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Gang Of Witches - Ibiza Podcast
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Gang Of Witches - Ibiza Podcast

Auteur: Gang Of Witches - Ibiza Podcast

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*** The GANG OF WITCHES launches its second podcast to think globally and act locally with ecofeminism. A little more than a year after creating a coven there, the artists of the Gang Of Witches launch their second podcast in Ibiza. Revolutionary witches, international and/or Ibicencas, speak to the British journalist Jo Youle. With the guests, the hostess explores different ways of using ecofeminist thinking to respond to the challenges facing the island and accelerate its transition towards a regenerative culture. 

*** GANG OF WITCHES lanza su segundo podcast para pensar globalmente y actuar localmente con ecofeminismo. Poco más de un año después de haber creado un coven allí, las artistas del Gang Of Witches lanzan su segundo podcast en Ibiza. Brujas revolucionarias, internacionales y/o ibicencas, hablan por el micrófono de la periodista inglesa Jo Youle. La animadora explora, con las invitadas, diferentes formas de utilizar el pensamiento ecofeminista para responder a los desafíos que enfrenta la isla, y acelerar su transición hacia una cultura regenerativa.
48 Episodes
GANG OF WITCHES - Ibiza Podcast - Episode #24 THE ECONOMY OF CARE Guests: Jashana Kippert & Inès Castagnet. Summary of the episode: As we head into a New Year surrounded by the narrative of an energy crisis and rises in the cost of living I wanted to focus an episode specifically on Regeneration. Especially with regards to money and how to create self sovereignty around regeneration, but also to look at what it means to live in an island community. Jashana Kippert is an Eco Village veteran and also has an educational background in Anthropology and Environmental Science & set up the Ola Honua Agricultural Community in Hawaii. Today she joins us alongside Inès Castagnet, producer of a new island course coming to teach people on ibiza how to design an Eco Village and install a systems way of thinking that will allow us to live more sustainably. 🌳 The course details are on the EDE website here:  👉 https://www.programmes.gaiaeducation.uk/ede-ibiza-spain Finally, do you have an idea for a podcast series?  Would you like to learn to create your own podcast in paradise?  Join our presenter Jo Youle next month as she teaches the next Ibiza Podcast Course - 28th Feb & 03 March 2023 - Details to sign up here: 👉 https://www.resetrebelproductions.com Credits: Guests: Jashana Kippert, Inès Castagnet Animation: Jo Youle  Production: Reset Rebel Productions  Conception: Jo Youle, Gang Of Witches Editing: Reset Rebel Productions   Sound design: Gang Of Witches  Music: Gang Of Witches  Mix: Reset Rebel Productions   Photography: All rights reserved Branding: Vivien Bertin #Ibiza #Ecofeminism #Artgang #Witches 🔥 Gang Of Witches - Art gang, Ecofeminist 🔥 - 🎧 All episodes on: 👉 https://smartlink.ausha.co/gang-of-witches-ibiza-podcast - 🎧 Gang Of Witches - Le Podcast: 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/podcasts/ 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/ - 💜 Join us on social networks: 👉 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gangofwitches/ 👉 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GANGOFWITCHES/
GANG OF WITCHES - Ibiza Podcast - Episode #23 FROM FARM TO HANGER - A STORY YOU WILL WANT TO WEAR Guests: Lily Cole, Tiffanie Darke, Neliana Fuenmayor and Nadege Seguin. Summary of the episode: “If every single one of us wore a pre-loved outfit on Christmas Day this year, then the CO2 emissions saved would be equivalent to taking 56m cars off the road for a day.”  We all know fashion, by its very nature is not sustainable, and it is widely reported along with its supply chain to be the third largest polluting industry, after food and construction, emitting 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions and releasing 1.2 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide per year.  So before we dash out onto the high street this festive season and start snapping up gifts in a last minute panic buy, Jo Youle explores what measures we can take to boycott fast fashion this Christmas and what other options are available to allow us to look good but also feel good about what we are wearing.  Jo chats to fashion editor & journalist contributing to the FT, The Times and The Sunday Times and co-founder of Agora ibiza Tiffanie Darke, Model, author and activist Lily Cole, Neliana Fuenmayor of A Transparent Company on Pilots she worked on with the UN to create accountability on the fashion world and We chat to Nadege Seguin of Fashion Revolution and Designer at island sustainable fashion brand Etikology. 🎁 A Christmas Guide to Local Ibiza Sustainable Brands: → Etikology: Organic  tailoring and vegetable printing - made in Ibiza.   → A Peace of Ibiza: A sustainable  luxury brand that designs timeless looks for conscious women.  → Annies Ibiza: Supports y oung, emerging luxury fashion designers together with global brands and mixes them with rare, collectable vintage dress designs.  → Plustic lab: A laborat ory of 'circular creative design' and 'social activation'.  → OO:  Aims to reduce waste cycle where possible, including the need to import materials from elsewhere. Both fibers are from the bast family.  → Adlib Ibiza: A brand w ith a designation of origin that defends the crafts of the island, the colors that permeate it and the talent of 15 designers. 👉 https://www.goodclothesfairpay.eu/  👉 https://www.fashionrevolution.org/  👉 https://tiffaniedarke.substack.com/  👉 https://www.instagram.com/ibiza_swap/  Credits: Guests: Lily Cole, Tiffanie Darke, Neliana Fuenmayor, Nadege Seguin  Animation: Jo Youle  Production: Reset Rebel Productions  Conception: Jo Youle, Gang Of Witches Editing: Reset Rebel Productions   Sound design: Gang Of Witches  Music: Gang Of Witches  Mix: Reset Rebel Productions   Photography: All rights reserved Branding: Vivien Bertin
