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The Lean to the Left Podcast

The Lean to the Left Podcast

Author: Bob Gatty

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No-holds-barred progressive commentary and newsmaker interviews with journalist Bob Gatty and guests. Insight into today's news plus analysis, with focus on social issues and just a little lean to the left.

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679 Episodes
Hey guys, welcome to the Lean to the Left podcast, where we talk about progressive politics and the important social issues of our time. Today we’re looking at leadership and what some might think is an unlikely resource – the LGBTQ+ community.Our guest is Dr. Joel A. Davis Brown is the Chief Visionary Officer of Pneumos LLC, a management consulting and coaching firm based in San Francisco, USA, and Nairobi, Kenya, specializing in organizational strategy and culture, transformational leadership, global inclusion, executive coaching, conflict resolution, and strategic storytelling. Joel is the author of a new book, “The Soul of Queer Folk, How Understanding the LGBTQ+ Culture Can Transform Your Leadership Practice.”He is also the co-founder of metaPrincipleTM, a global institute designed to train practitioners on how to facilitate equity work anywhere around the world. Joel is an adjunct professor at the IESEG School of Management in Paris & Lille, France, where he teaches Storytelling for Leaders and Story Listening.As a change agent, Joel works strategically to cultivate innovative, creative, and adaptive environments where the cultural genius of everyone can be harnessed and leveraged successfully.On the podcast, Dr. Davis Brown says prejudice and violence against the queer community is on the rise in this country and elsewhere, and he blames right wing politicians and religious zealots for making that situation work.“Anytime there is quote unquote advances in equity and advances in progressive politics, if you will, there's always a backlash, and I think it's become sport, unfortunately, for a number of factions in our country to denigrate queer people because it helps to raise money, helps generate clicks. It helps to get people riled up,” he says.“They know that they don't have anything substantive to talk about. And so, it's a way for them to stay relevant, to stay in power and queer people have always been, for whatever reason, easy scapegoats because we still are a relatively marginalized community.”However, Dr. Davis Brown stresses that there is much that can be learned about leadership from the LGBTQ+ culture, which is the topic of his book, ““The Soul of Queer Folk,” including the ability to “interrogating itself to figure out who we are.”In addition, he says, “recognizing that there's a connection between all of us and that what I do for myself and what I do for others also impacts the world around us, but also recognizing that supporting justice in the world and such, creating a more just society is something that can't just be born out on social media and it just can't be talked about in private circles is something that you actively have to take action to achieve. And so those are some of the key lessons that I think we could learn from the LGBTQ+ community.”Here are some questions we addressed with Dr. Davis Brown: ● Why did you name the book “The Souls of Queer Folk”?● Why should a person who is not LGBTQ+-identified read this book?● What key themes should readers take away from this book?● Who could benefit from this book? Is this only for corporate professionals? Who’s the ideal audience?● What does the LGBTQ+ community possess that makes it an ideal case study for leadership?● What is Cultural Genius™? And how does it apply to leadership and the theme of your book?● What does it mean to be a transformational leader, and how does the LGBTQ+ community exhibit transformational leadership?● Why is this book timely right now?● Don’t other ethnic or social communities exhibit leadership? Why should we focus on the LGBTQ+ community?● How do you define transformational leadership?● How is this book different from traditional books on leadership?● What does it mean to be Queer-minded?● How is the LGBTQ+ community able to survive despite such daunting circumstances and how can they continue to persevere?● It seems like the LGBTQ+ community increasingly is confronted with acts of hate and violence. Has this worsened in recent years, and if so, why?Become a supporter of this podcast:
It is a remarkable story, and despite obvious political ramifications for lawmakers representing coal states, the U.S. has cut the use of coal for electricity generation from 50% in 2005 to 19.8% in 2021, and it's still falling.In fact, according to our podcast guest, scientist and energy expert Jack Kerfoot, renewables like solar and wind power are expected to overtake coal as the world's top energy source by 2025, just two years from now.In this extremely informative episode, Kerfoot walks us through those developments and explains what they mean for the future, including impact on the world's environment as we deal with climate change.Kerfoot begins the episode with an explanation of the various types of coal, how they are used, and their cost. He says that as we move away from coal to renewables, energy prices will dramatically decrease even as we reduce the greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change.Here are the costs associated with various types of energy generation, according to Kerfoot: 1) Onshore Wind – 2.6¢ to 5.0¢ per kWh 2) Onshore Solar PV – 2.8¢ to 4.1¢ per kWh 3) Natural Gas ($3.45 MMBTU) – 4.5¢ to 7.4¢ per kWh 4) Geothermal – 5.6¢ to 9.3¢ per kWh 5) Coal – 6.5¢ to 15.2¢ per kWh 6) Natural Gas Peaker Plants – 15.1¢ to 19.6¢ per kWh 7) Nuclear – 13.1¢ to 20.4¢ per