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The Lunar Body

Author: Kristen Ciccolini

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A podcast for feminist menstruators who want to manage their health naturally, and supernaturally, through nutrition, herbalism, and intuitive expansion, using science and the moon as your guides. Hosted by Kristen Ciccolini, holistic nutritionist and founder of Good Witch Kitchen.
52 Episodes
For my listeners who have been in their menstrual years for quite some time... this one's for you. Perimenopause is a-comin', and it may not be as far off as you think. In fact, symptoms can start as early as your late 30s (though it's more likely to happen in your mid-40s), which is why I want to share what to expect when you're expecting menopause. We weren't educated about our periods before we got them, so I want to make sure you're armed with the right knowledge and tools before this nex...
My favorite part about cycle syncing is that you can find so many areas of your life and interests to apply it to. Tarot is a tool for self-reflection and self-awareness, and in this episode, we explore how you can align with your cycle by embodying different archetypes found in the cards. I provide specific examples of archetypes from the major and minor arcana that mirror the energy of each cycle phase, to give context to what's going on mentally and physically in the body and help you orga...
Capitalism requires us to work like machines, producing the same level of output day after day. Humans just can't work like that, especially those of us with menstrual cycles whose energy, focus, creativity, and more shift from one phase to the next. This week's episode explores how this patriarchal structure of working and living can have an impact on your period and your cycle health.Listener perk: Get $100 off Cycle Magic, a cycle-syncing course for menstrual misfits, with the code LUNARLO...
After sobbing in her boss’s office 15 years ago, Julie Duffy Dillon, registered dietitian and PCOS expert, taught her last diet. Once she learned about weight stigma and diet harm, she couldn't unsee it. Now Julie helps people with PCOS confidently tackle health concerns moving forward without shame and blame. She teaches them how to burn their PCOS diet books while bringing clarity into their relationship with food and body. She has spoken at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food and N...
The "fertility cliff," or the idea that your fertility takes a complete nosedive on your 35th birthday, is a longstanding myth. In fact, it's based on some really old research (like, shockingly old) and the decline and risks associated with being of "advanced maternal age" are not as dire as we're told. In this episode, I explore the research on this topic and what the numbers actually say, and offer some nutrition and lifestyle recommendations for preconception planning if you are preparing ...
It's an "It's Just a Phase" episode flashback with my friend Janine Mulone and our amazing guest, Sarah Potter! Sarah is a professional witch, color magic practitioner, tarot reader, and true beam of light.We talk about:Sarah’s journey to becoming a witch in suburban NJCommunicating with animalsWhat is Color Magic?How to use Color Magic for self-empowerment (and how you might be already!)Color rituals for creativityWhich colors align with seasons and moon phasesSarah’s Color Magic Year Ahead ...
This episode is all about the most highly-requested topic from my listeners—all about your birth control options. We are lucky to have numerous avenues for contraception these days. However, they're not all perfect, and not every option is suitable for every body. You'll learn about long-term, short-term, hormonal and non-hormonal methods of birth control, as well as barrier methods, fertility awareness, and emergency contraception as well. I share the percentage of efficacy with perfect use ...
We are lucky to have a variety of different options for managing menstrual flow these days. In this episode, we explore what's available in the wonderful world of period products, including pads, tampons, underwear, discs, cups, and more. You'll learn how they're used, some pros and cons you may want to consider when choosing the best option for your body, my experiences with different brands, the range of gender-inclusive options, and more. Listener perk: Get $100 off Cycle Magic, a cycle-sy...
Many people share with me that they feel like they're learning about their bodies and their intuition "too late" in life, and that they want to avoid the same happening with their children. In this episode, I share how to nurture and support your child in having a healthy relationship with food, with their body image and bodily functions, their menstrual cycle (or sibling's cycle), and spiritual practice. It all starts with you—they pay attention more than you know! The fun part is, you can l...
Cyclical activism is a practice of being politically involved in a way that is ongoing and sustainable. In the same way that we use cycles to create supportive personal self-care practices, we can use cycles to ensure we are taking action towards collective change in a way we can keep up long-term. I am joined by Janine Mulone of Feel Good Retail for this episode, which is a re-airing of our 2020 podcast It's Just a Phase.If you have ever felt overwhelmed or unsure of how to get involved, thi...
As a cycle-syncing nutritionist, I’m asked all the time about what you should eat to have a happier period. While no one food is going to cure all of your menstrual woes, supporting the processes that are happening in your body throughout your cycle can certainly help. In this episode, you'll learn the basics of regulating your period through diet and lifestyle, different levels of meal planning to fit into a realistic schedule, what's happening in each phase of your cycle and how to support ...
In order to connect to your intuition (or your spirit guides, the universe, your version of god, etc), it helps to nourish your brain. In this quick episode, you’ll learn about the food and nutrients that I recommend to enrich your brain, support your natural energy, promote focus and concentration, and help calm your mind so your third-eye portal is clear and open.Listener perk: Get $100 off Cycle Magic, a cycle-syncing course for menstrual misfits, with the code LUNARLOVE — Available until ...
Dr. Cait Van Damm is a pelvic floor therapist specializing in treating pelvic pain across the gender spectrum. An experienced yoga teacher, Cait combines therapeutic movement and gentle manual therapy to calm the nervous system and increase self-efficacy for her patients. Her private practice, Ritual Pelvic Health, is based in Boston, where she lives with her partner and twin toddlers. You can also catch Cait's free newsletter, Adventures in Vaginas (and other parts), or work with Cait via he...
The Lunar Body is back for season 3! Given the state of reproductive rights in the U.S., I felt it was urgent to open this season with an episode on abortion. You'll learn about the different methods of abortion and what to expect with both an in-clinic (or surgical) procedure and medical abortion with pills, what you may want to know about after-care, what to do in states with restricted access, why it is strongly recommended to avoid herbal abortion, answers to common questions you may have...
The final episode of the season is a special Q+A episode about nutrition, menstrual health, intuitive eating, hormones, and more. I answer the following questions:Is protein-combining worth considering when it comes to your nutrition?Why am I so depressed before my period?How do you deal with burnout, particularly from work?Do you have any recommendations for working with or healing PCOS?If you don’t ovulate, which phase of your cycle are you technically in? How can I track my cycle if t...
Society is returning to nature after being bombarded for decades with so many pills for every ill and much of our culture causing us to be out of sync with the world around us. Developing an herbal practice for yourself can help you cultivate a deeper connection with your body and with Earth's natural cycles. In this episode, we talk about different ways you can develop a stronger relationship with plants and some tips and resources for creating your own herbal practice.Listener perk: Get $10...
Intuitive eating is a gentle approach to health and life that prioritizes feeling good in your body. It helps you cultivate a much more relaxed relationship with food, but the process isn't always easy. It takes time and patience, and a lot of work to unlearn and reframe diet culture messaging we've learned over the years.Weight-inclusive health coach Tomesha Campbell joins me to talk about how you can work through some common roadblocks that people typically come across when trying to adopt ...
Kitchen Witch Basics