GANG OF WITCHES - Ibiza Podcast - Episode #22 NAT KELLEY SHARES HER AMAZON HOPES & TALKS INDIGENOUS WISDOM Guest: Nathalie Kelley, indigenous actress. Summary of the episode: Hope is starting to sweep over Brazil as Bolsonaro has been voted out of power as President. But what does this mean for the Amazon in 2023 as Lula takes over and how will our remaining biodiversity be taken care of and by whom?    In today's episode we speak to indigenous actress Nathalie Kelley to hear her thoughts and stories of her life growing up in Australia under and indigenous mother and grandmother,  before she moved to America to become an actress where she now also sits on the board of directors of Netflix film, Kiss the Ground, which has a new film coming soon.   🙏 A Huge thank you to our supporters: The ReEarth Retreat - running in 2023 14-19th May, plus the Regenerative founder of Juntos Ibiza Christian Jochnick and Difuso.net Credits: Guest: Nathalie Kelley  Animation: Jo Youle  Production: Reset Rebel Productions  Conception: Jo Youle, Gang Of Witches Editing: Reset Rebel Productions   Sound design: Gang Of Witches  Music: Gang Of Witches  Mix: Reset Rebel Productions   Photography: Pampa Journal Branding: Vivien Bertin #Ibiza #Ecofeminism #Artgang #Witches 🔥 Gang Of Witches - Art gang, Ecofeminist 🔥 - 🎧 All episodes on: 👉 https://smartlink.ausha.co/gang-of-witches-ibiza-podcast - 🎧 Gang Of Witches - Le Podcast: 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/podcasts/ 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/ - 💜 Join us on social networks: 👉 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gangofwitches/ 👉 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GANGOFWITCHES/
GANG OF WITCHES - Ibiza Podcast - Episode #21 MEET IBIZA´S ACTIVISTS - WHAT IS THEIR MAIN FOCUS? Guests: Karen Killeen, Tania Moon, Barbara Di Giacinto. Summary of the episode: We are Back and to recommence Series Two, journalist Jo Youle meets the local Extinction Rebellion women to cover some of the stories closer to home within the activist scene that exists on Ibiza and to see how the women who do choose to act stay incentivised to do so in times like these. But also what it means to be an activist and how they feel about what is playing out on a local and global stage, especially as summer 2022 draws to a close. This year was our first summer after recent events, returning to “Business as Usual” so for todays episode Jo asks Italian artist Barbara Di Giacinto, DJ Tania Moon and Full time activist Karen Killeen, what they observed. Credits: Guests: Karen Killeen, Tania Moon, Barbara Di Giacinto  Animation: Jo Youle  Production: Reset Rebel Productions  Conception: Jo Youle, Gang Of Witches Editing: Reset Rebel Productions   Sound design: Gang Of Witches  Music: Gang Of Witches  Mix: Reset Rebel Productions   Photography: All rights reserved  Branding: Vivien Bertin #Ibiza #Ecofeminism #Artgang #Witches 🔥 Gang Of Witches - Art gang, Ecofeminist 🔥 - 🎧 All episodes on: 👉 https://smartlink.ausha.co/gang-of-witches-ibiza-podcast - 🎧 Gang Of Witches - Le Podcast: 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/podcasts/ 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/ - 💜 Join us on social networks: 👉 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gangofwitches/ 👉 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GANGOFWITCHES/
GANG OF WITCHES - Ibiza Podcast - Episode #20 HOW TO HARNESS HOPE IN TIMES OF ECO ANXIETY? Guest: Alice Aedy, documentary filmmaker, photographer, activist and eco-feminist. Summary of the episode: So much has changed since we last met. First we had the devastating overturning of Roe V wade in the United States and now it has emerged that the refugee crisis or the number of those displaced by war, has risen to over 100 million people for the first time in modern history.  A fact we became aware of through the work of today’s guest. A documentary filmmaker, photographer, activist and eco-feminist. Alice Aedy is also co-founder of Earthrise Studio, which just turned two years old and we were struck by the work Alice does, most recently camping on the outskirts of a small Polish town to set up a studio and document the displacement caused by war, for National Geographic. Her work brings a certain sense of rawness, edginess, but above all of real humanity to subjects that are too often shown as one-dimensional, and her portraits of refugees capture much more than just human struggle, they convey the real humanity not only of the struggle, but also of the defiance, strength and grace of those caught in one of the worst humanitarian crises of our time. Credits: Guest: Alice Aedy  Animation: Jo Youle  Editorial: Alex Gray    Production: Gang Of Witches  Conception: Gang Of Witches, Jo Youle  Editing: Reset Rebel Productions   Sound design: Gang Of Witches  Music: Gang Of Witches  Mix: Reset Rebel Productions   Photography: All rights reserved  Branding: Vivien Bertin #Ibiza #Ecofeminism #Artgang #Witches 🔥 Gang Of Witches - Art gang, Ecofeminist 🔥 - 🎧 All episodes on: 👉 https://smartlink.ausha.co/gang-of-witches-ibiza-podcast - 🎧 Gang Of Witches - Le Podcast: 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/podcasts/ 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/ - 💜 Join us on social networks: 👉 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gangofwitches/ 👉 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GANGOFWITCHES/
