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Author: Wendy Morrill and Kevin May

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MetaPod unpacks the web's most interesting podcasts and the stories behind them. Each episode of MetaPod features an in-depth interview with a different podcast host or creator. Get the story behind your favourite podcasts or discover new podcasts to listen to with MetaPod. Hosted by Wendy Morrill and Kevin May.

64 Episodes
MetaPod 2022

MetaPod 2022


Year-end greetings and gratitude to listeners, guests and friends of MetaPod in this quick look back on 2022. Thank you for listening this year. WendyFollow MetaPod >>Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
Nadia Marie is an artist born in New York, now living in Atlanta, Georgia. She is also a photographer, musician and now writer, contributing her writing and musical scoring to season 4 of iHeart Radio's show Dear Young Rocker. Dear Young Rocker is an audio memoir about girlhood, growing up in music and finding your place in the world. Presented as letters to a younger self, Dear Young Rocker explores how you became the person that you are today and what kinds of people you might have needed b...
"Bands and musicians talk about their various and precarious side jobs."Just as MetaPod talks to creators of the web’s most interesting podcasts to get at the stories behind those podcasts, Giles Bidder of 101 Part Time Jobs talks to musicians about the other jobs they do alongside their work as artists. The result is a backstage pass of sorts to better understand what the minds, hearts and hands of indie rock are doing when they are not on stage, on tour or in the studio.Giles is thoughtful ...
"Articles Of Interest is a show about what we wear"Avery Trufelman is the host and creator of Articles Of Interest and one of the few people on Earth who can connect the shape of a shoulder of a jacket to a major historical event. You might also know Avery from her affiliation with design podcast 99% Invisible or her work on Curbed's Nice Try! and New York Magazine's podcast The Cut. Avery was one of MetaPod’s first guests back in December 2020. In episode 2 of MetaPod, Avery joined us t...
“How courageous leaders unlock potential”Ranjay Gulati is an author, podcaster and Harvard Business School's Paul R. Lawrence MBA Class of 1942 Professor. He is often cited on matters of economics and business and has been studying resilience within organisations in order to understand how organisations grow and prosper under both good and bad circumstances. Professor Gulati’s podcast Deep Purpose is an extension of his work, published earlier in a book with the same title. Deep Purpose exami...
"An international podcast that explores the personal side of climate change."Panu Pihkala, a climate emotions scholar, and Thomas Doherty, a clinical and environmental psychologist, have created a one-of-a-kind podcast which explores human emotions and feelings around climate change. Climate Change and Happiness is a podcast that also talks about the ways individuals can develop their awareness of these feelings and acknowledge that others have them too. Panu is a scholar based in Helsin...
"Getting Emotional is a podcast about obscure emotions that you may have felt, but had no idea there was a name for. "Have you ever experienced “fago” or felt “limerence”? Most likely you have, but didn't realise there were words for these emotional states.Getting Emotional is a podcast at the intersection of culture, language and emotion. Each episode is devoted to discovering a feeling or emotion, the word for it and the cultural context of its origin and use. Bex Lindsay is the presen...
"A podcast about the people behind the music that other people wrote, performed and made millions off of and their goals to score a little gas money and cover the bar tab."Don’t Quit Your Day Job … sounds like cautionary advice about something that you might fantasize about occasionally, right?Well, Don’t Quit Your Day Job is a podcast about and for people in cover bands. You know - the bands that play the songs you like at your local bar or neighborhood events, bands composed of people who d...
The Holy Hour - The All Cure Podcast - offers an in-depth look at one of rock's most unconventional acts, The Cure.Hosted by Gavin Conner, Charles "Chaz" Murphy and Antonio Longo, The Holy Hour brings fans from around the globe together in discussing and dissecting The Cure's expansive 40+ year career. Started in 2015, more than 200 episodes offer something for every fan, no matter which era of The Cure you prefer.In this episode of MetaPod, Wendy talks to Gavin about what makes for a g...
MetaPod update

