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The VM Podcast

The VM Podcast

Author: Vichaar Manthan

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The VM Podcast, a Vichaar Manthan project looking to explore modern day issues through a Dharmic lens. Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explore how we can better understand dharma, our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing. Tune in, for an earnest conversation! - Hosted by VM fellow Sumit Sharma, who you can email on

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44 Episodes
Vichaar Manthan Sustainable Narratives (VMSN) is a biennial conference that brings together leading academic lights, policy-makers and industry leaders to explore and address the biggest challenges facing humanity today. Please register on our website and for more information > ------------------------------------------------------------ Panel Discussion at VMSN22 >> Nationalism vs Internationalism - Is There a Middle Way? Nationalism is a dirty word in Western academic discourse. After two devastating European wars which plunged the world into chaos and misery, a rules-based international order was consciously built in which no single country could afford to ‘go it alone’. But after 60 years of internationalism, nationalism is back on the rise throughout the world. Why is this? Does internationalism alienate and nationalism root us? Does nationalism ultimately lead to tribalism? Is there a middle-way where people can be nationalistic without the bigotry associated with older forms of European nationalism? Please register on our website and for more information: ------------------------------------------------------------ The VM Podcast, a Vichaar Manthan project looking to explore modern day issues through a Dharmic lens. Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explore how we can better understand dharma, our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing. Tune in, for an earnest conversation! - Hosted by VM fellow Sumit Sharma, who you can email on Join the conversation at and on all streaming platforms: Spotify / Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / RSS Feed / YouTube #thevmpodcast #vichaarmanthanuk #vichaarmanthan #podcast #dharmicpodcast#podcastrecommendations #podcastlovers #dharma #dharmic #dharmicideas #sustainableideas #sustainablenarratives2022 #sustainablenarratives #sustainability #listennow #hindudharma #vm
Vichaar Manthan Sustainable Narratives (VMSN) is a biennial conference that brings together leading academic lights, policy-makers and industry leaders to explore and address the biggest challenges facing humanity today. Please register on our website and for more information > ------------------------------------------------------------ Panel Discussion at VMSN22 >> How do we Democratise Capital? Private wealth globally stands at $135 trillion. The wealthiest 1% control over 40% of this wealth. With this concentration of wealth comes power, and power in the hands of the few creates an unsustainable future for the many. Capital is employed to serve those that own it. How then do we ensure that it works for the benefit of humanity? Current suggestions range from de novo sovereign wealth funds to global collectives. Effectively democratising the capital in private hands whilst maintaining incentives for risk-taking and innovation presents a significant challenge. Many argue that in a capitalist society the return on capital will always be greater than the return on labour. How then how do we begin to include more people in the act of capital formation? Join us as we explore the future of capital. Please register on our website and for more information: ------------------------------------------------------------ The VM Podcast, a Vichaar Manthan project looking to explore modern day issues through a Dharmic lens. Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explore how we can better understand dharma, our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing. Tune in, for an earnest conversation! - Hosted by VM fellow Sumit Sharma, who you can email on Join the conversation at and on all streaming platforms: Spotify / Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / RSS Feed / YouTube #thevmpodcast #vichaarmanthanuk #vichaarmanthan #podcast #dharmicpodcast#podcastrecommendations #podcastlovers #dharma #dharmic #dharmicideas #sustainableideas #sustainablenarratives2022 #sustainablenarratives #sustainability #listennow #hindudharma #vm