GANG OF WITCHES - Ibiza Podcast - Episodio #20 ¿CÓMO APROVECHAR LA ESPERANZA EN TIEMPOS DE ECO ANSIEDAD? Invitada : Alice Aedy, documentalista, fotógrafa, activista y ecofeminista. Resumen del episodio :  Muchas cosas han cambiado desde la última vez que nos reunimos.  Primero tuvimos la devastadora anulación de la sentencia Roe V wade en Estados Unidos y ahora se ha sabido que la crisis de los refugiados o el número de desplazados por la guerra, ha superado los 100 millones de personas por primera vez en la historia moderna.   Un hecho del que tomamos conciencia a través del trabajo del invitado de hoy. Documentalista, fotógrafa, activista y ecofeminista.   Alice Aedy es también cofundadora de Earthrise Studio, que acaba de cumplir dos años, y nos llamó la atención el trabajo que realiza Alice, que recientemente acampó en las afueras de una pequeña ciudad polaca para montar un estudio y documentar los desplazamientos causados por la guerra, para National Geographic.   Su trabajo aporta un cierto sentido de crudeza, nerviosismo, pero sobre todo de humanidad real a temas que con demasiada frecuencia se muestran como unidimensionales, y sus retratos de los refugiados captan mucho más que la lucha humana, transmiten la humanidad real no sólo de la lucha, sino también de la rebeldía, la fuerza y la gracia de los atrapados en una de las peores crisis humanitarias de nuestro tiempo. Créditos : Invitada : Alice Aedy  Animadora : Jo Youle   Editorial : Tania Mollert     Producción : Gang Of Witches   Concepción : Gang Of Witches, Jo Youle   Montaje : Reset Rebel Productions    Diseño de sonido : Gang Of Witches   Música : Gang Of Witches   Mezcla : Reset Rebel Productions    Fotografía : Todos los derechos reservados  Identidad visual : Vivien Bertin #Ibiza #Ecofeminism #Artgang #Witches 🔥 Gang Of Witches - Art gang, Ecofeminist 🔥 - 🎧 Todos los episodios en : 👉 https://smartlink.ausha.co/gang-of-witches-ibiza-podcast - 🎧 Gang Of Witches - Le Podcast : 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/podcasts/ 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/ - 💜 Únete a nosotros en las redes sociales : 👉 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gangofwitches/ 👉 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GANGOFWITCHES/
GANG OF WITCHES - Ibiza Podcast - Episode #19 LOCALISATION - A WAY OF BRINGING THE ECONOMY HOME Guest: Helena Norberg-Hodge, linguist, author, filmmaker and also a pioneer of the new economy movement. Summary of the episode: Consumer cooperatives, local business alliances, transition towns, permaculture projects and local finance initiatives are all coming together this month to celebrate the third World Localisation Day. Grassroots organizations are springing up all over the world proving invaluable in communities affected by climate and covid-related supply-chain failures - which are now being further highlighted by the war in Ukraine. As heartbreaking as the circumstances have been, never was there such a recent and clear signpost that this way of importing goods and flying produce around the world doesn’t work. So joining us all the way from Australia for today's episode is Local Futures founder and friend of the podcast Helena Norberg-Hodge. Helena is a linguist, author, filmmaker and also a pioneer of the new economy movement.  She was previously behind the International Society for Ecology and Culture but created Local Futures as a non-profit organization "dedicated to the revitalization of cultural and biological diversity, and the strengthening of local communities and economies worldwide.” Credits: Guest: Helena Norberg-Hodge  Animation: Jo Youle  Editorial: Alex Gray    Production: Gang Of Witches  Conception: Gang Of Witches, Jo Youle  Editing: Reset Rebel Productions   Sound design: Gang Of Witches  Music: Gang Of Witches  Mix: Reset Rebel Productions   Photography: All rights reserved  Branding: Vivien Bertin #Ibiza #Ecofeminism #Artgang #Witches 🔥 Gang Of Witches - Art gang, Ecofeminist 🔥 - 🎧 All episodes on: 👉 https://smartlink.ausha.co/gang-of-witches-ibiza-podcast - 🎧 Gang Of Witches - Le Podcast: 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/podcasts/ 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/ - 💜 Join us on social networks: 👉 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gangofwitches/ 👉 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GANGOFWITCHES/
