我朋友說 My Friend Said

我朋友說 My Friend Said
Author: 我朋友說
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© 我朋友說
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49 Episodes
短期內的最後一集! 老黃的人生即將邁入下一個忙碌階段,老王後製也想好好休息! 希望這一年收聽[我朋友說]的你們有被娛樂和陪伴到, 想我們就來Instagram留言聊聊天囉!有緣再相見! This is our last episode! (At least for now.) Huang is stepping into the next stage of his life and Wang also wants to take a break from doing all the editing. Hope you enjoyed listening to “My Friend Said” this year! If you miss us, visit us on Instagram! Hope to see you all soon! 如果喜歡我們節目,歡迎到 Apple Podcasts留言和五星評價唷! If you liked our podcast, leave us comments and give us the five star rating on Apple Podcasts. 有事找我們 沒事想我們: 評價和留言: 行動支持我朋友說: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
對平常理智腦開到99%過日子的老王,第一次催眠體驗究竟感想如何? 內心壓抑的情緒真的抒發了嗎?對神祕又療癒的催眠好奇? 準時收聽這集我朋友說! Wang is a super seasonable person, but how did she react to her first hypnosis session? Did she release her inner emotions? Do you believe in this therapy? Take a listen to this episode! 如果喜歡我們節目,歡迎到 Apple Podcasts留言和五星評價唷! If you liked our podcast, leave us comments and give us the five star rating on Apple Podcasts. 有事找我們 沒事想我們: 評價和留言: 行動支持我朋友說: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
這集聊到關係中的謊言,怕事老黃在婚姻中可是天天撒謊?! 老王不失禮貌地微笑其實只是在掩蓋白目暴衝的真實心聲? 快來聽我們聊聊說謊的藝術和勇氣! This episode we talk about the lies in daily life. Huang says he does it all the time. But in the other hand, there are many emotions that hides behind Wang’s polite smile. Let’s take a listen of “the art of lying.” 如果喜歡我們節目,歡迎到 Apple Podcasts留言和五星評價唷! If you liked our podcast, leave us comments and give us the five star rating on Apple Podcasts. 有事找我們 沒事想我們: 評價和留言: 行動支持我朋友說: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
這集跟亞當聊到如何交新朋友,並延續上集如何拓展人脈, 在城市待久防衛心爆強的老王,究竟先出國還是先前進部落呢? 一起來聽兩位摯友為老王送上老友的真心建議! In this episode, we spoke to Adam about how to find new friends and how to maintain old friendships at the same time. Wang is normally quite defensive when it comes to new friends but should she go abroad or go into the mountains? Let’s listen to the sincere advice that Adam and Huang have to Wang. 如果喜歡我們節目,歡迎到 Apple Podcasts留言和五星評價唷! If you liked our podcast, leave us comments and give us the five star rating on Apple Podcasts. 有事找我們 沒事想我們: 評價和留言: 行動支持我朋友說: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
這集由俗稱的人人好、里長伯-淡水莊來聊聊人際關係。 從校園中萬年班代到職場主管,都是眾人信賴的朋友! 這樣好人緣的角色究竟有什麼特質,繼續聽下去! In the episode we have Chung from Tamsui. He’s known for his skill in maintaining friendships. In school, he is always the leader and now at work he’s known as a trusted friend. What characteristic does he have in order to be so well rounded in society? Press play and let’s find out! 如果喜歡我們節目,歡迎到 Apple Podcasts留言和五星評價唷! If you liked our podcast, leave us comments and give us the five star rating on Apple Podcasts. 有事找我們 沒事想我們: 評價和留言: 行動支持我朋友說: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
這集邀請到傳統大家庭長大的Adam來和我們聊聊! 身為家族中的長孫長子,被叫了三十年的米斗, 對於長輩的「關心」和「期待」,是不是真的感受到不少壓力,一起聽看看! This episode we have Adam with us. Adam came from a traditional Taiwanese big family. He is the first son and the first grandson aka as “Mee-Dow.” Let’s hear what kind of pressure he is facing from the family’s “expectation.” 如果喜歡我們節目,歡迎到 Apple Podcasts留言和五星評價唷! If you liked our podcast, leave us comments and give us the five star rating on Apple Podcasts. 有事找我們 沒事想我們: 評價和留言: 行動支持我朋友說: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: Powered by Firstory Hosting