Vichaar Manthan Sustainable Narratives (VMSN) is a biennial conference that brings together leading academic lights, policy-makers and industry leaders to explore and address the biggest challenges facing humanity today. Please register on our website and for more information > ------------------------------------------------------------ Panel Discussion at VMSN22 >> How do we Sustainably Govern Emerging Tech? Google, Amazon, Meta and other emerging tech giants are more powerful than many nation-states; yet these giant global institutions are largely governed by a narrow set of objectives and answerable to a relatively small set of stakeholders. All of our lives are shaped by these giants - for better or ill - yet, we have little to no say in how they are governed. How does a democratic world reconcile itself with such a concentration of largely unregulated power? Concurrently, Artificial Intelligence continues to develop alongside new forms of Augmented and Virtual Reality. What values and principles should regulate our use of and interaction with these developments? Come and find out as we discuss the governance of emerging technology in the light of sustainability. Please register on our website and for more information: ------------------------------------------------------------ The VM Podcast, a Vichaar Manthan project looking to explore modern day issues through a Dharmic lens. Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explore how we can better understand dharma, our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing. Tune in, for an earnest conversation! - Hosted by VM fellow Sumit Sharma, who you can email on Join the conversation at and on all streaming platforms: Spotify / Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / RSS Feed / YouTube #thevmpodcast #vichaarmanthanuk #vichaarmanthan #podcast #dharmicpodcast #podcastrecommendations #podcastlovers #dharma #dharmic #dharmicideas #sustainableideas #sustainablenarratives2022 #sustainablenarratives #sustainability #listennow #hindudharma #vm #dharmiconcepts #dharmicliving #sustainable
Vichaar Manthan Sustainable Narratives (VMSN) is a biennial conference that brings together leading academic lights, policy-makers and industry leaders to explore and address the biggest challenges facing humanity today. Please register on our website and for more information > ------------------------------------------------------------ Panel Discussion at VMSN22 >> Is Indian History Truly ‘Indian’? Much of our identity is tied into our perception and understanding of our own history, do we ever step back to consider who or what has constructed this history? Or does this even matter? In 1978, Edward Said took the academic world by storm with the publication of Orientalism. Said and subsequent scholars of the postcolonial world have forcefully argued for the centrality of power relations in the construction of knowledge and historical narratives. To what extent is our understanding of India’s past simply a product of the colonial project? What does it mean to decolonise India’s history? If knowledge is simply a product of power, can we ever step out of the “coloniser’s gaze”? Come and join us as we grapple with the impact of India’s colonial past on our ‘idea of India.’ Please register on our website and for more information: ------------------------------------------------------------ The VM Podcast, a Vichaar Manthan project looking to explore modern day issues through a Dharmic lens. Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explore how we can better understand dharma, our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing. Tune in, for an earnest conversation! - Hosted by VM fellow Sumit Sharma, who you can email on Join the conversation at and on all streaming platforms: Spotify / Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / RSS Feed / YouTube #thevmpodcast #vichaarmanthanuk #vichaarmanthan #podcast #dharmicpodcast#podcastrecommendations #podcastlovers #dharma #dharmic #dharmicideas #sustainableideas #sustainablenarratives2022 #sustainablenarratives #sustainability #listennow #hindudharma #vm
Vichaar Manthan Sustainable Narratives (VMSN) is a biennial conference that brings together leading academic lights, policy-makers and industry leaders to explore and address the biggest challenges facing humanity today. Please register on our website and for more information > ------------------------------------------------------------ Fireside Conversation at VMSN22 >> Seeing the Literature from the Scripture Imagine if the Gita was read and experienced as a profound piece of literature, much in the same way as we might read the works of Kalidas, or Shakespeare, or Tolstoy. Imagine if we took the historicity out of the Bible and Qur’an and re-interpreted them as literature from an ancient past that gives us much to contemplate and discover. Are the world's religions too vested in reading texts as scripture, which act as their source of power and legitimacy, when in fact these ought to be taken as literature and freed from religious dogma and interpretation? Come and explore this nuanced and controversial topic. Please register on our website and for more information: ------------------------------------------------------------ The VM Podcast, a Vichaar Manthan project looking to explore modern day issues through a Dharmic lens. Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explore how we can better understand dharma, our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing. Tune in, for an earnest conversation! - Hosted by VM fellow Sumit Sharma, who you can email on Join the conversation at and on all streaming platforms: Spotify / Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / RSS Feed / YouTube #thevmpodcast #vichaarmanthanuk #vichaarmanthan #podcast #dharmicpodcast#podcastrecommendations #podcastlovers #dharma #dharmic #dharmicideas #sustainableideas #sustainablenarratives2022 #sustainablenarratives #sustainability #listennow #hindudharma #vm
