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What Do You Know For Sure?
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What Do You Know For Sure?

Author: Anne Hughes Ignite

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I have been asking guests on my radio show 'What Do You Know For Sure?' since 2018. After listening to brief replies on more than 150 occasions at the end of 'Ignite the Radio Show' I decided it was such an interesting enquiry that I had to make more of it. And so this podcast was born! In this series I ask women of all ages & from all places to tell me what they know for sure. I believe when one woman stands in her truth, she encourages those who witness it to also stand in theirs.

192 Episodes
A wonderful conversation about making the right choices for your life now, and not waiting around for the time to be right. Buy Kate's debut novel here,
Anna a newly qualified journalist, joins me from her home in Kiev, Ukraine where she has returned home to after studying in Glasgow.A really humbling conversation with a young woman who still looks for joy even living through the war in Ukraine.
In this episode, Chloe discusses her personal journey of overcoming depression and anxiety. Chloe also shares what led her to reaching out for help after years of struggling and how she has since made significant lifestyle changes.
A deeply wise episode of the podcast with Maggi Sale generously recorded with Maggi when she is in an extremely difficult time in her life.
Joining me for a conversation about love, feeling safe & being authentic from Philadelphia, USA is Jennifer
Join me on this episode of the podcast M.T., a member of the Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society Council and freelance writer, shares her journey of discovering her passions for writing and gardening, and how these led her to create Scotland's Grow Magazine and podcast. M.T. really emphasises the importance of being open to new experiences and the benefits of pursuing our passions.
I'm joined by Angela across the ocean from Miami to chat about our relationship with money and how financial abundance is possible. - FREE BOOK
A conversation about how we live our lives given our beliefs, experiences and
A wonderful conversation with Carol Szuky joining me from Toronto in Canada about letting out intuition be our best guide.
A great conversation about authenticity and helping other women go on a journey to be aligned with who they
A conversation about diet culture and how what works for one person won't necessarily work for
Shari joins me from British Columbia, Canada for a conversation about how our level awareness can impact our
A thoughtful conversation about being a mum and how our experience can affect both us and our
Omowonula, from Nigeria, joins me for a conversation about inner wisdom. We chat about our innate limitless; how vast we truly are and how we could perhaps navigate this paradox of
A conversation about our lives, how short they are, how quickly time passes and how we could all strive to break free from our cocoons and live life on purpose.
A conversation encouraging us all to to shout a bit louder about our experiences, talents and
When was the last time you took regular breaks? A really interesting conversation that's convincing me to take a bit more time out during my busy
A great conversation with Issamary Blanco joining me from Munich in Germany to chat about the power we have as humans that we're so often not even aware
This is a great conversation about how our adversity shapes us with Kimberly Parker, joining Anne from Texas, USA.
Dru Yoga teacher & practitioner Angela Watt knows for sure that she is in the right place, at the right time, working with the right people.A wonderful conversation about dharma & purpose and how the journey to finding where you're meant to be isn't always smooth or clear.