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Embrace. Live. Thrive.

Author: Sarah

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A podcast to start the hard conversations surrounding motherhood and normalizing issues with mental health. To teach women that taking care of themselves is the best way to care for their families. We will be talking through issues in mental, social, nutritional, and physical health to educate ourselves on living a balanced life. But knowing we have to first address our mental health as a means to create success in all areas of your life. 

143 Episodes
Today, Carol Prosser, joins me on the podcast and we talk about one of biggest topics that many parents struggle with knowing where to start, discipline. Parenting is filled with so many responsibilities and often feels overwhelming and just plain hard. Carol shares her wisdom and insight on the topic of biblical discipline and helps grounds us in truths that God shares with us through His word. Carol walks us through different levels of misbehavior, tips around how to make discipline more im...
Today, Katie Fischer, LPC-S, RPT, joins me on the podcast and we have an excellent conversation surrounding this big topic of our children and anxiety. There is a lot to process when it comes to understanding the world around us, add anxiety to the mix and it can become paralyzing. Now, think about how we might handle that understanding with decades less of experience. Our little humans have so much to learn, helping provide them with support and coping strategies can help make some of that l...
Today, Tori Tilton, owner of "Share the Soap" joins me on the podcast and we talk all things goat milk. Tori started her journey with goats needing an alternative source of milk for her family and decided to try out soap making as a way to use the extra milk she had around her home. What began as a learning experience for her family turned into an entire goat milk empire. Tori shares about her experiences with her own products and why a low tox alternative to skin care products became so impo...
Today, Amy Keith, DoTerra Wellness Advocate, joins me on the podcast and we have a wonderful conversation about all things essential oils. Amy is a teacher who has found a passion for not only teaching kids in the daytime, but also educating adults about how to use essential oils to support their health and daily wellness. From the very first conversation I had with Amy about essential oils, her passion it was clear to me, and that she was the perfect person to help break down the foundationa...
Katie Bynum returns to the podcast to share about her incredible new ministry, E3. Katie has had a passion to create a safe space to encourage, equip, and embrace all things motherhood for women since her own motherhood journey began 16 years ago. Katie and I talk about the foundations of E3, but we go on to discuss common anxiety triggers in motherhood, and practical tips to help manage all the changes that come with starting a family. Katie's kindness and passion shines through with every w...
Kelly Wever, Owner of Breath Deep Counseling, joins me on the podcast and shares her incredible story of living with Cystic Fibrosis, learning about true surrender, and ultimately receiving a double lung transplant. Her story is one of faith, strength, and hope. Kelly waited over three years on the transplant list and watched her health decline. She knew that she wasn't ok not being here for her daughter and fought hard during every hospital stay to get back home. During that time Kelly learn...
Today on the podcast I am joined by Cathy Pemberton. Cathy is a retired schoolteacher who has a passion to teach others about what they are putting into their bodies. Cathy has self-studied for many years and has an incredible understanding of nutrition. She also has the tenacity to share it wherever she is able to share. She does an excellent job breaking down the main components of nutrition and take some of the scariness out of what it all means. I had a blast chatting with Cathy and was r...
Today, Jessica Holman, owner of Nurtishop- St. Peter's, joins me on the podcast and shares her inspirational story behind her own health journey and why she chose to open her stop. She is passionate about supporting individuals on their own journeys and helping them feel the importance of good nutrition and supplementation. When you come into her store you are entering a wellness community that is focused on you as an individual and finding what is going to serve you best. The word supplement...
Today, Maura Eliza, owner of Flex Health with Maura, joins me on the podcast as we have a wonderful conversation about healing and being intentional about listening to your body. Eliza has overcome adrenal fatigue twice and learned so much with her second recovery she wrote her course "The Vibrant Way" to teach others about the journey she went on not only to heal, but to thrive. "The Vibrant Way" is a course designed for the woman struggling with overwhelm, fatigue, and exhaustion. Maura had...
