice 我願成為活祭 And lay upon the altar 躺在祭壇上 All my hopes, all my dreams 將所有願望 所有夢想 Surrender control 全然交出主權 I want to serve You, Lord, yes I do 我願事奉祢 主 我願意 Because I so delight walking in Your ways 因我樂意走祢的道路 I'm abiding inside Your truth 居於祢真理之中 Leading me to better days  領我邁向美好明天 I want to be of service to You 我願作祢僕人 I will not cease to grow, every day, I'll change 不懈成長 每天改變 Chisel down, Lord, and pierce me through 主啊 求祢雕琢我 刺透我心深處 And destroy my sinful restraints 摧毀我一切罪惡束縛 Every day, every breath I take, I will offer up to You 每一天 每一口氣息 我願全獻給祢 I'll praise Your name and carry out Your truth 我要讚揚祢聖名 遵行祢真理 Just hope I can forever be of use 唯願一生為主所用 Powered by Firstory Hosting
🎵Song Lyrics🎵 Redeemer, without You, I am lost 救贖主 沒有祢 我徬徨失措 A hopeless mess 人生一團糟 When I needed You, You redeemed me inside Your truth 祢在我需要時 以真理救贖我 And You laid me down to rest 讓我得以安躺歇息 Father God, I cry out to You from the depths 父神啊 我從深淵向祢呼求 Of sin and despair 在罪惡與絕望深處 Lord, You heard my voice and lifted me in Your arms 主祢垂聽我祈禱 擁我入懷 With mercy and care 施予憐憫眷顧 Father God 父神啊 I call to You deep in my prayer 禱告中 我向祢深深呼求 In Your glory, I’m bowing down 在祢的榮耀中屈膝 I feel You, Your presence is everywhere 我感受到祢 祢無處不在 *Father God 父神啊 Powered by Firstory Hosting
🎵Song Lyrics🎵 Heaven and the earth, they sing along 天與地齊頌唱 To my melody, my birthday song 為我譜出生日樂章 I was lost, but now I’ve finally been found 舊日我失喪 今終被尋回 Like a shirt that I have never worn 猶如從未穿上的襯衣 With Your praise in me I am reborn 我現滿心稱頌神 重獲新生 I know I’m protected, You will right my wrongs 深知我得主庇護 過錯被祢淨除 I am a new creation, new creation 我是新造的人 已是新人 Jesus lives in me 耶穌在我裡面活著 Binds up the brokenhearted 纏裹破碎的心靈 Cheers up the mourning 鼓勵悲哀的人 And sets the captives free 被擄的得釋放 I owe my life to You 我此生虧欠祢 You showed me what to do 祢指引了我當行的路 Your love is so unreal 祢的大愛妙不可言 I’ve been renewed 我全然被更新 Ever since the day that I was born 自出生那天起 I was made to sing to You, oh Lord 我被造為要歌頌祢 主啊 Till eternity, Your love goes on, and on 直到永恆 祢的慈愛永不止息 Praise and worship, I am putting on 我以敬拜讚美為衣裳穿上 I’ll arise and sing at break of dawn 黎明破曉起來歌頌 With You by my side Lord, nothing can go wrong 主 有祢在旁 不再走錯 *I owe my life to You 我此生虧欠祢 Your love is so unreal 祢的大愛妙不可言 You showed me what to do 祢指引了我當行的路 I’ve been renewed 我全然被更新 Powered by Firstory Hosting
🎵Song Lyrics🎵 Oh loving Jesus, my loving Jesus 噢 親愛的主耶穌 我親愛的主耶穌 Offered Yourself so we’d have salvation 犧牲捨己 我們得蒙救贖 In the darkest of moments 最黑暗時刻 Didn’t leave or forsake us 祢不離不棄 Remember all You’ve done 銘記祢所做的一切 Son of God, You’re my everything 神之子 祢是我一切 (Lord, You are my everything 主 祢是我一切) In our lives, You forever reign 祢永遠掌管我們的生命 Son of God, glory to Your name 神之子 榮耀歸祢名 From age to age the same 世世代代 亙古不變 Till the end of days 直到永遠 *You endure as Mighty God, Mighty King 祢永是全能神 大君王 You are the Alpha and the Omega 祢是阿拉法和俄梅戛 The resurrection and living water 復活在祢 活水湧流自祢 Like a shepherd, You lead us 如同牧羊人引領我們 You provide and anoint us 祢供應 祢恩膏 Forever I am Yours 我永屬於祢 Bridge: Walk the ends of the earth 踏遍天涯海角 Follow Your footprints 緊隨祢腳蹤 It’s my honor serving You 能事奉祢我深感榮幸 Far as the east is from the west 東距西有多遠 So far are our sins from us 罪愆距我們也多遠 Transgressions have all been removed 過犯洗除淨盡 Woah Powered by Firstory Hosting