如何在十一年長跑中,相看兩不厭,感情還越來越好? 來賓Ivy和老公的好感情,讓老王老黃找不到破口逼問,束手無策! 如今二加一的幸福小家庭,快來聽聽他們怎麼做到的! How to stay in a relationship after 11 years and not get tired of each other? Our guest Ivy said the relationship with her husband is getting better and better even after 11 years. That left us speechless. Take a listen and find out what’s their secret! 如果喜歡我們節目,歡迎到 Apple Podcasts留言和五星評價唷! If you liked our podcast, leave us comments and give us the five star rating on Apple Podcasts. 有事找我們 沒事想我們: 評價和留言: 行動支持我朋友說: Powered by Firstory Hosting
新手媽媽Ivy帶著二個月嫩嬰Jolie來老王乾媽節目聊聊天! 從發現懷孕到神速飛快的生產故事,以及兩個月來的媽媽心得,都在這集聊給你聽! 貼心提醒:本集出現嬰兒奶音、乾媽高八度及規律拍嗝聲,宜助眠😅 New mommy Ivy brings her 2 months old baby Jolie to auntie Wang’s show. Ivy shares her stories from how she realized that she was pregnant to her giving birthday, and to two months being a mom. 如果喜歡我們節目,歡迎到 Apple Podcasts留言和五星評價唷! If you liked our podcast, leave us comments and give us the five star rating on Apple Podcasts. 有事找我們 沒事想我們: 評價和留言: 行動支持我朋友說: Powered by Firstory Hosting
這兩年疫情下的空服人生,發生什麼重大轉變? 歡迎大來賓,請假中機組員aka新手媽媽Ivy來和我們聊聊! 分享她的一考就上經驗和神鬼奇航般的颱風天飛行故事,不要錯過! In these two years, how did COVID changed a flight attendant’s life? In this episode, we welcome flight attendant Ivy who is also just been promoted to a mother! She shares how scary it is to fly while their a typhoon! This episode is not to be missed! 如果喜歡我們節目,歡迎到 Apple Podcasts留言和五星評價唷! If you liked our podcast, leave us comments and give us the five star rating on Apple Podcasts. 有事找我們 沒事想我們: 評價和留言: 行動支持我朋友說: Powered by Firstory Hosting
四年的交往相處,帶給Micky什麼轉變? 面對感情中的摩擦,想法越來越成熟的老友, 讓老王老黃直喊請兩人原地結婚! What did four years of relationships change Micky? Facing differences between the personalities, he get more and more mature. And that made Huang and Wang beg him to get married already! 如果喜歡我們節目,歡迎到 Apple Podcasts留言和五星評價唷! If you liked our podcast, leave us comments and give us the five star rating on Apple Podcasts. 有事找我們 沒事想我們: 評價和留言: 行動支持我朋友說: Powered by Firstory Hosting
這集仍是忠實聽眾_老闆Micky陪我們聊聊! Part II 迎來本節目一直以來缺乏的直男角度, 談到感情生活、情侶溝通相處,以及老友間的深談漫聊,再真實不過了! This episode’s guest is still our loyal listener - Micky! Part 2 - we welcomed the straight guy’s perspective that the show is lacking. We talked about relationship, communication between couples, and just small talks between friends. 如果喜歡我們節目,歡迎到 Apple Podcasts留言和五星評價唷! If you liked our podcast, leave us comments and give us the five star rating on Apple Podcasts. 有事找我們 沒事想我們: 評價和留言: 行動支持我朋友說: Powered by Firstory Hosting
節目到第四季,首度有來賓光臨! 忠實聽眾老友,aka倫敦第一家專營清酒Bar_老闆Micky來了! Part I 來聊聊在英國的近況和疫情下對餐飲業的影響, 輕鬆老友閒聊,會爆出多少「真心話」呢? Welcome to the 4th season! It’s the first time that we have a guest in the show!! Micky is our loyal listener and he is also the owner of the first Sake bar in London. Part 1 - Micky talks about the current situation in London and also talks about the affect from COVID-19. Casual talk between old friends, how much “real talk” will there be? 如果喜歡我們節目,歡迎到 Apple Podcasts留言和五星評價唷! If you liked our podcast, leave us comments and give us the five star rating on Apple Podcasts. 有事找我們 沒事想我們: 評價和留言: 行動支持我朋友說: Powered by Firstory Hosting
你為感情犧牲過什麼? 首先界定「犧牲」對我們兩個的定義,到頭來只是敢不敢對自己的選擇負責吧! 聊著聊著默默也來到第三季最終集,我們第四季見! What have you sacrificed for love? First, let’s define what sacrifice is. To us, sacrifice is just an excuse to not face the decisions that you’ve made for yourself. This is the last episode of season 3! See you at season 4! 如果喜歡我們節目,歡迎到 Apple Podcasts留言和五星評價唷! If you liked our podcast, leave us comments and give us the five star rating on Apple Podcasts. 有事找我們 沒事想我們: 評價和留言: 行動支持我朋友說: Powered by Firstory Hosting