Today. Kilah Lawson, owner of Elephant Baby & founder of Healthy Kingdom Mammas joins me on the podcast, and I am so excited to share our conversation. Kilah is someone who inspires me daily. As a fellow mom of 5 kids, she is well aware of the struggle of how to manage all the things and works to find balance. She shares her own story of postpartum depression and struggle after the birth of her 5th child and describes how she became determine that no mother should have to experience the s...
Happy Holiday season friends!! Today, Britt Smith, founder of She Is Kindred, joins me on the podcast and we get real about what it means as mothers when hear the phrase "holiday season". To be honest that is a loaded phrase often associated with exhaustion and endless lists of things to accomplish. But why? Who sets those boundaries and expectations? The short answer is we do!! So, what if we start to change that narrative? Britt and I talk though how to be intentional during this...
Today, Carla Powderly, owner of Carla Powderly Counseling, joins me on the podcast. We talk about what I consider to be pivotal topic for all healing journeys, the concept of gratitude. Manors dictate that we say thank you and appreciate what individuals have done for us, but the practice of gratitude has a deeper meaning and purpose. It is the ability to see and acknowledge the good that surrounds you no matter what circumstances you are walking through, and it is the driver of joy. Carla do...
Today, Christy Brimm, owner of Two Bridges Counseling joins me on the podcast. Chisty was my counselor, and her calm spirit and gentle guidance helped me get through some of the darkest moments of my life. She joined us back on episode #3 and taught us all about imposter syndrome and is back today to educate us about mindset. Mindset is a something you have likely heard about but may not completely understand. It is foundational to our healing journeys and an indicator of how we are mov...
Today, Joselyn Miller, owner of Motherhood Strong joins me on the podcast cast and we have such a fun conversation. Becoming a mother is something that changes every priority without you even realizing it. It also changes the way you are able to do a lot of things, including your ability to exercise and be active. Especially when you are "in the trenches" those first 18 months to 2 years. Joselyn started Motherhood Strong to build community and support women in ways that was helpful to the sp...
Today, Sara Chandler, from The Grace Period joins me on the podcast. Sara is one of those people that you meet and can't help but smile. Her passion to support and encourage everyone she meets was clear from the first time we met. Sara's story of struggle is unique in that many of us have never heard the phrase "working homeless". As a young adult, Sara moved out on her own and ran into difficulty as she navigated roommates, money management, and the appeal of addicting substances. Alth...
Today, Michelle Wallweber, Owner of The Drip Factor joins me, and we have a fantastic conversation all about IV nutrition and the importance of supplementation. Michelle is knowledgeable and driven to help individuals start targeting the root cause of their struggles and not just symptom modification. Michelle explains that IV nutrition is a great way to get the vitamins and minerals that our bodies need in a completely bioavailable form. That means our bodies can use it as soon as it enters ...
Today, Casey Merrell, Owner of Midwest Placenta Encapsulation & U Cord Keepsakes, joins me on the podcast. Casey is one of those individuals that you can't help but smile when you are around her as her joy and enthusiasm shines through in everything that she does. This homeschooling mom of 4 has a passion to not only teach her family but to support and love on women who are navigating their post-partum health journeys. After researching and struggling to find a good option for placenta en...
Today, Victoria Nieveen, shares so much important information about post-partum nutrition. This is an incredible conversation you are going to want to listen to multiple times and share with all of your new mom friends. She teaches us the how and the why of how to support your body post-partum and a big tip is . . . making sure you are eating enough!! We also finish our conversation with a great discussion on communication in marriage after baby. Please listen, like, and consider ...
Today, Mandy Thorne, owner of Wonderfully Made Body in Balance, joins me on the podcast and we have a fantastic conversation. She teaches us about one of the techniques she uses to support her clients, emotional acupressure. This technique combines energy work and the foundational understanding of how the brain processes emotions when it is supported in the right way. Mandy also teaches about life and how we are all still learning. Please listen, like, and share to help this platform continue...
Today, Erica Guittar, founder of Empowering LEOW, joins me on the podcast and we have a great conversation covering different topics from her perspective as a Law Enforcement Officer Wife. She began as a health coach after struggling with own health and knew she had to help other women find the same freedom she was living. Erica is brilliant, passionate, and focused on providing support to the community of LEOW's. Check out her awesome resources and her online Facebook community listed below....