Vichaar Manthan Sustainable Narratives (VMSN) is a biennial conference that brings together leading academic lights, policy-makers and industry leaders to explore and address the biggest challenges facing humanity today. Please register on our website and for more information > Panel Discussion at VMSN22 >> Does Religion Subjugate Women? Throughout history, religion has often engendered patriarchal societies in almost every corner of the globe. Their central scriptures have been interpreted in ways that explicitly and implicitly grant men greater freedoms and social benefits. These interpretations have been maintained across time to the modern day, where we see vastly different levels of gender equality across the world’s civilisations. This is most stark in the Islamic world, but even in societies influenced by Christianity, debates about equality of the sexes are hotly contested. Does the continued prevalence of religion mean that such debates are unsolvable and that women must be relegated to an inferior status? Or is there an alternative? Can dharmic traditions and the application of dharma show the way for a more sustainable approach? Please register on our website and for more information: ------------------------------------------------------------ The VM Podcast, a Vichaar Manthan project looking to explore modern day issues through a Dharmic lens. Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explore how we can better understand dharma, our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing. Tune in, for an earnest conversation! - Hosted by VM fellow Sumit Sharma, who you can email on Join the conversation at and on all streaming platforms: Spotify / Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / RSS Feed / YouTube #thevmpodcast #vichaarmanthanuk #vichaarmanthan #podcast #dharmicpodcast#podcastrecommendations #podcastlovers #dharma #dharmic #dharmicideas #sustainableideas #sustainablenarratives2022 #sustainablenarratives #sustainability #listennow #hindudharma #vm
Vichaar Manthan Sustainable Narratives (VMSN) is a biennial conference that brings together leading academic lights, policy-makers and industry leaders to explore and address the biggest challenges facing humanity today. Please register on our website and for more information > Fireside Conversation at VMSN22 >> Carbon Tax - Crafting the Silver Bullet Markets are not perfect. Arguably, our current climate crisis is an example of the greatest market failure ever seen. Global and national institutions seem unable to find the silver bullet that will make the market work for us and our long-term interests. Carbon tax is often seen as a solution par excellence, but the challenge appears to lie in its implementation, and creating an international standard seems almost impossible. What does an effective carbon tax look like? What real-world effects would such a universal tax programme have on our volatile and complex global economy? ------------------------------------------------------------ The VM Podcast, a Vichaar Manthan project looking to explore modern day issues through a Dharmic lens. Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explore how we can better understand dharma, our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing. Tune in, for an earnest conversation! - Hosted by VM fellow Sumit Sharma, who you can email on Join the conversation at and on all streaming platforms: Spotify / Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / RSS Feed / YouTube #thevmpodcast #vichaarmanthanuk #vichaarmanthan #podcast #dharmicpodcast#podcastrecommendations #podcastlovers #dharma #dharmic #dharmicideas #sustainableideas #sustainablenarratives2022 #sustainablenarratives #sustainability #listennow #hindudharma #vm
Vichaar Manthan Sustainable Narratives (VMSN) is a biennial conference that brings together leading academic lights, policy-makers and industry leaders to explore and address the biggest challenges facing humanity today. Please register on our website and for more information > Fireside Conversation at VMSN22 >> Markets - Panacea or Wilful Ignorance? Milton Friedman once quipped, “underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself”. Friedman believed in a small government, limited regulation, and faith in market pricing, allowing the relationship between supply and demand to control everything. Do we want markets to decide how much we pay for our healthcare? Do we trust the markets to solve climate change? Those that advocate free markets believe it is the bedrock of all that we value in a liberal democracy, while the naysayers, who are also equally convinced, argue for intervention, and a bigger role for regulation and legislation. Who is right? Come and explore one of the most pertinent questions of our time. ------------------------------------------------------------ The VM Podcast, a Vichaar Manthan project looking to explore modern day issues through a Dharmic lens. Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explore how we can better understand dharma, our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing. Tune in, for an earnest conversation! - Hosted by VM fellow Sumit Sharma, who you can email on Join the conversation at and on all streaming platforms: Spotify / Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / RSS Feed / YouTube #thevmpodcast #vichaarmanthanuk #vichaarmanthan #podcast #dharmicpodcast#podcastrecommendations #podcastlovers #dharma #dharmic #dharmicideas #sustainableideas #sustainablenarratives2022 #sustainablenarratives #sustainability #listennow #hindudharma #vm