kWh."Clearly, onshore wind and solar are significantly cheaper sources of electricity on a levelized cost basis than coal-fueled power plants. I anticipate that new technologies will allow the cost of electricity from wind and solar to continue to decrease over the next decade," Kerfoot says. Here's the breakdown of energy sources in the 2021 compared to 2005: In 2005, utilities used Coal (49.6%), Nuclear (19.3%), Petroleum Gas (19.1%), Hydropower (6.7%), Oil (3.0%), and Renewable Energy (2.3%) (geothermal, solar, wind, and biomass) to generate electricity in America. In 2021, utilities used Petroleum Gas (38.8%), Coal (21.9%), Nuclear (18.9 %), Renewables (13.7%), Hydropower (6.2%), and Oil (0.5%).In 2021, all forms of renewable energy (hydropower, wind, solar, etc.) generated 19.9% of the nation’s electricity.What caused this big shift to renewables?In 2005, there was growing concern across our nation over the impact of global warming, which results in climate change, Kerfoot says, adding that there was also concern over our nation’s energy security. Moreover, the price of crude oil (WTI) was over US $56/Barrel and was forecast to go over $100/Barrel by 2008, which is what happened, he explains.Because of these developments, Congress passed the bipartisan “Energy Policy Act of 2005,” providing tax incentives to encourage domestic energy production including renewable energy like wind and solar, nuclear power, “clean coal”, and oil/gas technology."The legislation did Not have any significant impact on rejuvenating nuclear power development or the coal industry. The legislation Did have significant impact on the development of wind and solar technology and hydraulic fracturing (fracking) technology in the oil/gas industry," Kerfoot says."The tax incentives encouraged entrepreneurs, like the late T. Boone Pickens to develop wind farms in Texas. In 2006, a wind farm boom commenced in many of the Great Plains states, which have strong consistent winds, an abundance of entrepreneurs, innovative power companies, and low population densities," he explains."Current data indicates that renewable energy (including hydropower) will greater than 50% of the nation’s electricity before 2050. The times they are a changing."Become a supporter of this podcast:
The Republicans are doing everything they can to attack President Biden because of his age, saying the 81-year-old Biden has lost his capacity to effectively serve as president.Many Democrats share the concern about Biden’s age and not-so-secretly wish there was a younger, qualified option to the president.Stay with us to meet 52-year-old Jason Palmer, a venture capitalist who is challenging Joe Biden for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination. He’s a super longshot to unseat the 81-year-old president.Previously a General Partner at New Markets Venture Partners and Deputy Director at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Jason firmly believes in what he calls “conscious capitalism” and modernizing our government so the United States can be a true leader in the 21st century.Jason is a leader in the technology and innovation space, having served in executive positions at Microsoft, Kaplan Education, The Gates Foundation, and his impact investor firm, New Markets Venture Partners.A Harvard Business School alumni, Jason believes his 30 years of business and technology leadership qualifies him to run President, saying it is time to “pass the torch to a younger generation.”Here are key questions we discussed with Palmer:Q. What is “conscious capitalism?”Q. Tell us about your background and why you decided to run for president.Q. You must admit this is an incredibly long shot to unseat Biden. How do you see this happening? What’s your path to winning the nomination?Q. But you campaigned extensively in New Hampshire ahead of their primary, but you came in 10th and managed only 142 votes, or just 0.1 percent of those voting. That must have been discouraging. Marianne Williamson received over 5,000 votes, and she’s already dropped out of the race.Q. So you believe you can catch fire with younger voters, especially?Q. But besides the age factor, what do you bring to the table that makes you think you can and should be President?Q. What’s your message to voters who like Biden, believe he’s done a remarkable job despite Republican intransigence, and push worries about his age aside?Q. You’re not a household name, at least not as yet. So how do you plan to overcome this lack of name recognition?Q. Artificial intelligence is rapidly growing in the U.S. with a potential serious impact on the economy, and on employment in many sectors. What are your thoughts about that and the overall importance of technology?Q. Why are you better than Biden in handling these disruptions?Q. What about unions and organized labor? As a business executive, what are your thoughts about companies like Starbucks facing efforts to organize their employees?Q. What would you do about the student loan crisis in this country? Do you believe student loans should be forgiven?Q. Yes, you have significant business and technology experience that could serve you well as president. But what about foreign policy and other key areas where you lack experience?Q. Can you see yourself face-to-face against Putin?Q. To what extent should the U.S. be involved in Ukraine’s battle against Russia?Q. And what about the situation in Israel and the Gaza Strip? What should the U.S. do?Q. What are your thoughts about the immigration crisis and Trump’s ability to stop Congress from passing the reform legislation that Republicans had previously insisted upon?Q. Say you win the nomination. What would be your strategy in going after Trump…he who is only four years younger than Biden and faces more than 90 criminal charges stemming from his effort to overturn the 2020 election, as well as his business dealings.Q. Do you think Nikki Haley has a chance to unseat Trump for the GOP nod?Q. What is your core message to voters? Why should they support you? Q. How long do you plan to stay in this race if results don’t improve?Become a supporter of this podcast:
In the United States, the racial divisions among us seem to be deepening, fueled at least in part by political opportunists who prey upon fear and emotion.Our Lean to the Left podcast guest is Juliet Hooker, a leading thinker on democracy and race and author of a new book, Black Grief, White Grievance. Her book examines racial politics and argues that both White and Black communities must learn to accept loss – for different reasons and to different ends."Political loss has been unequally distributed in the history of the United States," she says during the interview. "Because of White supremacy, Black people, in general, have had to shoulder a disproportionate number of losses and Whites as a group have been able to avoid loss more because of their position as the dominant group, politically, economically, socially."This uneven distribution of loss has consequences for democracy," she asserts, "because it means that some citizens are making more sacrifices on behalf of the stability of the country than others. And in democracy, everyone is supposed to lose, right? That's the definition of democracy. There's change, there's rotation, no one wins all the time. And so that's one of the overall arguments."The Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol by Donald Trump's MAGA supporters is a perfect example of the "White grievance", says Professor Hooker."I think it is," she says. "Of course, there are a number of different things that were going on that fueled January 6th, but I think We one way to think about or one of the factors is definitely this mobilization of the sense that that certain people aren't supposed to lose right in the US that they are the true Americans, right?"About Professor HookerProfessor Hooker is the Royce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence in Political Science at Brown University, where she teaches courses on racial justice, Black political thought, Latin American political thought, democratic theory, and contemporary political theory. Before coming to Brown, she was a faculty member at the University of Texas at Austin.She also is the author of Race and the Politics of Solidarity, Theorizing Race in the Americas, and editor of Black and Indigenous Resistance in the Americas: From Multiculturalism to Racist Backlash.Here are some questions we explored with Professor Hooker as she discussed Black Grief, White Grievance:Q. First, tell us about your book, its premise, and what prompted you to write it.Q. In the promos for your book, it says that in democracies, citizens must accept loss; we can’t always be on the winning side. But in the United States, the fundamental civic capacity of being able to lose is not distributed equally among the races. Please explain.Q. In your book’s introduction, you write that “Black grief and white grievance are linked because white grievance obscures and supplants Black grief and is often mobilized in response to it. Please explain. Q. How did the Trump administration exacerbate this?Q. Trump, of course, refuses to accept the loss of the 2020 election and the January 6 attack on the Capitol was the result. Is that an example of White grievance?Q. What about Trump’s attacks on immigrants seeking asylum in the U.S?Q. You also write that “while Black grief has historically been mobilized by Black activists in service of Black freedom, we must reckon with the loss this entails.” What do you mean?Q. You write that Black citizens are “expected to protest only in the most civil, nondisruptive ways in order for their losses to be legible. Refusals to contain Black rage are said to be counterproductive because they alienate potential white allies.” Are you saying that violent, disruptive protests are justified?Q. Many of the January 6 protestors have received lengthy prison sentences for their actions. But you write that “armed white antimask protesters at various state capitals and white insurrectionists at the Capitol received kid-glove treatment compared to the heavy-handed, violent, repressive tactics unleashed on racial justice protesters.” Do you believe justice is being served in these January 6 cases?Q. Do you believe Donald Trump will face justice for his actions regarding the election and January 6? Why or why not?Q. What about police shootings of unarmed Black people? What needs to happen to end such actions?Q. You write that “Despite recurring anxiety that Black rage at ongoing loss will fray the bonds of the body politic, it is in fact white refusal to accept legitimate political loss that is the most profoundly antidemocratic force in US politics.” Please elaborate.Q. How can these continuing racial tensions be eased in the U.S.?Become a supporter of this podcast:
According to the National Institutes of Health, 20 million Americans suffer from substance abuse at some point in their lives. Mary Beth O’Conno was one of those, but since 1994 has been sober from methamphetamine use disorder. She wrote about her journey in an award-winning memoir, “From Junkie to Judge: One Woman’s Triumph Over Trauma and Addiction.” Mary Beth shares her story with us in this episode of the Lean to the Left podcast and answers the question: how does a junkie get clean & become a judge?Within a week of being born, Mary Beth was dropped off at a convent. Eventually, she moved in with her mom, but she -- her mom -- was more focused on her own needs and desires than her young child. At age nine, her stepfather kicked her in the stomach for spilling milk, beat her when she displeased him, and molested her at age twelve. A few months later, she took a sip of Boone’s Farm Strawberry Hill wine, which made her feel euphoric and relaxed. So, she drank as much as possible, added pot, then pills, then acid. At sixteen, she found methamphetamine and experienced joy, but when this high was no longer sufficient, she turned to the needle and shot up. That began 16 years of severe addiction, resulting in destroyed relationships, problems at work, and damage to her physical and emotional health. But, today, Mary Beth O’Connor is a retired federal administrative law judge. She is director, secretary, and founding investor for the She Recovers Foundation, a director for Life-Ring Secular Recovery, and a member of the advisory council for the Hyer Calling Foundation. Her opinion pieces have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, Recovery Today, and other publications. Six years into her recovery, Mary Beth attended Berkeley Law. She worked at a large firm, then litigated class actions for the federal government leading to her appointment as a federal administrative law judge in 2014, a position from which she retired in 2020.Here are some questions we discussed with Mary Beth as she answers the question: How does a junkie get clean & become a judge?Q. Tell us more about your background and what made you to turn to meth.Q. What happened that prompted you to seek help?Q. The Alcoholics Anonymous 12-step program didn’t work for you. Why not? What did you do?Q. What peer support options are available to those seeking recovery, and why is that important for the recovering addict?Q. How can your book, “From Junkie to Judge,” help those individuals win their battle against addiction?Q. Tell us about the She Recovers Foundation. Why was it started and what does it do?Q. How about LifeRing Secular Recovery?Q. Back when you were struggling as a drug addict, did you ever think you would be in this position today – a published author, counselor, and retired federal judge?Q. How can your story inspire others? Q. I just interviewed a guest who spent five years in prison for a white collar crime. After his experience in prison where most inmates were incarcerated because of illegal drugs, he now believes all such drugs should be legalized; that this would drastically reduce crime and save billions by ending an unwinnable war against illegal drugs. How do you feel about that?Q. Where can people learn more about your work and obtain your book?\Become a supporter of this podcast:
Would you buy into a plan to reduce violence & crime and make our streets, schools, workplaces, and homes safe again from an ex-con who spent nearly five years in prison for defrauding investors? Well, that’s our guest on the Lean to the Left podcast. Herbert Kay spent nearly five years in prison for defrauding investors, convincing them that risks were fall smaller and rewards far greater than they really were. Today, freed, he continues to pay restitution to his victims.In between, Kay has been a retailer, insurance salesman, stock broker, registered principal, public speaker, bestselling author, venture capitalist, business turn-around expert, TV talk show host, network talking head, consultant, direct marketer and real estate developer.And, now he’s the front man for a 501c3 non-profit that promotes what he calls the 1964 Plan, which he says would make America the safest country in the world if implemented.During the interview, Kay explains how his experience in prison provided the insight that has resulted in his plan, which includes making all drugs legal, restoring the nuclear family and ending no-fault divorce, moving welfare programs from the federal government to the states, providing humanitarian care for the homeless, and advocating for a return to celibacy until marriage.Kay tells a story from prison where he, a Jew, deliberately tried to pick a fight with a White supremacist so the guards would stop it and he would be placed in protective custody. The ploy backfired and the Nazi-loving con became Kay's prison tutor, helping him safely survive his time behind bars.Here are some questions we covered with Kay as he discussed his plan to reduce violence & crime:Q. First, tell us what happened that landed you in prison?Q. You’ve told me that prison was the best experience of your life, why was that?Q. What did you learn in prison that resulted in your 1964 Plan? And where did the name come from?Q. Your website says the 1964 Plan would irradicate mass murder, homelessness, human trafficking, violent crime, and addiction. How would it do that?Q. OK, let’s talk about the restoration of the nuclear family. Are you saying that you want women to stay home, cook and clean and tend to the kids while hubby is the bread winner?Q. Really, you want to ban birth control pills, end no-fault divorce as well as government welfare payments?Q. Ok, you want to legalize drugs – all drugs. What good would that do? Aren’t drugs the reason why there is so much violent crime today?Q. Prison reform is a core component of your plan. What needs to happen?Q. Your plan establishes a national compulsory service requirement for every teenager. How would that work and what would it accomplish?Q. Your plan addresses homelessness. Tell us about that.Q. Back to drugs. What are your thoughts about Trump’s wall as a way to keep illegal drugs out of this country?Q. In the white paper introducing your plan, You say “Our politics have descended into a pit of obsequious gladhanding weasels without a single vertebrae, and they have spent us to the brink of destruction.” What makes you think these “gladhanding weasels” would embrace your plan, parts of which would be hated by those on the right and the left?Become a supporter of this podcast:
Defeat Project 2025