眼耳鼻口手,這集我們聊聊關於第一印象的喜好! 老黃對氣味的偏執、老王對頭能靠在哪的堅持,再加上兩人屬性超級不同,快來聽我們這集有沒有共識? Eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and hands. In this episode we talk about first impression. Huang cares about smells and Wang always has to find a place for her head. Plus, we are polar opposite to each other. Come listen if we can come to an agreement! 如果喜歡我們節目,歡迎到 Apple Podcasts留言和五星評價唷! If you liked our podcast, leave us comments and give us the five star rating on Apple Podcasts. 有事找我們 沒事想我們: 評價和留言: 行動支持我朋友說: Powered by Firstory Hosting
家家各有一本難念的經,我們都要帶著福報把它念完。 如果溝通無效,不如考慮冷靜滅火,先遠離戰場! 這集或許有些方法能讓你參考,如何不被長輩情緒勒索! We all have a cross to bear, but it’s important we do so with gratitude. If you are not able to communicate, then maybe it’s the best to stay away and allow yourself to calm down. In this episode, there are many solutions for you when you are being emotionally blackmailed by your parents. 如果喜歡我們節目,歡迎到 Apple Podcasts留言和五星評價唷! If you liked our podcast, leave us comments and give us the five star rating on Apple Podcasts. 有事找我們 沒事想我們: 評價和留言: 行動支持我朋友說: Powered by Firstory Hosting
【我朋友說】來自友人聽眾L的投稿發問! 男友和L坦誠,在交往初期,他曾經和別人發生一夜情! L想聽聽老黃老王會怎麼判斷整理?你們也想知道的話,別錯過這集! A question from our audience L! L’s boyfriend told L that in the beginning of the relationship, he had one night stand with another girl. If it was you, what would you do? Come listen to the episode and see what Huang and Wang think! 如果喜歡我們節目,歡迎到 Apple Podcasts留言和五星評價唷! If you liked our podcast, leave us comments and give us the five star rating on Apple Podcasts. 有事找我們 沒事想我們: 評價和留言: 行動支持我朋友說: Powered by Firstory Hosting
這禮拜繼續二選一! 老黃不斷追問出軌還是孤老終身,根本是復仇般詛咒! 老王的神秘黑魔法,到底有多少人要下跪道歉? 別錯過這集,立刻聽下去! In this week, we continue with the either or! Huang wouldn’t stop asking if Wang would be single and alone when she get old as If it was a curse. At the same time, Wang controls the power of the darkest magic. How many people will have to get on their knees and apologies? Don’t miss this fun episode! 如果喜歡我們節目,歡迎到 Apple Podcasts留言和五星評價唷! If you liked our podcast, leave us comments and give us the five star rating on Apple Podcasts. 有事找我們 沒事想我們: 評價和留言: 行動支持我朋友說: Powered by Firstory Hosting
這禮拜輕鬆閒聊! 老王老黃為彼此設下10題荒謬二選一! 由於太了解彼此,不小心聊太久,下禮拜要回來聽Part 2哦! This week we are just chitchatting! Wang and Huang gave each other 10 either-or questions. Since we know each other a little too well, so we end up chatting for too long. Remember to come back for part 2 next week! 如果喜歡我們節目,歡迎到 Apple Podcasts留言和五星評價唷! If you liked our podcast, leave us comments and give us the five star rating on Apple Podcasts. 有事找我們 沒事想我們: 評價和留言: 行動支持我朋友說: Powered by Firstory Hosting
聊到交往過程要不要同居,對兩人關係是助益還是破裂前最後一根稻草? 每次同居都想著美滿結局的老黃,或是生活觀察細微的老王, 究竟適不適合與另一半一起生活呢?繼續聽下去! Should couples live together before getting married? Does it help getting to know each other better or to break up the couple faster. Huang always believes the best in living together but Wang would pay attention to all the details. Do you think couples should live together? Let us know! 如果喜歡我們節目,歡迎到 Apple Podcasts留言和五星評價唷! If you liked our podcast, leave us comments and give us the five star rating on Apple Podcasts. 有事找我們 沒事想我們: 評價和留言: 行動支持我朋友說: Powered by Firstory Hosting
在意生活中的儀式感嗎? 這集不會過生日的老黃和愛幫朋友慶生的老王,會有什麼顛覆討論? 會不會一言不合就跳起恰恰 (WHY?),繼續聽下去! Do you care about the rituals in your everyday life? In this episode, Huang said he doesn’t like to celebrate birthday but Wang loves to celebrate friends birthday. Will their discussion change your mind? Let’s take a listen! 如果喜歡我們節目,歡迎到 Apple Podcasts留言和五星評價唷! If you liked our podcast, leave us comments and give us the five star rating on Apple Podcasts. 有事找我們 沒事想我們: 評價和留言: 行動支持我朋友說: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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