GANG OF WITCHES - Ibiza Podcast - Episodio #19 LOCALIZACIÓN - UNA FORMA DE LLEVAR LA ECONOMÍA A CASA Invitada : Helena Norberg-Hodge, lingüista, autora, cineasta y también pionera del movimiento de la nueva economía. Resumen del episodio :  Las cooperativas de consumidores, las alianzas empresariales locales, las ciudades en transición, los proyectos de permacultura y las iniciativas financieras locales se reúnen este mes para celebrar el tercer Día Mundial de la Localización. Las organizaciones de base están surgiendo en todo el mundo y están demostrando su valor en las comunidades afectadas por el clima y los fallos de la cadena de suministro relacionados con los virus, que ahora se están poniendo de manifiesto por la guerra en Ucrania.  A pesar de lo desgarrador de las circunstancias, nunca hubo una señal tan reciente y clara de que esta forma de importar bienes y transportar productos por el mundo no funciona. Para el episodio de hoy nos acompaña desde Australia la fundadora de Local Futures y amiga del podcast, Helena Norberg-Hodge. Helena es lingüista, autora, cineasta y también pionera del movimiento de la nueva economía. Anteriormente estuvo detrás de la Sociedad Internacional de Ecología y Cultura, pero creó Local Futures como una organización sin ánimo de lucro "dedicada a la revitalización de la diversidad cultural y biológica, y al fortalecimiento de las comunidades y economías locales en todo el mundo". Créditos : Invitada : Helena Norberg-Hodge  Animadora : Jo Youle   Editorial : Tania Mollert     Producción : Gang Of Witches   Concepción : Gang Of Witches, Jo Youle   Montaje : Reset Rebel Productions    Diseño de sonido : Gang Of Witches   Música : Gang Of Witches   Mezcla : Reset Rebel Productions    Fotografía : Todos los derechos reservados  Identidad visual : Vivien Bertin #Ibiza #Ecofeminism #Artgang #Witches 🔥 Gang Of Witches - Art gang, Ecofeminist 🔥 - 🎧 Todos los episodios en : 👉 https://smartlink.ausha.co/gang-of-witches-ibiza-podcast - 🎧 Gang Of Witches - Le Podcast : 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/podcasts/ 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/ - 💜 Únete a nosotros en las redes sociales : 👉 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gangofwitches/ 👉 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GANGOFWITCHES/
GANG OF WITCHES - Ibiza Podcast - Episode #18 #FlipTheScript - UN BACKS MUSIC AS PLATFORM FOR CLIMATE ACTION Guest: Marina Ponti, UN Director of the SDG campaign. Summary of the episode: In January we discussed the SDG Action Campaign or sustainable development goals with Inma Saranova, the director of Ibiza Preservation, about exactly what we need to do to progress towards the 17 initiatives in Ibiza that have been  adopted by all United Nations member states in 2015. At their heart the 17 goals are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognise that ending poverty and deprivation must go hand in hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality and spur economic growth - all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our land and sea ecosystems and they must be reached by 2030. A tall order - I am sure you agree. Especially after the last few years. However, their sights are still firmly set, despite recent setbacks and this week we hear from UN Director of the SDG campaign, Marina Ponti on the ways she feels we must embrace the opportunities that lie right in front of us in Ibiza as music events return to the island. Credits: Guest: Marina Ponti  Animation: Jo Youle  Editorial: Alex Gray    Production: Gang Of Witches  Conception: Gang Of Witches, Jo Youle  Editing: Reset Rebel Productions   Sound design: Gang Of Witches  Music: Gang Of Witches  Mix: Reset Rebel Productions   Photography: All rights reserved  Branding: Vivien Bertin #Ibiza #Ecofeminism #Artgang #Witches 🔥 Gang Of Witches - Art gang, Ecofeminist 🔥 - 🎧 All episodes on: 👉 https://smartlink.ausha.co/gang-of-witches-ibiza-podcast - 🎧 Gang Of Witches - Le Podcast: 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/podcasts/ 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/ - 💜 Join us on social networks: 👉 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gangofwitches/ 👉 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GANGOFWITCHES/
GANG OF WITCHES - Ibiza Podcast - Episodio #18 #FlipTheScript - LA ONU APUESTA POR LA MÚSICA COMO PLATAFORMA PARA LA ACCIÓN CLIMÁTICA Invitada : Marina Ponti, directora de la campaña de los ODS de la ONU. Resumen del episodio :  En enero debatimos con Inma Saranova, la directora de Ibiza Preservation, sobre la campaña de acción de los ODS o los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible, para saber exactamente qué debemos hacer para avanzar hacia las 17 iniciativas en Ibiza que han sido adoptadas por todos los estados miembros de las Naciones Unidas en 2015. En el fondo, los 17 objetivos son un llamamiento urgente a la acción de todos los países -desarrollados y en desarrollo- en una asociación mundial. Reconocen que acabar con la pobreza y las privaciones debe ir de la mano de estrategias que mejoren la salud y la educación, reduzcan la desigualdad y estimulen el crecimiento económico, todo ello mientras se aborda el cambio climático y se trabaja para preservar nuestros ecosistemas terrestres y marinos, y deben alcanzarse para 2030. Un objetivo ambicioso, estoy seguro de que están de acuerdo. Sobre todo después de los últimos años. Sin embargo, su objetivo sigue siendo firme, a pesar de los recientes contratiempos, y esta semana escuchamos a la directora de la campaña de los ODS de la ONU, Marina Ponti, hablar de las formas en las que cree que debemos aprovechar las oportunidades que tenemos delante de nosotros en Ibiza con el regreso de los eventos musicales a la isla. Créditos : Invitada : Marina Ponti  Animadora : Jo Youle   Editorial : Tania Mollert     Producción : Gang Of Witches   Concepción : Gang Of Witches, Jo Youle   Montaje : Reset Rebel Productions    Diseño de sonido : Gang Of Witches   Música : Gang Of Witches   Mezcla : Reset Rebel Productions    Fotografía : Todos los derechos reservados  Identidad visual : Vivien Bertin #Ibiza #Ecofeminism #Artgang #Witches 🔥 Gang Of Witches - Art gang, Ecofeminist 🔥 - 🎧 Todos los episodios en : 👉 https://smartlink.ausha.co/gang-of-witches-ibiza-podcast - 🎧 Gang Of Witches - Le Podcast : 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/podcasts/ 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/ - 💜 Únete a nosotros en las redes sociales : 👉 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gangofwitches/ 👉 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GANGOFWITCHES/