Kitchen Witch Basics


If you’re wondering whether or not you can be a kitchen witch, there’s no initiation, there’s no gatekeeper, no certification or exam. You are one if you decide to be one!I talk a lot about eating intentionally — thinking about how you want to feel and choosing foods that align with that goal. It’s about being present and empowered with your food choices.But there is another type of way that we can eat intentionally, and that’s with kitchen witchery. This is choosing food for its magical or e...
Are you the kind of person who gets nervous going to a place and not knowing the parking situation? Or you walk into a restaurant and *gasp* have to find the bathroom on your own? We love a roadmap in this house. Here's a handy guide to finding, vetting, and hiring an online nutritionist.Referenced in this episode:Be There in Five - Hun For The Money (MLM & Insta Coaching Deep Dive)Open Path Healing Arts Collective (for clients / for practitioners)Academy of Culinary NutritionHow you can ...
When people were looking for ways to connect early in the pandemic, my friend Jenka came up with a brilliant way to bring a physical experience into the virtual realm. In this episode, we discuss her guided wellbeing experiences and her journey into hypnosis after using it to heal her chronic back pain.Jenka Gurfinkel is a Principal User Experience Designer at athenahealth, a network of more than 160,000 providers and 110 million patients. She is also the founder of SPA x HOME guided wellbein...
Comments (1)

Nazanin Gh

Dear Kristen, Right now that I am typing for you,I am kind of impatient and frustrated...I am shocked about how unfamiliar we can be with our body and intuition... I hope that I will be able to hear my body really soon. Thank you for making us aware of ourselves.

Jan 4th