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The Way Out

Author: Andrew Logan

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Andrew Logan gives you the step by step system, tools and mindset hacks to build your Network Marketing business - and then turn the extra income stream into financial freedom.
311 Episodes
Last week, Rodan + Fields made a huge change to their compensation plan.And it will effect the earnings of thousands of distributors.For so many people, their income will disappear overnight.A terribly challenging day for many.Whilst it may not effect you directly, there are 2 very important lessons to learn from this decision.Ensuring you're creating a legacy that you own, not just control.
Time Management is essential in creating freedom.Making money is great.But not if it's costing you all of your spare time.It just becomes a second job at that point.On the Podcast today I want to share with you my simple Time Management Mantra.We'll be doing a deep dive next Tuesday evening as well - live and free on my Facebook Page and in The Way Out FB Group.
We can all have those wall-kicking days.Days where nothing seems to be working.Days where you just want to quit.I know we've had many, many, many of them over the years. But what's always kept me going.Through all the challenges and roadblocks.Is the one Guarantee of Business.And the one Guarantee of Life.
'Game Changer' is a popular term in Network Marketing.But Social Media sure did change the game - in so many ways.When I first found NWM in 2004 - and you had to text every single person in your team every single bit of information...And it cost money to send a receive texts...What a different game we play now.But that also means we need to be a lot smarter with how we show up on our SM.Because it's a very crowded marketplace out there now.And there's 1 mistake you're possibly making.Which is...
Objections can be tricky.They can also be a great tool - if used properly.Because they can help with your market research.Help with feedback on your offer.And they give you another reason to follow-up.On the Podcast today, I want to share with you the 4 main reasons you encounter Objections.And the scripting to help you overcome them.Even disarm them before they come up.
Everyone knows the fortune is in the follow up(s). But not everyone knows how to follow up.And it can be one of the most confronting tasks for people to complete.'What do I say?''Am I being annoying?''Did I leave it too long?'Conversations that happen in our head that stop us from taking action.On the Podcast today, I share 2 hacks for taking the fear out of your follow-up.And getting you better results - faster.
Financial Freedom - the goal for so many people.Being able to sit on a beach and not have to do anything - an idyllic dream.But that also presents the biggest paradox in this industry.Because in order to sit around and do nothing, you have to be able to put your money to work and then sit around and be patient.And surprisingly, it's the single hardest thing for people to do.
Sami Eskelin - Network Marketing legend and Personal Trainer to the Godfather Eric Worre - joins me on the Podcast today.Sami shares his top tips for ensuring you balance physical fitness with mental wellness, in order to stay focussed and at the top of your game. If you'd like to chat with Sami more or ask him any questions directly, his email is:
Freedom is a huge goal for most Network Marketers.And that's a measurement of both money and time. All the money in the world is useless if you have no time to enjoy it.Which is why it's incredibly important to be efficient in your business.Especially when it comes to your prospecting and enrolling.
Recently I ran a poll of the greatest challenge people face each day in their business; and finding committed and driven business builders was the most common answer.For most people - there's 1 single reason this isn't happening.And it's actually quite easy to fix.
Setting a huge vision is exciting.It can also be overwhelming.Worse - it can often be confusing.Because when the vision is too big - it takes us away from the day to day activities that we must do.If you want to ensure your vision comes true - make sure you balance it with this...
Investing can be scary.It can also be overwhelming.With so many different ways to invest - too many options can be paralysing. On the Podcast today, I want to help take that fear & overwhelm away.Taking you through where I would start investing.And the 5 places I would focus on as a beginner. As always - NOT financial advice, just what's worked for me.
Leadership is always a hot topic in Network Marketing.Even defining exactly what a leader is creates a lot of discussion. Are you a leader because of your rank?The culture you've created?Or the awards you've won?Personally, there's 1 single thing that truly defines leaders (and freedom).And here's the 3 word mantra Angie and I used to focus on that.
The awesome Chloe Myers joins me on the Podcast today.Chloe and I originally 'met' a couple of years ago through my mentorship program - and you could ned meet a more passionate and positive person.But like all of us, she also had times where self-doubt took over.And the knock-on effect was showing in her business.But recently, a mindset shift helped clear the noise.And Chloe has been on fire.Bringing in 8 new business partners in just 2 weeks!
Overwhelm can be a huge struggle. And at times it can seem like there are so many balls to juggle in this business.Between your own enrolments, personal development, social media and team building - it's no wonder people are overwhelmed and feel like quitting.On the Podcast today, I want to take away that confusion.And focus on the 4 daily tasks to build your fortune.Or - the Fortune 4 as I like to call them.You can download a PDF companion to this call here -
Price objections are always a challenge.And with the current cost of living and inflationary pressures - they can be even more challenging. But does that mean nobody is buying?Well - that depends on what information you believe...
And just like that - we're into April!Which means we're 1/4 of the way through 2024. Which makes it a perfect time to pause and review the year so far.A quarter-time speech essentially. Are you on track towards your goals?Or do you need to change the approach?
A couple of days later than normal, but today on the Podcast I want to talk about the common negativity around 'losing friends in Network Marketing'. It's something that you hear a lot.And can stop a lot of people before the really get started.But is losing friends a truly bad thing?Because what if we changed our mindset from losing old friendships to creating the room for new, and more exciting, friendships?
Over the weekend, Facebook was very kind to remind me of a pivotal moment in our lives that occurred 6 years ago. It was truly a 'sliding doors' moment - and it changed everything. And so I wanted to take you back to this moment - in true 'origin story' style.Hopefully it helps you with your own vision of what's possible.
When it all boils down, we work on commissions.We give our industry a lot of fancy names, but the reality is the money we earned is based on the amount of sales we make, or that our team makes.And so with that, should you work with a high-ticket offering that pays more upfront?Or a low-ticket program that is accessible to more people?Which is the best option overall?Spoiler alert - the answer is neither.There's a 3rd equation that hasn't been discussed yet.And it's the most important number t...
Comments (1)

Lauren Quelhurst

5 stars+++++ dude. Incredible.

Mar 18th