GANG OF WITCHES - Ibiza Podcast - Episode #17 STORYTELLING TO CREATE SYSTEMIC CHANGE Guest: Rebecca Frayn, screenwriter, novelist and Environmental activist. Summary of the episode: Two years ago screenwriter, novelist and Environmental activist, Rebecca Frayn released Misbehaviour, a revolutionary feminist feature film on the 1970 Miss World protests by the Women’s Liberation movement. The furore interrupted a live TV broadcast and in turn sparked so many conversations that put Women's lib on the map at a time when so many of those issues we are dealing with today were mostly unheard, like the #METOO movement. Keira Knightley & Gugu Mbatha-Raw both star in the film - which was nominated last year for Best British Film. It is a story told about women by women, like all of Rebecca's work and one which took ten years of investigative digging to uncover. We also  hear about her new novel, Heatwave, which is set in Ibiza and shines a light on the ecological challenges the island is facing through the perspectives of four characters. Credits: Guest: Rebecca Frayn Animation: Jo Youle Editorial: Alex Gray Production: Gang Of Witches  Conception: Gang Of Witches, Jo Youle  Editing: Reset Rebel Productions   Sound design: Gang Of Witches  Music: Gang Of Witches  Mix: Reset Rebel Productions   Photography: David Loftus  Branding: Vivien Bertin #Ibiza #Ecofeminism #Artgang #Witches 🔥 Gang Of Witches - Art gang, Ecofeminist 🔥 - 🎧 All episodes on: 👉 https://smartlink.ausha.co/gang-of-witches-ibiza-podcast - 🎧 Gang Of Witches - Le Podcast: 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/podcasts/ 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/ - 💜 Join us on social networks: 👉 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gangofwitches/ 👉 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GANGOFWITCHES/
GANG OF WITCHES - Ibiza Podcast - Episodio #17 CONTAR HISTORIAS PARA CREAR UN CAMBIO SISTÉMICO Invitada : Rebecca Frayn, guionista, novelista y activista medioambiental. Resumen del episodio :  Hace dos años, la guionista, novelista y activista medioambiental Rebecca Frayn estrenó Misbehaviour, un revolucionario largometraje feminista sobre las protestas de Miss Mundo de 1970 del movimiento de liberación de la mujer. El furor interrumpió una retransmisión televisiva en directo y, a su vez, desencadenó muchas conversaciones que pusieron la liberación de la mujer en el mapa en un momento en el que muchos de los temas que hoy tratamos no se escuchaban, como el movimiento #METOO. Keira Knightley y Gugu Mbatha-Raw protagonizan la película, que fue nominada el año pasado a la mejor película británica. Se trata de una historia contada por mujeres, como toda la obra de Rebecca, que ha necesitado diez años de investigación para salir a la luz. También nos habla de su nueva novela, Ola de calor, ambientada en Ibiza y que arroja luz sobre los retos ecológicos a los que se enfrenta la isla a través de las perspectivas de cuatro personajes. Créditos : Invitada : Rebecca Frayn Animadora : Jo Youle Editorial : Tania Mollert Producción : Gang Of Witches   Concepción : Gang Of Witches, Jo Youle   Montaje : Reset Rebel Productions    Diseño de sonido : Gang Of Witches   Música : Gang Of Witches   Mezcla : Reset Rebel Productions    Fotografía : David Loftus Identidad visual : Vivien Bertin #Ibiza #Ecofeminism #Artgang #Witches 🔥 Gang Of Witches - Art gang, Ecofeminist 🔥 - 🎧 Todos los episodios en : 👉 https://smartlink.ausha.co/gang-of-witches-ibiza-podcast - 🎧 Gang Of Witches - Le Podcast : 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/podcasts/ 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/ - 💜 Únete a nosotros en las redes sociales : 👉 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gangofwitches/ 👉 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GANGOFWITCHES/
GANG OF WITCHES - Ibiza Podcast - Episode #16 SELF-CARE IN TIMES OF WAR Guest: Dr. Rola Hallam. Summary of the episode: Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February, many of us are struggling to cope in the face of what is internationally considered to be a war of aggression. It has not only triggered Europe's largest refugee crisis since World War II, with over 3.8 million Ukrainians leaving the country and millions more being internally displaced, but many of us spectating from safety feel helpless and unable to stand by and watch. For this episode, on self care in times of war, we invited Rola Hallam, a doctor, humanitarian and human rights advocate saving children's lives on the front lines in Syria to talk to us about her own experiences in the country she was born.  