Vichaar Manthan Sustainable Narratives (VMSN) is a biennial conference that brings together leading academic lights, policy-makers and industry leaders to explore and address the biggest challenges facing humanity today. Please register on our website and for more information > ------------------------------------------------------------ Fireside Conversation at VMSN22 >> Can we Reimagine Education and its Purpose? If the aim of education was to give each of us the capability to flourish to our fullest potentials, what would education look like? In this light, the time has come to re-evaluate our modus operandi for educating people. Is it time to move away from an industrialised model of schooling focused on employability to one in which the purpose of education is the flourishing of the individual and the whole society? What would such an education system look like, and more importantly how might we get there? What are the systemic changes that we need to make in order to be able to rebuild this most precious of institutions? ------------------------------------------------------------ The VM Podcast, a Vichaar Manthan project looking to explore modern day issues through a Dharmic lens. Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explore how we can better understand dharma, our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing. Tune in, for an earnest conversation! - Hosted by VM fellow Sumit Sharma, who you can email on Join the conversation at and on all streaming platforms: Spotify / Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / RSS Feed / YouTube #thevmpodcast #vichaarmanthanuk #vichaarmanthan #podcast #dharmicpodcast#podcastrecommendations #podcastlovers #dharma #dharmic #dharmicideas #sustainableideas #sustainablenarratives2022 #sustainablenarratives #sustainability #listennow #hindudharma #vm
Vichaar Manthan Sustainable Narratives (VMSN) is a biennial conference that brings together leading academic lights, policy-makers and industry leaders to explore and address the biggest challenges facing humanity today. Please register on our website and for more information > ------------------------------------------------------------ Discussing the current verticals of society: Wealth, Religion, Civics, Governance, Culture & Literature, Political Theory, Political Economy. Introducing panel discussions, fireside conversations, networking opportunities, a keynote address and bonus podcast material! Join us as we put the most prevailing narratives of our times on trial in the light of ‘sustainability’. The conference proceedings are open to anyone who wishes to observe the vanguard of thought around global issues.  Please register on our website and for more information: ------------------------------------------------------------ The VM Podcast, a Vichaar Manthan project looking to explore modern day issues through a Dharmic lens. Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explore how we can better understand dharma, our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing. Tune in, for an earnest conversation! - Hosted by VM fellow Sumit Sharma, who you can email on Join the conversation at and on all streaming platforms: Spotify / Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / RSS Feed / YouTube #thevmpodcast #vichaarmanthanuk #vichaarmanthan #podcast #dharmicpodcast#podcastrecommendations #podcastlovers #dharma #dharmic #dharmicideas #sustainableideas #sustainablenarratives2022 #sustainablenarratives #sustainability #listennow #hindudharma #vm
Tune in for a conversation with Kushal Mehra ji, host of The Cārvāka Podcast, India's most popular podcast on economy, politics, geopolitics, religion, history, social issues and current affairs. We discuss how the West often misunderstands India, Kushal believes the West doesn't understand the concept of soul-deep diversity and that they tend to think that everyone in India thinks in the same way, rather that India is a very diverse country with a long history of tolerance for different beliefs. Don't miss out on this thought-provoking episode on Dharma, Politics, and Society #Dharma #Politics #Podcast #India #Diversity #SoulDeepDiversity #Conversation #Inspiration #VicharManthan #KushalMehra ------------------------------------------------------------ The VM Podcast is a Vichaar Manthan project exploring modern-day issues through a Dharmic lens. Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explores how we can better understand dharma, and our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing. Tune in, for an earnest conversation! - Hosted by VM fellow Sumit Sharma, who you can email on ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Join the conversation at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and on all streaming platforms: ⁠⁠⁠⁠Spotify⁠⁠⁠⁠ /⁠⁠⁠⁠ Apple Podcasts⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ / ⁠⁠⁠⁠YouTube ⁠⁠⁠⁠/ ⁠⁠⁠⁠Audible⁠⁠⁠⁠ / ⁠⁠⁠⁠RSS Feed⁠⁠⁠⁠ #thevmpodcast #vichaarmanthan #podcast #dharmicpodcast #dharma #dharmic #dharmicideas #sustainableideas #sustainablenarratives #sustainability #listennow #hindudharma #hindupodcast #india #Indian #philosophy #hinduphilosophy #philosophicalideas  #indianphilosophy