MetaPod update


Hello MetaPod listeners,This is a quick update on the MetaPod show as we close in on the end of 2022.Thanks for listening and for your continued support.WendyFollow MetaPod >>Twitter | Instagram | Facebook
"Rumble Strip gives you extraordinary stories about ordinary life."This episode of MetaPod features two New Englanders talking about how to capture the culture of the region for a podcast. That would be Erica Heilman, creator of Rumble Strip, a podcast that she makes in her underwear closet in Vermont, and Wendy, host of MetaPod and native of the Live Free or Die State (aka New Hampshire).Erica is an award-winning indie podcaster and has been producing stories for radio for 15+ years. She cal...
"For Keeps spotlights interesting, unusual or unexpected collections of things and the people who keep them."This episode of MetaPod turns the spotlight around on David Peterkofsky and his podcast For Keeps, which explores the world of collecting. As you might expect, you'll discover that people collect some fairly unusual things. However, For Keeps is more than a show about stuff."Really the idea of how these people relate to the things they have collected is what drew me to the idea," he ex...
"EARTH RIOT is a comedy-infused, music-filled exploration of humanity’s most urgent issue - the planet’s sixth extinction."In this episode of MetaPod, Wendy talks to radical performance artists Reverend Billy Talen and Savitri D about the EARTH RIOT podcast and their activism. The pair are known in New York City for their art combining performance and protest to raise issues about capitalism, corporate greed, consumerism, the environment and other social issues. Reverend Billy and Savitr...
"Goodniks is a podcast series exploring the journey and meaning of doing good in the world — for people who do good or are just thinking about it." How do people do good in the world and why do they do it? Goodniks shares first-hand accounts of "doing good" from the ground. Stories of doing good come from social service providers, nurses, movement organisers, police officers, and activists. The podcast responds to a "very real and tangible need" of people wanting to do good, but not knowing h...
"Women making music with technology"Girls Twiddling Knobs is a "feminist tech podcast" filling the gap between conversations about music gear and the human experience of creating music with that gear.Produced by Isobel Anderson, a UK-based musician, recording artist and producer, the podcast developed as an extension to music tech resources that Anderson was sharing with other women. It's also part of Anderson's Female DIY Musician platform, an online educational community for women learning ...
“Something About The Beatles is an intelligent but entertaining examination of The Beatles’ music and career. Smart, funny and surprising – just like the Fab Four.“Robert Rodriguez can tell you something about The Beatles. In fact, he knows and can tell so much about Liverpool’s greatest export that his podcast is fast approaching 250 episodes.That’s a lot of information, discussion and analysis about one subject!But Rodriguez has managed to slice and dice elements of The Beatles’ story that ...
The Extortion Economy examines "the money, people and technology behind the explosion of ransomware that is delivering hundreds of millions of dollars to cybercriminals around the world."Cybercrime is a growth market with a variety of tools, services and practices. It is an industry that is quickly professionalising to become a systemic threat to society.In this episode of MetaPod we talk to Meg Marco about the growth and professionalisation of cybercrime. Meg explains how the business of ran...
“Can the power of voice lead to a deeper connection?”It's Nice to Hear You is parts experiment, memoir, dating show, self-help, science, and analysis, all thoughtfully combined into an entertaining and insightful podcast.Underpinning It's Nice to Hear You is an audio-only matchmaking experiment, designed by Heather Li, creator and presenter of the podcast. Imagine pen-pals, but instead of letters, people exchange voice memos. Now imagine that you have a pile of audio material with which to te...
“What if instead of being on the brink of disaster, we’re on the cusp of a better world?”What Could Go Right? is the podcast of The Progress Network, an "idea movement for a better future. The Progress Network examines issues like population growth, the environment, public health, the future of work, international relations, and the economy - all through the lens of global progress. Without succumbing to Pollyanna-ism, Zachary Karabell and Emma Varvaloucas, co-hosts of What Could Go Right? de...
“The 1990s were a turning point in music: with the increasingly connected world enabling an unprecedented coalescence of various styles and genres, the decade featured the rapid evolution of sonic artistry — and subsequently shaped the soundscape of eras that followed.“The 1990s were a bit of a strange decade. The post-Cold War landscape gave us attempts at looser forms of politics (does anyone still remember “The Third Way”?) and a cultural explosion to match.Music that started finding its f...