She is the first Syrian TED Fellow and founder of CanDo, a humanitarian organization that supports frontline health workers to save lives in their war-torn communities. In this conversation, we strive to find out what drives her to continue her work, but also to try to better understand how we can deal with the times we are in, what kind of self-care we can put in place and how to cope with such a heartbreaking event, which none of us have ever had to face… until now. Credits: Guest: Dr. Rola Hallam Animation: Jo Youle Editorial: Alex Gray Production: Gang Of Witches  Conception: Gang Of Witches, Jo Youle  Editing: Reset Rebel Productions   Sound design: Gang Of Witches  Music: Gang Of Witches  Mix: Reset Rebel Productions   Photography: Sean Gallagher  Branding: Vivien Bertin #Ibiza #Ecofeminism #Artgang #Witches 🔥 Gang Of Witches - Art gang, Ecofeminist 🔥 - 🎧 All episodes on: 👉 https://smartlink.ausha.co/gang-of-witches-ibiza-podcast - 🎧 Gang Of Witches - Le Podcast: 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/podcasts/ 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/ - 💜 Join us on social networks: 👉 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gangofwitches/ 👉 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GANGOFWITCHES/
GANG OF WITCHES - Ibiza Podcast - Episodio #16 AUTOCUIDADO EN TIEMPOS DE GUERRA Invitada : Dr. Rola Hallam. Resumen del episodio :  Desde que Rusia invadió Ucrania en Febrero, muchos de nosotros estamos luchando para hacer frente a lo que se considera internacionalmente como una guerra de agresión. No sólo ha desencadenado la mayor crisis de refugiados de Europa desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial, con más de 3,8 millones de ucranianos abandonan el país y millones más desplazados internamente, sino que muchos de nosotros, que somos espectadores desde la seguridad, nos sentimos impotentes e incapaces de quedarnos mirando. Para este episodio, sobre el autocuidado en tiempos de guerra, invitamos a Rola Hallam, médico, humanitaria y defensora de los derechos humanos que salva la vida de los niños en el frente de Siria, para que nos hable de sus propias experiencias en el país donde nació. Es la primera becaria TED siria y fundadora de CanDo, una organización humanitaria que apoya a los trabajadores sanitarios de primera línea para salvar vidas en sus comunidades devastadas por la guerra. En esta conversación, nos esforzamos por averiguar qué la impulsa a seguir con su trabajo, pero también por intentar comprender mejor cómo podemos afrontar los tiempos que corren, qué tipo de autocuidado podemos poner en marcha y cómo afrontar un acontecimiento tan desgarrador, al que ninguno de nosotros ha tenido que enfrentarse… hasta ahora. Créditos : Invitada : Dr. Rola Hallam Animadora : Jo Youle Editorial : Tania Mollert Producción : Gang Of Witches   Concepción : Gang Of Witches, Jo Youle   Montaje : Reset Rebel Productions    Diseño de sonido : Gang Of Witches   Música : Gang Of Witches   Mezcla : Reset Rebel Productions    Fotografía : Sean Gallagher Identidad visual : Vivien Bertin #Ibiza #Ecofeminism #Artgang #Witches 🔥 Gang Of Witches - Art gang, Ecofeminist 🔥 - 🎧 Todos los episodios en : 👉 https://smartlink.ausha.co/gang-of-witches-ibiza-podcast - 🎧 Gang Of Witches - Le Podcast : 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/podcasts/ 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/ - 💜 Únete a nosotros en las redes sociales : 👉 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gangofwitches/ 👉 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GANGOFWITCHES/
GANG OF WITCHES - Ibiza Podcast - Episode #15 BALEARIC ISLANDS, LAND OF REFUGE FOR MIGRANTS? Guests: Inma Saranova, Carmelo Canvalia, Rafael Ramírez, Lilia - anonymous. Summary of the episode: In 2012, a 10 meter wide flag  that read "Refugees Welcome" hung on the side of the Consell Insular d'Eivissa building on Avenida d’Espanya. In the absence of this flag in recent years and a huge increase in the number of migrants arriving in the Balearics from Algeria, we wanted to find out what happens to migrants when they arrive. Record levels of people are leaving their home lands in sheer desperation to attempt to find a better or more secure future for themselves and their families. So often the catalyst for that movement is  due to extreme weather, human rights violations, environmental or economic hardship, or even civil war.   According to the United Nations 82.4 million people around the world have been forced to flee their homes and amongst them, 26 million are now refugees - half of whom are under 18.   So what does it mean to be a refugee in Ibiza and Formentera? What kind of danger do people face?  How is the system working for them in the Balearics?  What are the biggest issues we face In the midst of this crisis? Jo Youle went to Formentera to find out after 36 boats arrived on the island last year carrying more than 500 migrants. Credits: Guests: Inma Saranova, Rafael Ramírez, Carmelo Canvalia, Lilia - anonymous Animation: Jo Youle  Production: Gang Of Witches  Conception: Gang Of Witches, Jo Youle  Editing: Reset Rebel Productions   Sound design: Gang Of Witches  Music: Gang Of Witches  Mix: Reset Rebel Productions   Photography: Ibiza Preservation, rights reserved  Branding: Vivien Bertin #Ibiza #Ecofeminism #Artgang #Witches 🔥 Gang Of Witches - Art gang, Ecofeminist 🔥 - 🎧 All episodes on: 👉 https://smartlink.ausha.co/gang-of-witches-ibiza-podcast - 🎧 Gang Of Witches - Le Podcast: 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/podcasts/ 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/ - 💜 Join us on social networks: 👉 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gangofwitches/ 👉 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GANGOFWITCHES/