Dr. Sailesh Rao has over three decades of professional experience and is the Founder and Executive Director of Climate Healers, a non-profit dedicated towards healing the Earth’s climate. A systems specialist with a Ph. D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, Dr. Rao worked on the internet communications infrastructure for twenty years after graduation. During this period, he blazed the trail for high speed signal processing chips and technologies for High Definition Television, real-time video communications and the transformation of early analog internet connections to more robust digital connections, while accelerating their speeds ten-fold. Today, over a billion internet connections deploy the communications protocol that he designed. He received five Exceptional Contribution Awards from AT&T Bell Laboratories between 1985 and 1991, a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff award in 1990, the Intel Principal Engineer Award in 2003, and the IIT Madras Distinguished Alumnus Award in 2013 for his technical contributions. He is the author of 22 peer-reviewed technical papers, 50 standards contributions, 10 US patents and 3 Canadian patents. He was the co-founder of Silicon Design Experts in 1991 which was acquired by Level One Communications in 1996 and which was later acquired by Intel Corporation in 1999 for $2.2 billion. In 2006, he switched careers and became deeply immersed, full time, in solving the environmental crises affecting humanity.  Dr. Rao is the author of four books, Carbon Dharma: The Occupation of Butterflies, Carbon Yoga: The Vegan Metamorphosis, Animal Agriculture is Immoral and The Pinky Promise, and an Executive Producer of several documentaries, The Human Experiment (2013), Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014), What The Health (2017), A Prayer for Compassion (2019), They’re Trying to Kill Us (2021), The End of Medicine (2022), The Land of Ahimsa (2022), Animals – A Parallel History (est. 2024), Milked (2022), Christspiracy (2024) and I Could Never Go Vegan (2024). His work is featured in the award winning film, Countdown to Year Zero produced by Jane Velez-Mitchell and Unchained TV. ------------------------------------------------------------ The VM Podcast is a Vichaar Manthan project exploring modern-day issues through a Dharmic lens. Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explores how we can better understand dharma, and our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing. Tune in, for an earnest conversation! - Hosted by VM fellow Sumit Sharma, who you can email on ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Join the conversation at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ and on all streaming platforms: ⁠⁠⁠Spotify⁠⁠⁠ /⁠⁠⁠ Apple Podcasts⁠⁠⁠ /⁠⁠⁠ Google Podcasts⁠⁠⁠ / ⁠⁠⁠YouTube ⁠⁠⁠/ ⁠⁠⁠Audible⁠⁠⁠ / ⁠⁠⁠RSS Feed⁠⁠⁠ #thevmpodcast #vichaarmanthan #podcast #dharmicpodcast #dharma #dharmic #dharmicideas #sustainableideas #sustainablenarratives #sustainability #listennow #hindudharma #hindupodcast #india #Indian #philosophy #hinduphilosophy #philosophicalideas  #indianphilosophy
------------------------------------------------------------ The VM Podcast is a Vichaar Manthan project exploring modern-day issues through a Dharmic lens. Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explores how we can better understand dharma, and our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing. Tune in, for an earnest conversation! - Hosted by VM fellow Sumit Sharma, who you can email on ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Join the conversation at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ and on all streaming platforms: ⁠⁠Spotify⁠⁠ /⁠⁠ Apple Podcasts⁠⁠ /⁠⁠ Google Podcasts⁠⁠ / ⁠⁠YouTube ⁠⁠/ ⁠⁠Audible⁠⁠ / ⁠⁠RSS Feed⁠⁠ #thevmpodcast #vichaarmanthan #podcast #dharmicpodcast #dharma #dharmic #dharmicideas #sustainableideas #sustainablenarratives #sustainability #listennow #hindudharma #hindupodcast #india #Indian #philosophy #hinduphilosophy #philosophicalideas  #indianphilosophy
Being Different, Live in Conversation with Rajiv Malhotra, eminent author and founder of The Infinity Foundation. ------------------------------------------------------------ The VM Podcast is a Vichaar Manthan project exploring modern-day issues through a Dharmic lens. Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explores how we can better understand dharma, and our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing. Tune in, for an earnest conversation! - Hosted by VM fellow Sumit Sharma, who you can email on ⁠⁠ Join the conversation at ⁠⁠ and on all streaming platforms: ⁠Spotify⁠ /⁠ Apple Podcasts⁠ /⁠ Google Podcasts⁠ / ⁠YouTube ⁠/ ⁠Audible⁠ / ⁠RSS Feed⁠ #thevmpodcast #vichaarmanthan #podcast #dharmicpodcast #dharma #dharmic #dharmicideas #sustainableideas #sustainablenarratives #sustainability #listennow #hindudharma #hindupodcast #india #Indian #philosophy #hinduphilosophy #philosophicalideas  #indianphilosophy
