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Sisters4Prevention Breast Cancer Stories and Survival

Author: Judy Fitzgerald

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Since my diagnosis fourteen years ago, I have been dedicated to researching lifestyle changes and supporting clinical research to achieve the prevention of breast cancer. My goal is to raise awareness of the need for research funding for the primary prevention of women's cancers and to share information to help those facing this journey. My posts are educational and include my journey with bilateral breast cancer and my year of treatment including a double mastectomy and reconstruction. I have been a breast cancer advocate since 2010 and have served on panels at the department of defense breast cancer funding review programs. My website shares all the information I have collected and verified from long term survivors and medical evidence. I am not a medical professional, simply a teacher who hopes to make a difference by sharing information. I presently serve as one of three breast cancer advocates on the pending clinical trial under the direction of Dr. Vincent Tuohy at the Cleveland clinic to prevent the recurrence of triple negative breast cancer, the most lethal form of the disease began in the Fall of in 2021.I am a graduate of the National Breast Cancer Coalition's Project LEAD and have lobbied Congress for additional funds for prevention clinical trials for breast and ovarian cancers. In 2022, I was invited to be a Komen Advocate in Science. Stay tuned...

52 Episodes
Terri Sterk is a two-time breast cancer survivor, health and wellness coach, and author. She spent seven years facilitating support groups and coaching women diagnosed with breast cancer. She now uses her story to serve women who have experienced trauma, including breast cancer and family discord, by inspiring them to thrive by healing their body, mind, and spirit.Link to purchase Terri's book:
#Pinkvaccine #ClevelandClinicBreastCancerVaccine #TNBC #triplenegativebreastcancer #SurvivingBreastCancer #BreastCancerStory #BreastCancer #breastcancerawareness #SABCS #AARC #ASCO #PinkVaccine #Preventionisthecure #Sisters4Prevention #VincentTuohyJennifer Davis, 41, became the first person to get a breast cancer vaccine not yet approved for widespread use in a trial study in 2021.The vaccine had been in development at Cleveland Clinic for more than 20 years before it finally reached th...
NCI/NIH Complementary Cancer Care and Integrated Medicine National Cancer Institute Series. Breast Cancer: Tips from a Survivor Who Cares. Who am I? My name is Judy Fitzgerald. Since my breast cancer diagnosis fourteen years ago, I have been dedicated to sharing information to support breast cancer patients and survivors. My channel shares diet and lifestyle changes I have adopted to stay healthy, as well as the challenges I faced when actually going through treatment....
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Breast Cancer Prevention News. What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You.Ann Fonfa founder of the AnnieAppleseedProject speaks on topics doctors should cover and questions we wish we had had the answers too when we were diagnosed and going through treatment. "From its inception, the Annie Appleseed Project decided to challenge the existing treatment paradigm, to question the existing research methods and subjects, and to propose new directions for both ending with true Integrative Oncology." Su... Support the Show.
Breast Cancer Prevention News. Ann Fonfa founder of the AnnieAppleseedProject speaks on the dangers of processed foods to wellness especially for cancer patients. "From its inception, the Annie Appleseed Project decided to Challenge the Existing treatment paradigm, to Question the existing research methods and subjects, and to Propose new directions for both ending with true Integrative Oncology. Thus the program name Cheqpt, designed to bring complementary, alternative therapies to the...
The Importance of Breast Cancer Advocacy: Special Guest Ann Fonfa: Annie Appleseed Project. What are the challenges of Breast Cancer Advocacy? Why are breast cancer advocates so important? Tips for cancer survivors on how to follow a path to wellness!Ann Fonfa was diagnosed with breast cancer in January 1993. She was suffering from extreme Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, a still not recognized illness. She avoided chemotherapy, hormonal and radiation treatme...
Ann Fonfa was diagnosed with breast cancer in January 1993. She was suffering from extreme Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, a still not recognized illness. She avoided chemotherapy, hormonal and radiation treatments using surgery and natural strategies to survive. Told she was stage IV in 1997, Ann added personalized Chinese herbal prescriptions to her complex complementary protocol. In 1999 she founded Annie Appleseed Project, an all-volunteer cancer nonprofit sharing ev...
T.J. Hills was a busy working mother of 3 young boys in 2009 when she was diagnosed with an aggressive Stage III breast cancer. Like over 80% of breast cancer patients, she was the first person in her extended family to be diagnosed. She later learned that while there was no family history of cancer there was extensive medical conditions resulting from less than perfect estrogen metabolism; conditions such as endometriosis, fibroid tumors, infertility and ovarian cysts.She took a simple gene ...
This common ingredient in food is making us fat and unhealthy. 31 Days of prevention series day 3. Support the Show.
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The health benefits of drinking lemon water. Support the Show.
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This is an exclusive interview with Dr. Vincent Tuohy at the Lerner Research Institute at the Cleveland Clinic to discuss the recent launch of the Phase I Trial for Triple Negative Breast Cancer, the most lethal form of the disease for which there is no adjuvant therapy. You will also hear from five women, Judy Fitzgerald. Toni Turchi, Dr. Marjorie Moyar, Laura Frank and Leigh Anne Best whose philanthropic work helped raise awareness and funds to bring this vaccine to the cl...
As many of you know, for the past ten years I have been a passionate advocate for what we dubbed, “The Pink Vaccine.“ This vaccine was developed at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio under the direction of Dr. Vincent Tuohy at the Learner Research Institute. For the past four years, I have been honored to serve as a patient advocate for the Phase I clinical trial for Dr. Tuohy’s vaccine. It is with great pleasure and overwhelming excitement, that I can now announce and encourage patients...
Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. The information in this program was gathered through research and personal experience. Please see your health care provider before starting any diet regiment. The KETO diet is not a fad diet and has been used since the 1920’s. It’s based on a solid understanding of nutritional science and basic physiology. Many health care providers recommend this diet for diabetes and cancer patients to reduce inflammation and co...
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More research is needed to understand why Black and Brown Women are 30% more likely to develop the most lethal form of Breast Cancer we know as Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Let's discuss what is known. Racial Inequality in Breast Cancer: Why do Black and Brown Women get 30% more TNBC?PubMed Article:Racial Disparities in Triple Negative Breast Cancer: A Review of the Role of Biologic and Non-biologic Factors an article posted in 2020. Article PMID: 33415093 Study conducted b...
Phantom breast pain after surgery...What to know. When to call your doctor. Phantom breast pain or feeling that the breast is still there may be common after surgery. Other sensations such as itching, burning, twinges and pain that cannot be relieved by over the counter pain killers should be addressed by your doctor. Most often, it is phantom breast pain. This can occur anytime post mastectomy or lumpectomy surgery. Support the Show.