GANG OF WITCHES - Ibiza Podcast - Episodio #15 ¿BALEARES, TIERRA DE REFUGIO PARA LOS INMIGRANTES? Invitados : Inma Saranova, Carmelo Canvalia, Rafael Ramírez, Lilia - anónimo. Resumen del episodio :  En 2012, una bandera de 10 metros de ancho que rezaba "Refugees Welcome" colgaba en el lateral del edificio del Consell Insular d'Eivissa en la Avenida d'Espanya. Ante la ausencia de esta bandera en los últimos años y el enorme aumento del número de inmigrantes que llegan a Baleares desde Argelia, hemos querido averiguar qué ocurre con los inmigrantes cuando llegan.  Un número récord de personas abandona su tierra natal por pura desesperación para intentar encontrar un futuro mejor o más seguro para ellos y sus familias. A menudo, el catalizador de ese movimiento se debe a las condiciones meteorológicas extremas, las violaciones de los derechos humanos, las dificultades medioambientales o económicas, o incluso la guerra civil.   Según las Naciones Unidas, 82,4 millones de personas en todo el mundo se han visto obligadas a huir de sus hogares y, entre ellas, 26 millones son ahora refugiados, la mitad de los cuales son menores de 18 años.  ¿Qué significa ser un refugiado en Ibiza y Formentera?¿A qué tipo de peligro se enfrenta la gente?¿Cómo funciona el sistema para ellos en Baleares?¿Cuáles son los mayores problemas a los que nos enfrentamos en medio de esta crisis? Jo Youle fue a Formentera para averiguarlo después de que el año pasado llegaron a la isla 36 embarcaciones con más de 500 inmigrantes. Créditos : Invitados : Inma Saranova, Rafael Ramírez, Carmelo Canvalia, Lilia - anónimo Animadora : Jo Youle  Producción : Gang Of Witches   Concepción : Gang Of Witches, Jo Youle   Montaje : Reset Rebel Productions    Diseño de sonido : Gang Of Witches   Música : Gang Of Witches   Mezcla : Reset Rebel Productions    Fotografía : Ibiza Preservation, derechos reservados Identidad visual : Vivien Bertin #Ibiza #Ecofeminism #Artgang #Witches 🔥 Gang Of Witches - Art gang, Ecofeminist 🔥 - 🎧 Todos los episodios en : 👉 https://smartlink.ausha.co/gang-of-witches-ibiza-podcast - 🎧 Gang Of Witches - Le Podcast : 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/podcasts/ 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/ - 💜 Únete a nosotros en las redes sociales : 👉 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gangofwitches/ 👉 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GANGOFWITCHES/
GANG OF WITCHES - Ibiza Podcast - Episode #14 WHAT DOES THE FUTURE LOOK LIKE FOR FOSSIL FUELS IN THE BALEARICS? Guest: Sara Pizzinato is an activist and part of the Allianza. Summary of the episode: Back in 2012, environmental NGO’S, business associations and local authorities on ibiza set up the Alianza Mar Blava  to protect the Balearics from oil exploration. Projects just off the islands of Ibiza, Formentera, Mallorca and Minorca… were all being lined up in the sights of a huge oil company and news of it didn't drop, until permits had already been issued &  the admin process was in full swing. As the permits had already been given to Cairn Energy, they said it was too late and it was a done deal, but thankfully the residents of these islands didn't take the news laying down, and immediately, action was brought. As it turned out, environmental approval was still needed from the government in Madrid and the Director of Ibiza Preservation at the time played a key role in grinding this action to a halt which was how the Allianza came to be. In today’s episode we hear more about this action & more recent attempts by big Oil giants locally, but also we her of huge news to  celebrate the big win of last year and the last 8 and a half years of work with the creation of the climate change law. Sara Pizzinato is an activist and part of the Allianza and gives us insights into the use of fossil fuels on the islands, in this episode. Credits: Guest: Sara Pizzinato Animation: Jo Youle Editorial: Alix Grey Production: Gang Of Witches Conception: Gang Of Witches, Jo Youle Editing: Reset Rebel Productions  Sound design: Gang Of Witches Music: Gang Of Witches Mix: Reset Rebel Productions  Photography: Álvaro Minguito Branding: Vivien Bertin #Ibiza #Ecofeminism #Artgang #Witches 🔥 Gang Of Witches - Art gang, Ecofeminist 🔥 - 🎧 All episodes on: 👉 https://smartlink.ausha.co/gang-of-witches-ibiza-podcast - 🎧 Gang Of Witches - Le Podcast: 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/podcasts/ 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/ - 💜 Join us on social networks: 👉 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gangofwitches/ 👉 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GANGOFWITCHES/
GANG OF WITCHES - Ibiza Podcast - Episodio #14 ¿CUÁL ES EL FUTURO DE LOS COMBUSTIBLES FÓSILES EN BALEARES? Invitada : Sara Pizzinato es activista y forma parte de la Allianza. Resumen del episodio :  En 2012, las ONG medioambientales, las asociaciones empresariales y las autoridades locales de Ibiza crearon la Alianza Mar Blava para proteger a las Baleares de las prospecciones petrolíferas. Los proyectos frente a las islas de Ibiza, Formentera, Mallorca y Menorca… estaban siendo alineados en la mira de una enorme compañía petrolera y la noticia no cayó, hasta que los permisos ya habían sido emitidos y el proceso administrativo estaba en pleno apogeo. Como los permisos ya se habían concedido a Cairn Energy, dijeron que era demasiado tarde y que era un trato hecho, pero afortunadamente los residentes de estas islas no se tomaron la noticia a la ligera, e inmediatamente se emprendieron acciones. Resultó que todavía se necesitaba la aprobación medioambiental del gobierno en Madrid y el