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St. Patrick Catholic Parish Podcast

Author: St. Patrick Catholic Parish

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Homilies, Chapel Chats, and more from the largest Catholic parish in Brighton, Michigan.
233 Episodes
In this homily given Sunday, September 15, 2024, Fr. Mathias preaches on the difficulty and suffering involved in following Jesus to heaven. But Jesus never asked us to try to follow him on our own. After outlining parts of the Pathway of Discipleship, the comprehensive strategy of making disciples at St Pat's, Father casts vision on the power of small discipleship groups in helping us persevere in following Jesus to heaven. If we try to follow Jesus on our own, we might grow discouraged and ...
In this homily given on Sunday, September 8th, 2024, Father Joshua Fons speaks into the reality of our very hurried and frantic lives: lives full of restlessness, distraction, and anxiety; lives spent glued to a Smartphone. Why are we in such a hurry? Because we don't allow Jesus to take us away from the crowd, from all the noise, to heal us. Because we don't spend time in Silence with Him, allowing him to speak to our hearts about who we are. If you feel like life is going at a hundred miles...
In this homily given Sunday September 1st, 2024, Deacon Josh expounds upon the fact that God lowers himself to us most profoundly in the Eucharist; which allows us to live pure and undefiled lives and remain unstained by the world.
In the last week of the 5 week series on the Eucharist, Father Joshua Fons unpacks the exciting conclusion of John 6, challenging us to stake our life on the Eucharist. The Eucharist isn't just a nice idea, or an interesting doctrine, it is Jesus Christ, and He is worth staking everything on.
In this homily given Sunday August 18, 2024, Fr Mathias preaches part four of the series on the Eucharist in which he reflects on why some people get more out of Mass than others. He suggests that the disposition of thanksgiving and praise opens our hearts to receiving all he has for us. After all, the Mass is where we are to offer our lives with Christ in thanksgiving to the Father and a thankful heart is an open heart. Father outlines five practical ways to open our hearts...
In this homily given Sunday August 11, 2024, Fr Mathias continues the preaching series on the Eucharist and calls us to renew our commitment to Sunday Mass. The Eucharist is the source of divine life and when we faithfully go to Mass we not only reap the benefits, we also give a powerful witness to those who are watching us. Father outlines two things that going to Sunday Mass communicates to our families:1) Divine life is more important than natural life 2) We need God's grace to be str...
In Part 2 of the 5 week series on the Eucharist, Father Joshua invites us to recognize the hunger we have in our hearts, and that this hunger can only be satisfied in Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life.
In this homily given Sunday July 28, 2024, Fr Mathias challenges us to see the general election this fall from the perspective of what God was doing in the National Eucharistic Congress. Just as Philip didn't see how they were to feed the crowd because he didn't know what Jesus was intending supernaturally, we should be careful not to attempt to see what's going on in the world merely with natural eyes but with supernatural faith. After offering some highlights of the National Eucharistic Con...
St. Victor’s Major Seminary was established by the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) in 1946 to train natives to minister to their own people in their native language and culture. St. Victor's Seminary is in need of the following:1. Provision of Basic Books for seminarians (Breviary, Catechism of the Catholic Church, New Jerusalem Bible, Jerome Biblical Commentary, Code of the Canon Law, Vatican II Documents, The Book of Rite, etc.,) 2. Provision of Wi-fi for internet to enhan...
In this homily, given at St. Pat's on Sunday, July 14th, 2024, Deacon Josh invites us to consider our response if the Lord were to ask us to go out on mission as he sent his apostles. The success of our life as Christians depends on our reliance on Jesus because we do by grace what Jesus does by nature. Accepting our littleness and dependence on Jesus leads to greater reliance on Jesus and thus more fruitful ministry.
In this homily given on Sunday, July 7th, 2024, Father Joshua Fons, the new parochial vicar at St. Pats, preaches about how no one lives a perfect life. In fact, most of our lives are a mess. But the Lord tells us through St. Paul, "My Grace is sufficient for you," and this simple truth changes everything. The Lord wants to make you a Saint, right in the middle of your messy life.
In this homily given at St. Pat's on Sunday, June 30th 2024, Fr. Miguel preaches on how God responds to us in our brokenness, sin, and worry. Because He is mercy itself - he always responds by giving us His life
In this homily given Sunday June 23, 2024, Fr Mathias preaches on the gospel of Jesus calming the wind and the waves. The disciples were afraid because they didn't yet believe in Jesus as the Lord of creation who was present in their boat. While it's normal for us to be afraid when we perceive a threat or a danger in our lives, Father challenges us to look for the presence of Jesus in the midst of such dangers (the storms of our lives) and place our faith in him. Only in suc...
In this homily, given on Father's Day (June 16th, 2024), Dcn Josh expounds upon St. Paul's message that faith allows us to live courageously in our earthly life as we set our hope on eternal life. He then explains how the parables in the Gospel (the farmer observing growth and the mustard seed) apply to fatherhood. The sacrifices fathers make for their families are like little seeds which take root in their children's hearts. Let us thank God for our natural and spiritual fathers, and let us ...
In this homily given at St. Pat's on June 9, 2024, Fr. Miguel preaches on the importance of maintaining unity with Christ and his Church. For Jesus says in the Gospel that "if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand." The devil cannot defeat God, nor can he collapse Christ's Church (Mt 28:20). So, what will be his strategy? To separate us from Christ and his Church- for apart from her we cannot stand.
In this homily given on Corpus Christi (Sunday, June 2, 2024), Fr Mathias outlines what it means to receive Jesus worthily and reverently. Intentionally not going into too much detail , Father offers an overview of the Church's teaching that Holy Communion is only for professed Catholics who are in a state of grace. He also reviews what it means to receive Holy Communion with great reverence, both in the heart and how we express that reverence in the postures at Mass.
In this homily, given at St. Pat's on May 19th, 2024, Dcn. Josh shares his testimony and experience hearing the call to the priesthood and being baptized in the Spirit. When we receive the Holy Spirit, our lives start to look like Christ's and we are able to be witnesses of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection in our daily lives. The Holy Spirit is a person, and thus we can have a personal relationship with Him.
In this homily given at St. Pat's on May 12, 2024, Fr. Miguel preaches on the great gift of Jesus resulting from his Ascension: the outpouring of his Holy Spirit at Pentecost. But like any gift that we have received, we can receive a gift well or not so well. How have you responded to the gift of God himself? Have you received him well?
In this homily given at St. Pat's on May 05, 2024, Fr. Miguel preaches on what it means for God to love us by breaking open three characteristics of God's love: 1. That it's eternal, 2. It's total, and 3. It's freely given.
In this homily given at St Pat's on April 28th, 2024, Fr. Miguel preaches on how the Word of God prunes us of any mindsets and attitudes that will prevent us from fully responding to the Lord's call in our lives