Defeat Project 2025


Defeat Project 2025This quick video invites you to check out a new series of articles on our Lean to the Left blogsite that analyze the key components of the GOP's Project 2025 and what they would mean to our country.The articles take apart this maniifesto by the Heritage Foundation, which has been embraced by the RNC and which was essentially copied and pasted into the Republican platform. While Trump claims to know nothing about Project 2025, it's basically his party's platform.You can find the articles at check them out and let us know what you think.Become a supporter of this podcast:
In this episode of the 'Lean to the Left' podcast, host Bob Gatty interviews J.D. Mass, author of "Race for What? A White Man's Guide to Healing Racism from Within."They discuss J.D.'s journey growing up in a diverse neighborhood, his experiences with racism, and his involvement in anti-racist groups. The conversation delves into J.D.'s transformative book, which outlines seven steps to heal racial injustice.They also touch on political dimensions of racism, J.D.'s podcast 'Same Difference,' and the necessity of addressing systemic and cultural shifts for genuine racial healing.Please note: The interview took place just before President Biden announced he was stepping aside and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris to succeed him. There is discussion at about 21 minutes regarding Biden's age and health issues and whether Kamala Harris will make it to the Oval Office.00:00 Introduction to the Podcast00:23 Meet J.D. Mass: Author and Activist02:00 J.D.'s Early Life and Influences04:49 Experiences of Racism and Discrimination09:13 Impact of Martin Luther King Jr.12:01 Lessons from J.D.'s Journey15:38 Seven Steps to Healing Racism 21:24 Political Landscape and Racism32:20 J.D.'s Podcast and Final ThoughtsBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Big news with President Biden withdrawing as the Democratic presidential candidate and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris to take on Donald Trump. It was obviously a difficult decision for Joe Biden to make, but under the circumstances, it was the right one. There is no way this country can weather another four years of Trump, and there are too many questions about the ravages of age and health surrounding Biden.Now we can move forward and work as hard as possible to elect Harris and defeat Trump. He simply cannot be allowed anywhere near the Oval Office – not even out on the sidewalk!Female voters will be excited – especially those who are concerned about Republican plans to wipe out abortions nationally and interfere with the private acts that take place in the bedroom. Who would think that in 2024 there would be serious discussions about restricting contraception!Joe Biden has worked his tail off as President and has made remarkable progress in the face of vicious opposition from Republicans and Donald Trump.  His legacy will be one of achievement and success, of selfless determination to make America better for everyone, not just the top one percent, as is the case with Trump. With Trump, it’s all about himself. With Biden, it’s about America.Become a supporter of this podcast:
In this interview on the Lean to the Left podcast, Michael B. Moore, the Democratic candidate running against Republican Representative Nancy Mace in South Carolina's 1st Congressional District, discusses his campaign, background, and key priorities. Moore stresses that while Biden has done an extraordinary job, the focus needs to shift to key issues, such as health care, reproductive rights, and the environment, rather than the 81-year-old Biden's potential health concerns. He suggests that the Democratic party would benefit from new leadership while still leveraging Biden's coalition, knowledge, and experience.Moore delves into his business-oriented approach, healthcare reform, economic inclusivity, women's reproductive rights, environmental concerns, and critical views on Mace's inconsistent stance on various issues.He also addresses the broader implications of the upcoming election, the urgent need for Democratic mobilization, and his perspective on President Biden's potential re-election. The interview was recorded just a few days before the assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Butler, PA.00:00 Introduction to the 2024 Congressional Race01:14 Meet Michael B. Moore01:34 Michael's Background and Motivation03:46 Key Campaign Issues: Healthcare, Economy, and Environment05:39 Abortion and Reproductive Rights06:50 Nancy Mace's Inconsistencies and Trump Support10:26 Project 2025 and Its Implications13:04 Biden's Candidacy and Democratic Strategy20:18 Healthcare and Social Security Reforms26:13 Immigration and Trump's Policies28:04 The Importance of the 2024 Election29:43 Michael's Elevator Pitch to Voters Michael B. Moore Discusses His Congressional Candidacy and Key Issues | Lean to the Left PodcastBecome a supporter of this podcast:
In this episode of the Lean to the Left Podcast, host Bob Gatty discusses critical social issues such as education, racism, and politics with Eugene Williams Jr., an educator, author, speaker, and former high school principal.Williams shares insights from his extensive career, talks about the challenges and successes in public education, and explores the impacts of defunding public education, the achievement gap, and the socio-political dynamics affecting African American communities.Williams also addresses the controversial political climate surrounding figures like Trump and Biden and the importance of historical awareness and education reform. Additionally, they delve into Eugene's published works and his ongoing mission to uplift and educate minority students.00:00 Welcome to Lean to the Left Podcast00:12 Introducing Eugene Williams Jr.00:21 Eugene's Career and Achievements01:19 Retirement and Transition02:05 State of Public Education03:46 Supporting Public Education 04:49 Republican Efforts and Private Schools06:04 Critical Race Theory and History 08:49 Achievement Gap in Education17:15 Importance of Advanced Courses for Students of Color18:51 Black Americans: Fiscal Liberalism and Social Conservatism23:08 Current Political Landscape: Trump and Biden28:17 Exploring Poverty in Rural South Carolina29:27 Contradictions in Political Support30:50 Historical Context and Racial Dynamics34:21 Trump's Legal Troubles and Public Perception37:06 The Role of the President and Power Dynamics39:27 Biden's Challenges and Strategies45:16 The Importance of Reading and Education45:22 Author's Books and Personal Insights50:18 Final Thoughts and Contact Information Become a supporter of this podcast:
In this episode of the Lean to the Left podcast, we delve into ageism and its impacts on society, especially in the context of the criticism faced by President Joe Biden due to his age.Host Bob interviews Dr. Gail C. Christopher, Executive Director of the National Collaborative for Health Equity, who highlights the prevalence and dangers of ageism. Dr. Christopher discusses her work against various forms of discrimination, including ageism, and emphasizes the need for a cultural shift to respect and value the elderly.She also touches on how media, politics, and societal norms contribute to youth idolatry and disrespect for older individuals. The conversation further explores the economic and social challenges faced by the aging population, with insights into Dr. Christopher’s book, 'Rx Racial Healing,' and her advocacy for a national strategy to address these crucial issues.00:00 Introduction to Lean to the Left Podcast00:08 Ageism in Politics: Biden vs. Trump01:01 Introducing Dr. Gail C. Christopher01:58 The Impact of Ageism04:36 Cultural Perspectives on Aging06:46 Strategies to Combat Ageism08:22 Personal Experiences with Discrimination09:14 Media's Role in Perpetuating Ageism10:34 The Importance of Respect and Empathy17:50 Economic and Policy Issues for the Elderly31:00 Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation34:04 Conclusion and Final ThoughtsBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Join us as we discuss critical threats facing America's rivers, from the recent Supreme Court decision impacting the Clean Water Act to ongoing pressures like climate change and development.Representatives from American Rivers Organization, Winyah Rivers Alliance, Idle No More South Carolina, and South Carolina Coastal Conservation League delve into the 10 most endangered rivers of 2023 and emphasize the importance of protecting the Little Pee Dee River.Learn about the significance of these rivers, the impacts of highway development, and what individuals can do to help. Also, discover ways to advocate for stronger environmental protections and get involved in conservation efforts.00:00 Supreme Court Ruling and Its Impact on Wetlands00:51 Introduction to the Podcast and Guests02:06 National Perspective on Water Protection03:24 Overview of the Most Endangered Rivers Program06:38 The Importance of the Little Pee Dee River11:46 Threats from Development and Interstate 7315:52 How Individuals Can Protect Our Rivers22:32 The Role of Elections in Environmental Protection34:38 Waccamaw Indian People's Connection to the River39:49 How to Support River Conservation Efforts44:46 Closing Remarks and ResourcesBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Welcome to the 'Lean to the Left' podcast! In this episode, host Bob Gatty interviews Peter Sacks, author of 'Libertyland', a gripping thriller that explores themes of individualism and political conspiracy reminiscent of January 6th.Sacks discusses his inspiration, his background in economics and journalism, and his transition from nonfiction to fiction writing. They delve into current political issues, the influence of Ayn Rand's ideology, and the potential future of American democracy.Peter also talks about his previous award-winning works and his views on the intersection of politics, economics, and education in the United States. An engaging conversation about literature, politics, and society.Bonus: In this episode, at about 8:00 minutes in, an uninvited guest appears. Can you tell me who/what makes his appearance? 00:00 Welcome to Lean to the Left Podcast00:08 Introducing Peter Sacks and Libertyland01:58 Peter Sacks' Background and Career03:48 The Inspiration Behind Libertyland08:05 Themes and Philosophical Insights in Libertyland11:38 From Nonfiction to Fiction: Peter's Journey15:20 Political Reflections and Current Events18:05 The State of American Politics20:02 The Threat of Trump and MAGA Movement30:07 Concluding Thoughts and Where to Find LibertylandBecome a supporter of this podcast:
In this powerful and touching episode of the Lean to the Left podcast, Sarah Cart, a journalist, wife, and mother of four, shares her heartfelt journey of becoming her husband's caregiver when he needed a heart transplant.Sarah reflects on the emotional and physical challenges, the support from her community, and the importance of faith, grit, and grace.She provides valuable advice for other caregivers and emphasizes the significance of organ donation. Through her story, listeners are offered a glimpse of love, resilience, and the miracles that arise from the darkest times.00:00 Introduction to Caregiving00:20 Sarah's Story: Becoming a Caregiver00::39 The Memoir: On My Way Back to You02:16 The First Signs of Illness05:16 The Impact of COVID-1907:36 Ben's Career and Forced Retirement08:54 Coping Mechanisms and Meditation10:25 The Heart Transplant Journey14:36 Post-Transplant Challenges19:20 Advice for Caregivers20:10 Community Support and Gratitude28:43 Final Thoughts and Organ DonationBecome a supporter of this podcast:
In this episode of the Lean to the Left podcast, Democratic candidate Mel Hyman outlines his campaign for South Carolina's solidly Republican 7th congressional district.With a focus on Common Sense for the Common Good, Hyman aims to unseat one-term incumbent Russell Frye. The discussion spans a wide range of topics, including jobs, healthcare, education, reproductive rights, and the environment.Hyman shares his history as a public school and university teacher, his blue-collar work experience, and his critical views on Donald Trump, especially in light of recent criminal charges.The conversation also delves into immigration reform, gun control, campaign finance reform, social security, Medicare, and climate change. Hyman emphasizes the need for significant legislative efforts to protect democracy and improve the lives of working families.He ends the interview by advocating for a children's bill of rights and making education more affordable while highlighting the importance of returning to civility in political discourse.00:00 Introduction to Mel Hyman's Campaign 00:38 Mel Hyman's Background and Values01:27 Thoughts on Donald Trump and His Legal Issues04:31 The Threat of Another Trump Administration06:05 Economic Improvements Under Biden 09:06 Abortion and Reproductive Rights11:53 Gun Control and School Safety14:45 Immigration Policy and Challenges18:47 Campaign Finance Reform21:11 Social Security and Medicare26:32 Environmental Protection and Climate Change29:56 Children's Bill of Rights and Education33:40 Conclusion and Final Thoughts Become a supporter of this podcast:
Explore the insightful analysis of veteran diplomat Stuart E. Eizenstat on ending Wars in Gaza & Ukraine as he shares the keys to peace and diplomacy from his long experience as an international negotiator. In this episode, we speak with Ambassador Eisenstadt about his latest book, which includes interviews with dozens of U.S. and global leaders such as Presidents Clinton, Carter, and others. Eisenstat offers reflections on key diplomatic skills, current geopolitical issues like the Ukraine War and Gaza conflict, and provides advice for U.S. military strategy. He also shares personal anecdotes and insights from his extensive negotiations experience, including his work on Holocaust issues and economic peace processes. Eizenstat said the eventual resolution of the Ukraine conflict will hinge on a strategic stalemate on the battlefield. "This war in Ukraine will ultimately end when both sides believe they can't get anything further on the battlefield in terms of their political goals," he said. Eizenstat advocated for the U.S. to continue providing critical military aid to Ukraine, comparing the potential outcomes to the armistice that concluded the Korean War, rather than a direct peace agreement. The long time diplomat said the US. must "give Israel the means to defeat and disable Hamas as a governing and military structure, But, we have to also, as the administration is trying to do, combine diplomacy with military force." Eizenstat cautioned that Hamas will not be defeated alone by military force. and that the US. must "look at Gaza as part of a broader conflict. And that broader regional conflict involves Iran on the one hand, which has been the military supplier for Hamas, with its so called, and they call it this, their axis of resistance with Hamas, with Hezbollah, with the Houthis, with Syria." 00:00 Introduction and Guest Welcome 00:32 Purpose of the Book 01:40 Key Skills for Successful Diplomacy 03:01 Stamina in Diplomacy 04:36 Lessons from Past Negotiations 04:58 Ukraine Conflict and U.S. Military Role 10:26 Gaza Conflict and Diplomatic Strategies 15:51 Holocaust Negotiations and Personal Reflections 16:42 Trump's Foreign Policy and Biden's Age 21:28 Importance of U.S. International Engagement 22:27 Personal Anecdotes and ConclusionBecome a supporter of this podcast:
In this episode of the Lean to the Left podcast, we delve into the critical issue of teenage depression and the alarming rates of youth suicide.Host Bob Gatty welcomes Dr. Scott Kolbaba, an Internal Medicine Physician from Chicago, who shares his poignant experiences and insights. Dr. Kolbaba, an Amazon bestselling author, highlights his children's book 'Clara's Magic Garden,' which addresses themes of depression and self-worth.Through powerful anecdotes and a deep understanding of mental health, Dr. Kolbaba explores the importance of finding purpose as a potential solution to combating teenage depression.He also discusses the role of parents and significant others in identifying and nurturing the passions of young people to help them overcome depression.Don't miss this compelling conversation that offers hope and actionable advice for parents and caregivers.00:00 Introduction to Teenage Depression and Suicide Rates00:31 Dr. Kolbaba's Journey and Insights on Teenage Depression02:53 The Power of Purpose: Dr. Kolbaba's Approach to Battling Depression07:49 Personal Stories and the Impact of Finding Purpose14:39 Adoption Stories and Addressing Bullying19:12 Advice for Parents on Recognizing and Addressing Depression22:14 The Role of Schools and Society in Supporting Mental Health25:55 Exploring Miraculous Experiences: Physicians Untold Stories28:48 Closing Thoughts and the Importance of Purpo Become a supporter of this podcast:
Bringing Civility and Innovation to Politics: Together's Vision for the FutureLean to the Left podcast hosts an insightful discussion with Jason Palmer, Debra Perry Piscione, and Kwame Jackson, co-founders of Together, a new organization aimed at reducing political polarization by mobilizing young voters and endorsing a new generation of leaders.Aiming for inclusivity, civility, and entrepreneurship, Together seeks to transform American politics by endorsing candidates who represent common sense and bipartisan values.The podcast delves into the founders' backgrounds, the mission and structure of Together, and their plans to engage and rally young Americans for a profound political impact.The Timeline: 00:00 Introduction to Lean to the Left Podcast and Jason Palmer's Political Journey01:05 Launching 'Together': A New Organization for Political Change01:47 Meet the Co-Founders: Their Roles and Visions for 'Together'07:29 Jason Palmer's Reflections on His Presidential Run and Future Plans08:57 'Together's' Strategy: Endorsing Candidates and Mobilizing Young Voters14:11 Addressing Political Divisions and Fostering Civility20:45 'Together's' Approach to Political Issues and Candidate EndorsementsBecome a supporter of this podcast:
In this episode of the Lean to the Left podcast, host Bob Gatty is joined by author Matthew Stevenson, who discusses his book 'Donald Trump's Circus Maximus and Joe Biden's Excellent Adventure,' detailing his firsthand experiences following the 2016 and 2020 U.S. presidential elections.Stevenson shares insights into the personalities of key political figures like Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton, and the political carnival atmosphere of campaigns.The discussion explores the broader implications of these elections on American democracy, Trump's impact on the Republican Party, and the potential future of political parties in the U.S. Stevenson also delves into the impeachment trials following the January 6th insurrection, Trump's legal troubles, and offers a critique of the current state and direction of both the Republican and Democratic parties.Finally, Stevenson provides his personal perspective on the future of American politics and the significance of political engagement and advocacy. Trump, he says, is virtually ruining the Republican Party.00:00 Introduction to the Podcast and Guest Matthew Stevenson02:00 Matthew Stevenson's Background and Political Insights04:53 Deep Dive into Trump's and Biden's Political Campaigns08:18 Reflections on Trump's Impeachment Trials and Political Consequences12:44 Trump's Legal Battles and Supreme Court Dynamics22:29 The Future of American Politics and the Republican Party32:12 Where to Find Matthew Stevenson's Work33:48 Closing Thoughts and AppreciationBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Comments (4)

Will Shogren

This guy is very good, this podcast is very bad. All power to the workers and to hell with old liberals.

Jan 28th

Will Shogren

Liberalism is cancer.

Jan 28th

Will Shogren

25,000 dead and counting at the hands of Israel. A woman like her should be put up against a wall with the rest of her ilk. Free Palestine 🇵🇸

Jan 28th

Will Shogren

I would wipe my fucking ass with that Zionist's wretched old face. "Lean to the Left"

Jan 28th