Our social persona and acceptance throughout our lives are often defined by how well we ‘fit in’ to society. Yet every society has those who reject social conventions - or in the eyes of some, social restrictions -  in favour of absolute ‘freedom’. There are even those who defy all stereotypes, using their freedom to undertake spiritual sadhana (journeys) and engage in dedicated service to society. This episode of The Vichaar Manthan Podcast features Kiran Ji Chukkapalli, a living example of this apparent paradox. From a young age, Kiran Ji chose and chased the path of discipline, and is today a yogi, a practitioner of traditional Bharatiya martial arts, and an athlete. In choosing to remain ‘detached’ from the  ‘traditional’ path of education, work, and starting a household, he has expanded his ‘attachment’ to a larger cause, serving society through his work with underprivileged communities and refugees. He shares with us not only his personal journey but also his experiences from his solo ride across 18 states to raise awareness about the problems faced by these groups. In this conversation, we explore the motivation that drives his vision and work, his understanding of Dharma and how it applies to his goals, and ultimately ask: How does Dharma expand one’s sense of being and purpose? Kiran Ji Chukkapalli is an avid social activist, a former entrepreneur, a brilliant athlete, an international speaker, and an accomplished Himalayan yoga practitioner and instructor. He founded Think Peace in 2010, a not-for-profit organisation that works for upholding the human rights of marginalised communities and improving the living conditions in refugee camps.  Think Peace: https://www.thinkpeace.inWalden by Henry David Thoreau: Walden on Amazon ------------------------------------------------------------ The VM Podcast is a Vichaar Manthan project exploring modern-day issues through a Dharmic lens. Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explores how we can better understand dharma, and our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing. Tune in, for an earnest conversation! - Hosted by VM fellow Sumit Sharma, who you can email on Join the conversation at and on all streaming platforms: Spotify / Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / YouTube / Audible / RSS Feed #thevmpodcast #vichaarmanthan #podcast #dharmicpodcast #dharma #dharmic #dharmicideas #sustainableideas #sustainablenarratives #sustainability #listennow #hindudharma #hindupodcast #india #Indian #philosophy #hinduphilosophy #philosophicalideas  #indianphilosophy
A lot of our childhood memories and curiosities are forgotten as we grow older. We get comfortable in our surroundings, are influenced by friends and family, and our identity generally freezes to resemble that of our closest circle. But for some, early experiences are filled with uncommon questions that turn into a journey of seeking, leading to roads not commonly trodden. It takes courage to explore and embrace change, even when it means deviating from expectations. Such stories inspire us to find the courage to undertake our own journeys, whether it is to identify life’s purpose or to inquire about life itself. In this episode of The Vichaar Manthan Podcast, we explore with Fred Stella his journey of finding himself in the realm of Hinduism. Fred ji was raised in a Roman Catholic family, he shares with us his earliest childhood experiences that led him to a process of earnest inquiry into the nature of being and how he eventually found some of the answers in Hindu Philosophy. With him, we explore what the Hindu culture offers to those who want to question and expand their beliefs and identities and seek a visceral spiritual understanding of life. Fred Stella is based in Grand Rapids, USA. He is a Pracharak for the West Michigan Hindu Temple and serves as the President of the Interfaith Dialogue Association based in Michigan. He also hosts a podcast himself, called ‘Common Threads’. ------------------------------------------------------------ The VM Podcast is a Vichaar Manthan project exploring modern-day issues through a Dharmic lens. Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explores how we can better understand dharma, and our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing. Tune in, for an earnest conversation! - Hosted by VM fellow Sumit Sharma, who you can email on Join the conversation at and on all streaming platforms: Spotify / Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / YouTube / Audible / RSS Feed #thevmpodcast #vichaarmanthan #podcast #dharmicpodcast #dharma #dharmic #dharmicideas #sustainableideas #sustainablenarratives #sustainability #listennow #hindudharma #hindupodcast #india #Indian #philosophy #hinduphilosophy #philosophicalideas  #indianphilosophy