Director de Preservación de Ibiza en ese momento jugó un papel clave en la paralización de esta acción, que fue como surgió la Allianza. En el episodio de hoy escuchamos más sobre esta acción y los intentos más recientes de los grandes gigantes del petróleo a nivel local, pero también nos encontramos con una gran noticia para celebrar la gran victoria del año pasado y los últimos 8 años y medio de trabajo con la creación de la ley de cambio climático. Sara Pizzinato es activista y forma parte de la Allianza y nos da su visión sobre el uso de los combustibles fósiles en las islas, en este episodio. Créditos : Invitada : Sara Pizzinato Animadora : Jo Youle  Editorial : Tania Mollart  Producción : Gang Of Witches  Concepción : Gang Of Witches, Jo Youle  Montaje : Reset Rebel Productions   Diseño de sonido : Gang Of Witches  Música : Gang Of Witches  Mezcla : Reset Rebel Productions   Fotografía : Álvaro Minguito Identidad visual : Vivien Bertin #Ibiza #Ecofeminism #Artgang #Witches 🔥 Gang Of Witches - Art gang, Ecofeminist 🔥 - 🎧 Todos los episodios en : 👉 https://smartlink.ausha.co/gang-of-witches-ibiza-podcast - 🎧 Gang Of Witches - Le Podcast : 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/podcasts/ 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/ - 💜 Únete a nosotros en las redes sociales : 👉 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gangofwitches/ 👉 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GANGOFWITCHES/
GANG OF WITCHES - Ibiza Podcast - Episode #13 MEET IBIZA PRESERVATION'S NEW DIRECTOR Guest: The new Director of Ibiza Preservation, Inma Saranova. Summary of the episode: In today’s episode we meet the journalist, activist and environmentalist Inma Saranova - who has just been appointed the new Director of Ibiza Preservation. As host of More than One or Mas De Uno on the Onda Cero radio station for 6 years across Ibiza and Formentera, she has made many connections with the local community but also the people she needs to work with to protect the islands and create a level of trust to take the baton on from previous powerhouse and director Sandra Benbeniste. Inma collected data through her work at the Sustainability Observatory as technical director writing annual reports to highlight where we need to improve and focus our attention to help protect Ibiza. According to the president of the foundation, Philip Muelder, she is a “great connoisseur of the issues that affect Ibiza and Formentera in terms of sustainability”, and in this episode we dug deep into her plans for the year ahead and also her passions as an activist and where she will begin her role & what her goals are for 2022. Credits: Guest: Inma Saranova Animation: Jo Youle Editorial: Alix Grey Production: Gang Of Witches Conception: Gang Of Witches, Jo Youle Editing: Reset Rebel Productions  Sound design: Gang Of Witches Music: Gang Of Witches Mix: Reset Rebel Productions  Photography: Ibiza Preservation Branding: Vivien Bertin #Ibiza #Ecofeminism #Artgang #Witches 🔥 Gang Of Witches - Art gang, Ecofeminist 🔥 - 🎧 All episodes on: 👉 https://smartlink.ausha.co/gang-of-witches-ibiza-podcast - 🎧 Gang Of Witches - Le Podcast: 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/podcasts/ 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/ - 💜 Join us on social networks: 👉 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gangofwitches/ 👉 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GANGOFWITCHES/
GANG OF WITCHES - Ibiza Podcast - Episodio #13 CONOZCA A LA NUEVA DIRECTORA DE IBIZA PRESERVATION Invitada : Periodista, activista y ecologista Inma Saranova. Resumen del episodio :  En el episodio de hoy conocemos a la periodista, activista y ecologista Inma Saranova, que acaba de ser nombrada nueva directora de Ibiza Preservation. Como presentadora de Más de uno o Mas de uno en la emisora de radio Onda Cero durante 6 años en Ibiza y Formentera, ha hecho muchas conexiones con la comunidad local, pero también con la gente con la que tiene que trabajar para proteger las islas y crear un nivel de confianza para tomar el testigo de la anterior directora, Sandra Benbeniste. Inma recopiló datos a través de su trabajo en el Observatorio de la Sostenibilidad como directora técnica redactando informes anuales para poner de relieve dónde hay que mejorar y centrar nuestra atención para ayudar a proteger Ibiza. Según el presidente de la fundación, Philip Muelder, es una "gran conocedora de los temas que afectan a Ibiza y Formentera en materia de sostenibilidad", y en este episodio nos adentramos en sus planes para el año que viene y también en sus pasiones como activista y en dónde comenzará su función y cuáles son sus objetivos para el 2022. Créditos : Invitada : Inma Saranova Animadora : Jo Youle  Editorial : Tania Mollart   Producción : Gang Of Witches  Concepción : Gang Of Witches, Jo Youle  Montaje : Reset Rebel Productions   Diseño de sonido : Gang Of Witches  Música : Gang Of Witches  Mezcla : Reset Rebel Productions   Fotografía : Ibiza Preservation Identidad visual : Vivien Bertin #Ibiza #Ecofeminism #Artgang #Witches 🔥 Gang Of Witches - Art gang, Ecofeminist 🔥 - 🎧 Todos los episodios en : 👉 https://smartlink.ausha.co/gang-of-witches-ibiza-podcast - 🎧 Gang Of Witches - Le Podcast : 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/podcasts/ 👉 https://www.gangofwitches.com/ - 💜 Únete a nosotros en las redes sociales : 👉 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/gangofwitches/ 👉 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GANGOFWITCHES/