The internet is full of advice, ‘life hacks’, self-help blogs, vlogs, ‘How I live my life’ videos from 20,000 different people and whatnot. We have access to all sorts of ‘quick fixes’, and with technology expanding all around us every day. Machines are now handling mundane tasks, and online tools writing automatically for us, all available widely, as our social interactions become increasingly digital. Despite a whole lot of comfort that the modern lifestyle is embedded with, we struggle to focus and find meaning in our lives. What ingredients are we missing?  In this episode of The Vichaar Manthan Podcast, we re-explore the fundamentals of a sustainable and meaningful life with Lieutenant Commander Devdutt Sharma. A Guinness record holder, Devdutt Ji shells out some serious bits of advice-most notably, the reminder that the best person to seek advice from is yourself, and knowing your true self can come only through focus, discipline and determination. Through his own story, Devdutt Ji offers an insight into the paradoxical nature of discipline - that it is through discipline one can access the freedom to achieve whatever one visualises- and helps address the question: what makes a sustainably successful life? Lt. Cmdr. Devdutt Ji Sharma is a Triathlete, Ultramarathon Runner, Combat Diver, Yoga Practitioner and poet. He recently completed 82 consecutive full marathons in 82 days - a feat that has earned him a place in the Guinness and Limca Book of world records. He is also serving in the Indian Navy for the last seven years. ------------------------------------------------------------ The VM Podcast is a Vichaar Manthan project exploring modern-day issues through a Dharmic lens. Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explores how we can better understand dharma, and our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing. Tune in, for an earnest conversation! - Hosted by VM fellow Sumit Sharma, who you can email on Join the conversation at and on all streaming platforms: Spotify / Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / YouTube / Audible / RSS Feed #thevmpodcast #vichaarmanthan #podcast #dharmicpodcast #dharma #dharmic #dharmicideas #sustainableideas #sustainablenarratives #sustainability #listennow #hindudharma #hindupodcast #india #Indian #philosophy #hinduphilosophy #philosophicalideas  #indianphilosophy
The idea of ‘One World’ or ‘One Family’ - ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ - is one of the central themes in the Hindu philosophy. And no other issue has highlighted this truth in recent times as has the effects of climate change that the world has been experiencing lately. Changing weather patterns, natural disasters, melting glaciers and the rising water levels have heaped large-scale destruction of lives and resources in various parts of the world. Not to mention the effect on food chains, agriculture and the pervading effect on our lives coming from the financial stress of inflation. Thus, we, the collective, are interlinked with the environment. After years of consumerism with hardly a thought of the consequences, there is a rising recognition of the urgent need for corrective actions. However, such changes require massive, concerted and sustained efforts, and at such times, the society can do with a few torch-bearers leading the way.  In this episode of The Vichaar Manthan Podcast, we explore the subject of climate change with Gopal Ji Patel. Gopal Ji, who derives his inspiration from the very central Hindu concept of ‘the living earth’, walks us through the need for addressing what he calls the ‘triple planetary crisis’. To leverage the power of community engagement, he highlights the need to come together to work towards addressing various aspects leading to a sustainable solution to the current set of climate issues. He also paints a vivid picture of how organisations, especially religious institutions, can play a leading role in creating a conscious community that can be inspired to contribute actively towards such causes. He reflects and reminds us that the earth is a gift that sustains us, and that we all have a moral, ethical duty to care for it. Hence, in this episode, we ask and explore: What are the key ideas that inspire and drive large-scale efforts for addressing the universal problem of climate change? Gopal Ji Patel studied computer science at Oxford, but with an inherent interest in the Hindu philosophy and a passion to address the issues of climate change prompted the Bhumi Global, an organisation that works to participate and promote conversations and activities on climate change, biodiversity and sustainability. He is an environmentalist, consultant, and  co-chairs the United Nations Multi-faith Advisory Council. He is also a member of the Advisory Board to the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. Follow Bhumi Global & Gopal Patel: ------------------------------------------------------------ The VM Podcast, a Vichaar Manthan project looking to explore modern-day issues through a Dharmic lens. Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explores how we can better understand dharma, our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing. Tune in, for an earnest conversation! - Hosted by VM fellow Sumit Sharma, who you can email on Join the conversation at and on all streaming platforms: Spotify / Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / YouTube / Audible / RSS Feed #thevmpodcast #vichaarmanthan #podcast #dharmicpodcast #dharma #dharmic #dharmicideas #sustainableideas #sustainablenarratives #sustainability #listennow #hindudharma #hindupodcast #india #Indian #philosophy #hinduphilosophy #philosophicalideas  #indianphilosophy
Historically, Bharat was a thriving centre of trade and commerce, contributing to a major percentage of the world GDP. Exploring some of the architects of this vibrant economy, the name of Kautilya or Chanakya is very often invoked. While many of Kautilya’s political policies are popular, few authors have studied Kautilya’s economic policies.  Indeed, what were some of his key economic ideas? Was the ancient system capitalist or socialist? Was it sustainable? And what learnings from Kautilya are applicable today? How would Kautilya deal with the modern day economic vocabulary? In this episode of The Vichaar Manthaan podcast, we are joined by author Sriram Balasubramanian whose book ‘Kautilyanomics’ specifically focuses on Kautilya’s views on the role and workings of the economic policies of the state. With him, we ask and explore: Who was Kautilya and why is he relevant today? Sriram Balasubramanian is an economist and an author. He has worked extensively, through his book Kautilyanomics, to unravel ancient wisdom to make it available and relevant in today’s times. #kautilya #kautilyanomics #chanakya #politicaleconomics #sustainability #dharma #sustainablewealth #hindubooks #hindulibrary #vishnugupta #arthashastra  ------------------------------------------------------------ The VM Podcast, a Vichaar Manthan project looking to explore modern-day issues through a Dharmic lens. Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explores how we can better understand dharma, our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing. Tune in, for an earnest conversation! - Hosted by VM fellow Sumit Sharma, who you can email on Join the conversation at and on all streaming platforms: Spotify / Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / YouTube / Audible / RSS Feed #thevmpodcast #vichaarmanthan #podcast #dharmicpodcast #dharma #dharmic #dharmicideas #sustainableideas #sustainablenarratives #sustainability #listennow #hindudharma #hindupodcast #india #Indian #philosophy #hinduphilosophy #philosophicalideas  #indianphilosophy
Global financial institutions have again been making the news in recent times. And given the interconnected complex structures of global financial and trade networks, the effects of disturbance to any part of these networks is felt by the common man in almost every part of the world. Whether through government spending tax collections on bailouts or by battling the aftermath. The common people feel the effects in the form of inflation, global market slowdown and layoffs - making it harder and harder to remain insulated. What drives global institutions and financial policies? How do these policies get shaped, and what role does financial education play? In this episode of Vichaar Manthan, we talk to Professor Atul K. Shah, author of "Inclusive and Sustainable Finance, Leadership, Ethics and Culture." Professor Shah discusses the challenges facing the financial sector in the context of socio-economic and environmental crises and offers a new vision for inclusive and sustainable finance. He emphasizes the importance of leadership, ethics, and culture in driving positive change in the financial sector. Professor Shah also shares insights on the role of education and the need for a more holistic and multidisciplinary approach to finance and accounting education. Join us for an insightful conversation on the future of finance and the path towards a more sustainable and equitable world. Atul ji us through some of his ideas on the missing vocabulary in financial education. By integrating ancient and cultural wisdom, he explains his vision of financial policies and education that shifts the focus from anonymous corporations to purposeful individuals. Atul ji is an academic, and has authored several books and articles in academic journals. He is keen on bringing a change in financial policies and education through these ideas and we explore what kind of financial wisdom is likely to take us to a more sustainable future. #research #science #education #ethics #leadership #society #finance #community #jobinterviews #sustainability #accounting #sustainabledevelopment #courses #ethics #culture #accounting #education #business #environment #socialresponsibility #sustainablefinance #inclusivefinance #responsiblefinance #interview #thoughtleadership #innovation #changemakers #futureofbusiness ------------------------------------------------------------ The VM Podcast, a Vichaar Manthan project looking to explore modern-day issues through a Dharmic lens. Through in-depth interviews with some of the best thinkers of our time, the podcast explores how we can better understand dharma, our lives, and recapture the ancient and classical ideals of sustainability, liberty and flourishing. Tune in, for an earnest conversation! - Hosted by VM fellow Sumit Sharma, who you can email on Join the conversation at and on all streaming platforms: Spotify / Apple Podcasts / Google Podcasts / YouTube / Audible / RSS Feed #thevmpodcast #vichaarmanthan #podcast #dharmicpodcast #dharma #dharmic #dharmicideas #sustainableideas #sustainablenarratives #sustainability #listennow #hindudharma #hindupodcast #india #Indian #philosophy #hinduphilosophy #philosophicalideas  #indianphilosophy
Comments (1)

Stan Pinsent

Love the show! As a dharma novice I found this very useful. I kept wondering about the footballer example- yes, the player has the duty to play well. But today's celebrity players could arguably do more good for the world by championing worthy causes (like Marcus Rashford). Should they feel responsible for this, or is it enough to just focus on their game?

Jan 22nd